
Mid-Card Championship Winner
"BEYOND THE RING" has been my favorite feature about the WWE Network. When I found out that there aren't any of the Hall of Fame ceremonies or old Raws aside from about 2-3, I was really bummed and thought the Network was disappointing. But BTR has definitely lived up to the hype.

I've caught a couple of Countdown shows when I've been bored, and while they have been entertaining, I wouldn't call those shows "must-see". But I rewatched HBK/Bret DVD and caught Foley's, Austin's and Triple H's too, and it's been great.

I wonder why they keep adding the 2013 documentaries when they haven't added any of the old ones. I would expect them to add the older ones first because the newer ones should be expected to sell better on DVD. I have Eddie Guerrero's DVD and that will definitely be a good addition to the Network.

There are others, like Edge, Punk, Brock, Batista, Hart, Orton, Flair, HBK, Heenan, Pillman, Gorgeous George, and other DVDs they can add. I haven't seen them all so I'm hoping they're all included so I can check them out.

I'd like to see the old Brock DVD even if it doesn't include any of his newer stuff. The documentary is still worth watching. Although it would probably be cool if they splice in the old interviews with newer ones and make a new documentary out of it, but I don't think they'd go that route. They'd probably redo the whole thing, which makes me want to see the older ones updated even more.

Do you guys think they'll add the older documentaries or will they focus on including the yearly newer ones?
I agree, this is by far my favorite part of the Network. I've never bothered to buy any of their DVDs, so these are all new to me.

It seems like they're releasing them roughly in order of the most popular ones first. I'd expect to see Flair's soon, Eddie's and Edge's too. Definitely HBK and Hart will have their individual DVDs on there at some point, though I wonder if they're at the back of the line since they had their rivalry DVD added first. We shall see I guess.

But honestly I plan on watching every single one they add, I think they're all really interesting in their own way.
My favorite thing has either been Wrestlemania Rewind and Countdown. The one with Scott Steiner cutting the promos was one of the funniest wrestling related things I've ever seen. Also i like hearing the back story to wrestlemnai matches and seeing how both competitors and then the match. Its pretty cool. I havent checked out Beyond the Ring since the first day because I owned/seen all the ones they had on there.
I've bought the majority of WWE's documentary DVD's over the last 10-12 years or so, so hardly any of them will be new to me, but I still enjoy having them on the Network, and I think they're an essential thing to have on the Network. It makes total sense. And it's kind of nice that I don't have to pull out my DVD's to watch them, I can just click on them right there, or at least the ones they have on there.

My guess it that eventually all of the previous made documentaries, for the wrestlers anyway, will be on there. There's still tons more they've done over the years they can put on there. Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Edge, Big Show, Randy Orton, John Cena, Brian Pillman, Mr. Perfect, Eddie Guerrero, The Four Horsemen, The Hardys, Bobby Heenan, Rob Van Dam, Trish Stratus, Brock Lesnar, Superstar Billy Graham. Even Chris Benoit (though obviously unlikely) and CM Punk (again unlikely now that WWE seems to be almost putting CM Punk at Chris Benoit level in that he never existed).

In addition to all of the wrestler documentaries, I'll be curious to see if non-wrestler documentaries, such as the ones they did on WCW, ECW, World Class, and the 50 Years of WWE documentaries will be shown too?

Another thing I heard months ago was that they would also be airing brand new, network-exclusive documentaries on wrestlers. I heard that William Regal was to be a subject of one of these. As a fan I'd love to see these, although business wise, I don't think it'd be a good idea as it could hinder potential DVD sales. Then again, they could do documentaries on wrestlers that they don't think would sell a lot of DVD's. Particularly of older wrestlers from the pre Hulkamania Era (Verne Gagne, Bruno Sammartino, Buddy Rogers, Terry and Dory Funk, Harley Race, etc.).

But yeah, this is definitely one of the best portions of the WWE Network. I'm also really enjoying the Wrestlemania Rewinds for the most part. I started watching the Triple H one but was bored about 10 minutes in and stopped. Was also disappointed with the Bret/Owen one. There could've been way more info about that match than was given.
Remember folks the network is what barely a month old?? IN that time,think about the amount of content they already have. Its insane it truly is. I suspect in time,that BTR will feature everything we all want it to have.. Were talking Eddie,Jericho,Punk,Edge,etc etc.. There is so so much stuff they going to upload its just going to be a matter of time.. I wish they would upload the old raws they have some of them but not all of them..

My personal choice would be to have the Old Superstars of wrestling! Or better yet,have the best of the ultimate screwjobs i mean who doesn't love to see Marty Jannety getting his ass handed to him by HBK?

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