WWE needs female referees!

I see your point but seriously, we're talking about the WWE here, not a mainstream sport that gets a lot of media attention unless they go out and actually drum it up. No one outside of the WWE and their fans care about it, it's a very niche crowd that watches. So if a woman ref screws up in a sport that staged, and in a match that she's supposed to screw up in, then how is that fodder for the news media. Male ref's have been doing it for years now, would it be any different if let's say Donna did it instead of Donald.

WWE gets plenty if publicity when it's negative, though. Drummed up by someone with an agenda or a legitimate problem, it makes waves. Lana's referencing the missing Malaysian airline, for example made waves. In these politically correct times, now more than ever they are careful about how they portray groups of people.

I don't think it would be different for a female ref to screw up, but it would get reported as another example of WWE's continued mysoginy. Sometimes, it only takes one op-ed piece.

Then don't make a big thing about it. Don't go shouting it from the rooftops. Like I said earlier it was a much bigger deal in the NBA because that's seen as a man's sport. The female ref's have earned respect from the players, and they've done a damm good job by actually doing a damm good job.

I hope they wouldn't promote it, but do you honestly trust them not to? I'd rather this just be women showing up for the job with little to no pomp and circumstance, but I can't see that happening.

I don't buy the argument that it's "publicly acknowledging that women can also count to three", when we've been acknowledging the fact that men can count to three for over 50 years. That is just plain bullshit and a weak excuse at best. Try it out, bring in an experienced female ref and see how it works, if it's a failure then they can at least say they tried. Not trying at all is a bigger failure in my eyes. If a two women can get into a ring and wrestle, then why can't another woman referee it?

It is a weak excuse. That's my point. I would love to see an experienced female ref show up and do her job and leave it at that, and I don't see where in my post you think that I don't (other than when I played my own devil's advocate, much like you did). WWE would turn it into something that it's not, another big pat on the back to themselves for everyone to see. This is all hypothetical based on my own distrust of WWE handling this in a respectful manner. That's all.

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