WWE needs to do #1 Contender feuds

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Championship Contender
Seriously, why doesn't this happen more?

There should be big angles for the No.1 contendership, not just for the title. Thinking about it, it would make the wrestler's chase for the championship about 100 times more intereting. The crowd would have lots more exposure to him, they'd have more time to invest into his character. If Orton's fued with Kofi was also for the No.1 Contendership, and Kofi won, way more people would be interested compared to if Kofi just won a battle royal.

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Seriously, why doesn't this happen more?

There should be big angles for the No.1 contendership, not just for the title. Thinking about it, it would make the wrestler's chase for the championship about 100 times more intereting. The crowd would have lots more exposure to him, they'd have more time to invest into his character. If Orton's fued with Kofi was also for the No.1 Contendership, and Kofi won, way more people would be interested compared to if Kofi just won a battle royal.

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While it sounds like a good idea at first.... I disagree because then that means twice as many main event storylines that they would have to come up with. That, too, sounds great at first.... but eventually they might run out of really good ideas for storylines and would either have to recycle older ones more often or let things become stale. Both of which are things fans complain about. So once again.... great idea, but I disagree because it might not work out very well in the long run.
I used to enjoy it when they did that back in the day.

The match I immediately remember was The Rock v Triple H at Fully Loaded 1999, with the winner to meet the winner of Stone Cold v Undertaker at Summerslam.

It was brilliant, immediately gave importance and significane to the 2 big fueds and main events for the PPV.

Unfortunately now we are in the days of 3 world titles, so number one contenderships arent put on PPV's any more (Royal Rumble and MITB aside).
Seriously, why doesn't this happen more?

There should be big angles for the No.1 contendership, not just for the title. Thinking about it, it would make the wrestler's chase for the championship about 100 times more intereting. The crowd would have lots more exposure to him, they'd have more time to invest into his character. If Orton's fued with Kofi was also for the No.1 Contendership, and Kofi won, way more people would be interested compared to if Kofi just won a battle royal.

Who's with me?

I think it sounds like a great idea, the only thing is that will there be time to do it. A battle royal would only take up one show to work out the No.1 Contender where as a rivalry like this would take at least three to four weeks. It would be much similar to do it. Although I get what you are saying entirely about it helping the exposure of certain wrestlers and it would also be a good way for character development. That is only from a writes point of view through.

As a fan through, I think I would enjoy it more, not necessarily meaning that it is the right way to go. I feel that it could keep the Main Event fresh with a new face or heel coming into the mix every month and getting exposure on a pay per view where it be a big one or a small one.

Although from a personal point of view I would like it, but I don't think that WWE would be willing to do that every month.
Well I think it could work obviously if booked right. My idea would be the fact that the number #1 contender would not be a month to month angle, but a continuous angle that could last years. It seems so simple, which is why wrestling is struggling because they don't Keep It Simple Stupid. You take all the upper-mid carders and main-eventers and and pair them off in feuds. Kind of how they are now with Orton/Kingston and etc. Now you can throw some new feuds like Swagger wanting to prove himself by going after Orton or Cena to prove he is main event caliber. Along with that, you can have Legacy have singles matches along with tag matches with upper mids and main eventers. Like I said, it seems so simple. The territories back in the 70s and 80s ran like this with the World Champ coming to your area, and the local guys would fight for the right to challenge the champ. That is my lowly opinion.
#1 Contender feuds were always a nice change of pace and usually turned out pretty well. It wasn't some half thought up program that didn't make sense. It was to see who could one up the other and would become the believable challenger to the champion(s). These need to come back full steam and be showcased instead of some of the garbage we have to see like chavo/hornswoggle,bourne/masters or any angle with Vickie.

The # 1 contender feuds also generate interest in the titles again, making it look like more than just the 2 guys actually competing for the title. It's just a thought, but do some more of them. It's a basic idea, but it works!
It's a good idea, and it used to be the norm anyway. There are still feuds that are like this in all but name, the recent Batista and Mysterio one being a good example. Essentially what they need to do is just tack it on to current feuds to give it an extra dynamic. You couldn't move for number one contender storylines towards the arse end of the 90s and I don't remember any of them being particularly poor, and they often gave a purpose to hollow feuds.
I completely agree with the idea bringing back the #1 contender matches however under some guidelines.

I don't believe that WWE should have #1 contender matches every week or every PPV because as Dias said, all the decent storylines would be used and eventually get stale.

So, I think they should bring back these matches the PPV running up to the big ones, SummerSlam, Survivor Series and Mania.. maybe even a few others but this then will build up the hype and fueds for the big PPV's and also make the standard PPV's have a bigger better card without a belt on the line.

I also think this gives the opportunity to have upper midcards come into the main event area but not necessarly coming into play with the title.

In my opinion, i think this would attract even more fans, even in this PG era. This is a perfect way of building feuds, giving new talent or fresh faces to the title a gateway to main eventing Raws and Smackdowns.

There are so many possibilites with this, like a lot of things with WWE however its whether or not something will get done with in.

Possibly one of the most under rated matche stipulations out there at the moment and it needs a change!
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