WWE PPV Buildups

Mike Diesel

Euro-Continental Champion
I really hope I am doing this correctly, I did not see any duplicate threads in my search...

This is my first thread, please don't crucify me for any mistakes

Lately I've been getting very upset with the Raws and Smackdowns that lead up to PPV's. WWE tends to announce a few matches for a PPV, but then load up and announce the rest of the card the week before the PPV. Take the Royal Rumble for instance, right after TLC, they gave Morrison his title shot, he loses and they have a #1 contenders match for the WWE title the same night.

Over on Smackdown, they had a #1 contenders match the 1st Smackdown after TLC as well. Great, we now know 3 matches, Royal Rumble and the 2 major titles, then nothing.

Until Raw on Monday, ala the Jomo situation, Melina got her title match, loses and they quickly announce Laycool vs Natalya.

Now, I don't know what's happening this Friday on Smackdown, but there is potential for another match or 2 to be announced. In my mind, it just doesn't seem to be smart to not announce the whole card ahead of time to try to increase buyrates. It's quite possibly the one thing TNA will do right.

My question to you is, does this bother you as much as it does me?

Does it stop you from ordering potential PPVs, or would you order them anyways, especially "the big 4", regardless of what the card is?

Again, if this was done already, I apologize, I did not see it, and go easy on me! Thanks
The problem is there is not enough time in between the PPVs because there are just to many damn PPVs! There is no way to get a proper build up to a PPV anymore. As of right now these are:

The Rumble Match
World Title
WWE Title
Divas Title

The only matches announced for a 3 hour PPV? We know there will be more because even with the extra 10 participants added to the RR this is not enough to fill the 3 hour show. It is becoming a common theme to have these last minute unannounced matches and frankly that bugs the hell outta me. The seriously need to cut back on the PPVs, 13 in a 12th month span is just to damn many. If they could cut it back to say about 8 a year then they could do a much better time of building up strong feuds, storylines and thus lead to much better matches in my opinion.
I think reducing the pay per views would help this. Maybe cut back to nine or ten a year because it seems to me that the feuds aren't having enough time. Feuds used to seem more personal a few years ago and now it seems like every feud is the same and never really gets on that entertaining personal level. It does bother me too and I wish WWE would realize this sitiaution and do something to fix it. Another thing is the creative team gets lazy on us at times. Like this past monday, Del Rio and Sheamus vs Morrison and Henry? What was the point of that match taking place?
WWE needs to scale back to ppv's maybe one every eight-ten weeks and maybe do RAW/LIVE Smackdown specials in between and use them like PPV's their missing, and allow ample time to push some feuds/matches and doing that formula you'll get less meaningless-over done matches on a continual basis.
As far as PPV build ups, this a problem that any company that has monthly ppvs is going to have. Having so many of them simply doesn't make them feel like "must see" events anymore. That doesn't seem likely to change as I read something a little while ago in which it was announced that the WWE has no intention of having fewer ppvs.

As far as build up to the Rumble, I've got no problem really. The Royal Rumble ppv has ALWAYS been sold based on the Rumble match in and of itself. Anything and everything else that goes on is just window dressing mostly. The 3 title matches should, hopefully, be competitive and matches of good length but what most people care about more than anything else at this event is the Rumble match. One of those 3 matches is a Divas title match and it's only been within the past few months that the Divas have started to gain some relevancy and respect as they move towards becoming a legit division. Overall, however, the Divas match isn't an issue with most fans. They don't care enough to become invested in the Divas and that's something that can only change with time.
Completely agree with the OP.

The funny thing about it is the WWE knows it too. Thats why they give us a 7-8 week break between the Feb PPV and WrestleMania. They spend so much time building up WM, as they should, but then slap together other PPV's throughout the year.

Sometimes many PPV's have a match or two that we don't find out until the PPV themselves or on sites like this one. As everyone has stated, the fix is easy. Less PPV's = more build up time = better feuds.

The other thing that is disappointing is when the WWE does senseless things like make us think John Morrison is finally getting the push we've been expecting for years now, just to see his championship match thrown away on an episode of Raw with no follow up whatsoever.

Any of us could have written that storyline. It writes itself really. Two midcard tag team champions follow similar path to the top, split up, turn face/heel, one becomes champ, one becomes number 1 contender and they can't keep that tension building up until the rumble? That's pathetic.

I've seen Orton vs Miz. I don't care who wins honestly. I would have been emotionally invested in a Miz/Morrison match with a month of buildup.
They need to drop the PPV prices alot. The DVD of every PPV(minus WM) comes out within a couple weeks of the original showing for roughly $30. Every WWE PPV should be $30 at most because you only see it for one freaking night. Instead they freaking charge $50+ every PPV which forces me to download it illegally. I dont want to do that and i would gladly pay $30 for RR, EC, WM, SS etc, but WWE forces me no choice.

Also, they need to drop their 13+ PPV's a year to like 8-10 at most. Give them all proper time/build up and you will get more buys. Right now its gotten to the point where everyone is so poor that they are only willing to pay for wrestlemania assuming it has a strong enough card. WWE is too happy with its 250 000+- buys every month and it gives us a worse product.
The other thing that is disappointing is when the WWE does senseless things like make us think John Morrison is finally getting the push we've been expecting for years now, just to see his championship match thrown away on an episode of Raw with no follow up whatsoever.

Any of us could have written that storyline. It writes itself really. Two midcard tag team champions follow similar path to the top, split up, turn face/heel, one becomes champ, one becomes number 1 contender and they can't keep that tension building up until the rumble? That's pathetic.

I've seen Orton vs Miz. I don't care who wins honestly. I would have been emotionally invested in a Miz/Morrison match with a month of buildup.

That's a great point I forgot to mention in my post. As soon as Morrison won the ladder match vs Sheamus, I texted my buddy, because we're going to the Rumble and I was excited about seeing that match there.

I do understand WWE not wanting to have a main even match at a PPV between 2 new guys to the ME scene, so they opted to have it go a trial run as the 1st match of the night on Raw a few weeks ago. That really bummed me out, ESPECIALLY after the match the 2 of them had that night, it was an amazing match, and I'm sure those 2 will do battle again. I really wish they saved it for the Rumble, like Jack hammer said, the Rumble match IS the attraction, so the Miz/Morrison match could and should have taken place at the Rumble.

And as for the buildup to Rumble, I really thought the card would look like this, because it was the way it was heading...

Rumble Match
WWE Title-Miz/Morrison
World Title-Ziggler/Edge
Divas Title-Melina/Natalya
IC Title-Swagger Kofi
US Title-Bryan/Kidd

I have no clue what happens Friday night, but maybe they'll announce an IC title match for the Rumble, or maybe even a tag match. ANd Tyson Kidd got BURIED when it seemed like he was on his way to getting a US title shot, and a decent push.

With that card in mind, it wouldn't have been hard to announce all those matches within the 2 weeks of the TLC PPV, and then used the last 2 weeks of Raws and Smackdowns to try and make the matches as personal as possible. I mean, they've done a great jon of doing it with the WWE and World titles, and there's at LEAST another hours worth of TV time on both shows, where you could have done SOMETHING to add a little life into the other matches.

Like I said, I'm going to the Rumble, I was pumped about it since I heard it was coming back to Boston in the summertime, but with the lazy buildup to it, I'm not as excited as I've previously been
WWE has too many PPVS. They should drop atleast 3-4 to have longer buildups for the PPVS they end up keeping. Vince is just trying to be in control of the TV world. I also heard that sometime in the future WWE might add more PPVS.
WWE has too many PPVS. They should drop atleast 3-4 to have longer buildups for the PPVS they end up keeping. Vince is just trying to be in control of the TV world. I also heard that sometime in the future WWE might add more PPVS.

If God loves us he wont let this happen.That equals roughly 3 weeks minimum before a PPV.Thats like no build up and shit all will happen.

Cut back to roughly 6-8 PPVs.That two months buildup basically.Good enough for a nice feud.

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