WWE NXT or WWE Main Event


Pre-Show Stalwart
As I know that WWE Main Event is already set to debut this will not be a WWE made a mistake thread I'm only wanting to know what you guys think. I will also say sorry if this has been done before but I didnt see it.
I've been watching episodes of WWE NXT on youtube and really like what they've done with this show and I've read other people say they are enjoying it alot more also. So do you guys think that the WWE should have used this new day and time slot to show WWE NXT or do you think they are doing the right thing with this Main Event show. Personally I think they should have put NXT back on the air. I know it failed once but it was a competely different show at the time. With how its set up now I think this could be the best way to get their young guys on TV and let us get to know them before they debut. Instead I feel we are stuck with WWE Superstars revamped which has failed once already.
So lets hear it which show would you rather see and why do you think that show will do better for the WWE and its superstars/wrestlers.
I'm not 100% sure to be quite honest about whether WWE did the right thing by putting Main Event on TV as opposed to NXT. I am 100% sure that I like the new NXT better and I do not even bother reading the spoilers to Superstars/Main Event let alone watching it. However, just because NXT is "better" than Main Event does not mean that NXT is a better choice to put on television. Does the casual wrestling fan care about Leo Kruger vs. Richie Steamboat? I would venture to say no. Quite frankly, they don't care about Curt Hawkings/Reks vs. Epico/Primo either (a Main Event type match). The type of fans that watch NXT will watch NXT no matter if it is on TV or if it is online. Not like the internet is tough to access. By putting it on TV, you could gain a couple of channel surfing fans sure, but all-in-all it does not do much for you and costs way more. Plus you can gain channel surfing fans through Main Event as well. If Main Event was not on TV, then I doubt it gets even near the number of viewers NXT gets. Main Event needs the television exposure more is what I am getting at. WWE isn't slapping NXT in the face either by not placing on TV. NXT is getting a championship belt soon which shows WWE is investing in it. Also, NXT has JR as a commentary figure to not only commentate, but also to evaluate the wrestlers. WWE is taking NXT seriously and are investing in it; not having its own TV show does not hurt it.
when I read about "WWE Main Event", it was understood that WWE was aproached to make the show. The contract likely is asking for new WWE content, not a WWE show thats of WWE Developmental stars. its like expecting to air coverage of NY Yankees but you end up airing the Triple A affiliate team
I have no knowledge of this "Main Event" show, but I will say this. Here in Canada we still get NXT on t.v. on The Score. I've been DVRing and watching the new NXT format with great interest. I love how the focus is on wrestling(what a concept). I would think that WWE is holding on to NXT for the eventual launch of their network. It could be one of the anchor shows for the launch. Either way, I'm enjoying it in all it's HD glory here in Canada.
I personally would want NXT in this slot.

But from a strictly business standpoint, nobody but genuine watch it every week WRESTLING fans will want to see unknown wrestlers with no current starpower on a one hour show every week.

The audience that WWE is going for are people that want to see whats been going on in WWE this week and may decide based on this show to start watching Raw and Smackdown again, or more often....or at the very least next weeks show.
People flicking channells will see John Cena, CmPunk or Sheamus and think hey ill see whats going on in WWE.
That same person will skip through, see Leo Kruger, Bray Wyatt or Kassius Ohno and just carry on without giving it a chance.

So ME, I want NXT because its a great show,
But the casual fan or telly flicker will want WWE Main Event.
I'm assuming that WWE Main Event will be another low card show. They'll probably go back to the Brand Split once Orton, Barrett, Rey, and Henry all make their returns. They'll probably have one low card show per brand so that they can devote NXT entirely to their developmental guys without having to rely on the likes of Johnny Curtis, Derrick Bateman, Jinder Mahal.
Well I for sure see everyones point of the people flipping throgh and seeing the bigger name stars granted it will only be on videos but yes that does make since. Now I know this would never happen what if they used those same video clips and put them on NXT and still used their younger talents. I know this will never happen but dang I'm so impressed with what they did with this show. It was horrible and now I look forward to youtubing it. Someone mentioned the concept of the show is wrestling and I agree totally and I love it. Well thanx for everyones imput.

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