WWE Overhaul


Occasional Pre-Show
Now, im pretty sure its been done before but I just watched the RAW & ECW replays and wondered how I would handle the WWE if given the chance. Well, I pretty much made a quick list and I invite everyone to pick it apart and tell me why these changes would help/hurt the WWE.

First suggestion, fix the PPV listing, all brands share these PPVs:

Jan- Royal Rumble (traditional 30 man rumble)

Feb- Battlebowl (Lethal Lottery returns)

Mar- Guilty As Charged

April- Wrestlemania

May- ECW (1 night tourney, all welcome to enter)

Jun- World War III (2 ring battle royal for the US and IC title shots)

July- Night of Champions

Aug- Summer Slam

Sept- Fall Brawl feat. Wargames

Oct- Backlash

Nov- Survivor Series (Traditional SS matches returning)

Dec- Starrcade

Next we look at the 3 brands. With the amount of wrestlers it would be a bit over packed to only have 1 brand. My suggestion is to have 2 brands. The first brand, RAW would have the following titles:

RAW Heavyweight Championship

IC Championship- Defended 2x a month on tv & PPV

RAW Tag Team Championship

The Smackdown brand would have the following titles

Smackdown Heavyweight Championship

US Championship- defended 2x a month on tv & PPV

Smackdown Tag Team Championship

The following titles would be gained by unifying both brands titles. If a unified champ is defeated on his brand, his title would go to the winner and titles would be separated.

World Heavyweight Championship

World Tag Team Championship

The "Money In the Bank" match would no longer be a yearly thing as it appears to help push the IC and US title down by having a wrestler never holding these championships able to zip straight to the top of the mountain.

The ECW Championship would be awarded a week after the ECW event on the "Nitro" show as a prize to the best performer of the night

Also, I would create 1 more belt for the low card wrestlers to use as a stepping stone to promote them to mid card status, it has no brand labeling but would only be defended on the "Nitro" show as a "Television Championship".

"WWE Television Championship"

Finally, the Women's championship would be a unified belt for both brands and it can be defended at any show. Women would wrestle 2 matches per show for a total of 24 matches per month plus PPV. With huge cuts to the women's roster and better acquisitions there may even be a women's tag team division in the future.

Next, we must look at announcers, it is important to have a nice mix of commentary and general wrestling knowledge. However, I cant remember to much of their styles but I can say that Jerry Lawler should go and fast.

After all of that we look to the talent. I don't watch WWE like I used to so I really don't have too much to say except please get rid of all these shitty angles. I must say that Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas need to become a team again. With their talent all they need is a manager for interviews and to help push them as either a heel or a face team they would be the best tag team in the WWE. CM Punk is another person who could be positioned to bring the younger guys some attention in the company. Once the gimmicks have been dropped and managers are brought back into the mix along with the return of stables and the releasing of some of the either old talent or the poor performers I think everything should be good.

The ECW show needs to be renamed to "Nitro" to show a little respect to the biggest rival the WWE have ever faced. The show should try to find a home on Wednesday and shoot for a 90 min slot. If the show isn't extreme, it shouldn't be called "ECW". The "Nitro" show would have no official GM but it would be watched over by the McMahon family.

The GMs would also be replaced by the following:

RAW: Rick Flair

Smackdown: Shawn Michaels

Well... what do ya think?
To me it just feels like you are trying to bring WCW back. Why use WCW PPV names? Why not come up with new names? Plus why would the womans titles be unified? If you do that just do it with all the belts and end the split. I would much rather see each show have its own set of champions and the superstars on that brand never show up on the other shows.
Agreed. I would love an overhaul of the overall product but 8 years after its decease, WCW should remain dead. The only thing that could ever bring back WCW and not seem totally stupid would be a storyline where Ted Turner or Eric Bischoff bought a 50% share of the WWE. And even more impossible they would have to bring half of the currently active TNA roster with them to add any original WCW legitimacy. That being said WCW did have a couple of cool concepts that WWE would benefit from resurrecting. Wargames pre-eminent amongst said concepts - ony I would do it different. Maybe inside an overdone HITC or Elim Chamber. That dual ring thing does my nuts in but you need the extra space simply for the number of participants.

I've always been a fan of the Deadly Game tourney concept used for Survivor Series in 98. I personally would like to see this become a regular thing for SS - probably using the traditional SS match-ups early in the night as qualifiers for the one on ones later on. At least this would make the traditional team battles mean a little more. It would also be an amazing way to put over a new champion. He fights 2 or 3 matches to qualify AND beats the champion at the end of the night to win the strap. New champ is an instant legend.

World War 3 was always a stupid concept. Great on paper but when you have the camera trying to capture all the action across 3 friggin' rings it just stinks up the screen. Logistical nightmare you might say. Just like the 3 level cage - there is a reason nobody ever brought these things back and left them locked away with the rest of Vince's personal porn stash.

WrestleMania needs to get its prestige back. Seriously, since when does Don Trump and Vinnie hair versus f*cking hair qualify as a WM mainevent. And I know this was a long time ago but it was every bit as shameful as Arquette becoming champion and its a major part in an endless chain of events which has seen WM lose that "prestige" in my very own not so humble opinion. WrestleMania needs to be a class-act, strictly black tie event.

On the subject of concepts - TNA's Lockdown PPV is incredible year after year, no matter how bad the actual product gets. I used to be a huge mark for TNA before they became a traveling sideshow circus but I give credit where due. WWE should definitely follow suit IMO. And I know its not original, I know it will be seen as a blatant rip-off but f*ck it. TNA sure as hell can't register or patent an all cage PPV so there's nothing stopping the big E from copy-catting.

I also hate the whole Raw v. Smackdown thing. Not that I mind separate brands but they don't feel like separate brands. WWE should own Raw and someone else (maybe ECW - only because its already and unfortunately a part of the WWE fabric) should own a revamped and renamed Smackdown.

At least this way it feels more like two brands head to head for supremacy. At the moment and for the last few years its always felt more like Raw Monday night and its ******ed cousin Cletus on Friday night. They are a happy family rather than competitive bloodthirsty sibling rivals.

So here is my fed:

First... here are the franchise players. 2 brands ONLY. We are ditching the ******. Now I said I wanted two distinct brands so I have kept ECW here (doesn't necessarily need to be called ECW - but it makes the most sense given the current product). That makes Smackdown! our ****** and sees the "new" ECW taking its TV slot.

Here we go...!

ECW Ruckus (sounds cool slash maybe corny depending on perspective but it captures the whole ECW aura. Definitely up for suggestions)


All PPV's are joint marketed. So rather than WWE presents.. It's more like WWE/ECW presents... Much like the whole WCW/nWo PPV's back in the day. Again only to lend credibility to the clashing brands, which is boss in the makeup of the fed and its underlying and fundamental fabric. WWE versus ECW is the theme.

I have also tried to give all PPV's their own trademark theme, which gives each event its own personality.

jan. "Royal Rumble" - battle royal
feb. "No Way Out" - elimination chamber.
mar/apr. "WrestleMania" - night of nights (class act all the way. strictly black-tie event)
apr. "Retribution" - backlash replacement (night of wrestlemania revenge)
may. "Gridlocked" - all cage ppv
jun. "Grand Champ" - champ v champ (non-title for all the competing belts. purely for bragging rights between the brands)
jul. "The Big Bang" - tag-team tourney (the one night tagteams get to shine. main event 3 team TLC)
aug. "SummerSlam" - the theme is summer.. duh!
sep. "WAR" - wargames
oct. "Voodoo" - new name for cyber sunday (voodoo - the fans hold the destiny of the wrestlers in their hands)
nov "Survivor Series - Deadly Game" (kotr style one night tourney. just like SS 1998)
dec. "Revelations"

I think in general there should simply be less PPV's... it seems that having them so frequently doesn't give a whole lot of time to build up story lines or the feud's or tension that go along with them. The last one I went to was New Year's Revolution last year in Kansas City... and it really looked no different than a regular Raw episode. I'd say cool it on the ppv every five minutes... really hype the matches and then you'll have the push to really go over the top on the pay per views.
I think in general there should simply be less PPV's... it seems that having them so frequently doesn't give a whole lot of time to build up story lines or the feud's or tension that go along with them. The last one I went to was New Year's Revolution last year in Kansas City... and it really looked no different than a regular Raw episode. I'd say cool it on the ppv every five minutes... really hype the matches and then you'll have the push to really go over the top on the pay per views.

Definitely good for the product... not so good for the wallet. PPV's sucky or not make MONEY... even poor performers. I would only make sure that they limit it to a one a month max. At least this prevents the product from lobotomizing itself. New Year's Rev is a good example as it was a second PPV that they just added to the January mix. There is already the Rumble - why add another one?
Mr. Azamuth, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Always nice to see a Billy Madison quote on a wrestling site. Anyway I think an overhaul of WWE would be fun, it would be like a draft but a lot better. I don't agree with using WCW names though, but it would be kool to use some of there old gimmick matches like battle bowl or the war games.
I am sorry but everything you listed would tremendously hurt the wwe,why would they want to do some of the things wcw did,why would they want to name their ppvs after the WCW ones.it just sounds stupid in my mind.the wwe doesnt want to do anything to their current product that people will say wow i remember that in wcw.the only thing the wwe will do with what was wcw is make DVD's of them so they can make money off of them,i would do the same.but they wouldnt want people to think of wcw while watching wwe shows.Also wwe imo would never want to copy anything from tna,because they know that they are superior, so copying them would maybe make them seem more lower class.
Definitely good for the product... not so good for the wallet. PPV's sucky or not make MONEY... even poor performers. I would only make sure that they limit it to a one a month max. At least this prevents the product from lobotomizing itself. New Year's Rev is a good example as it was a second PPV that they just added to the January mix. There is already the Rumble - why add another one?

Yeah I mean I guess there has to be a reason they have them so frequently... so obviously people are buying them and the shows are still on the air. I just really dislike how the storylines only run for like a week before they have to be resolved at the paperview... I think they could cultivate things a little more. I mean even watching an episode of Raw in like 98-00 how much more grossly involved and even louder the fans were. Not really directly linked to PPV's but just a general overall lack of character development nowadays... if you coupled that with spreading the epic battles out a bit I think it'd be a much stronger brand. If you have less PPV's but get more people to watch them... you can even out.
I would love to see some of the WCW ideas in a WWE ring, I miss battlebowl and war games especially. It's been long enough i think vince should give in at least in a 1 at a time basis. It would really freshen it up. aside from the big 4 it is really getting blah.
Feb- Battlebowl (Lethal Lottery returns)

You do realize that the BattleBowl was actually a battle royal, right? So putting one on the Pay per view that follows the Royal Rumble would either disrespect the Rumble, or make one look inferior.

The only way a BattleBowl would work, is to have it toward the middle of the year. (ie. July) That way it's building to a possible #1 contender for Summerslam, the same way the Rumble is meant to build for a #1 contender for Mania.

Mar- Guilty As Charged

March doesn't need a Pay per view. Or if it does, Mania fits the spot. Guilty As Charged wasn't even the top E.C.W. p.p.v.. so why would the W.W.E. wanna run with a 3rd rate Company's lower titled show?

April- Wrestlemania

While Mania is fine for the beginning of April, having 3 p.p.v.'s before Mania is pointless. If the Rumble winner is meant to go on to Mania.. it's stupid to have them wait literally 4 months to gain their shot. (especially if they have to go through 2 more p.p.v's)

May- ECW (1 night tourney, all welcome to enter)

You're coming off the biggest show of your Company's history.. and you wanna run a Tournament. Whats more, you wanna title the show "E.C.W." so the tournament isn't even focused on through the title? (unless by E.C.W., you mean, "The Evolution of Cluster-fucking Wrestlers"

Jun- World War III (2 ring battle royal for the US and IC title shots)

You love battle royals, don't you?

Once again, I'm fine with battle royals.. but this was the Pay per view designed by W.C.W., to attempt sticking it to the W.W.E.'s Rumble. They felt since W.W.E. used 30, they'd use 60. They had 1 ring, we'll take 2. Get the picture?

This event would never fly without getting rid of the Rumble. And it's hard enough to find 30 believable Wrestlers to put into a Rumble. Imagine wasting the time to find 60.

Oh, and let's not forget.. you want to have a Super-sized version of the Rumble.. for the mid-card titles. NICE. Not only do you disrespect your own Company's original concept idea for a battle royal, but you disrespect your Heavyweight title, too.

Sept- Fall Brawl feat. Wargames

Agreed. They need War Games. In February, leading up to Mania. Or After Summerslam. It's a show that Grudges can be ended, or prolonged.

Oct- Backlash

This show can be scrapped all together, to be honest. The title itself is the only reason it's likely even still an event. "Backlash" (ie. Payback) It's meant to go after one of your bigger shows of the year. (Mania, Summerslam.. not randomly placed in the last portion, next to jack and shit)

Dec- Starrcade

Once again, agreed. However the only way this would work.. is to ditch Survivor Series, and slightly move the Royal Rumble. Because if they were to bring Starrcade back.. it deserves to be seen as a moderately big show. Not a b-show, which is what Armageddon is.

IC Championship- Defended 2x a month on tv & PPV

US Championship- defended 2x a month on tv & PPV

Uhm.. no. Basically you're saying defend it once on television, and again on Pay per view. When it deserves to be defended all the time, on every Pay per view. (unless a good enough reason is had) And it should only be defended on television to boost ratings, add to a feud, end a feud, or during sweep's week.

The following titles would be gained by unifying both brands titles. If a unified champ is defeated on his brand, his title would go to the winner and titles would be separated.

Wait, if I read correctly.. you want to keep Tag titles on one show, yet unify the other set? How is that possible?? :headscratch:

The only Championships that would even be thought of to unify, would be the Women's and the Tag. But by unify, I still mean regularly defended on all set's of Brands.

The "Money In the Bank" match would no longer be a yearly thing as it appears to help push the IC and US title down by having a wrestler never holding these championships able to zip straight to the top of the mountain.

Scrapping this idea is horrible. It's single handedly helped make Edge, Rob Van Dam and even C.M. Punk, all into believable World Heavyweight Champions. And it's made people long for the day Mr. Kennedy would become a Heavyweight Champion.

It's a huge gimmick match, that people actually look forward to seeing. More so than the Elimination Chamber, Hell in a Cell, or Cyber Sunday. Scrapping this match, is killing the ability to help one individual each year, to become a Main Event prospect.

The ECW Championship would be awarded a week after the ECW event on the "Nitro" show as a prize to the best performer of the night

:lmao: Well, the title roughly means next to nothing as is.. so I suppose awarding it to "the best performer of the night" wouldn't be hurting it much.. but the overall objective is to make your Heavyweight title's at least seem like they aren't random piece of tin.

And you want to award it a WEEK after the show.. which defeats the entire purpose of the E.C.W. p.p.v. you talked of. This would work better if you awarded it to the winner of the tourney, the night OF.. but not to "strip" and re-award each year. (as if it were a "King of the Ring" title, which is what I believe you think it should be)

Also, I would create 1 more belt for the low card wrestlers to use as a stepping stone to promote them to mid card status, it has no brand labeling but would only be defended on the "Nitro" show as a "Television Championship".

Intercontinental, United States and Tag Team's. Those are your "mid-card" Championships. You wanted to unify one of them.. so adding one would be pointless.

Not to mention, you don't want to "label" the title to any one Brand.. yet contradict that into saying it'll only be defended on one show. (Which I assume belongs solely to one Brand)

Next, we must look at announcers, it is important to have a nice mix of commentary and general wrestling knowledge. However, I cant remember to much of their styles but I can say that Jerry Lawler should go and fast.

Yeah, I can see how that'd be a good idea. I mean, you've built your Company to be complete crap thus far.. you might as well get rid of the one announcer that still remotely loves the industry.

Micheal Cole will take you places. Just keep telling yourself that. :rolleyes:

After all of that we look to the talent. I don't watch WWE like I used to so I really don't have too much to say except please get rid of all these shitty angles. I must say that Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas need to become a team again. With their talent all they need is a manager for interviews and to help push them as either a heel or a face team they would be the best tag team in the WWE. CM Punk is another person who could be positioned to bring the younger guys some attention in the company. Once the gimmicks have been dropped and managers are brought back into the mix along with the return of stables and the releasing of some of the either old talent or the poor performers I think everything should be good.

Benjamin & Haas split up for roughly the same reason the Hardy's split up. Because you can only do one thing as a Tag Team.. become Champions, multiple times. WGTT has done that. So they needed to break and try solo acts. Benjamin is barely floating. Haas isn't. It's tough, but why go backwards just because something didn't pan out?

Learn and live on..

Punk shouldn't be the leader of the next Generation. He barely has a grip on fanbase. Not to mention, Randy Orton is actually younger than C.M. Punk.. and has more grip on the overall Company, and the fans.

Finally, why would you EVER get rid of gimmicks? They sell your product.

The ECW show needs to be renamed to "Nitro" to show a little respect to the biggest rival the WWE have ever faced. The show should try to find a home on Wednesday and shoot for a 90 min slot. If the show isn't extreme, it shouldn't be called "ECW". The "Nitro" show would have no official GM but it would be watched over by the McMahon family.

The show was already properly named out of respect to the biggest challenge the Company ever had. :p E.C.W. had a more passionate fanbase than W.C.W. ever dreamed of.

You keep going on with this "If it isn't Extreme, it shouldn't be E.C.W." stuff, but really.. how is that any different than "If it isn't W.C.W., it shouldn't be Nitro?"

Just because you associate a name with a history, doesn't mean that's all it can ever be. And if so, you're being a word I'm apparently no longer allowed to use. It starts with an "H" and rhymes with Lippo-tit.

The GMs would also be replaced by the following:

RAW: Rick Flair

Smackdown: Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels can still go more than ANYONE ELSE on the roster. Making him an Authority figure is a bad move. He wasn't even a great "Commish", what makes you think he can run an entire show as it's boss?

Meanwhile, Flair would make a far greater announcer. Or even just poster. As in.. he needs to just stay out of the industry.

Well... what do ya think?

I think your show will flop quicker than the MTV Wrestling Society X show, and the X.F.L. combined.
I'm going to say this, and it may not be popular, but I'd put and end to the different brands. I would also trim the roster down and get rid of ECW completely. I'd merge the Tag Titles, merge the US title into the Intercontinental title, merge the Divas title into the Womans title and I would make a unified world title. However I would have whoever the world champion is carry both belts.

Here's a list of the people I would keep. Take into account I do not like all these people, but if they put asses in seats or are a WWE institution I will keep them.

Batista (he only has a few years left in him)
Chris Jericho (probably one of the best heels in the business right now)
CM Punk (I don't see much in him, but people love him)
Cody Rhodes (lisp aside he'll probably be world champion some day)
JBL (he's been there forever the WWE won't fire him)
John Cena (I don't need to go into why I would keep him)
Kane (he's been there forever the WWE won't fire him)
Randy Orton (The present face of the company)
Rey Mysterio (is a shaddow of his former self, but kids love him)
Santino Marella (would make a great manager)
Shawn Michaels ( No explanation needed)
Ted DiBiase (Along with Cody, he will probably be world Champion someday)
William Regal (solid mid care bad guy)
Big Show (he's been there forever the WWE won't fire him even if they have no idea how to book him)
Edge (present face of the company)
Jeff Hardy (over like crazy due to the fact that he's crazy in the ring)
Matt Hardy ( I never liked him, but he's over)
MVP (solid mid card worker)
R-Truth (solid mid card worker)
Shelton Benjamin (should be pushed like the next Chris Benoit, he's good enough in the ring to be way over just because of that!)
Triple H (no explanation nessessary)
Undertaker (no explanation nessessary)
John Morrison (I could see him being a future world champion)

Melina (she is a better heel than a face)
Beth Phoenix (she can go)
Mickie James (she can Go)
Kelly Kelly ( really over despite not being a fantastic worker,although she's gotten better)
Jillian ( She's a good worker)
Candice (anyone that does a three way in a porno is okay in my book)
Natalya (She's a Hart....well, kind of)
Maryse (She's a good Heel)
Michelle McCool (dating the Undertaker- she's not going anywhere)

I would make it so people moved up and down the card. there would be times when guys like Edge and HHH were at the top and then there would be times when Orton and Cena would be at the top. When their program ended I'd have them feud for the intercontinental title and or tag titles. WWF and WCW use to do stuff like this all the time. People would go from being World Champion to being Intercontinental Champion and then back to being world Champion. It gave all the titles as sense of honor- it's something that has been lost and should be regained. Sting said it best "I don't care what title I hold- a title is a title."
I would end the roster split at Night Of Champions and have the titles unified.

Obviously the 2 Womens title's would be unified and the 2 sets of tag team titles would also be unified.

The IC and US titles would also be unified.

As for the ECW title, I would make Tommy Dreamer the champion heading into the PPV and have him talk about the original ECW and how it was hardcore and extreme, and eventually turn the ECW title into the Hardcore title.

Then of course the World Heavyweight & WWE titles would be unified.

ECW would be gone, and Heat and Velocity would come back, purely as one hour wresting shows, no highlights of Raw or Smackdown.

At SummerSlam I would bring back the Cruiserweight title and also introduce the Television title (peope, may ask why not just keep the US title but i feel that is too equal to the IC title, whereas the TV title is on the level of the European title).

Smackdown would go live, back on Thursday nights, and both Raw and Smackdown would be 2 and a half hours.

All PPV's would be in a 4 hour time slot, and the King Of The Ring would be brought back.


Jan: Royal Rumble
Feb: No Way Out
Mar: WrestleMania
Apr: Backlash
May: Judgement Day
Jun: King Of The Ring
Jul: Vengeance (Night Of Champions would just become Vengeance again)
Aug: SummerSlam
Sep: Unforgiven
Oct: Cyber Sunday
Nov: Survivor Series
Dec: Armageddon

The Titles would be as follows (none of them would have the Undispted tag, not neccessary).

WWE Championship
WWE Intercontinental Championship
WWE Tag Team Championship
WWE Television Championship
WWE Hardcore Championship
WWE Cruiserweight Championship
WWE Women's Championship

The I.C. would be contested by the likes of HBK, JBL, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy & Christian, it would truly become a stepping stone to the WWE Title.

The T.V. title could be contested by contenders for the I.C. title such as The Miz, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston (all future main eventers IMO, key word future), it would serve the same purpose as the European title, but guys like Santino, Finlay, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Charlie Haas & MVP.

Even people in a tag team (Legacy, Miz/Morrison, the Colons etc could still compete for both the Tag Titles and the I.C. and T.V. title).

The Cruiserweight title would be defended more on Heat and Velocity.

The Hardcore title would be defended in strictly hardcore matches only.
You know what I would change? Nothing. It's time people just started liking the product for what it is instead of over analysing it. If you want changes made, use the book this section and create your own storylines.
Alright this has got to me one of the worst things i have ever read
all of your ideas are incredibly shittastic from top to bottom, none of them would would. They would completely ruin the company. you have fucking failed epically. Why are there 3 battle royal themeed ppvs? why would u want 2 ppvs seperating rumble and mania? Why would you bring back all of these dead and buried ppv names?

Your statement about the titles was just confusing and stupid. You want to eliminate gimmicks which is the most ******ed thing ever suggested on this forum. The ECW Tournament ppv occuring the month after mania doestn make sense, yet another horrendous idea. Having Shawn Michakels as GM is stupid because hes one of the best wrestlers today. All of your ideas are idiotic and im not wasting any more time talking about them. How are you this dumb?
I honestly want to know what you were thinking with these moronic fucking ideas.

Azamuth, you suck.:fuckoff:
I say they do this:
Get rid of Night of Extreme and replace it with King Of The Ring
Get rid of the US WWE Tag Team and Divas Title
Create a lower title similar to how the European title was
Bring Back the Credibility of the Intercontinental title by having someone like HBK or JBL being champ
Defiantly get rid of the spinner and replace it with the attitude or winged eagle belt
Get some new tag teams because the tag team division is so weak
Turn Cena heel(i doubt that it would happen considering how popular he is)
Turn HHH heel and move him back to raw(after the feud with Orton and legacy)
Make Raw more of an adult show while smackdown being the kid show
Get rid of ECW or change the name because its not extreme
Move Edge back to Raw while moving Cena to smackdown
Move Christian to Smackdown(he's way to good to be stuck on ECW)
Move smackdown back to thursday
Move Taker to Raw(it would give him some nice feuds)
I don't think using WCW ppv names and gimmick matches makes any sense at all. Perhaps it would have if the Invasion angle were done properly, and they started using them then, but it was not. At this point there is only one way it would work, and it would probably only work for one ppv gimmick match. If your idea of Flair being GM came to pass, or if Bischoff were GM again, then maybe it would make sense storyline wise to use WCW ideas.

The only overhauls I think need to be made are with the title belts. First, the belt breakdown should be as such:

Raw- World title (World or WWE)
Intercontinental Title
WWE World Tag Team Title


WWE Title
US Title
Women's Title (include all Diva's. Have them able to appear on both shows as valets, but only wrestle on SD)

ECW- ECW Champion
Crusierweight Champion

Also, have the world titles, IC and US Titles defended on every ppv, and at least 2 shows a month for the US and IC titles. Have the tag and womens titles defended on weeks when the US and IC titles are not defended on shows, and on alternating ppv's (so one ppv we get a women's title match, and the next we get a tag title match). Have the ECW and Crusierweight titles also defended on alternate ppv's, and at least once a month for the ECW title on tv, and two or three times on tv for the Crusierweight title.

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