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WWE Network exclusive events


Championship Contender
So I have had the WWE network for a little while now and have been enjoying watching various network exclusive shows such as legends with JBL and the Monday night wars and even found Legends house to be quite entertaining, but one of the things I have really enjoyed is the Network exclusive events that the company puts on from time to time like The Beast - Live from Tokyo and the 2015 king of the ring and as a fan of the king of the ring tournament it was fantastic to see the event return and it got me thinking about other past events and what ones WWE could possibly bring back and use exclusively on the wwe network. Now there has been been plenty of great events over the years that I have enjoyed, not just wwe events, but wcw and ECW and the following are just a couple of the the ones I would love to see make a return.


I thought a event that put the wwe universe in charge and allowed them to vote for what they wanted was a great idea and still for the life of me don't know why WWE decided to drop it. bringing it back for one night only would be awesome and could lead to some interesting match ups.


I love Halloween so naturally I was always a big fan of Halloween Havoc. The event always had a different feel to it, from the creepy stage design to the unique match ups. It always stood out to me and if WWE were ever to bring it back I'm sure it would be awesome. It would certainly give wwe the excuse to bring back the old casket match one last time and also give them a reason to bring back the boggyman and how fun would it be to see the Wyatt family take on a team of babyfaces in a chamber of horrors match.

Honorable mentions.

One night stand.
Battle bowl
Bash at the beach
The potential problem with Halloween Havoc is that it'd be a huge opportunity for Vince to go all out on some full blown "sports entertainment" foolishness. There'd be too much likelihood of Vince having something like the Divas wrestling in Halloween costumes, maybe some sort of street fight where various Halloween decorations & candy is used, especially candy if it's the product of a sponsor for the event.

As for Cyber Sunday, I always thought it was a cheap gimmick in that it's highly, highly questionable that WWE would legitimately allow the fans to be "in charge" of what they wanted. Ultimately, the Cyber Sunday gimmick was transformed into WWE using the WWE App to allow fans to vote on certain matches and/or stipulations.

The One Night Stand events wouldn't remotely have the same sort of pop as they once did because they were primarily done for the sake of nostalgia. Most of the ECW guys that most fans remember or care about are too old and/or too injury riddled to be able to reliably perform. There's a good possibility many of them wouldn't be medically cleared to compete. Given that WWE, for business purposes, actually does consider the well being of its wrestlers now, you wouldn't have ECW as it was back in the day. As a result, you wouldn't have guys being put through flaming tables or slammed on beds of thumbtacks or have their matches in a ring with barbed wire instead of ropes, etc.

As far as Battle Bowl goes, it's unlikely to happen due partly to there only being one really major battle royal in WWE each year, namely the Royal Rumble, and that it's difficult finding modern arenas with the necessary floor space needed for two rings; the latter is one of the main reasons why WWE hasn't brought back the War Games concept as they've been thinking of doing for the past few years.

As far as wrestling oriented network programming, I'd just go with something like possibly giving NXT another show or adding a second hour to the current show.
Cyber Sunday would be about as legit as the Usos winning Tag Team of the year, or Mason Ryan winning the vote for a match on RAW, you know the guy who never got a reaction from anyone.

I think having something like Bash at the Beach could compete with Summerslam a bit too much for Vince's tastes, since it's a similar concept, but having something near Venice Beach or Miami in the late spring could work.

I would love an entire network special dedicated to having nXt vs WWE's midcard or higher. Even if they squashed the nxt talent, it could give some rub to some characters needing to break into the main roster, We already get sporadic NXT matches like when Sami Zayn or KO Came out to fight John Cena during the US challenge, but hyping a special that's basically a ppv in todays terms could really do wonders for both the Network subs and the 'rookies'
Things like Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday worked better at their times of use, at those times they could easily manipulate what people wanted based around the booking. They'd throw in a few curveballs here and there, or do "all-heel" votes, but in most cases it was a popularity contest, with the most popular face coming out on top. There is definitely the possibility that some of the more questionable ones could have been manipulated, but most of the time, the winners were obvious.

I suppose they could still do the same today, something along the lines of "Who should face HHH for the WWE title?" Then you'd put have people vote between Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns and Sheamus. Odds are Reigns would probably win because Sheamus and Bray are both heels, and Reigns has been booked as the person to take HHH down.

One Night Stand worked originally because of ECW, the entendre of the name fit and the ECW environment matched perfectly with it. Nowadays, it just wouldn't fit which was a big reason they decided to go with Extreme Rules as a replacement. That and I've don't much care for "themed' PPV's, because they just don't work well and often times, it just seems like lazy booking.

Battle Bowl, it'd be a nice novelty concept for a one-off kind of thing, but would probably require far too much work and wouldn't fit with WWE. Royal Rumble is a much more compact version of this, and is more over with the crowd, making Battle Bowl unnecessary.

Bash at the Beach would basically be SummerSlam, SummerSlam has the same kind of theme (most year it does involve something 'Beach-y' in theme.

Halloween Havoc would be something more fun for the kids, if they wanted to do something like that for the kids, I wouldn't be really against the idea, but it would probably be far too over-the-top in that instance. Christmas has had it's over-the-top moments with Vince, a whole PPV dedicated to Halloween would easily surpass that.

I think WWE has done pretty well with what they've provided so far as far as events go, I'd be open to seeing more of them, but I'm generally fine with what they've done so far.
The potential problem with Halloween Havoc is that it'd be a huge opportunity for Vince to go all out on some full blown "sports entertainment" foolishness. There'd be too much likelihood of Vince having something like the Divas wrestling in Halloween costumes, maybe some sort of street fight where various Halloween decorations & candy is used, especially candy if it's the product of a sponsor for the event.

Didn't we already travel down that road last year. I remember some sort of a match, no idea what show it was on with Ziggler and I think the Miz or Mizdow. It involved lots of Halloween deco, candy keno sticks and all that other shit. The high light was one of them got their head stuck in a pumpkin. I think it was the Miz because I vaguely remember Ziggler or someone superkicking him with the pumpkin on his head.

The whole thing was horrible and should never be on TV again.

On topic, I have no problem with Network Specials, going to the one on March 12th. They should just be regular matches though, no fancy dancy stuff. Might be entertaining for the under 10 year old crowd but boring as shit for the adults.
Saturday Night's Main Event - Around 2-3 weeks before WrestleMania - This creates some WM hype and has had great shows in the past.

Other suggestions would be a few international events such as the Beast in the East last year.
I wouldn't be against Halloween Havoc returning, I think it would be a fun event for WWE to hold each year, and when it fell on a Sunday it could be WWE's main October PPV.

The one I want to see return is War Games. It's the PERFECT type of match to hold at a Survivor Series PPV, and it puzzles me why WWE haven't used it AT ALL since they bought out WCW. They were always one of the most popular matches in WCW, and with teams like The Wyatts, Reigns/Ambrose/Usos etc, there's some good matches that could go on in there.

I've heard the arguments about the difficulty of fitting 2 rings in a building, that really shouldn't be too difficult for a company like WWE to sort out. Vince, I know you didn't create it, it wasn't your idea but dammit bring back War Games!!
The WWE Network specials are basically a re-envisioning of Saturday Night's Main Event.

I was not a fan of the Elimination Chamber thing. I think that was WWE just trying something out at the last minute.

I think sticking with the whole Network special...HERE COMES BROCK LESNAR....theme of things is fine without the gimmicks. Especially something like Bash at the Beach, etc. which is simply just a name and isn't necessary.

Beast In The East. March To Wrestlemania, etc. are just fine names. I feel like these are good ways to give international markets like Canada, UK, Mexico, and Japan their "WWE PPV FIX". As a Canadian, I have been clamouring for more than just a generic Live Event and this is a good way for WWE to rectify that situation and also not overspend like they would have to in order to hold an international event.
Bash at the Beach was the WCW equivalent of Summer Slam, so I don't think they'd do that one, as for Halloween Havoc, yeah I agree it'd be a good idea that, but Casket match in PG era, with anyone other than the Undertaker or Kane involved? Nah.

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