WWE Payback: Three Stages Of Hell Match - Ryback VS John Cena [WWE Championship]


Mr. Wrestling
At the top of Raw tonight, Ryback announced this main event for WWE Payback in my hometown of Chicago.

What are your thoughts?

I have tickets to Payback and I'm not really looking forward to this match, but how everyone of us in the Allstate Arena shits on it should be entertaining. I'm hoping it gets changed some how, but that isn't looking likely at the moment.
The finish last night was set up I guess for neither of the two guys to look weak, but that's the problem when you have two guys that shouldn't be going against each other to begin with! So how does WWE fix their mess? They put the two in another gimmick match in what they call an ambulance match where either there is a repeat of extreme rules in the botched finish, or the problem that they wanted to avoid but of course didn't when they booked this feud originally in having someone lose and look weak in the end. Once again, great job WWE.
At the top of Raw tonight, Ryback announced this main event for WWE Payback in my hometown of Chicago.

What are your thoughts?

I have tickets to Payback and I'm not really looking forward to this match, but how everyone of us in the Allstate Arena shits on it should be entertaining. I'm hoping it gets changed some how, but that isn't looking likely at the moment.

I think it's disturbing that you look forward to going to a show to "Shit" on a match. I really wish some of these big city crowds could just stay home if they're not into the show. If I were the WWE I'd avoid Chicago and NYC like the plague, but I guess it comes down to money. And if thousands of people are dumb enough to pay a good amount of money to show how miserable they are then that's ok too.

As for the main event itself. I'm not a fan of Ambulance matches. I'm not a big fan of filler ppv rematches that you can set your watch to either. I wish they would have taken more time building this feud. Maybe have Ryback run from Cena for a couple months before Cena corners him in a match. So I'll agree with you the booking isn't all that. But with that said, Cena vs Ryback was actually pretty entertaining (Until the ending). It was a good brawl and I expect the rematch to be pretty good as well. I kind of hope the rest of the card is stronger than Extreme Rules though.
I think it's disturbing that you look forward to going to a show to "Shit" on a match. I really wish some of these big city crowds could just stay home if they're not into the show. If I were the WWE I'd avoid Chicago and NYC like the plague, but I guess it comes down to money. And if thousands of people are dumb enough to pay a good amount of money to show how miserable they are then that's ok too.

As for the main event itself. I'm not a fan of Ambulance matches. I'm not a big fan of filler ppv rematches that you can set your watch to either. I wish they would have taken more time building this feud. Maybe have Ryback run from Cena for a couple months before Cena corners him in a match. So I'll agree with you the booking isn't all that. But with that said, Cena vs Ryback was actually pretty entertaining (Until the ending). It was a good brawl and I expect the rematch to be pretty good as well. I kind of hope the rest of the card is stronger than Extreme Rules though.

Got the tickets way before any card was announced, so I basically just had my fingers crossed for a good show. And of course I get this shitty match for a main event at my 1st pay per view. I paid my money like everyone else, I'm free to voice my displeasure with the parts of the product I don't enjoy...

The undercard should be good though, so I'm not too upset.
For me it's just further proof that WWE is not meant for me:

I grew up on Jim Crockett and whenever there was a gimmick match such as this like Piper vs Valentine, Magnum vs Tully, Wargames, etc the idea behind it was relatively simple. All that was required were two key elements:

1) That the feud is well established, very personal, and needs a closing chapter
2) That the participants are going to work snug and bring some brutality.

WWE however uses gimmick matches for the sake of gimmick matches and all of the guys work one speed and never snug or brutal. Then toss in no blood (I don't like blading, but in 2013 I can't imagine that there isn't a brilliant special effects guy who could come up with a new solution) and the fact that there's no real issue between Cena/Ryback, which is only a month old, and neither one is skilled enough to pull the drama a match like this demands. It's quite clear WWE is just not for me.

But if my 9 year old nephew is excited, then I'm fine with it at the end of the day...
This match is just another byproduct of the lack of depth at the top of WWE, which everyone has known is an issue for quite a while. It will be decent but the fans will all be clamoring for Punk throughout anyway. I actually feel bad for Ryback a little bit. He's been booked to be in the title picture for a while without ever being a credible threat to win.
I think it's disturbing that you look forward to going to a show to "Shit" on a match. I really wish some of these big city crowds could just stay home if they're not into the show. If I were the WWE I'd avoid Chicago and NYC like the plague, but I guess it comes down to money. And if thousands of people are dumb enough to pay a good amount of money to show how miserable they are then that's ok too.

I don't know why you bother even replying to marks like that.

As for the match, these 2 proved Sunday they can have a good brawling style matchup so I imagine the match itself will be decent at least. The problem is Ambulance matches are way too gimmicky, plus, it either ends with a Cena win or another shady ending like Sunday's match. I understand what they're doing with Cena's long term story starting 2 years ago and that's fine. It's that Ryback is being kept down because of it. He shouldn't even be feuding with Cena right now.

The only way I could see a convoluted finish here is if the match is nearing the end and Punk comes out and finishes them both off and shoves them both in the ambulance. The problem is that means 2 no contests in the WWE Title picture at a PPV in a row. Otherwise, Cena wins.
The outcome in a situation like this sin't in doubt. Cena wins. Ryback isn't going to put Cena in an ambulance and then Cena take a few weeks off TV. But that is exactly what'll happen to Ryback. And after a 9 month streak in which he's been made to look very week, a break is exactly what Ryback will need if he doesn't leave this show as the WWE Champion.
Cena wins. Ryback isn't going to put Cena in an ambulance....

True. I've been trying to decide whether the company plans to make Ryback a top star for the present and future or whether they see him as a heavily muscled mid-carder. Months ago, he lucked into a series of main event matches against CM Punk when John Cena turned up injured, isn't that the way it happened? In terms of his progression up the ranks, Ryback was just getting past beating up two indy wrestlers at a time, followed by a dumb looking feud against Jinder Mahal. It seemed he had a long way to go before they'd have him facing off against the Cenas and Punks of the world.

Instead, he gave a pretty good account of himself and earned a few more PPV appearances in 6-man matches against the Shield. Very nice. He even turned out to have speaking ability beyond what I figured he was capable of.

Therefore, I figure he belonged in the PPV against Cena; Ryback had earned it. Good for him. That takes care of Extreme Rules.

But this is John Cena; he's finally the champion again and took a beating on Sunday. I don't see it happening twice.....and like the poster quoted above, I definitely don't see him being the one dumped in an ambulance.

The most interesting result of the coming match will be where Ryback's main event career goes after the EMTs get finished taking care of him.
I'm not a big fan of Ambulance matches but the WWE handled Ryback's character much better this week. Hopefully they keep this up and keep building momentum for him. I do see feud continuing possibly into Money in the Bank or even Summerslam. The WWE have a severe lack of main event talent and this has been a problem for long time now.

I could see them putting the title on Ryback at Payback and then holding it to Summerslam. This could lead to Cena regaining the title and feuding with CM Punk again when he returns. The WWE are going to have to pull out all the stops to keep this feud interesting until August. That is unless the WWE plan on building this new Curt Axel guy up to be a contender for the WWE Title.
I'm looking forward to this match. I'm not a fan of draw's but their match at extreme Rules as led to this so I'm happy. Indeed, it should be brutal and an enthralling match - something different which is what is essential in my opinion. I cannot see past Cena winning. There is no way Cena looses the title without successfully winning a match.
Got the tickets way before any card was announced, so I basically just had my fingers crossed for a good show. And of course I get this shitty match for a main event at my 1st pay per view. I paid my money like everyone else, I'm free to voice my displeasure with the parts of the product I don't enjoy...

The undercard should be good though, so I'm not too upset.
Or, alternately, sell your tickets on StubHub. If that's not an option in your market, the scalper outside the building always is, and you usually get respectable rates there if you're selling. While you're free to voice your displeasure in whichever means you see fit, that doesn't mean that the choice in how you've done it is necessarily sane and logical.

If you're looking to modify corporate behavior, buying the product they promote is a poor way of doing that.
It's been a difficult situation for Ryback, obviously WWE wanted a big shock value moment the night after Mania and Ryback turning heel on Cena served as that.

The problem is it's put a monster character who you'd usually see go on a path of destruction for months before he faced Cena, straight into a program with him when he's just won the title, so there is no chance of Ryback coming out on top.

However I actually think using two gimmick matches has been smart booking by WWE as I liked the finish at Extreme Rules and losing an ambulance match is not like tapping out in the center of the ring, you can lose one with a big stunt spot that makes it look like Cena had to do something crazy to put Ryback down.

This way Ryback is protected to a large extent and this will have served as a test run to see if he can hold a main event feud both on the mic and in the ring, and I think he has done quite well in both regards even if they did make him too whiny at first.

As far as match quality goes I enjoyed the match at Extreme Rules and Cena and Ryback have a good powerhouse brawling chemistry IMO, so I expect this to be fun.
Apparently people here aren't fond of Ambulance Matches.

Does that mean if they introduce Ambulance Matches as a new match type for WWE '14 that you won't play it even once? If not then you're just saying you don't like Ambulance Matches just to disagree with everything.

Without arguing about how Extreme Rules finished and how Ryback as a character has been handled up to this point an Ambulance Match makes perfect sense in this situation now. Just after a No Contest Last Man Standing match they need a match that will have more 'closure'.

There is no reason to believe John Cena and Ryback won't put on a good match. They did well at Extreme Rules and anyone who says different clearly just blindly hates Cena or Ryback or is such a wrestling purest they hate any "extreme" type matches.

And for those who think Cena can't lose to Ryback... why not? Of course he can. Cena is far enough away from his victory over The Rock that if he loses to a beast like Ryback it would still make sense, especially in an extreme rules Ambulance Match.

It is a lot harder to come up with a reasonable storyline for Ryback still being a dominant beast who is worthy of a WWE Title shot if he loses the Ambulance Match than if Cena does.

But hey, Ryback haters should be happy. If the odds are that Cena really will win the match then Ryback's character will be shot and have to go away for a while, or at least to face another opponent so you'll be done with Ryback vs Cena.
I'm not a big fan of either guy but this has actually been a pretty good feud and I think this match will be good. That said there's a 0.00000000000000000000000 % chance of Ryback beating Cena for the belt. It's just not going to happen. This is a filler feud until CM Punk.
Or, alternately, sell your tickets on StubHub. If that's not an option in your market, the scalper outside the building always is, and you usually get respectable rates there if you're selling. While you're free to voice your displeasure in whichever means you see fit, that doesn't mean that the choice in how you've done it is necessarily sane and logical.

If you're looking to modify corporate behavior, buying the product they promote is a poor way of doing that.

The thing is I'm just not pleased with the main event as I said prior. I hate ambulance matches, and I'm not a fan of either man in the main event. The rest of the card should look decent though, so why would I sell my tickets because there's one stinker. I'll still have fun booing Cena. I'll still have fun cheering The Shield. And hopefully at the end of the Cena/Ryback match I'll get to see the hometown hero return.

Me selling my tickets to someone else isn't going to make them improve the product.
It seems most of the IWC is upset or appalled at the booking of this Cena/Ryback "feud" and the build of Ryback overall, when it should be Ryback, if no one else, upset ( and maybe he is!) For what its worth, I dont feel WWE has done nearly as terrible a job as they could have. In fact, I think they handled it as well as they could. Hear me out. If all the reports are true, then original plans were in fact to have The Rock and Punk competing at Extreme Rules and possibly both involved in the title picture. Thats all good and well considering no real build would have been needed as that storyline between the 3 has been an ongoing thing for quite some time now. Its obvious Ryback was NOT to be pushed into the main event/title picture at this time and that was made obvious by a clean loss to Mark Henry at WM in which within a week or 2 Henry was thrown into a feud with Sheamus and Ryback coming off a clean WM loss is all of a sudden challenging for the title. It actually interests me more to know what the original plan for Ryback was heading out of WM but all that is irrelevant now. I would like to believe they had a plan for him that might culminate in a showdown of superheel vs super Cena at summerslam perhaps, teasing and building this throughout the summer. Anyway, any fan could tell right from the beginning this was a "feud" thrown together out of desperation and with no real reason behind it, story wise. The outcome at ER shouldnt be surprising as they wanted neither to come off as weak with a loss. Sucks for Ryback more then anyone as he was thrown to the wolves to fill a spot left vacant by injury when he was in much need of more time and more build, and by build I mean a proper build this time, as a heel more then likely, to counter Cena by summers end. Now that I put my thoughts down into writing, I cant help but think maybe WWE didnt handle it as well as they could have. Have Cena work with Mark Henry for the month or two since he was, afterall, coming off a WM win and at the time looked stronger due to this booking. Its not even like they used the WWE title match as the actual main event of ER anyway as that went to lesnar/hhh. And its not like henry is not an already established monster! They could have begun teasing a Ryback heel turn at this point and then build towards a match later on. Instead they feed us more of this thrown together bs and in the end its really only hurting Rybacks progression
Oh so yes back to the point of this thread!! I understand ur displeasure absolutely, especially an ambulance match which all my experiences with ambulance matches have been less then likeable.I would probably go as far as to say I would rather see a match with no gimmicks attached to it between these 2 rather than an ambulance match. I, like u, hope for a better undercard and a possible return.
The thing is I'm just not pleased with the main event as I said prior. I hate ambulance matches, and I'm not a fan of either man in the main event. The rest of the card should look decent though, so why would I sell my tickets because there's one stinker. I'll still have fun booing Cena. I'll still have fun cheering The Shield. And hopefully at the end of the Cena/Ryback match I'll get to see the hometown hero return.

Me selling my tickets to someone else isn't going to make them improve the product.
So.... you're going to go enjoy the product, except for the things that you've made up your mind not to enjoy. You reserve the right to complain about the things you don't like, but still send your money in support of those things.

This is exactly what I was talking about when I said that voicing your opinion is certainly a right you have, but that doesn't make that opinion sane or logical.
So.... you're going to go enjoy the product, except for the things that you've made up your mind not to enjoy. You reserve the right to complain about the things you don't like, but still send your money in support of those things.

This is exactly what I was talking about when I said that voicing your opinion is certainly a right you have, but that doesn't make that opinion sane or logical.

Again, had I known an Ambulance match between Ryback Vs. John Cena would be the main event months ago when I got the tickets I would have never bought them in the 1st place.

I do still enjoy certain parts of the product and that's why I still spend some money on it, what's wrong with that?
It's funny, I was hoping for either Sheamus/Henry or Orton/Show in an Ambulance match at Extreme Rules, but we're getting the match for Ryback/Cena at Payback instead. I'm sure Ryback/Cena will put on a better Ambulance match than Sheamus/Henry or Orton/Show could've anyway. Like some have said in this thread, Ryback and Cena had a good, intense brawl at Extreme Rules, so this one should be decent. I can't see who wins here though. I predicted a Draw at Extreme Rules, but now what? Cena still shouldn't lose the title just 2 months after gaining redemption and Ryback still can't afford another loss, but another draw would get people really miffed. I guess if anyone needs the win more though, it's Cena. They could always have Ryback win the Money in the Bank and rebuild him again, then have him take the title off of Cena sometime later in the year.
I'm almost to a point, where I might need to eat some crow for trashing and constantly ridiculing Ryback's heel turn. He was awkward and kind of clumsy on the mic at first, but he's slowly starting to come into his own as a narcissistic dick heel. His promo on top of the ambulance this Monday was pretty damn good, and Ryback continues to improve on the mic with each passing week.

Anyway, I expect another rough and physical match between these two at Payback. I can't picture Ryback winning the title, because I still believe John Cena will have a very lengthy WWE Championship reign.
I agree with the people that said Ryback will get put in the ambulance, and then possibly take a few weeks off. THe match at Extreme Rules was actually really good, and I look for the same thing here. The thing with Ryback though is he is going to get the label of not being able to win the big one. He is constanly losing or not coming away with the win at ppvs, and I think they need to keep him off tv for a big and bring him back in a dominant way. I think if they want him to stay in the main event he is going to need to win the title at some point. It seems like he gains some steam and then loses it all by being in matches he shouldn't even be in. Cena wins this match I think, and with that I hope they regroup Ryback and get him back on track.
Well the matchup has changed to a 3 stages of hell match. First a lumberjack match, then a tables match and it finishes off with the ambulance match. This is actually much more interesting to me. This will let both men display more aspects of their repetoire. While I'm not usually a fan of lumberjack matches due to too many shenanigans, it will allow them to wrestle a regular match to start off with, allowing them to prove they can have a good match that isn't just a brawl.

I still fully expect Cena to win. The only question here is who wins each of the first 2 stipulations. Do we expect Cena to win the lumberjack match and lose the tables match, or vice versa.
I get the feeling that one of the lumberjacks will end up costing Ryback the match. I don't know how they will do it, maybe Ryback will beat up one of the lumberjacks so badly that referees & EMT's have to carry that person out and then in the 3rd stage just as it looks like Ryback is going to stuff Cena in the Ambulance for the win, the same lumberjack will run out and attack Ryback before allowing Cena to finish him off and throw him in the back of Ambulance, but I don't see Ryback losing this one cleanly which he probably shouldn't, and this way Ryback has got his next feud set up while Cena can move on to someone else. It'll kinda be like when Kofi Kingston interfered in Orton & Cena's Ironman match at Bragging Rights and Orton blamed Kofi for the loss.

As for who wins the first 2 falls, I think I'd have Ryback win the Lumberjack match, because I'm sure these two will have a regular match for the WWE Championship later in the year, so this will prove that Ryback doesn't need any weapons or stipulations to beat Cena and he has more of a chance at beating Cena in a regular match than Cena does beating him. Cena takes the Tables match (AA through the Table?) and then takes the Ambulance match due to interference from one of the lumberjacks.

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