WWE needs female referees!

New female wrestlers. That's all you're asking for. Eventually a storyline will develop where those referees are going to start wrestling. It happened in TNA and I guarantee you it would manifest in WWE.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed see Taryn Terrell in her refs outfit, but I always knew it was only a matter of time.
I like the idea. If there are talented women referees, then bring them on! They don't tombstone the referee these days anyway, so there shouldn't be a problem... unless "didn't listen to a woman" is taken as 'disrespecting a woman' by the society. Anyway, I don't think that they should be limited to divas matches alone; it kind of creates the impression that they are not good enough for males' matches because they are female referees. You have NXT, why not start with that? Groom a good formal referee, not a wrestler who will wear a custom referee shirt and tights, showing off the toned abdomen and legs.
I am all ok for the divas' matches to be officiated by female referees. As Smark Madden said, they can start this new change at NxT first and later to the main roster. I would be happy if they are limited to officiating only and dont become wrestlers in future.

For the Diva matches! Might be a bad idea, I just think women's matches should be officiated BY women.

I never even noticed WWE didn't have any female refs. That would be a good idea to bring them in general. NBA and NFL have been pushing equality, why can't the WWE?
Would fit in well with their revolution to have their own ref, but seriously, No bikini referee please.
Don't see the point.. A referee is a referee and the guys will always do a better job than the woman.
Don't see the point.. A referee is a referee and the guys will always do a better job than the woman.

Prove it.

Why would a woman be worse given the same training and experience as a man? As long as she can run the match and take the odd bump it'd be fine.

Who cares? Referees are meant to be men.

Prove it.

Why are referees "meant" to be men exactly? Why shouldn't the women be reffed by a woman?

Seriously, what's with the rampant misogyny here? Look I appreciate the point that Bill made - WWE in its current form would probably still try to market this character as ultimately a model. You can then see her ending up on Total Divas or some nonsense. There would only be one woman ref and she would be the woman ref. They're still probably not ready for this.

But there's not going to be enough space just now for many women on main roster, yet NXT has quite a lot. Maybe some of them could do some reffing? Just a thought. I know that means they get passed over as wrestlers though so it's far from ideal.

Oh and based on this week's Raw, I would not be completely opposed to a Women's Tag Team title either.

tl;dr Nice idea OP, but I'm not sure the company in its current form could pull it off. One day down the line I fully support your idea though.
Prove it.

Why are referees "meant" to be men exactly? Why shouldn't the women be reffed by a woman?

Seriously, what's with the rampant misogyny here? Look I appreciate the point that Bill made - WWE in its current form would probably still try to market this character as ultimately a model. You can then see her ending up on Total Divas or some nonsense. There would only be one woman ref and she would be the woman ref. They're still probably not ready for this.

But there's not going to be enough space just now for many women on main roster, yet NXT has quite a lot. Maybe some of them could do some reffing? Just a thought. I know that means they get passed over as wrestlers though so it's far from ideal.

Oh and based on this week's Raw, I would not be completely opposed to a Women's Tag Team title either.

tl;dr Nice idea OP, but I'm not sure the company in its current form could pull it off. One day down the line I fully support your idea though.

Who cares? Point is some jobs are meant to be men and some are meant to be women. What does it matter?
Who cares? Point is some jobs are meant to be men and some are meant to be women. What does it matter?

I fucking care. I care that we actually have users who still believe in gender segregation and fully approve the under-representation of a good 50% of our species. You made a brazen and borderline-sexist remark with no evidence to back it up. It matters because you are woefully misinformed. It matters because there is still a gender pay gap in many industries. It matters because there is the odd rare occasion when, God forbid, I actually think you're not bad as a poster here, and then you go and write something like this. Can you tell me what caused you to actually believe this absolute shit?
Who cares? Point is some jobs are meant to be men and some are meant to be women. What does it matter?

Would you have any interest in sharing exactly what qualities you're talking about, that make a man more qualified to officiate than a woman?

When you say, "meant", you do realize it not only releases a really captivating sense of entitlement, but also a really delusional view on women, right? Like, honestly, the fuck are you doing, here? What is so profoundly impossible about the referee role that leaves it exclusive to just dude's? Do they need to do package checks? Is that it? Referees have to check packages before the match, and want to preserve the modesty of women?

Huh; if that's the case, maybe I can see you wanting to become a ref.
It wouldn't be a bad idea for the WWE to employ a couple women refs. I mean, it's happening in stick and ball sports. Would make some sense, particularly with advertisers, for the E to jump on the bandwagon.

BUT, if it happens, they shouldn't only work women's matches. They should be put into whatever ref rotation they have and work any match given, no matter if it's men, women or Goldust. By limiting them to work women's matches, you're basically admitting they're not "good enough" to work the men's matches and you defeat the purpose entirely. And they should be dressed the same as all the other refs, too. No booty shorts and teeny shirts.
Who cares? Point is some jobs are meant to be men and some are meant to be women. What does it matter?

Downhill from here.

As for the OP, I quite liked when Taryn Terrel was the KO referee, so I wouldn't mind.....

No booty shorts and teeny shirts.

Goddamn it Bacon bits, you be quiet!

But yea, no, you really can't have them wear different uniforms than the guys (the fact that TNA did it is irrelevant for...so many reasons) Would be frowned upon, and blatantly noticeable.

I also don't care if it didn't happen either. Needs to be entirely merit based.

A good ref can really help a match, and if a woman was good enough to improve things in the ring, then she should be allowed to do so.

If she can add to the match, then great, make it happen. If someone who is unskilled is put out there simply for the sake of having a woman ref, then fuck no.
Sometimes I have to wonder if everyone on this site is just fucking with me. Does nobody remember Rita Marie? She was pretty difficult to miss back in the day, I remember my friends exclaiming "THAT'S A FEMALE REFEREE!" Has the whole world gone insane?!

Here's just one of her many matches:


The refs seem to be taking less of storyline role, which I think is a good thing. Just let them call the match and occasionally have to relay impromptu changes to the performers. Notice how Rita behaves like your basic referee, nothing stereotypically female about her except the name and the figure.

Goddamn it Bacon bits, you be quiet!

We live in a world where black pants means that yoga pants and leggings are being passed off as perfectly acceptable pants. Considering that being a ref is a pretty athletic job, wearing such pants wouldn't even really be frowned upon as being "all sexed up". It could be sexy without being sexxxy.
We live in a world where black pants means that yoga pants and leggings are being passed off as perfectly acceptable pants. Considering that being a ref is a pretty athletic job, wearing such pants wouldn't even really be frowned upon as being "all sexed up". It could be sexy without being sexxxy.

You can't

1. Make what is supposed to be a serious, authoritarian figure sexy just because its a girl

2. Or put them in obviously different uniforms that emphasize sexuality just because they are girls.

This is the reality of the situation, wether we like it or not :lmao:
You can't

1. Make what is supposed to be a serious, authoritarian figure sexy just because its a girl

2. Or put them in obviously different uniforms that emphasize sexuality just because they are girls.

This is the reality of the situation, wether we like it or not :lmao:

I get that, but I'd bet a dime to a dollar the refs are on their own for their pants. I'd say a young woman working an athletic job is likely to go in that direction for her pants anyways. I know what you're saying and I agree, I'm just talking about the likely outcome.
It feels more like a "Why the heck not?" sort of thing rather than a need. Outside of "corrupt refs" storyline which are thankfully rare the refs are pretty unnoticeable, which is a very good thing since the focus should be on the stars not the officials. (I wish all the refs in other sports realized this) Like sure there's absolutely nothing wrong with female refs and it would make some nice headlines but end of the day it really doesn't matter what sex the ref is when they miss stuff going on behind their back, DQ someone or count the 1-2-3.
Golly gee, who knows? A gal might be even more believable than a guy as a ref when the role calls for her to collapse like a ton of bricks when gently brushed by a wrestler being tossed by another. The lighter the lady, the harder she falls. :)

Then again, since it's the stated job of a ref to remain as unobtrusive as possible during a match, it shouldn't make much difference as to the gender of the official. Nobody's supposed to be looking at the stripes, anyway.
Of course women should have women refs if for no other reason than believable ref bumps. Not to mention female heels can't really bully the male refs like their men counter parts. There are fundamental story telling elements that are taken away by not having people of the same gender referee matches.
I fucking care. I care that we actually have users who still believe in gender segregation and fully approve the under-representation of a good 50% of our species. You made a brazen and borderline-sexist remark with no evidence to back it up. It matters because you are woefully misinformed. It matters because there is still a gender pay gap in many industries. It matters because there is the odd rare occasion when, God forbid, I actually think you're not bad as a poster here, and then you go and write something like this. Can you tell me what caused you to actually believe this absolute shit?

Men are genetically superior to woman in every aspect... Men get paid more, they get more opportunities, they're smarter.. They're just better at everything. You don't have to like it, but you have to live with it.. It's life.
Men are genetically superior to woman in every aspect... Men get paid more, they get more opportunities, they're smarter.. They're just better at everything. You don't have to like it, but you have to live with it.. It's life.

So, you're either a troll or a real piece of shit. Either way, you're pretty much a moron. But allow me to figure out just what exactly you are. It's real simple. Either you're an asshole, a misogynist, and will probably die alone, glued to your laptop on the MRA subforum of Reddit. Not that I want to call names, at all. But all of what I said is true. Or, you're a troll and just want to get a rise. So if you really believe this, you'll have no problem linking me to whatever data you're getting this from. I mean, a study like this would be really important to science and really the human existence. So you'd have no problem showing your evidence to this. And you'd have no problem showing why a ref can't be a woman. Especially when women have reffed in the past.

If you don't even bother, I'll be pretty sure you're a troll. If you do, congrats, you're an asshole. Either way, you're dumb, and can fuck right off to Reddit.
female heels can't really bully the male refs like their men counter parts.

Are you sure about that? There was once a company called "WOW: Women of Wrestling" that put on a ppv full of epic ref bumps.

Here we have *ugh* Slam Dunk giving a monstrous chokeslam to the ref at 7:40, and another one to another ref at 8:25:


That's gotta' hurt. Then there's this one where if you click forward to 17:10, you'll see Selina Majors' argument toward your statement:


Selina Majors wasn't even a heel and she whooped some male referee ass, apparently because she just up and decided to do as much.
too me, wrestling refs should be like refs in pro sports...silent, unnoticed and not part of the action. I've seen too many knocked out refs, incompetent refs and dirty refs. I don't care what gender they are.

instead of spending money on female refs, use that money to nurture and bring up more female talent to the main roster.

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