WWE Night Of Champions: WWE United States Championship - Sheamus (c) VS Cesaro


The US title match for NOC has been officially announced. Cesaro's defeat of RVD earlier in the week put him in the #1 contender's spot, so he's getting his shot at the next ppv.

In all honesty, Night of Champions is gonna be all about Cena vs. Lesnar and few other matches are gonna feel all that relevant. With that being said, this should still be a very physical, entertaining match. They've had some great matches earlier in the year, one of which was for the title at the Payback ppv.

Both guys have been at something of a standstill for a while, Sheamus especially. All in all, Sheamus has been stuck since returning from the injured list early on in the year. I'd personally like to see Cesaro win the title as a means of WWE beginning the first real steps in initiating his push, that's reportedly on the way, but I see Sheamus ultimately retaining.
Eh, can't say I'm too excited about this one. Both of these guys ought to be above the United States Championship, especially since Sheamus is multiple former world champion. Still, I expect Sheamus to retain here, then get fed to Rusev later in the year, allowing Cesaro to climb further up the roster and get a proper story.
Didn't think happen on PPV a few months ago? If so, I've long forgotten about it.

I honetly don't know why Cesaro & Sheamus are wasting time with eachother. Sheamus should be involved in a feud with somebody like Rusev and Cesaro should, I don't know, I forgot Cesaro was still around to be honest.

New champion.
Problem is that I couldn't tell you which direction either guy is headed....if my life depended on it.

I fully expected Cesaro to lose to RVD; figured they'd give Van Dam a nice, meaningless little win to take with him into his next hiatus....plus the fact Cesaro has been losing everything lately. Instead, Cesaro wins and we start to wonder whether his next push is on the way.

Meanwhile, Sheamus is coming off as the least visible champion imaginable, although that's easy to be when talking about the US belt. It's tough to have any notion what the company wants to do with Sheamus; I'm sure they want to keep him looking like a potent force, but that doesn't guarantee they'll write him in as the winner of his important matches.

I agree with other posters in this topic that predict a hard-fought, crowd-pleasing match between the two, but the result will depend on where Creative sees their characters headed. To that end, I'll pick Sheamus to retain.....but if someone were asking me to put down real money to back it up....I wouldn't.
After that segment on SmackDown last night between Sheamus and The Miz I honestly thought this was where they were going to pull the trigger on the unification of the titles, but obviously there are still going to try and make both midcard titles relevant before giving up on them.

Would like to see Cesaro win here and try to not be swept under the rug just for holding this title (even if that means a feud v Ziggler for the unification of the titles), and then Sheamus to turn heel as a result of the loss. Probably won't happen, but still.
Sheamus and Cesaro always have good matches with each other, even on the regular shows. I would expect the same in the PPV. WWE is just playing it safe, I guess.

I've always wanted to see a Sheamus vs. Rusev, and Cesaro vs. Rusev match. The Sheamus vs. Rusev match almost took place on Main Event about a couple of months back, but was canceled last minute for no apparent reason. I was really disappointed, then, and I seldom if ever watch Main Event.
I can't get excited about anything with Sheamud or Cesaro. I really want to get behind Cesaro and be excited for his pish, whenever it does happen, but the guy just doesn't do it for me. Even when he was with Heyman, I just couldn't get into him.
I'm looking forward to this. These two are high quality wrestlers and if they get time then they are likely to put on the match of the night. Neither are doing much and a feud between them makes sense. I said a few months ago I wanted to see a best of 5/7 series between the two rather than both being lost in the shuffle.

The winner is hard to predict. The US title, at the moment, isn't a belt that a superstar should want to hold. It restricts a wrestlers progress and it is likely that the person who doesn't walk away with the belt actually benefits from it. I'll say Sheamus wins but hopefully they get rid of this belt.
I really dont know how to predict this one at all.. Both guys are stuck with both feet in the mud it seems like.. Cesaro at WM was destined to big big things.. When he easily won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle royal by slamming the Big Show out of the ring,we thought Next champion right there..

Sure he isn't much of a big talker on the mic,but so what.. Cesaro is a brute strong as hell and can actually chain wrestle.. Then MNR hit and that was it for his push.. I dont know why WWE keeps doing with this guy,they push him right to the brink only to knock him completely off the ladder..

Sheamus is in need of a push a character overhaul.. He needs to turn Heel IMO. He is better suited for that role.. This will be a Slobberknocker of a battle. Both guys bring it,both of them will knock the snot out of each other.. This might be a glimmer of hope actually
Lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, LAZY ASS BOOKING WWE.

No wonder few people are very interested in this match. There is NO build. NOTHING to get us interested besides the fact we've seen these guys brawl on Raw or Smackdown or previous PPVs before.

It's like WWE really, simply, doesn't give a damn about ANYTHING else than the WWE World Championship picture and maybe a few personal feuds.

Every once in a while they will do something interesting with the mid-card titles, like a #1 Contender Tournament or Battle Royal with some feuds going on, but most of the time they just do this:

"Oh, we need a title match for the US title at Night of Champions?" "Ok, let's spin the roulette wheel and see who it stops on. Oh, it's Cesaro." "Doesn't matter, even though he's been losing more than Heath Slater recently, we'll just randomly throw him in a match vs RVD for the #1 Contender spot, he'll win and there's your match!", "We won't have to build that feud any more than that, no heinous deeds by Cesaro, no passion fueled smack talk between the two about why one is going to win the title because it's important to them and why the other is going to defend the title because of what it means to them, no, no, no ... just put in on the card."

And that's WWE Creative's regularly scheduled lazy booking.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Cesaro's booking has been incredibly stupid recently. 3 months ago, I had interest in this match, but since then they decided to job out Cesaro week after week to Sheamus, Rob Van Dam, Jack Swagger etc. and kill off all of his momentum, and now Cesaro is defeating the guys he's been losing to and WWE expect me to care all of a sudden?

I do agree though that this match is unpredictable because we don't know which direction either guy is headed, and it will be hard-hitting and intense.
I expect good match with lame build up. As who would win, I would say Sheamus. Just for the fact that they dont have some plan with Cesaro and they probably have some plan with Sheamus...
Oh yeah, and WWE also missed something.

Randy Orton is the #1 Contender for the US Title, based on WWE Logic because Orton was the person who pinned Sheamus most recently, before the #1 Contender match between RVD and Cesaro.

So, if anything, Cesaro should have had to beat Orton to be #1 Contender or, straight up, Orton should be facing Sheamus for the US title. If it's good enough for Sheamus, then it should be good enough for Orton. But, no, WWE is lazy and stupid with this booking.

Must make guys like Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd and Titus O'Neil shake their heads that WWE doesn't give them a chance to shine like this. They don't get barely a match on Raw or SmackDown. Gabriel and Kidd haven't been on Raw or SmackDown in months, I'm pretty sure. However, they are doing great in NXT. Hopefully they get an actual push when they come back up to the main roster. Can anyone say, International Air Strike reunion?

Anyways, that's slightly off topic.

Back on topic to finish off ... oh yes, WWE Creative is once again lazy and stupid with booking of this match. And they seriously want people to renew their WWE Network subscription by putting together a poorly built PPV?
It should be a good match between the two. I didn't like the finish of their match at Payback. I felt they could have build this feud up to be one of their bigger feuds heading into Summerslam like Ambrose/Rollins.

I wish they'd do a double turn like Ziggler and Del Rio did at Payback last year. Sheamus retains his title in an aggressive manner which makes the fans turn on him. Meanwhile Cesaro moves on to bigger and better things like facing Brock, Orton etc.
I think the US title seems to have a bit of a curse attached to it. Whoever holds it seems to become somewhat irrelevant. I am interested however to see if the four men involved with the us and ic titles, miz, Ziggler, Sheamus and cesaro, will be involved in some sort unification match. The four keep crossing paths and the unification idea has been rumoured for a while
Im sure JBL will regale us through this entire thing with how "OMG PHYSICAL" this match is. By "Physical" he means "slow, boring and crappy"

They have had some decent matches. Mostly snooze-fests. Add in the typical lackluster build, and yea. Who gives a flying fuck.
Sure he isn't much of a big talker on the mic,but so what.. Cesaro is a brute strong as hell and can actually chain wrestle.. Then MNR hit and that was it for his push.. I dont know why WWE keeps doing with this guy,they push him right to the brink only to knock him completely off the ladder..

Sheamus is in need of a push a character overhaul.. He needs to turn Heel IMO. He is better suited for that role.. This will be a Slobberknocker of a battle. Both guys bring it,both of them will knock the snot out of each other.. This might be a glimmer of hope actually

I don't know man, I think Cesaro is very charismatic and is a decent talker when given a chance. English not being his first lang is a non-issue as the dude speaks it well and several other languages on top.

I agree his pushing has been wonky the last couple of months and I don't think they should have taken Heyman off him. Heyman doesn't need to solely be with Lesnar, I imagine him as a "finger in every pie" type.

As for Sheamus I like him as a face. But I agree with you for the most part since I like him as a heel better. Mind you, he just looks so darn jolly!

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Cesaro's booking has been incredibly stupid recently. 3 months ago, I had interest in this match, but since then they decided to job out Cesaro week after week to Sheamus, Rob Van Dam, Jack Swagger etc. and kill off all of his momentum, and now Cesaro is defeating the guys he's been losing to and WWE expect me to care all of a sudden?

I do agree though that this match is unpredictable because we don't know which direction either guy is headed, and it will be hard-hitting and intense.

Yeah man the booking of Cesaro recently is a real WTF. Build of this guy is really off at the mo, hope he can get back on track.

I too am finding it hard to predict, but want a Cesaro win as the loss will hurt Sheamus less.

Im sure JBL will regale us through this entire thing with how "OMG PHYSICAL" this match is. By "Physical" he means "slow, boring and crappy"

They have had some decent matches. Mostly snooze-fests. Add in the typical lackluster build, and yea. Who gives a flying fuck.

"Decent matches, mostly snooze-fests" Am I missing something here or just not understanding your post correctly? This seems self contradictory.

It might be lackluster build-wise, but Cesaro and Sheamus are both good performers. I feel they'll pull their fingers out for PPV. Have more faith dude!

Summary: Feeling mixed about it but not overly negative, would rather a Cesaro win but not sure what the outcome will be.
I'm guessing Sheamus will retain.

Cesaro hasn't been booked as strong enough. I would've been happy if he had won during his first attempt to get the belt from Sheamus (when he was with Heyman) because he had momentum on his side...but now it would feel forced and undeserving. I'd rather Sheamus lose the U.S belt to Rusev anyway.
"Decent matches, mostly snooze-fests" Am I missing something here or just not understanding your post correctly? This seems self contradictory.

It means from a technical standpoint, they are fine. No botches or logic holes. They are however about as paint-by-numbers as it gets, and nothing special at all. I can't pick one out from the other. Totally unmemorable, and a bit of a chore to sit through.
It means from a technical standpoint, they are fine. No botches or logic holes. They are however about as paint-by-numbers as it gets, and nothing special at all. I can't pick one out from the other. Totally unmemorable, and a bit of a chore to sit through.

Now I understand, fair enough. I can see why you feel that even if I don't totally agree; I think it being a good match is one of the most important things but if the characters aren't there for you they aren't there. We're entering the meh phase of the year as well so they should be pulling their fingers out. I can see that.
It means from a technical standpoint, they are fine. No botches or logic holes. They are however about as paint-by-numbers as it gets, and nothing special at all. I can't pick one out from the other. Totally unmemorable, and a bit of a chore to sit through.

I'm totally with you. They've had a ton of matches and I can't recall a single one that stands out. The same thing with Sheamus and Alberto.

I'm sure it will be fine. I just don't give a shit. Kind of wish there was a way they could both lose.

I can see this match going on early in the evening. If it doesn't open the show, then it will probably be 2nd or 3rd. It should be a good match. Sheamus and Cesaro are both capable of putting on good matches, so I expect it won't disappoint. As for who wins? Sheamus will win the match and retain the belt. Cesaro has been going nowhere ever since he ended his partnership with Heyman. Why give him a title now? Sheamus, on the other hand, really needs this win. His title reign has been lackluster so far and I'd like to see him get a strong victory to change that. On an unrelated note.... I hate the ambulance sound in Cesaro's theme. As if the previous siren noise wasn't bad enough.... They should remove it from his music and not use any sound effects at the start of it at all. Anyway, Sheamus will retain and they'll both move on to other feuds afterward.

Sheamus retains the US Championship.
This will be decent technically, but neither wrestler can tell a story very well in the ring. They are very methodical in making sure they get their spots and execute moves correctly, but they are not very imaginative or good at giving the narrative. Honestly, I don't even know much of why they're fighting, but I also don't care. The midcard in the WWE needs a shot in the arm, but neither of these guys are that shot.

Sheamus retains after each wrestler takes turns hitting their signature spots.
This will be decent technically, but neither wrestler can tell a story very well in the ring.

That's a valid point, yet there's a lot to be said for two guys who get in the ring and provide a bang-up, physical war. It was exactly what we expected from these two.....in a match that had essentially no important implications .....and they delivered in spades.

Even while Cesaro has been losing just about every contest he engages for the past few months, I have to say the give-and-take in this match had me thinking he might be turning around his fortunes and beating Sheamus. Okay, it didn't happen that way.

Really, this was a match more fitting for a Raw or Smackdown than a pay-per-view, yet it was just good wrestling....and there's always a place for that.
The amount of talk on "technical" ability is hilarious. None of you know how to do the moves. None of you understand what is technical or not. Cesaro is well respected by other wrestlers. This was a great match. It told a story too (the great scouting by Cesaro of Sheamus' moves, Sheamus' toughness overcoming). Match of the night IMO.

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