WWE Planning To Use The "Broken" Gimmick?


There's a report originating at F4WOnline.com that WWE wants to use the Broken gimmick with Matt Hardy at some point. Dave Meltzer reports that WWE is in the process of working out a deal with Impact Wrestling in order to use the character on television, a deal that hasn't been finalized as of yet. Hardy has used some of the various mannerisms associated with the character at times since his return to WWE, but that's as far as it's gone. As everyone knows or has at least heard of, there's been very heated comments directed at Impact Wrestling from the Hardys, though mostly from Matt's wife Reby, blasting the company over their claim of ownership of the character even though said character was almost entirely Matt Hardy's brainchild. My guess, and that's all it really is, is that the Hardys probably don't have a legal leg to stand on, are aware of it and that's why it hasn't been used on WWE TV. If Vince thought he was on solid legal ground, I've no doubt he'd have already had the Broken gimmick implemented for the Hardy Boyz. If Meltzer's claim is accurate, I'd also guess that the deal would have to involve Impact Wrestling getting a significant percentage of merchandise sales revolving around the gimmick.

Prior to the whole Broken thing, neither of the Hardy Boyz ever really struck me as having a lot of personality, especially Matt. Jeff had his weird face paint & music, the douche bag way he trims his facial hair and his dancing and all that, both were atrocious on the mic, but it's still more than Matt had. The Broken gimmick didn't really interest me, though I can see the appeal to some degree as it's so over the top & cheesy that it fits in perfectly with pro wrestling and it's different. If WWE can work out a deal with Impact Wrestling, they might as well as the gimmick has gotten a ton of attention, there's money to be made off it still and it's better than having the Hardy Boyz back primarily as a nostalgia act.
i think right now, the best way to use the hardy's it's the way they are using them right now.

While the broken gimmick is over and most fans knows about it, not a lot of fans knows what it's all about. So they need to find a way to logical go from the normal hardy's to the broken hardy's. So for now, let them ride the nostagia wave as tag champions, when they lose the belts then go on i found a interesting way to make them turn into the broken gimimick.

As Jack-Hammer said neither of The Hardys showed particularly good mic skills. Before the Broken gimmick Matt's best showing was during the Edge feud and that was most likely due to genuine emotion. Jeff is artistic/weird so that was kind of his excuse.

The Broken gimmick revitalised both of them as it showed they could do other stuff besides what they were well known for.

In regards to the gimmick in WWE it can work, it'll just depend on how much creative freedom Matt and Jeff get seeing as they came up with most of the ideas to begin with.

It also depends on TNA playing ball. They'll no doubt want a big cut but it all depends on the legal footholds both the Hardys and TNA have on the gimmick. If it seems the Hardys have a better claim the TNA won't get much and if TNA have a better claim they'll have better leverage.

Hopefully it works out and we see the Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero in WWE.
Broken gimmick should be adopted in the near future as it has rejuvenated Matt Hardy's career. Jeff Hardy was in the main event scene in both WWE and TNA. But Matt was always the lesser talented. Midcard-ish. Never seemed a main eventer to me. But the Broken stuff had made him into a special attraction. The Hardyz as tag team is good for depth of tah division but Broken stuff is more intriguing.

As Jack-Hammer said neither of The Hardys showed particularly good mic skills. Before the Broken gimmick Matt's best showing was during the Edge feud and that was most likely due to genuine emotion. Jeff is artistic/weird so that was kind of his excuse.

The Broken gimmick revitalised both of them as it showed they could do other stuff besides what they were well known for.

In regards to the gimmick in WWE it can work, it'll just depend on how much creative freedom Matt and Jeff get seeing as they came up with most of the ideas to begin with.

It also depends on TNA playing ball. They'll no doubt want a big cut but it all depends on the legal footholds both the Hardys and TNA have on the gimmick. If it seems the Hardys have a better claim the TNA won't get much and if TNA have a better claim they'll have better leverage.

Hopefully it works out and we see the Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero in WWE.

If Dave Meltzer and others are correct, we'll see Matt morph back into Broken Matt but Jeff won't reprise Brother Nero, as Jeff will likely receive a main event push.
Watching their TNA run as the broken hardy's, i always felt like while Matt was really having fun with the character, Jeff was just going along with this to help his brother out and wasn't really enjoying this as much as Matt was.

So if the rumors are true and WWE just want Matt going back to this character i'm fine with this. But how do you separate these 2 and have only Matt as a broken hardy without really involving Jeff in the transformation.

That's a tough question to answer. Personally what i would do is have them drop the belt to cesaro and sheamus on sunday. This would be the starting point for matt's transformation, then after they lose the rematch you could have Jeff talk to Matt about them splitting up and going the single route. So that continue the slow transformation for matt from normal matt to broken matt. So then the next PPV have him do a match with Bray wyatt. He either wins or lose, this doesn'T matter because at the end, you have wyatt beat the living shit out of him. So by the time he comes back to it, he'S not himself anymore, he's back as the broken character that he was trying to suppress all this time. Then you could have him do a rematch with Wyatt to see who as more power between the 2 which Matt would win and then have Wyatt join Matt as his follower which would be out there but i just want to see Broken Matt and Bray wyatt as a tag team and maybe even build a faction around those 2.
There's a report originating at F4WOnline.com that WWE wants to use the Broken gimmick with Matt Hardy at some point. Dave Meltzer reports that WWE is in the process of working out a deal with Impact Wrestling in order to use the character on television, a deal that hasn't been finalized as of yet. Hardy has used some of the various mannerisms associated with the character at times since his return to WWE, but that's as far as it's gone. As everyone knows or has at least heard of, there's been very heated comments directed at Impact Wrestling from the Hardys, though mostly from Matt's wife Reby, blasting the company over their claim of ownership of the character even though said character was almost entirely Matt Hardy's brainchild. My guess, and that's all it really is, is that the Hardys probably don't have a legal leg to stand on, are aware of it and that's why it hasn't been used on WWE TV. If Vince thought he was on solid legal ground, I've no doubt he'd have already had the Broken gimmick implemented for the Hardy Boyz. If Meltzer's claim is accurate, I'd also guess that the deal would have to involve Impact Wrestling getting a significant percentage of merchandise sales revolving around the gimmick.

Prior to the whole Broken thing, neither of the Hardy Boyz ever really struck me as having a lot of personality, especially Matt. Jeff had his weird face paint & music, the douche bag way he trims his facial hair and his dancing and all that, both were atrocious on the mic, but it's still more than Matt had. The Broken gimmick didn't really interest me, though I can see the appeal to some degree as it's so over the top & cheesy that it fits in perfectly with pro wrestling and it's different. If WWE can work out a deal with Impact Wrestling, they might as well as the gimmick has gotten a ton of attention, there's money to be made off it still and it's better than having the Hardy Boyz back primarily as a nostalgia act.

Reby calls Meltzer's report complete fiction......

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