WWE Post Vince McMahon era - The Reign of the King of Kings


Dark Match Winner

Owner - Triple H
General Manager - TBA

WWE Roster
Alberto Del Rio
Alex Riley
Big Show - INJURED
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
DH Smith
Daniel Bryan
David Otunga
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Evan Bourne
Ezekiel Jackson
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Jinder Mahal
John Cena
John Morrison – INJURED
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Mason Ryan
Michael McGillicutty
The Miz
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
R Truth
Santino Marella
Sin Cara
Skip Sheffield - INJURED
Ted Dibiase
The Great Khali
Tyson Kidd
Triple H
Vladimir Kozlov
Wade Barret
Zack Ryder

Commentators - Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Booker T
Interviewers - Todd Grisham and Josh Matthews

WWE Champion - CM Punk/The Miz
Intercontinental Champion – Ezekiel Jackson
United States Champion – Dolph Ziggler
Hardcore Champion – TBA
Tag Team Champions – Otunga and McGillicutty

January – Royal Rumble
February – Elimination Chamber
March – Wrestlemania
April – Extreme Rules
May – Over the Limit
June – Capital Punishment
July – Money in the Bank
August – Summerslam
September – Bad Blood
October – Vengeance
November – Survivor Series
December – Armageddon
I like the concept, but just a couple of questions.

Why are there 2 WWE champions?

Why isn't the roster split into 2 brands?

Why is there no World Heavyweight Championship/ Champion?

I'm sure that you have a reason behind those questions, but it looks like a really good idea, and I've been waiting for someone to do something after what happened on Raw last week. Good luck, and I'll be reading.
I'll be explaining those questions soon. I won't be continuing straight from last week's RAW, I'm going to advance a month or two into HHH's reign so I can get the full effect of one single brand, but of course I'll be explaining everything that's happened in those months in my next post.

In the 5 weeks since Triple H took control of WWE, many aspects of the business have changed. The first change he made was to get rid of the brand extension, every superstar under one roof every night would not only make competition greater but it would also see the WWE fans at each live event benefit from witnessing more of their favourite stars.
The Game also decided to abolish the women’s division as he felt that since the days of Trish Stratus the women’s division had been nothing more than a strain on the company. Whilst acknowledging the divas’ beauty, the quality in the ring work was below par and as a result the end of the women’s division, for the time being at least would greatly benefit the WWE.
A minor change was taking out gimmick PPVs such as Hell in a Cell/TLC which would widen the limit of those matches taking place at other points in the year rather than just at one PPV.

Notable happenings in the five weeks:
The Miz defeated Rey Mysterio in the final and became ‘new WWE Champion’. This has led to increased appearances from CM Punk at WWE events, questioning both the WWE’s and The Miz’s credibility and preaching that he was the rightful champion. Triple H has repeatedly challenge Punk to return and prove that point, with Punk refusing to answer.
Christian being the World Heavyweight Champion at the time felt rightfully annoyed and bitter at the World Heavyweight Championship being put on the shelf as the WWE Championship took top status with the recent collapse of the brand extension. As a result, he was put in a fatal four way match at Summerslam with The Miz, Randy Orton and John Cena which the Miz ended up winning, retaining his Championship in the process.
At the same Pay Per View, Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio locked horns in order to determine who would gain the only money in the bank briefcase considering the recent collapse of the brand extension. Daniel Bryan defeated Del Rio.

Full Summerslam card and results - Winners in bold:
The Miz (c) vs John Cena vs Christian vs Randy Orton – WWE Championship
Daniel Bryan vs Alberto Del Rio – MITB vs MITB
Sheamus vs Wade Barrett
Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Kofi Kingston – Kofi’s last chance at the US Championship
Rey Mysterio vs Jack Swagger
Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga (c) vs Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes – WWE Tag Titles
Kane vs Mark Henry
I understand why there's 2 WWE Champions due to CM Punk winning at MITB, and The Miz winning the Tournament on Monday Night Raw.

I do like the idea of there being one brand like how it was in the 90s, but I would suggets there being only 1 Mid-Card Title, If you're going to have both U.S and IC, then there might as well be Brands. I see the Hardcore Title is a specialty title but again is it Mid-Card, Cruiserweight may be better in this case for a title like that.

And no women's division? You did make a good point in that their's no quality talent but did Triple H try to rebuild it?

The Book This idea seems interesting but needs work.
Principino your book this is obviously taking advantage of the HHH take over and remoulding the company to what you would like to see happen in the WWE. Trips has been on a warpath it seems and really gone to town.

I know you want to get all your ducks in a row, but it would have been great to build towards maybe a World/WWE title unification match. If the brand extension is gone, this could have been a great opportunity to really showcase sucha big match especially at Summerslam. Your 4 way match I guess is the best option as Christian and Miz needed the bigger star power of Orton and Cena, but a one on one match would have been an epic match.

Also with Cena losing the title, I'm wondering if he has just been let off the hook in the last 5 weeks after losing the WWE title to Punk. Surely Trips has a punishment in store. I mean he loves his father in law and it was Cena's fault that he let Punk get away with the title and cause this rift in the empire. I would have thought HHH would have wrestled Cena and said "Did you see -ah, what I did to the Undertaker-ah, Cena-ah. You'll pay-ah for what you did to Vince-ah, in a street fight with the Game-ah!"

Or something like that haha. Also not a fan of Miz, but that's just me I think everyone else is so could eb a good choice as Champion.

In any case looking fwd to what your next step is. I'll be reading.

Nationwide Arena, Columbus, Ohio

The intro video package plays and then fades out to the announce table where Cole, Lawler and Booker T discuss last night’s Summerslam.

Cole: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another action packed Monday Night Raw with me Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and Booker T. Last night we witnessed The Miz win against all odds, he defeated the best this company has to offer and once again proved why he’s the best in the WWE, aint that right Jerry.

Lawler: Credit where it’s due, The Miz beat the odds but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he’s as big headed as they come and I’d like to see that big head of his stomped down to size.

Cole: Oh come on Jerry! The Miz is awesome, why don’t you swallow your pride and accept that he’s a better man then you’ll ever be.

Booker T: I’m gonna stop you guys before it gets ugly, The Miz won fair and square but –

Lawler: For once in his career.

“TIME TO PLAY THE GAME” blasts through the arena as Triple H makes his way out to the ring. The Cerebral Assassin makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. The crowd cheers as the Game takes a microphone and begins to speak.

Triple H: How you doing Ohio ?*Crowd roars with excitement* I’ve got a couple of announcements tonight that are going to shake up Monday Night Raw, and I’m gonna start off with the re-introduction of a championship.

Triple H walks over to the podium in the middle of the ring, he pulls off the cloth revealing the Hardcore Championship. The crowd cheers which introduces a smile to the Game’s face.

Triple H: I knew you’d like that. Tonight 10 men will battle in an over the top Hardcore match in order to crown a NEW Hardcore Champion.

The crowd cheers again.

Triple H: However, with the introduction of the HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP !

Crowd cheers once again.

Triple H: One of our current Championships will need to be put back on the shelf. Now, I’ve been trying to think for days about which of the United States Championship and the Intercontinental Championship I should be taken away. Both have a rich history, I mean the Intercontinental Championship has been held and defended by greats such as Shawn Michaels, Roddy Piper, the late Randy Savage, Stone Cold Steve Austin, all names that have made a massive impact on this industry. On the other hand, The United States Championship has been in the hands of guys like John Cena, The Nature Boy Ric Flair, Goldberg and the late, great Eddie Guerrero. I’ve had this debate in my head for days and I’m telling ya, I just can’t decide. So I’ve made things easier on my mind, at Bad Blood, Dolph Ziggler and Big Zeke will battle each other and the loser will not only lose their Championship, they will also be the reason why that rich, coveted Championship will be put on the shelf. *Loud cheers from the fans*

Lawler: What ?! That match is going to be huge for this business.

Triple H: Now...onto my final announcement. A problem has developed for myself and the WWE over the past 2 months or so ever since CM Punk won the WWE Championship at Money in the Bank. We as a company have tried to move on, we introduced a new WWE Championship for you guys.

Triple H points to the crowd.

Triple H: But a certain someone, we all know who I’m talking about, has appeared at many WWE events and he can’t seem to get over the fact that the WWE has moved on whilst he’s stuck 2 months in the past. He wants this business to crumble, why Punk ? Why ? You’re not bigger than this company Punk, these are comments I echo from my father in law, YOU ARE NOT BIGGER THAN THIS COMPANY ! You wanna be the rightful champion, you come back to the WWE and you prove you’re the rightful champion, otherwise keep your mouth shut.


The Miz walks down the ramp with the WWE Championship wrapped around his waist. One half of the crowd boos whilst the other half cheers.

Miz grabs a mic and begins to talk.

The Miz: Triple H, I appreciate you trying to keep me as the rightful Champion of this company and I AM the rightful champion, but with this little rat repeatedly turning up at WWE events, talking the talk and not walking the walk, these people *Miz points to the crowd*, will never accept me for what I am, the REAL WWE CHAMPION ! Triple H, I want you to invite Punk to Raw next week, invite him so I can kick his ass and prove to you, to Punk, to the WWE Universe that I am the BEST !

Triple H: You know what Mike, that may not be such a bad idea. *Triple H steps right into the face of The Miz*. But don’t tell me what to do, Punk is free to come back whenever he likes, I’m not going to go begging on my hands and knees to him, you want him back so badly you do it yourself.

Triple H steps back

The Miz: Really? Really ? Really? Really? Is this how we’re going to do things Trips? If you haven’t noticed this piece of gold around my waist, let me inform you once again that I am the WWE Champion. Do you understand me ? Treat me with a little more respect ‘boss’ and you may just get that in return.

Triple H: And you assume that I want your respect? You’re dumber then you look Mike. Try shutting your mouth and using your brain for once and until that day when all hell freezes over, you and Christian will be teaming up to take on Randy Orton and John Cena, if any of those two manage to pin you, they’ll be facing you at Bad Blood for the WWE Championship !

The Game’s music hits as he exits the ring, after a while followed by The Miz.

*Commercial Break*

Match One: Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali vs Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel

Gabriel and Slater are already in the ring as Mahal and Khali make their way down to the ring. The few cheers for Khali are drowned out by the boos for Mahal. Mahal decides to start the match with Gabriel starting in the opposite corner. Both men circle the ring before they lock up with Mahal using his superior strength to shove Gabriel into the turnbuckle, Mahal follows up with a clothesline but Gabriel manages to duck under the outstretched arm of Mahal, by the time Mahal turns around Gabriel drops him with a dropkick. The crowd cheers in correspondence. Mahal briskly gets up and is dropped again with another dropkick, Mahal once more gets up, a little slower than before and this time hurriedly makes his way to Khali, making the tag.

Khali steps over the ring ropes as Mahal watches from the apron. Gabriel charges at Khali with a crossbody only for Khali to catch Gabriel in mid air, Khali showcases his catch to the fans in attendance as he walks around the ring before power slamming Gabriel into the mat. He then follows up by stepping on the torso of Gabriel who lets out a brief shout of pain. Mahal screams at Khali for the tag, the fans boo and the expression on Khali’s face tells the whole story. Reluctantly, Khali makes his way over to Mahal and tags him in. Mahal smells his prey as Gabriel struggles to make it to his feet, using the ropes as leverage Gabriel finally gets up to a vertical base only to be put back down again with a suplex by Mahal who then comes off the ropes and drops an elbow to the sternum of Gabriel and repeats this twice more. Slater tries to motivate his partner from the apron as Mahal continues his attack on the prone Gabriel, continually stomping on the South African. Mahal pulls Gabriel up using his head and irish whips him into the turnbuckle, he sprints at Gabriel but is met with a boot to the head. Gabriel climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and connects with a flying hurricarana.

The fans cheers as does Slater who almost begs his partner to make the tag with an outstretched arm. Both Gabriel and Mahal crawl to their respective parners, Mahal seems to be closer to Khali than Gabriel is to Slater, Mahal only a fingertip away from Khali is about to make the tag but to everyone’s astonishment, Khali removes his hand and watches from the apron as Gabriel makes the tag to Slater. The fans cheers at Khali’s decision as Slater rushes into the ring and gives Mahal a beating with repeated punches to the head of Mahal. Mahal raises to a vertical base but is dropped again with Spinning Spinebuster by Slater. Gabriel now to his feet climbs up the turnbuckle during which the One Man Rock Band drops Mahal with an Inverted DDT. Gabriel breathes in heavily before calming himself for the final blow – the 450 splash. Slater covers Mahal 1...2...3

Winners: Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater

After the match Gabriel and Slater exit the ring swiftly, celebrating on their way up the ramp. As their music stops, Khali steps into the ring just as Mahal gets to his feet. Outraged, Mahal slaps Khali which in turn outrages Khali. The Giant drops Mahal with a giant Chop much to the excitement of the fans. Leaving Mahal motionless in the ring, Khali exits as the fans cheer.

*Commercial Break*

Backstage Todd Grisham is with Daniel Bryan who is holding the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Grisham: Daniel, last night at Summerslam you fought Alberto Del Rio in what was probably the most important match of your career, not only did you defeat him, you kept the Money in the Bank briefcase and can officially challenge the WWE Champion whenever and wherever your like.

Bryan: You know what Todd ? It was the most important match in my career and –

Out of nowhere, Alberto Del Rio jumps Daniel Bryan, attacking him with a steel pipe, taking down Bryan with a shot to the back of the knee. As Grisham flees, Del Rio picks up the briefcase and cracks it round the head of Bryan, knocking him unconscious. Del Rio then adds insult to injury as he shouts abuse at his foe, referees rush to the scene and take Del Rio away. The camera pans to the fallen body of Daniel Bryan before switching back to the commentator’s table.

Lawler: Man. That was uncalled from Alberto, it’s one thing being bitter about a loss but to attack him viciously like that was just wrong.

Booker T: Damn straight Jerry. You can bet your house on this taking a bad effect on my boy, D-Bryan.

Cole: Even nerds don’t deserve a beating like that. Let’s hope the EMTs can do their job.

Match 2: Kane vs Mark Henry vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre vs Santino Marella vs Rey Mysterio vs Ted Dibiase vs Cody Rhodes vs Alex Riley vs Zack Ryder – Hardcore Over the Top Rope Battle Royal – Hardcore Championship

Some of the competitors bring in weapons to add to the weapons already in the ring. Mark Henry walks in with a table and sets it up outside the ring. The bell rings and they begin to brawl. Kane is being double teamed by Rhodes and Dibiase in the corner as they take the Big Red Machine down with multiple chair shots. Being the highflyer that he is, Evan Bourne flies off the turnbuckle and hurricaranas Santino Marella over the top rope but Santino manages to hold on, Bourne picks up a chair and charges at Santino, placing the chair over his knee and connect it to the torso of Marella who falls off the apron. SANTINO MARELLA IS ELIMINATED.

Mark Henry, with a bin in hand wreaks havoc, cracking the bin over both Alex Riley and Zack Ryder. Mysterio recognises the danger, he attacks Henry with kicks to the back off the leg and is soon joined by Bourne. However Henry hardly feels it but it angered, he grabs both men around the neck pushes them over the apron but they manage to hold on to Henry who is know falling over the apron, Rhodes and Dibiase aid Mysterio and Bourne as they lift Henry’s legs and bundle him over the rope. MARK HENRY IS ELIMINATED.

With Henry out, Dibiase and Rhodes try to eliminate Mysterio and Bourne who are on the apron. Priceless charge but both Bourne and Mysterio slide under the bottom rope and through their opponents’ legs, as Priceless turn around they are both met by dropkicks that take them over the tope rope. CODY RHODES AND TED DIBIASE ARE ELIMINATED.

McIntyre slides out from the bottom rope and searches under the ring, revealing a plank of wood, taking it back into the ring he aims at Ryder and connects to the head of Ryder who is immediately busted open, the crowd cheers at the sight of blood as McIntyre shows his ruthless side. He now wraps the piece of wood round Ryder’s neck and chokes him out before easily throwing him over the top rope. ZACK RYDER IS ELIMINATED.

Kane is now up after the earlier attack on him at the hands of Priceless. McIntyre charges at him with the plank of wood in hand but is dropped by a big boot. Evan Bourne then flies off the turnbuckle but is caught mid air and is Chokeslammed over the top rope. EVAN BOURNE IS ELIMINATED.

Riley, Mysterio and McIntyre all team up and being to attack Kane but Kane brushes them aside, he grabs Riley by the neck and Chokeslams his second victim over the top rope. ALEX RILEY IS ELIMINATED.

There are now three left as Kane, McIntyre and Mysterio all take a corner each. Mysterio and McIntyre realise the immediate danger and decide to work together, at least for the moment. They both attack Kane with kicks and fists and after a while the Big Red Machine is floored, McIntyre picks up the wooden plank he was using earlier and continually hits it over the back of Kane before a last whack cracks the plank in half, with Kane in dire pain he reaches to the middle rope, Mysterio sees the opportunity and hits a 619 before McIntyre clotheslines Kane over the top rope. KANE IS ELIMINATED.

McIntyre immediately charges at Mysterio who is still on the apron following his 619, Mysterio ducks the attack and slide underneath McIntyre and back into the ring, he dropkicks McIntyre into the middle of the ropes and lines up a 619, McIntyre catches Mysterio's legs and lifts him up onto his shoulder, he sees the opportunity and throws Mysterio over the top rope, Mysterio hangs on and knocks down an oncharging McIntyre with a kick to the temple. Mysterio then lines up the final blow from the apron, he awaits McIntyre to get up to a vertical base but out of nowhere Sheamus slides into the ring and nearly takes off Mysterio’s head with a Brogue Kick, Mysterio flies off the apron and through the table outside. REY MYSTERIO IS ELIMINATED.

Winner and new Hardcore Champion: Drew McIntyre

After the match Wade Barrett walks down to the ring as Sheamus helps McIntyre to his feet. With the Hardcore Championship around McIntyre’s waist, all three men raise their arms in unification.

Lawler: What ?! Sheamus, McIntyre and Barrett ?!

Cole: Seems to be the beginning of a new alliance, a British alliance Jerry.

*Commercial Break*

Backstage, McIntyre, Barrett and Sheamus are celebrating McIntyre’s victory as Josh Matthews approaches.

Matthews: Guys, everyone wants to know why you have formed this alliance. It was only last night at Summerslam that yourself and Sheamus were bitter enemies.

Barrett: Listen Josh, last night myself and Sheamus realised that the WWE were holding us back, they pitted me against my fellow Britishman in Sheamus and expected us to sit back and accept it. We said no, we informed Drew of our intentions and only one night as an alliance, we have a Championship to show for it.

Matthews: So...What do you guys call yourself ?

Sheamus: Remember this name Josh. We are The British Empire !

McIntyre: Now on your way Josh, we have things to discuss.

Mathews walks away as the British Empire continue to celebrate.

Match 3: Ezekiel Jackson vs Mason Ryan w/David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty

Both men approach each other in the center of the ring. They lock up with neither of them gaining the advantage. Outraged that he never won the power of strength, Mason Ryan charges at Jackson only to run in to a should block which drops Ryan, Ryan gets up with Jackson this time charging at Ryan and this time Big Zeke is dropped with a shoulder block. Both men stare at each other from across the ring, acknowledging the others strength and almost appreciating it as a smirk creeps across the face of both Ryan and Jackson. Otunga and McGillicutty slide into the ring and attack Jackson causing the DQ finish after only 2 minutes into the match.

Winner via DQ: Ezekiel Jackson

After the match Jackson fights back, scoop slamming an oncoming McGillicutty before Otunga takes the Intercontinental Champion down with a shot to the head from the Tag Team Championship belt. Both men stomp on Jackson as an angered Ryan shoves them aside and argues with them for ending the match prematurely. Sheamus, Barrett and McIntyre sprint down to the ring and attack Otunga and McGillicutty, hitting finishers on both before throwing them out the ring. The 3 men square up to Ryan before Barrett takes a microphone.

Barrett: Mason, these two Neanderthals won’t take you anywhere in this business, you have been held back for months with these two by your side. I’m offering a way to the top Mason. *Ryan looks away* Mason look at me ! Join the British Empire, we can relate to you Mason. We have ALL been held back because of our British origins, the WWE has continually looked over us, all four of us. Why? Because we’re British. Look at Drew McIntyre here, one night with us and he’s already they Hardcore Champion. As an alliance Mason, we are unstoppable.

Mason Ryan shoves past them and exits the ring as he heads up the ramp.

Barrett: It’s your choice Mason, I’m giving you until next week to decide. The camera fades to a commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

Match 4: Christian and The Miz vs John Cena and Randy Orton

Christian and The Miz come out to heavy booing from the fans whereas as Cena and Orton are met equally by large amounts cheers and chants. Miz and Christian take time on the outside discussing their plan for the match much to the frustration of Cena and Orton as well as the fans in attendance. After a while Christian enters the ring through the bottom rope with Cena in the opposite corner. Cena chants echo through the Nationwide Arena as the bell rings and the two lock up. Cena turns the lock up into a wrist lock before Christian turns it into a wrist lock of his own. Cena uses his free arm to elbow his opponent around the head causing Christian to break the hold, Cena proceeds through an Irish whip which sends Christian into the turnbuckle, the power of the whip sees Christian bounce off of the turnbuckle and into the path of Cena who connects with a Vertical Suplex, Christian rises immediately only to run into yet another suplex. Cena drags Christian towards Orton and makes the tag which lets out a roar of excitement from the fans in the Nationwide Arena. Orton watches his prey before stamping on each of his limbs and then connecting with a knee to the head of Christian. As The Viper lifts his opponent, Christian shock Orton with a thumb to the eye before attempting the KillSwitch, however Orton fights out and then hits a European uppercut of his own which leads to Christian stumbling back and falling through the ropes, to the mat below. Orton follows and throws Christian into the barricade; in a split second the Viper is dropped with a neckbreaker by The Miz which leads the referee to order Miz back onto the apron with Cena making sure he obeys the ref’s orders.

Christian drags himself up and slides into the ring, by the time Orton rolls himself into the squared circle Christian makes the tag to the WWE Champion. Miz ruthlessly attacks the Viper, throwing punches and swinging kicks at Orton. Miz lines up Orton who just about gets to his feet only to be dropped by a running DDT, Miz taunts both Orton and the fans by imitating Orton’s Viper like stance and movements. Miz pulls Orton’s lifeless body towards Christian and tags in. Christian climbs up the turnbuckle and measures his opponent before jumping off with a flying splash. 1..2...Orton gets a shoulder up.

By now Cena is trying to get pump up the fans who in turn switch this energy to Orton. With Christian in control, he takes a little time to taunt the fans at the Nationwide Arena not realising a rising Viper behind him. Christian turns around as Orton attempts an RKO which is reversed into a KillSwitch, Orton fights out again and hits the RKO after the second time. Both men lay flat on the canvas as their respective partners almost beg for the tag. “Orton Orton Orton” chants are as loud as ever, Orton crawls to Cena as is Christian to Miz. Both men make the tag as Cena and Miz come rushing into the ring, Cena ducks a clothesline attempt and turns it into a belly to back suplex following up with one to Christian too, who then rolls out the ring. Miz charges at Cena who is dropped by a running shoulder block, Cena pumps up, raises his arm and back down into the face of Miz “You can’t see me!”, before hitting the five knuckle shuffle. Christian rolls back into the ring and hits the Killswitch on an unsuspecting Cena. Orton sees this and attacks Christian with a second RKO of the night, as soon as he gets back up to a vertical base The Miz locks his arms up and connects with the Skull Crushing Finale.


Sensing a victory, Miz lines up Cena for the Finale only to be thwarted in his attempt as Cena raises Miz onto his shoulders and hits the FU, quickly covering and hooking the leg 1...2...3.

Winners: John Cena and Randy Orton

Lawler: Cena and Miz at Bad Blood.

Cole: Come on, Miz has beaten Cena time and time again. This is ridiculous.

Lawler: Hahahaha

Cena and Orton have their arms raised in victory by the referee, Christian lurks from behind with the WWE Championship and takes out both men with shots to the head. The crowd boos as Miz gets to his feet and praises Christian’s work only to be knocked out himself by a third shot from Christian. The show ends with Christian holding up the WWE Championship.​
Avitus25’s Principino’s RAW Review

--- First up I think there’s quite an interesting backstory here, I like the idea of one brand, and I’m interested to see how you deal with so many people on one show.

--- The Miz as the sole World Champ could be interesting… big push for him… Makes sense to start with Triple H, I’m hoping the Intercontinental Title stays… it’s a better looking belt and has more history… I like that match idea! Hoping that Ziggler wins somehow, I like him and the title so he’s my definite choice. Should be an interesting feud between them two as well…

--- HHH’s promo was good, I can imagine him saying all of that, and The Miz was exactly the same. Interesting Main Event… I can see some tension coming between Orton and Cena.

--- I’m not a huge fan of Slater but you pushed the team of him and Gabriel well in this match and I’m interested to see if you keep them together for much longer… I think it was a bit too early to have Khali turn on Mahal… the storyline hasn’t really built, and no one cares much about them as a pairing yet… maybe this would’ve been better left for a while…

--- Interested to see Bryan and Alberto’s feud, that’ll be very good, should be some brilliant matches as well. I’m loving Booker T’s commentary as well. It is EXACTLY how he commentates, it’s brilliant!

--- Hardcore Championship Battle Royal should be interesting… Even though... if Jack Swagger beat Rey Mysterio last night then why isn't Swagger in this title match? I’d love someone like McIntyre or DiBiase to win, but I could see Henry or Mysterio more realistically getting the win. I’m really enjoying the way you’re writing this match as well, some very clever spots, like Henry’s elimination. Loving how you’re pushing McIntyre as vicious and violent as well. I’m interested to see how you use Alex Riley. Apart from the fact that he went against The Miz, there’s been very little to portray him as a face, I’m looking forward to seeing what direction you take his character in… he’s kinda a blank canvas at the minute. Glad to see two of my choices as the final two! I’m happy either way now! Sheamus interference was unexpected but a feud between Sheamus and Mysterio is both fresh and interesting… I’m liking these decisions! McIntyre can really make an impact with this championship!

--- Barrett, Sheamus and McIntyre is an interesting combination, I’ve seen this in a few different BT’s so I’m interested to see how you use them. To be honest out of the three, McIntyre is the lowest down the card so I’m surprised to see McIntyre being the only title holder… I like the name though!

--- Jackson v Ryan was a erm… short match. I’m sensing that Ryan is going to turn on Otunga and McGillicutty at some point… Ahhhhh he’s going to join the British Empire, this makes sense, this group is really gonna be vicious! It could be interesting to see him lead the charge against the British Empire though too…

--- The Main Event was very very good. I liked the interactions, and I like the result, it was kinda expected but still very good. I like that Christian is keeping himself in the picture, but I really REALLY hope that it’s not just a repeated Fatal-Four-Way… something different would be interesting…

--- Overall, it was a good match, the formatting (with the colours) was a little difficult to discern at some times, but mostly it was good. 4 matches on the show isn’t really very many however, especially when one was just a throw-away match… maybe something to think about for the future. I liked the show though, it’s got some interesting storylines going and I’ll definitely be reading and reviewing heading into the future.

--- Drop me a review back if you get chance :)
Karl's Prinicipino's RAW Review

-I like the backstory to this BT and think that the concept is great.

-Good promo from Triple H, two huge announcements. Here comes The Miz, Punk v Miz going to be set up? I was half right. Ohhh, The Miz & Christian v John Cena and Randy Orton. I get the feeling Cena is going to be challenging for that belt at Bad Blood.

>>Cheers for Khali; Face turn in the works? Good match with a solid finish.

-I was right about the Face turn. Hopefully Mahal gets a good solo run.

-Del Rio and Bryan feud for the briefcase? I see Bryan dropping his newly won briefcase to Del Rio.

>>Solid match which was easy to read. Was hoping for a Mark Henry win but that's out of the question. Hmmm, Sheamus getting involved. Tag Team with Drew?

-Yes! Not only do we get Sheamus and McIntyre but we also get Barrett. Hope this develops into something big. Side note: Sheamus is not British.

-Standard interview but, once again, Sheamus is not British.

>>Was looking forward to a battle of strength here but unfortunately that was ruined by Otunga and McGillicutty. Someone to the rescue?

-Thought as much but why The [British] Alliance? Will Ryan accept? Hopefully not, he will just ruin the stable.

>>It was an alright match but it was a bit short for the Main Event. Thought Cena would win, hopefully he doesn't get the strap already though.

-Didn't see an attack from Christian coming. Alliance with Miz? Nope, there goes the Champion. Good end to the show.

--Good show and I did enjoy it. Like the guy above me, I feel 4 matches isn't enough for a standard show. Quite a lot to improve on for next week but good character development. Again, please change the name of The [British] Alliance.​
Oh crap your're right about Sheamus. With him being Irish I thought he was British. Ok, anywhere you see British Empire change it to United Empire, I can't edit it now.

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