WWE Network Original Programming

So with the launch of the WWE Network came a handful of Network-exclusive shows: WWE Countdown, WrestleMania Rewind, Legends House and The Monday Night War. In the future, I'm sure the WWE will want to expand their content lineup. The point of this thread is to talk about potential ideas for new shows on the WWE Network. Imagine you had the opportunity to pitch a show idea to a WWE exec, what idea would you pitch?

The idea I had was a reality-competition show called The Promoter. It would basically be like The Apprentice but with Vince McMahon instead of Donald Trump. The show would start with the contestants being divided into two teams. Each team would then watch tapes of matches and promos from various wrestlers (these could be indie guys, developmental guys, etc.) and then there would be a draft, with each team selecting a group of wrestlers to comprise their roster. From there the teams would compete each week to put on the best wrestling event they could. They would be in charge of the gimmicks and the creative direction of their roster, the booking of the shows, the marketing, etc. Their events would be judged and then each episode one member of the losing team would be sent home. Eventually, one winner would be crowned "The Promoter" and would receive a cash prize and maybe a job with the WWE.

So yeah there's my terrible pitch that probably wouldn't work for a number of different reasons. But let's see what you guys can come up with.
That's not a terrible idea at all. I think it would find a decent niche of viewers. But I'm starting to think that more and more people are kind of getting over the whole concept of that type of show. I don't know though...I don't watch much television. There could still be plenty of people who would enjoy it.

I had the idea of a show that could be called "Heel on Heel", starring Paul Heyman and Damian Sandow. Maybe after each season, they find new heel characters. It would be like a late night kind of show ala Letterman/Leno/Fallon etc. Heyman sitting in the chair, Sandow playing a color commentator type role. All they do is bring in WWE talent and either talk wrestling from a heel perspective, antagonize the faces, praise the bad guys, build up matches/programs/PPV's/upcomming talent. Maybe even break the 4th wall from time to time to really put these guys over as human beings rather than professionals.

Back to your idea, like I said...it's not a bad concept. Not sure if Vince would be the guy since he's phasing himself out more and more. Stephanie might be a good pick, or John Lauranitis. Lots of potential in the concept you've presented.
I didn't find the first episode of Legends House even remotely entertaining. It's basically the Real World with a bunch of 60 year olds. I don't see why they couldn't put Tough Enough on the network. At least then there's some reason to invest seeing as at least one of the contestants will be a WWE superstar. Personally I'd like new episodes of Legends of Wrestling. I'm a big fan of round table discussion on wrestling history.
Something I've been wishing they had was an alternate commentary on old PPVs. Something like OSW was on Youtube.

But als,o, instead of just commentators, maybe have the old wrestlers give their alternate commentary.

For instance, show the WM13 match between Bret and Stone Cold. Have Stone Cold come in and do an alternate commentary with someone else, and then Stone Cold can talk about the behind the scenes stuff.

Mick Foley did one with I think Joey Styles on one of the Mankind DVDs, I think it might have been For All Mankind. I really appreciate what it is when the guy in the ring is able to provide some insight on what went into a particular match or event.
I like "The Promoter" idea. I just doubt Vince would allow it. I would like to see a fantasy warfare show. Just make up dream matches and have everybody talk about it. Go over careers, stats, strengths, weaknesses, and then pick a winner. I'd love to see that. I would also love a just straight up documentary on WrestleMania. Remember the Mania of WrestleMania thing? Do that again, and just really delve into what's going on and how everything is set up and pulled off.
I didn't think Legends House was all that bad. It's just a rip off of the Real World/the Surreal Life mixed with old wrestling legends. I actually like the idea of bringing back Tough Enough on the WWE Network. They can bring in any coaches they want to and shoot it this time from the training center they have in Orlando. I always enjoyed the different versions of Tough Enough and thought the last version with Austin was priceless at times.
I hope they show some of the old episodes of Tough Enough, I'd love to watch that again and hopefully they'll bring new seasons.

The Promoter is a cool idea, but I agree on it being a bit old hat at this point. Maybe there would be enough interest for it on the network though. I enjoyed Legend's House, but it seems too forced. But, it is "reality" tv haha. I can't forsee it entertaining me the entire run.

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