WWE Predictions for 2014


Kensuke "Jinsei" Shinzaki
Just throwing a few out there. Anyone else?

Hogan as GM. I think they try to find a way to place him in our face weekly.

Cena will win the WWEWHC

Big Show will turn......again

Roman Reigns will be poised for a big match at WM31

Dolph continues to be buried


Goldust/Rhodes, SHIELD, Real Americans all split

Bryan/Punk/Cena continue to carry WWE TV, while returning stars monopolize prime PPV spots.

Return of the Monster Kane.

US/IC titles Unified

Bray Wyatts family grows and folds.
CM Punk goes coast to coast to win the Rumble.
Cena beats Orton for the WWE title.
CM Punk and Cena feud from WM 30 until Summerslam
Cena aligns himself with HHH. Not a full heel turn per say but a major spin on his character.

The Shield split and Reigns begins his ascension. Ambrose becomes a solid mid-level heel. Rollins basically becomes the next jobber never to be heard from again.

Big pushes: Big E. Langston, Sheamus, Bray Wyatt

Wyatt family grows.
Daniel Bryan gets buried after WM30.
1) the IC title gets unified and then feuds get worse because there's not alot of belts to wrestle for and way too much wrestlers to use....hopefully this doesnt happen. my hope is that Seth Rollins challenges Big E, wins it and then moves on from the Shield with the title while Dean holds the US title and defends it vs. a jealous Roman and loses it there, but i think it gets unified and Big E. holds it
2) Bray Wyatt challenges Cena and Cena wins, but Wyatt comes out looking strong
3) Daniel Bryan gets his fans behind him, wont get pushed, then after CM Punk's title run is over, Bryan MAY finally gets his push, but it will be WAY too late as the YES chants will start to die and WWE likely loses some fans who are sick of waiting and it could be longer of a wait too.
4) Batista wins the title at WM30 and holds onto the title until around summerslam, then loses it to CM Punk.
5) CM Punk and Triple H have a great story telling match where Punk helps sell it
6) Bryan wrestles Sheamus in a great match at WM, but the fans in the arena there will not love the idea
7) the WWE title match at WM will get booed.............heavily.
8) Undertaker and Brock Lesnar have a match and it will be very good at least
9) i could see Cena beating Punk for the title later on if WWE doesnt push Bryan
10) a Punk heel turn happens sometime when he is about to lose the WWE title (when/if he wins it).
11) the tag team division gets better once the Outlaws lose the titles.
last prediction.) if the IC title and US title arent unfied, then i predict the two midcard titles to improve.
R.K.O. retains the World Heavyweight Championship all the way until WMXXX

C.M Punk fights Kane at Elimination Chamber. With CM Punk going over.

Roman Reigns beats Big E for the I.C. title at Elimination Chamber.

Elimination Chamber Match???? I can't think of any match that makes sense. I'm curious to see if they will have the match for the title, or for a number one contenders spot, or maybe for a shot at the streak??

Roman Reigns beats Big E for the I.C. title at Elimination Chamber

Tag team tournament for a shot at the belts at WM
The New Age Out Laws Vs The Rhodes Dynasty Vs The Real American Vs the Usos for the final four. Eventually The Outlaws drop the titles to the Dynasty.

Triple H and CM punk feud Concluding in a street fight or last man standing match at WM. Hopefully, with the return of a little blood, Punk Walks out with the Win In a great match.

Roman Reigns Vs Dean Ambrose Vs Seth Rollins in a triple threat match for the unified midcard title. Roman Reigns gets the Win in a great match.

Despite what's truly best for business, Daniel Bryan Vs Sheamus in a Wresltemania rematch. Where Bryan goes over to crazy yes chants! Hopefully a solid 18-20 minute match. This match could steal the show with how hot DB is due to the infectious YES chants!

John Cena Vs Bray Wyatt. *Yawn*

Brock Lesnar VS The Undertaker where Taker ascends to and astronomical 22 wins-0 losses at Wrestlemania.

R.K.O V.S. Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight title at WM with Ric Flair as the special guest referee. Now that's what's best for business. (I think this match would be 10x better if they could somehow book it as a triple threat match with Daniel Bryan going over for the title to the craziest YES! eruption we've ever seen. They would need to make Daniel Bryan win a number one contenders Elimination Chamber or write in some crazy loophole. Maybe Hogan becomes GM and Says shove it to Vince you gave me the power so I'm adding him into this match.I doubt this will happen since plans seem to point to the Sheamus vs DB rematch)

Punk will get the title back shortly after WM
DB will win the Title again by Summerslam and actually have a reign.

A final Summer of Punk were Punk Faces DB at summer slam where Bryan finally wins the title is probably whats in store.

Kane will end up being an inside man for the Wyatts all along

Batista will eventually win the Title in 2014

Cena Might as well.

Bray Wyatt will wrestle in a ppv main event for the title and he will go over.

Just to name a few...:banghead:

That's not all of 2014 but there's an awesome WM Card.
These are my predictions for 2014 starting at Wrestlemania and yes it's all a bit tongue in cheek
1. Daniel Bryan squashes Sheamus in a 10 second match
2. Daniel Bryan attacks Brock Lesnar backstage so he can't compete against The Undertaker - fortunately Daniel Bryan steps in and defeats The Undertaker and ends the streak - The yes chants are deafening . Vince thinks to hell with it and now throws him in the main event
3. Daniel bryan then defeats Randy orton and Batista to be next WWE world heaveyweight champ.
4. The following nights raw Daniel Bryan challenges The New Age Outlaws for the tag team titles and beats them
5. The first Smackdown Daniel Bryan beats both Dean Ambrose and Big E to win US and IC title belts
6. The internet community are happy
7. CM Punk grows a silly beard and joins The Wyatts
8. Bray Wyatt puts a Kane mask on
9. Kane wears a suit.
10. Hulk Hogan gets fed up with everything and challenges Daniel Bryan who has now unified every belt . Hogan beats daniel bryan cleanly.
!1. Following night Hogan comes out and says I want one more match against Austin.
12. Vince fires Hogan and gives the belt to Daniel bryan
13. The Internet community are still happy
14. Rey mysterio takes off his mask and gets booed even more.
15. The crowd now chants for Chavo guerrero
16. Vince rehires Gilberg as he feels he has the finger on the pulse
17 Big Show manages to change from heel to face 6 times in one episode of Raw
18 Brock Lesnar teams up with Brodus Clay and start ballroom dancing in the ring.
19. Daniel Bryan fights the whole of DX at Survivor series and beats themall except Chyna
20. Chyna is now undisputed world heavyweight inter continental united states tag team champion
21 The internet community think it;s unfair Daniel Bryan has been screwed and compare it to montreal

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