WWE needs female referees!

Men are genetically superior to woman in every aspect... Men get paid more, they get more opportunities, they're smarter.. They're just better at everything. You don't have to like it, but you have to live with it.. It's life.

Genetically superior? Wow! Getting more opportunities and getting more paid means men are better than women? I think you havenot met even 1% of the total women in the world and you are judging them as less smarter than men? Well here is something for you:


Still think that Men are smarter than Women? :suspic:
If Yes! then I can have just Sympathy for you. :shrug:

Look I'm not saying men are better than women or women are better than men.

I'm just saying some jobs are done by men and some are done by women. It's just my opinion. I'm not being sexist.
I'd be fine with some female referees doing the Divas match on WWE. There's no reason why they shouldn't. I reckon it's something that would likely be trialled on NXT first, and then copied on the main roster if successful and popular with the fans.

I think they've probably got more important things to worry about at the moment though, but I wouldn't bet against this happening in the future.
They are not as good at refereeing as men because their boobs make it harder to count to three

As a father of a little girl, it's this kind of stuff that disgusts me.

Are there any women that want to be pro wrestling refs?

The only problem I see is that the refs also occassionally take the role of security and bowling pin. Where does that leave the female refs when Brock Lesnar is laying waste to everyone in his path and the next course of action is for him to throw referees like their rabid attacking house cats? Does the female ref stay in the back? Does Brock calm down when he sees a female ref King Kong style? Does he chuck her like any old Mike Chioda?

It is a trivial matter but one that someone is going to bitch about eventually. If there's a woman out there that can do the job then fine. It certainly isn't something that WWE or the world needs.
I think this thread demonstrates why female referees in the WWE wouldn't work at present, or would be a very tricky sell. By their nature, referees are supposed to be nearly invisible, unless the script specifically calls for them to have a role to play. Looking at the posts here, there's a sizable audience that's going to get caught up in wondering how a referee is supposed to count to three without using their dick.

So you're left with two options. One, you could just put her out there, and hope people get bored with the inevitable chanting. Since that obviously won't work, your second option is to bring her in through storyline, and the WWE is trying very hard right now to have their referees be entirely faceless individuals. (Not a bad thing but a creative decision to focus the content on the performers.)

Considering the average age, sex, and intelligence quotient of the professional wrestling demographic at large, I can't see any major promotions wanting to stick their dick in that particular hornets' nest.
Look I'm not saying men are better than women or women are better than men.

I'm just saying some jobs are done by men and some are done by women. It's just my opinion. I'm not being sexist.

It might be your opinion, but your opinion is pretty sexist, especially when it comes to the question at hand.

Now, you could make an argument that there are some jobs that are much better suited to a man or a woman or even physically impossible for one or other to do but being a wrestling referee is not one of them.

There really is no reason for there not to be female referees. Women share the ring with men frequently so the danger element is largely negligible. And once the individual can prove herself capable of working a match, communicating with the talent in front of house and backstage and able to pull her weight in all the other jobs that come with being a referee (such as helping build the set, ring etc.), just like any man would be expected to show before he was given the job, she should be employed as such.

The company must then put responsibility on her shoulders, treat her like an equal (no booty shorts or bra tops, does her fair share) and demands that they be respected like any other member of the roster/team.
I also don't care if it didn't happen either. Needs to be entirely merit based.

A good ref can really help a match, and if a woman was good enough to improve things in the ring, then she should be allowed to do so.

If she can add to the match, then great, make it happen. If someone who is unskilled is put out there simply for the sake of having a woman ref, then fuck no.

Nail Hit. End Thread.

WWE dont need female referees at all. They dont need male referees either. They just need an individual that can fill the role properly. Token females, blacks, hispanisc, muslims, etc. doesnt do anything for achieving equality. If anything it helps prevent it.

You know why baseball ended up with more coloured players after Jackie Robinson? Because he was good and made other teams take note of what coloured players were capable of.

Remember the Futurama episode where Leela plays the future's equivalent of baseball?
The only problem I see is that the refs also occassionally take the role of security and bowling pin. Where does that leave the female refs when Brock Lesnar is laying waste to everyone in his path and the next course of action is for him to throw referees like their rabid attacking house cats? Does the female ref stay in the back? Does Brock calm down when he sees a female ref King Kong style? Does he chuck her like any old Mike Chioda?

Right. And thats why I suggested female referees to be limited to divas matches only. And I think OP too had given this idea for only divas matches. And that too they should first try in NxT.

And I am saying this again that Female Referees shouldnot become future wrestlers because thats not the purpose to be served.

And I do think that Officiating has nothing to do with one's gender, caste, creed, race or religion.

Men are genetically superior to woman in every aspect... Men get paid more, they get more opportunities, they're smarter.. They're just better at everything. You don't have to like it, but you have to live with it.. It's life.

For you:

After Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, your post is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. Which part of a referee’s job would be too difficult for women: Counting to three, orrrr pretending to be dead in the ring?

Of course women should have women refs if for no other reason than believable ref bumps. Not to mention female heels can't really bully the male refs like their men counter parts. There are fundamental story telling elements that are taken away by not having people of the same gender referee matches.

This pretty much sums up how I feel, too. All things considered, it’s kinda crazy not to have a female ref on the payroll.

Remember the Futurama episode where Leela plays the future's equivalent of baseball?

Yes I do.
Right. And thats why I suggested female referees to be limited to divas matches only. And I think OP too had given this idea for only divas matches. And that too they should first try in NxT.

But that becomes another problem. Why can't women referee men's matches? I presented a problem, not one I care about and certainly something that can't reasonably worked out but something idiot social justice warriors will bring up.

And I am saying this again that Female Referees shouldnot become future wrestlers because thats not the purpose to be served.

I'm not sure why they can't run a Danny Davis or whatever that guy's name was that is trapped in a cave storyline but ok.

And I do think that Officiating has nothing to do with one's gender, caste, creed, race or religion.

Even the Dalits?

But see you are suggesting that women only ref women's matches. Clearly you are discriminating.

Are you sure about that? There was once a company called "WOW: Women of Wrestling" that put on a ppv full of epic ref bumps.

Here we have *ugh* Slam Dunk giving a monstrous chokeslam to the ref at 7:40, and another one to another ref at 8:25:


That's gotta' hurt. Then there's this one where if you click forward to 17:10, you'll see Selina Majors' argument toward your statement:


Selina Majors wasn't even a heel and she whooped some male referee ass, apparently because she just up and decided to do as much.

Actually you just made my point. A grown man running from a 130 pound woman is idiotic. It's not like he was selling for Kong either. All this does is gets this dude laughed at.
Look I'm not saying men are better than women or women are better than men.

I'm just saying some jobs are done by men and some are done by women. It's just my opinion. I'm not being sexist.

Yes you are.

This isn't the first time you've had a stupid opinion on here so I wont bother too much with this.

You have given absolutely no reason, and indeed, there is absolutely no good reason why a woman can't be a referee.
Yes you are.

This isn't the first time you've had a stupid opinion on here so I wont bother too much with this.

You have given absolutely no reason, and indeed, there is absolutely no good reason why a woman can't be a referee.

He doesn't need to give a fucking reason.. It's common sense.. How about use your brains and figure it out for once.
They had one female ref in the 80's that accused Vince of sexual harassment.
That's probably why there are no female refs today.

Plus if there were female refs there would be no ref bumps.
As WWE is hesitant to show any sort of violence against women.
Men are genetically superior to woman in every aspect... Men get paid more, they get more opportunities, they're smarter.. They're just better at everything. You don't have to like it, but you have to live with it.. It's life.

Oh seriously fuck right off. What glacier did you just step out off? Women have come leaps and bounds in the last 30 years, no thanks to men like you. God men like you piss me right off. Not even my father would come up with that kind of crap, my mother would cream him.

On topic. Female referees are fine for Diva's matches. I can't see them in a men's match though, especially if they have to take a bump. In this PG rated society it would look good even though it's fake. But sure why not, they use Diva's from time to time, get someone in there that knows actually how to do the job. I have no problem with it.
I worry about this notion. There's a Raven quote that amuses me. "Referees are like STDs. The good ones go unnoticed."

Bringing in female referees, well, they become The Female Referees. It will seem less like these women came to the WWE based on professional merit and more about WWE diversifying on air staff. Which is unfair to these hypothetical women. Seriously, I can imagine Stephanie parading these women around as just another triumph for her and her company.

Now, that being said, perhaps that's a necessary evil. I would love to see female referees, and perhaps we have to go through a kind of growing pain of celebrating and exploitation before it is accepted as status quo.
Bringing in female referees, well, they become The Female Referees. It will seem less like these women came to the WWE based on professional merit and more about WWE diversifying on air staff. Which is unfair to these hypothetical women. Seriously, I can imagine Stephanie parading these women around as just another triumph for her and her company.

Not that I have much respect for Stephanie McMahon as it is, I would lose any I do have if she treated a female ref like that. Women are beginning to break down the barriers. The NFL hired it's first woman official last year, and the NBA has had two on staff, one for over a decade. The men of the NFL and the NBA don't seem to have a problem with it, as both women are very good at their jobs. They both come from a sports background and take their positions very seriously.

Just thinking about what I just said, maybe it wouldn't work in the WWE. They would be treated like braindead idiots who can't do anything, so maybe women are better of staying out of it. But if the NFL and the NBA can have women officials that are respected, then there is no reason the WWE couldn't.
Oh seriously fuck right off. What glacier did you just step out off? Women have come leaps and bounds in the last 30 years, no thanks to men like you. God men like you piss me right off. Not even my father would come up with that kind of crap, my mother would cream him.

Your mom would get along great with mine.

On topic. Female referees are fine for Diva's matches. I can't see them in a men's match though, especially if they have to take a bump. In this PG rated society it would look good even though it's fake. But sure why not, they use Diva's from time to time, get someone in there that knows actually how to do the job. I have no problem with it.

Refs have to be an authority figure and step in between two men in a heated situation. There is no way that 1. that would look believeable or 2. the WWE would show what would happen in a situation like that, i.e. the women getting thrown out of the way or hit. It's not the "ref bump" like Hebner getting thrown into the corner. It's "Canada change the picture" time.

I have no problem with this for women's matches. Unless pivotal to the storyline, the best refs go unnoticed.

On a side note, I once got a Mike Chiota chant started during a commercial break on a Raw in San Antonio.
I worry about this notion. There's a Raven quote that amuses me. "Referees are like STDs. The good ones go unnoticed."

Bringing in female referees, well, they become The Female Referees. It will seem less like these women came to the WWE based on professional merit and more about WWE diversifying on air staff. Which is unfair to these hypothetical women. Seriously, I can imagine Stephanie parading these women around as just another triumph for her and her company.

Now, that being said, perhaps that's a necessary evil. I would love to see female referees, and perhaps we have to go through a kind of growing pain of celebrating and exploitation before it is accepted as status quo.

They would be noticed because they have only ever had one. As time goes on, they would blend into the background like any other ref. So I don't think people will constantly think about the female ref. It is sort of like if they changed the color of the ropes. I'll notice it for a week or two but after that, I'll get used to it.
Refs have to be an authority figure and step in between two men in a heated situation. There is no way that 1. that would look believeable or 2. the WWE would show what would happen in a situation like that, i.e. the women getting thrown out of the way or hit. It's not the "ref bump" like Hebner getting thrown into the corner. It's "Canada change the picture" time.

I have no problem with this for women's matches. Unless pivotal to the storyline, the best refs go unnoticed.

On a side note, I once got a Mike Chiota chant started during a commercial break on a Raw in San Antonio.

That's why I said use a woman to ref the Diva's matches. That's not a problem if they get involved somehow by getting hit accidentally, or knocked over, it would be another woman doing it. Although ref bumps really aren't that common even in the men's division, so it's not like it would happen during every match, just once in a blue moon. Besides I would love to see Flair ejected from ringside by a Ronda Rousey type, who doesn't take any shit from anyone.
Refs have to be an authority figure and step in between two men in a heated situation. There is no way that 1. that would look believeable or 2. the WWE would show what would happen in a situation like that, i.e. the women getting thrown out of the way or hit. It's not the "ref bump" like Hebner getting thrown into the corner. It's "Canada change the picture" time.

There are a few things that need to be remembered here. Firstly, the "heated situations" are scripted. They know beforehand, which matches will have heated moments and which matches won't. The female referee(s) can simply be used in any of the matches with little-to-no special involvement by the referee, which is about 90% of them. As for why a male wrestler would listen to a female referee- well, she has the authority to end the match then and there, and disqualify him, awarding the victory to his opponent. She doesn't have to use physical force to make that happen. Finally, ref bumps- again, how often do we see ref bumps these days anyway? Mostly it's just distractions by someone jumping on the apron. Simply book a male referee for a match where the story requires him to eat a boot.
Just thinking about what I just said, maybe it wouldn't work in the WWE. They would be treated like braindead idiots who can't do anything, so maybe women are better of staying out of it. But if the NFL and the NBA can have women officials that are respected, then there is no reason the WWE couldn't.

Even if they weren't, that would make waves too. Unfortunately, if a woman referee makes a bad call, ie doesn't see a foot on the ropes, the wrong news outlet will call it a WWE's reflection on all women. In fact, that would be my own con-point against women refs. Male refs can kayfabe-fuck-it-up in every match and it means nothing. But the second a woman referee screws up in the same kayfabe world, it will suddenly a commentary on women in the workforce, which is completely unfair.

They would be noticed because they have only ever had one. As time goes on, they would blend into the background like any other ref. So I don't think people will constantly think about the female ref. It is sort of like if they changed the color of the ropes. I'll notice it for a week or two but after that, I'll get used to it.

Acclimatising your audience a fair point, but not the same thing. Your example doesn't carry the press conferences, the headlines, touting and gladhanding media junkets about how white ropes can do the same job that red ropes can do. Bringing in female refs will likely begin with a big exploitative, patronizing celebration in which WWE pats themselves on the back for publically acknowledging hat women can also count to three. It's unfortunate that we would have to go through such a circus until the audience accepts female referees as status quo.
Actually you just made my point. A grown man running from a 130 pound woman is idiotic. It's not like he was selling for Kong either. All this does is gets this dude laughed at.

Actually, no I didn't. Your point was that -- under any circumstances -- a female heel wouldn't be convincing if she bullied a male ref. In the same paragraph where you're calling my examples idiotic, you're explaining that you would be convinced if Awesome Kong did the bullying.

You shouldn't contradict yourself.
Even if they weren't, that would make waves too. Unfortunately, if a woman referee makes a bad call, ie doesn't see a foot on the ropes, the wrong news outlet will call it a WWE's reflection on all women. In fact, that would be my own con-point against women refs. Male refs can kayfabe-fuck-it-up in every match and it means nothing. But the second a woman referee screws up in the same kayfabe world, it will suddenly a commentary on women in the workforce, which is completely unfair.

I see your point but seriously, we're talking about the WWE here, not a mainstream sport that gets a lot of media attention unless they go out and actually drum it up. No one outside of the WWE and their fans care about it, it's a very niche crowd that watches. So if a woman ref screws up in a sport that staged, and in a match that she's supposed to screw up in, then how is that fodder for the news media. Male ref's have been doing it for years now, would it be any different if let's say Donna did it instead of Donald.

Acclimatising your audience a fair point, but not the same thing. Your example doesn't carry the press conferences, the headlines, touting and gladhanding media junkets about how white ropes can do the same job that red ropes can do. Bringing in female refs will likely begin with a big exploitative, patronizing celebration in which WWE pats themselves on the back for publically acknowledging hat women can also count to three. It's unfortunate that we would have to go through such a circus until the audience accepts female referees as status quo.

Then don't make a big thing about it. Don't go shouting it from the rooftops. Like I said earlier it was a much bigger deal in the NBA because that's seen as a man's sport. The female ref's have earned respect from the players, and they've done a damm good job by actually doing a damm good job.

I don't buy the argument that it's "publicly acknowledging that women can also count to three", when we've been acknowledging the fact that men can count to three for over 50 years. That is just plain bullshit and a weak excuse at best. Try it out, bring in an experienced female ref and see how it works, if it's a failure then they can at least say they tried. Not trying at all is a bigger failure in my eyes. If a two women can get into a ring and wrestle, then why can't another woman referee it?
Golly gee, who knows? A gal might be even more believable than a guy as a ref when the role calls for her to collapse like a ton of bricks when gently brushed by a wrestler being tossed by another. The lighter the lady, the harder she falls. :)

Then again, since it's the stated job of a ref to remain as unobtrusive as possible during a match, it shouldn't make much difference as to the gender of the official. Nobody's supposed to be looking at the stripes, anyway.

While it's true that no-one should be looking at the ref, there's potential in this idea. No-one gives a crap if the male refs get disrespected or pushed around, but put a pretty girl in the same situation with a largely straight, male audience and watch the reaction. It adds an extra possible dimension for telling a story.

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