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WWE: My Way


Pre-Show Stalwart
I will be starting a new Book This! which will take place in the WWE, the first night after the Over The Limit Pay Per View in 2010. It will basically have the same roster as of that time. The results of the pay per view has been slightly tweaked from the real thing. The updated roster, after each episode, can be found at this link.



Chris Masters
Chris Jericho (currently taking a short leave from wrestling)
David Hart Smith
Evan Bourne
Ezekiel Jackson
The Great Khali
HHH (inactive due to injury)
John Cena (WWE Champion)
Mark Henry
The Miz
Randy Orton
R Truth
Santino Marella
Ted DiBiase
Tyson Kidd
Vladimir Kozlov
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

Tag Teams

Carlito and Primo Colon
The Hart Dynasty (WWE Unified Tag Team Champions)

Alicia Fox
Brie Bella
Gail Kim
Maryse (Divas Champion)

Other On Air Talent
Bret Hart (General Manager)
Jerry Lawler (Commentary)
Josh Matthews (Interviewer)
Justin Roberts (Ring Announcer)
Michael Cole (Commentary)​


Caylen Croft
Curt Hawkins
Big Show
Chavo Guerrero
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Jack Swagger (World Heavyweight Champion)
John Morrison
Kofi Kingston (Intercontinental Champion)
Luke Gallows
Matt Hardy
Rey Mysterio
Shad Gaspard
Trent Baretta
Tyler Reks
The Undertaker (Inactive due to injury)
Vance Archer

Tag Teams/Stables
Caylen Croft and Trent Baretta
Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer
The Straight Edge Society


Beth Phoenix
Kelly Kelly
Layla (Womens Champion)
Michelle McCool (Co-Women’s Champion)
Rosa Mendes

Other On Air Talent

Matt Striker (Commentator)
Theodore Long (General Manager)
Todd Grisham (Commentator)
Tony Chimel (Ring Announcer)
Vickie Guerrero (Assistant to the General Manager)​

The main aims for my Book This! thread is to create more interest in my mid card and tag team division, almost to the attention the main event level superstars will recieve. I will try to make each promo and match as detailed as possible as well as making it as interesting as I can. Please give your feedback and tell what you want to see in the story, as well as what you think I could improve upon.
Well hope you enjoy my first episode of RAW when I post it soon!
Not much to say atm considering nothing is up, but hopefully you're able to give me something decent to read. I'll keep my eye on this and try to give you feedback when I can.

Just one thing I'd like to point out: I don't like how you put 'Main Event Talent' and 'Mid Card Talent' separately. We all know who (mostly) is the main eventers are. No need to bury your Mid Carders by labeling them as such. Makes it seem like their chances to move up in the world are slim to none. Just a small thing, but annoying, at least to me.

Good luck, though.
Thanks for the advice, looks much better now. Hope to have my first RAW up soon but a bit busy. Wondering when your next episode in WWE 2007: YoR will be uploaded?

WWE Over The Limit Results
Sunday, May 23 in Detroit Michigan

Kofi Kingston def. Drew McIntyre to retain the Intercontinental Title (9:24)

After a fast paced back and forth contest between the Dreadlocked Dynamo and the Sinister Scotsman, McIntyre almost had the match in the bag and title in his grasp when he reversed a Boom Drop into a powerbomb which allowed Drew to set up for the Future Shock DDT. only to be distracted by a returning Matt Hardy coming down the ramp. Kofi took advantage of the situation to reverse his opponents finishing manoeuvrer into his SOS to claim the pinfall and maintain his beloved championship.

R-Truth defeated Ted DiBiase (7:02)

Ted DiBiase dominated almost the entire match from start to finish but it was his enforcer Virgil who proved to, unintentionally, be the difference maker. When Truth refused to give up after several high impact moves from the Million Dollar Champion, Virgil looked to give his employer the advantage only to distract DiBiase from his opponent and allow R-Truth to roll him up for the three count.

CM Punk defeated Rey Mysterio (13:40)

In a match which featured a wide array of technical, high flying and brawling skills it was CM Punk who had his arm raised as the winner by the end of the night, albeit with help from the Straight Edge Society. Near the conclusion of the contest with Mysterio in fall control, Luke Gallows tried to interfere on behalf of his ‘Saviour’ only for John Morrison, who has had his own troubles with the SES lately, to even the scores and drive Gallows to the back. However, with the referee focused on the melee on the outside of the ring this allowed the Masked Member of the SES to hotshot Mysterio off the top rope, right into the GTS, courtesy of CM Punk. With that monumental victory, Rey Mysterio must now join the Straight Edge Society!

The Hart Dynasty (c) defeated Chris Jericho and The Miz to retain the Unified Tag Team Titles (10:01)
Although The Miz and Chris Jericho put on a valiant effort they were no match for the chemistry and team work of Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. After withstanding an onslaught of offense and even kicking out of a Codebreaker, Kidd managed to tag his partner who proceeded to clean house. After levelling Jericho with a Hart Attack which nearly tore his head off, Smith applied the Sharpshooter to The Miz which scored them the tap out victory. With another impress victory the Hart Dynasty continue to prove just exactly why they are the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions.

Randy Orton and Edge fought to a double countout (12:47)

After their encounter at Over The Limit, it seems that Edge and Orton’s feud has not completely been settled after a double countout. Although Edge took the early advantage by attacking his opponent before the bell could even ring, Orton powered back hitting a myriad of offense including his signature backbreaker and a rope hung DDT. However as he signalled for the end and began stomping his fists into the mat which usually preceded the RKO, Edge rolled out of the ring to avoid any further damage. But Orton showed no mercy using the entire ringside area; steel steps, announce tables and the ring post, as a weapon. The referee counted to eight and motioned for Orton to bring himself back into the ring, but as he did so, Edge held onto his leg for dear life not allowing either of them to make it back into the squared circle before the ten count.

Jack Swagger (c) defeated The Big Show to retain the World Heavyweight Title (8:33)
Big Show, of course due to his abnormal size and strength, simply oppressed anything that the World Champion threw at him for the majority of the match. After hitting a chokeslam on Swagger, Show motioned for the Knockout Punch which would have sealed him his fifth world title. However, at the last moment Swagger pulled the referee in the way of the Giant, which knocked the official out cold. Knowing that move would have ended the match, out of frustration Show threw Swagger over the top rope in one powerful movement! As the referee began to slowly regain consciousness Show realised he had to get Swagger in the middle of the ring to pin him, so he ventured out near the ring announcer’s table where the World Champion was laying over. Show grabbed Swagger by the back of the head, only to be blasted by the championship belt which he Swagger had covered by his chest. The Big Show was then nailed once again by the title belt as he stood in the middle of the ring, which allowed Swagger to cover him for the successful pinfall.

Maryse defeated Eve (c) to win the Divas Championship (6:12)

Eve’s reign as Divas Champion came to an abrupt end Sunday night due to Maryse (and a little perfume). Although Eve surprised the former champion with several nearfalls at the beginning of the contest as well as nearly making the beautiful French Canadian submit, it wasn’t enough to put her away. After being hit with a moonsault Maryse sought reprieve underneath the ring apron and as Eve followed her out, she caught a face full of perfume, all without the referee’s knowledge. Maryse then laid out her opponent with the devastating French Kiss to win the match and her third Divas Title.

John Cena (c) defeated Batista in an I Quit match for the WWE Championship (20:21)
This would prove to be the most gruelling, violent and exciting match between Cena and Batista in their recent set of encounters. The Animal threw everything he had at the Champ yet it wasn’t enough to claim the biggest championship in the industry. Cena did the most logical thing he could, by cutting down the big man’s legs throughout the entire contest he eventually blasted him in the kneecap with the very prize they were battling for and locked on the STF. Batista had no choice but spit out the two words which would prove to be his downfall. I QUIT. After a third straight loss to John Cena, Batista then quit the WWE and then the entire professional wrestling industry much to the delight of the reigning champion.

This Pay Per View will basically lead into my main project which is WWE:My Way!
Just to let the people reading this, those were only match recaps and my matches on RAW/SD!/PPV will be much longer and more detailed!
I can't really judge on much here because you haven't really "started" at the beginning of where your show is intended to be. However, I can see that through the altered results of the PPV, you've decided to create a different twist on the things that have already occurred, instead of doing your own booking from scratch... this does give familiarity to it for the start so people get interested, but if you continue to follow the real booking that has occurred people won't read (though I'm quite sure you already understand this).

Until you make a show I can't really give you feedback. The intentions are good and the potential is there... let's see some magic!
I know what your saying but I did this as many of these threads start at the beginning of the year and at a draft etc. so I just decided to do it after this PPV this year. Don't worry I'm doing much different storylines to the current ones ie. No Nexus, Rey joining the SES
good start , Have the The Hart Dynasty defend their titles more as the real WWE dont do that much

Monday Night Raw, May 24 2010 in Toledo Ohio
‘Over the Animal’

RAW starts off with a video package, highlighting the main event of the Over the Limit pay per view between John Cena and Batista in an I Quit Match. The contest was a gruelling encounter which finally ended after Cena blasted the Animal in his injured leg with the WWE Championship belt and then locked on the STF, and Batista muttered those two degrading words. I QUIT. As Cena began to walk towards the locker room with the WWE title draped over his shoulder and a massive grin spread across his face, Batista snatched a microphone from the hands of Justin Roberts.
An even bigger smile appeared across the champion’s face as Batista announced that he not only quit from that match, he quit from RAW, the WWE and even the entire professional wrestling industry.
The video then cuts to the introductory package for Monday Night RAW!

*Burn it to the Ground*

The camera pans across the crowd excited members of the WWE Universe while Monday Night RAW’s theme song is played around the arena.

Michael Cole: Welcome to Monday Night RAW here tonight in Toledo, Ohio I’m Michael Cole alongside WWE Hall of Famer Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We have a great show for you tonight folks but what a great show it was last night! John Cena retained his WWE title last night at Over the Limit by making Batista quit to the STF. Not only that, Batista then quit the entire WWE!

Michael Cole: That’s right King! And I can now officially confirm that the former six time world champion is done with the WWE for good. As soon as we went off the air last night, Batista stormed to the back and demanded his release papers, which he received. Also tonight, RAW General Manager Bret Hart is set to deliver some big news on the fate of both the United States and WWE Championships.

Jerry Lawler: Speaking of titles, we have a new Divas Champion in the beautiful French Canadian Maryse thanks to the aid of a little perfume bottle which was stashed under the ring which she proceeded to spray right into the eyes of the former champion Eve while the referee was preoccupied.

Michael Cole: And although Eve is unable to compete tonight, Maryse will still have to pay the consequences of her actions last night by defending her newly won title tonight against Nattie Neidhart!

Jerry Lawler: I just know tonight is going to be an incredible RAW!

Michael Cole:
And why is that King?

Jerry Lawler: Well any time Maryse is in action, it’s a great night!

Michael Cole: (Cole rolls his eyes before continuing) Well Nattie has been on quite a roll lately and I hope she takes advantage of the situation she has been given by her uncle.

*Return of the Hitman*


Justin Roberts:
Ladies and gentleman please welcome the RAW General Manager Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart!

Jerry Lawler:
Speaking of the Hitman, here he comes!

The General Manger of RAW Bret Hart makes his way out of the curtain to a massive ovation from the Toledo crowd. Hart limps to the ring with his signature shades and leather jacket on and his newly acquired United States championship draped over his shoulder. He then climbs into the ring and grabs a microphone, while the WWE Universe continues to cheer on the Hitman.

Bret Hart:
What a crazy month it has been for me since I took up this job, huh? And what an even crazier night it was, last night at Over the Limit!

The WWE Universe begins to cheer loudly in appreciation of the great pay per view event which occurred last night.

Bret Hart:
But I am none too happy that one of the biggest stars of this decade, Batista; quit the WWE just because he lost his match last night.

The cheers quickly change to jeers at the mention of Batista’s name.

Bret Hart:
However, with Batista gone, this does leave a very large hole to fill. Which will allow another member of this very packed roster here on Monday Night’s to rise through the ranks and show to me why they should be the number one contender to the biggest prize in this industry. The Bash pay per view is fast approaching and I will need to name a challenger to John Cena’s title before that three weeks is up!

The crowd erupts just at the mention of the WWE Champion, John Cena.

Bret Hart:
So this is a message to the entire lock room. I will be watching RAW very closely tonight and looking for someone to impress me enough to be given the chance to wrestle John Cena. A title shot will not just be handed out to someone who asks for it. They will have to earn it! Make an impact!

The WWE Universe once again pops loudly for the Hitman.

Bret Hart:
Now onto more urgent matters. (Hart motions to the title which lies on his right shoulder) I’m afraid that I cannot be your United States Champion. Don’t think I wouldn’t defend this title if I was allowed and I was ecstatic to capture my record tying fifth US championship. However, as am I currently employed as a general manager I am unable to hold onto the title I won last week. This means, as of tonight, I am officially relinquishing the United States Championship.

The crowd is not happy with Bret’s announcement as a light chorus of boos fills the arena.

Bret Hart:
Tonight, four superstars will compete in two separate matches with the winners advancing to face each other in three weeks time at The Bash! Now these are four young stars who have shown me since I became GM of this brand that they deserve to hold the prestigious United States Championship !And the first match of that tournament is going to happen right now!

Cheers rain down from the rafters as the crowd is about to witness the first match of the night.

*Born to Win*

An even bigger cheer goes up as Evan Bourne begins to makes his entrance to the ring. Bourne poses to the crowd as he exits the curtain and shakes Bret Hart’s hand as he jogs down the ramp, high fiving younger members of the crowd close to the ring and then leaping to the top rope to posture to the WWE Universe.

Michael Cole: Don’t go anywhere folks, coming up next is the first match in the tournament to name the new United States Champion.


As RAW comes back from commercial, Bourne is in the ring appealing to the crowd with a big smile on his face, but it vanishes when...


Plays next and Zack Ryder begins to slowly strut to the ring in his signature wrestling tights/trunks combo with an arrogant smirk on his face and his two arms in the air displaying an ‘L’ and an ‘I’ with his fingers. A fan in the front row begins to ferociously jeer Ryder as he makes his past them, only for Zack to loudly yell “Woo woo woo, you know it” right in their face. A resounding negative response is exactly what Ryder wants and it’s exactly what he gets a he climbs the ring steps and enters the squared circle.

Michael Cole:
Well these two have certainly had their issues with each other since Ryder made his way to Monday night’s mere months ago.

Jerry Lawler:
And they have put on some terrific back and forth matches here on RAW, exchanging victories and impressing everyone, which is seemingly why they have been given this chance to compete for the United States Championship.

Match 1 - Singles Match - Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder (United States Championship Tournament)

The two competitors start the match by locking up in the middle of the ring before Ryder immediately begins to rain down heavy punches, sending Bourne to the mat. As Evan groggily makes his way to his feet he is immediately met by a hard shoulder block, sending him straight back down then hastily covered for a two count. Zack quickly calculates his next move as he notices Bourne beginning to once again rise to his feet, opting to charge at him, only to be met by two feet to the face thanks to an Evan Bourne dropkick. ‘Air’ Bourne then drives Ryder back to the turnbuckle with a series of forearm shots which rattle the Long Island Loudmouth. Ryder tries to recuperate in the corner but only receives a thrust kick to the gut leaving him leaning against the bottom turnbuckle. However, there is no rest for the weary as the pocket rocket once again sprints at Zack and executes a dazzling senton to his downed adversary, which causes Ryder to roll out of the ring and smack loudly on the outside.

Bourne grabs hold of the top rope with both of his hands, waiting patiently for Ryder to get to his feet, and performs a slingshot crossbody much to the delight of the crowd.
Ryder is then lifted up by his bleached, blonde hair and hastily thrown back into the ring while Bourne climbs up onto the ring apron. Evan begins to play to the crowd by throwing his arm into the air causing an explosion of cheers from the WWE Universe. But this comes back to bite him in the ass, as Ryder lifts Bourne by his head over the ropes and positions him so his legs are lying precariously on the top rope. Ryder then twists his body and drops his weight and executes a swinging neckbreaker which causes Bourne’s head to thud loudly on the canvas. Ryder grabs Evan’s outside leg and covers him for the pinfall only for Bourne to roll his shoulder up in the nick of time, mere milliseconds before the referee’s hand was about to hit the mat for the third time in succession.

The nearfall doesn’t deter Ryder, immediately following the kick-out he stands straight back up and drops his knee right into the face of Bourne. Yet he is still unable to get the three count as Bourne just barely kicks out again. Zack follows the cover with a harsh leg drop straight across Bourne’s throat. Ryder’s confidence grows and a sneer crosses his face as a noticeably hurt Bourne crawls towards the bottom turnbuckle, looking for reprieve. None is found as the smirk vanishes from Ryder’s face and he charges straight at Bourne and delivers a vicious facewash. The near unconscious Bourne is then dragged by his arm into the middle of the ring were both of his legs are hooked and the referee begins to count, 1...2...KICK OUT! The WWE Universe let out a collective sigh of relief as they thought that Bourne was going to be unable to continue. Ryder locks Bourne into a stiff headlock as RAW heads to commercial.


As RAW comes back onto the air Bourne is making a comeback by reversing the armbar Ryder had applied into a money flip sending Zack somersaulting into the canvas. But Bourne’s fire is put out once again by a hard back elbow from Ryder which is followed up by another unsuccessful pinfall.

Ryder realises that he is going to have to do something big in order to put his resilient competitor away and advance to The Bash. With one glance to the top turnbuckle, Ryder decides a high risk manoeuvre from the air is that something big. Zack climbs the top buckle and lays perched, seemingly less comfortable up top than Bourne is. Evan makes his way to his feet, with Ryder rising off the top turnbuckle in unison ready to dive out and crash down onto Bourne. Ryder jumps off the turnbuckle and flies directly into a spinning wheel kick, courtesy of Evan Bourne.

With both men down on the mat Evan rises first and meets a groggy Ryder with a flying elbow smash right to the nose! Evan continues his offense with an amazing head scissor takedown which sends Ryder flying across the ring. Zack halts the offensive momentum with a clothesline and then whips Bourne into the ropes and looks to launch him over his back only for Evan to hook both his knee around Ryder’s neck and drive his head into the mat. Bourne then connects with a standing moonsault transitioning right into the pinfall, but this time it is Ryder who powers out at the two count.

The moment Ryder reaches his feet he is immediately sent back down with an astonishingly quick jumping roundhouse kick. Bourne realises that Ryder is in perfect position to put away and clambers up to the top turnbuckle. Evan attempts to finish Ryder with an Air Bourne yet Zack is only playing possum and rolls out of the incoming attack from above. Once again Bourne has Zack’s number by managing to LAND on his feet only to turn around into a Rough Ryder leg lariat!

Zack hooks the inside leg and collapses on top of Bourne as the referee counts to two only for Evan to get his outside LEG ON THE ROPE!
Now Ryder is really frustrated, almost throwing a full tantrum in the middle of the ring on national television by slamming his fists on the mat and arguing with the referee like a small child. Ryder then hastily sets up Bourne for the Zack Attack only for Evan to slide out and nail a knee shot ride under his chin. Evan realises it is either now or never to finish Ryder off and climbs out onto the ring apron and ascends once again to the top rope. Evan launches himself off the top rope and executes an extraordinary Shooting Star Press on Ryder before covering him for the final pinfall.

Evan Bourne (8:58)

The moment the referee hits the final count for the victory, Bourne immediately climbs back to the top rope and celebrates with the crowd. He then proceeds to ascend the other three turnbuckles to make sure he has acknowledged every member of the WWE Universe that he possibly can, while Ryder lies on the mat with his head in his hands, astonished that he couldn’t put the much smaller man away.

Jerry Lawler:
Wow! What a match we just witnessed. I feel exhausted just watching it!

Michael Cole: With that victory Bourne takes one step closer to winning his first title here in the WWE.

Jerry Lawler: Well, while Evan looks to soar to new heights at The Bash, we are currently without a number one contender to the WWE Championship.

Michael Cole: And I’m sure the entire roster is chomping at the bit to get their chance at John Cena.

Jerry Lawler: I’m not surprised! Bret Hart practically painted a bullseye on Cena’s back for every RAW superstar to aim for!

Michael Cole: And we will be able to hear John Cena’s reaction to this later in the evening but right now we go to Josh Matthews who is standing by one man who sure knows what it takes to become WWE Champion.

Josh Matthews:
Could you please welcome my guest at this time...Edge!

The crowd jeers as Edge walks into the shot with a look of sheer smugness plastered on his face and wearing jeans and a shirt with, surprise, his own face on it.

Josh Matthews: Edge, what are your thoughts on Bret Hart’s announcement from earlier tonight?

Edge: What are my thoughts Josh? You really want to know my thoughts on the issue? (Matthews nods his head not knowing what to expect from Edge) Well I’m not interested in talking to you! (Edge yanks the microphone from Matthews hand and shoves him out of shot of the camera)

Edge: (Edge looks directly in the camera) I want to talk directly to Bret Hart! Bret, do you even know who I am? I am the most decorated competitor in the history of this company! And by my calculations (Edge counts nine of his ten fingers mockingly) I even have more world titles than you!

The crowd boos furiously but Edge ignores them and continues.

Edge: The only reason I haven’t won a single championship since coming to RAW in the draft, is because I have been preoccupied. (He pauses for a mere second) With Randy Orton.

A loud cheer erupts at the mention of the Viper.

Edge: But as far as I'm concerned I have just had enough of Randy Orton and my sights are set directly on the WWE Championship. I have already beaten Cena before. Hell, I’ve beaten every single member ON this roster! But in order to impress the general manager of this brand I have been told to make an impact. I am the RATED R SUPERSTAR and I am the definition of IMPACT. The moment I get John Cena in the middle of the ring, I’ll show the entire world just how great I am when I pluck the title from right under his nose.

Edge is breathing heavily from his hate filled rant.

Edge: You wanted me to make an impact Bret? (A huge sneer crosses his face) Oh, I’ll make an impact.
The screen fades to black as RAW goes to another commercial break.

*It’s a New Day*

The entrance theme of Ted DiBiase plays as he walks down to the ring with the Million Dollar Championship wrapped around his waist and with Virgil in tow, keeping his distance. A scowl is plastered across the face of DiBiase, thanks in full to Virgil costing him his match the night previous. As Ted Jr. gets into the ring he exchanges heated words with his enforcer, as Virgil holds down the second rope for him to step through. DiBiase then stands in the corner, while Virgil steps to the outside with the Million Dollar title in hand, waiting for his opponent to be revealed.

Michael Cole: It seems as if DiBiase is none too happy with Virgil after he incidentally cost him his match last night against R-Truth. This could very well be one of the reasons why he has been left out of the United States Championship tournament.

Jerry Lawler: Well Ted could certainly get himself back into that title picture with a win here tonight.

*Some Bodies Gonna Get It*

Jerry Lawler: Or maybe try for a very convincing loss instead!

The moment The World’s Strongest Man exits the curtain he raises both arms and emits a great response from the WWE Universe. Mark slaps several hands of the WWE Universe and then climbs up the steel ring step. As Henry enters the ring, the smile is wiped from his face and his focus turns straight to DiBiase standing opposite to him. The bell is rung and the match is underway.

Match 2 - Singles Match - Ted DiBiase vs. Mark Henry

The two men lock up in a collar-and-elbow tie up but Henry shows why he is the strongest man in the world by pushing DiBiase straight back to the corner he started at. DiBiase tries again and this time manages to lock in a side headlock on the almost bull like skull of Henry. Henry pushes Ted into and ropes and then turns him head over heels with a huge shoulder block. DiBiase gets up only to be met by a couple of hard clotheslines and is sent over the top rope and sprawling to the floor by a third momentous lariat.

Virgil quickly climbs onto the apron and causes Henry to turn his attention onto the manservant of the young DiBiase for a split second which allows the Million Dollar Champion to leap up to the ring and hot shot Henry’s head off the top rope, sending him crashing to the mat. DiBiase pounces on Henry, like a cheetah would an injured gazelle, and begins to repeatedly land right hands in the face until the referee pulls him off for illegal closed fists. Henry raises his head only to be kicked right in the mush by an incoming DiBiase boot. With Henry still vulnerable on the canvas, DiBiase takes advantage with several fist drops to the face, leaving Henry gasping for relief. DiBiase doesn’t try for a cover but instead attempts to lift him to his feet and lock in the cobra clutch!

The World’s Strongest Man simply shrugs him off with a huge elbow to the skull and then scoops him up in his enormous arms. However, DiBiase manages to slip out over Henry’s back and after seeing the opening, chops out Henry’s tree trunk like leg from under him. The moment Henry hits the canvas, DiBiase is already at his hurt leg, pounding away at it with stomps and elbows. He then drags Henry the short distance to the corner turnbuckles, steps outside the ring and then proceeds to slam Henry’s knee against the ring post, causing a sickening thud to echo around the arena. DiBiase scrambles back through the ropes and clambers on top of the giant body of Henry for the cover. But Henry uses his upper body strength to power out at the two count.

Ted continues his assault on the left leg of Henry by yanking it off the mat and then driving it back down with a DDT!Henry kicks out of another cover, but he seems to be fading fast due to the pain in his leg. DiBiase quickly rises and grabs a hold of the big man’s leg, trying to repeat the previous manoeuvre. But before he can fully lock it on, Henry pushes out with his other leg, sending DiBiase right into the three turnbuckles with a hell of a lot of force. Henry uses this time to get, rather timidly, to his feet and catches DiBiase with a big right hand as he stumbles back into the middle of the ring.

DiBiase runs straight back towards Henry but gets tossed over his back, high in the air, and then slams down onto the mat. DiBiase scrambles to the turnbuckle, looking for a breather, but Henry just bombards him with his entire weight in the corner. A dazed DiBiase then stumbles into the World’s Strongest Man and is lifted high above his head with a military press. But the attack to his left leg causes it to buckle under the weight of DiBiase, and Ted manages to land right on top of the head of Mark Henry and then twist it 180° and drive it to the mat with a stunning neckbreaker.

DiBiase is so impressed by his own brilliance that he poses on the top turnbuckle much to the dismay to the crowd in attendance. He turns around to finish off his opponent only to see Henry standing right in front of him, angry as hell. DiBiase throws a lazy right hand and it is intercepted easily by Henry who then throws a lethal headbutt right to the refined features of young Ted.
Mark Henry throws his entire weight at his opponent causing him to land hard on the canvas. He follows it up by whipping DiBiase into the ropes and then throwing him straight in the air. And what goes up must come down and boy did DiBiase come down hard!

Henry starts to stride towards DiBiase but he gets cut short by a dropkick directly to his injured left knee. DiBiase seemingly turns to Virgil for guidance once the referee checks on the big man lying on the mat. On instinct, Virgil throws the Million Dollar Championship up to DiBiase. DiBiase can’t believe his eyes! He could easily be disqualified just for having the illegal object in his hands. The referee gets up and notices the title belt on DiBiase and immediately wrestles it from his grasp and hands it to the time keeper. DiBiase can’t believe that Virgil would even think of anything so stupid while he had the match in control and sends a barrage of insults his way.
DiBiase turns around and WALKS RIGHT INTO THE CLUTCHES of Mark Henry! Henry then hits the World’s Strongest Slam and covers DiBiase for the three count!

Winner: Mark Henry (5:12)

Henry struggles to get to his feet with the assistance of the referee who then raises his arm in victory. DiBiase looks on in pain as Henry limps out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp. The moment Henry goes through the curtain, Virgil jumps into the ring and repeatedly apologises to his employer. DiBiase seems surprisingly relaxed and just shrugs off Virgil’s words as he stands up to leave. As the pair begins to depart, Virgil goes towards the ropes to hold them down for Ted...
But DiBiase locks him in the cobra clutch then lifts Virgil up and slams him down with the Dream Street!
DiBiase briskly leaves the ring with a satisfied look on his face as referees check on Virgil lying on the mat. The camera turns back to DiBiase standing on the ramp with a microphone in his hands.

Ted DiBiase:
Oh and Virgil. YOUR’E FIRED!

DiBiase’s music plays around the arena as he retreats to the back and RAW goes to another commercial.


As the RAW comes back on the air the interior of the General Manager Bret Hart’s office. Bret himself is sitting in a plush leather chair, reading a text message from his phone when he hears a knock at the door.

Bret Hart:
Come in!

Ah! Bret the Hartman. I knew I would finda’ you here!

The crowd goes crazy as Santino Marella walks into the shot and stands beside Bret Hart.

Bret Hart: Well it if my office..?

Santino Marella: Exactly! Clever aren’t I?

Bret Hart: And what can I do for you Santino?

Santino Marella:
Your speech at the start of RAW tunight really inspired me to go fur the double, double E championship! And I am easily the most entertaining, dazzling and of course handsome superstar on the ruster. (Santino displays his pearly whites and winks at the camera) So I officially challenge John Chena at The Bash!

Bret Hart just looks at Santino with a blank look on his face, trying to comprehend Santino’s way of impressing the General Manager.

Santino Marella:
But I do understand you told me to impress you tunight. So I will impress you! Here I go!

Santino starts to grunt and tries to put on the most intimidating face that he can. He then holds his arm out in front of him before slapping his wrist, then his bicep and twisting his hand around to form THE COBRA!

Hart continues to stand there with a blank look on his face.

Bret Hart: You really want to impress me Santino?

Santino nods his head enthusiastically at the Hitman.

Bret Hart:
You’re going to have a match later tonight?

Santino Marella: Against who?

Bret Hart: Well he hasn’t debuted on RAW yet, so you are going to have to wait till you’re in the ring to find out. But he is looking to dominate the competition here on Monday Nights...

Santino Marella: You won’t be disappointed your highness!

Santino bows at the Hitman then hurriedly leaves the room, leaving Hart laughing in his office.


The camera returns to the ring with Justin Roberts standing proudly in the middle.

Justin Roberts:
Ladies and gentleman let me introduce to you your WWE Champion. John Cena!

*My Time is Now*

John Cena pops out of the curtain to the biggest pop of the night and salutes the entire WWE Universe. Despite his bumps and bruises from the night before he sprints the entire ramp to the ring and slides under the bottom with rope with the WWE title in hand. Cena then raises the championship high above his head and displays it proudly to the Toledo crowd. Once the cheers die down Cena begins to talk.

John Cena: Wow! What a fantastic week it has been! And I am so excited!

John Cena:
And this is why...

Cena points towards the titantron. The video show Cena locking in the STF to Batista who then proceeds to quit.

John Cena:
I got that monkey off my back that has been buggin’ me since February. And boy was it a big monkey! We fought in a gruelling match which spanned over the entire arena, threw everything we had at each other but in the end it ended in the middle of the ring. Exactly where the whole ordeal started!

John Cena:
And you want to know something Toledo?

The crowd responds with a resounding ‘YES!’

John Cena:
You really wanna know?

‘YES!’ is once again the answer he gets.

John Cena: You really, really, really, really wanna know?

An even bigger ‘YES!’ than the last two is thrown at Cena.

John Cena:

The entirely pro Cena crowd show their support again.

John Cena:
And just to let everybody in the back know, I welcome whatever you plan on throwing at me with open arms. I’m not the new kid on the block here on RAW that I was five years ago and sure as hell have learnt a lot in that time. I’ve been beaten up, punted, insulted, degraded and hit with every single weapon imaginable. But throughout it all I hung in there and never gave up!

The WWE Universe cheers loudly for Cena.

John Cena: And I did it all for you, WWE Universe because without your support I wouldn’t be standing here today in this ring as your champion. Even though when I first got here I may have seemed like a bit of a punk but you still showed your support and that is why I am still here doing what I am doing.

John Cena:
But when someone as slimy and despicable as Edge thinks he can outwrestle me in the middle of the ring without breaking a sweat and take my WWE Championship that I worked so hard for, it doesn’t make me very happy. Listen Edge, I don’t if Vince forgot to text you or if you didn’t read the email from the USA Network but RAW is PG now. You aren’t the Rated R Superstar, if anything you’re the Rated PG Wannabe! And if you want me so badly I say why wait for three weeks. Let’s go right here, right now!

The crowd pops for Cena’s ‘proposal’.


Edge seemingly agrees to fight Cena in the middle of the ring as his theme music begins to play. Cena hurls his title to the side and raises his fists out in front him willing on Edge to come out and face him... only to get jumped from behind by the Rated R Superstar. Edge hits several punches to the face of the downed champion who completely didn’t expect the attack. But Cena turns the tables and flips Edge onto his back and begins hitting some haymakers of his own. A thumb to the eye ends Cena’s rampage as he falls off of Edge, clutching at his face. Edge then picks up the WWE Championship in both hands and stares right into the centrepiece with a greedy look on his face. Edge looks up and then crashes the belt right into the back of Cena’s head.

The title is hurled out of the ring as Edge heads to the outside and after shoving Justin Roberts aside, he grabs two steel folding chairs. After climbing back through the ropes, Edge lifts Cena’s limp head off the mat and places one of the chairs underneath it. Edge’s eyes go wide as he realises he has Cena exactly where he wants him and the raises the second chair high above his head... ONLY FOR RANDY ORTON to yank it from his grasp. Orton takes a swing at Edge but he ducks and escapes as fast as he legs will let him and then proceeds to jump over the barricade and run through the crowd, not stopping until he is well out of dodge.

Orton stands beside Cena and then helps the champion to his feet who immediately heads towards the ropes and stares down Edge who is retreating through the crowd. Cena turns around and extends his hand towards Orton who stares at the champion’s hand for several seconds before turning around and leaving the ring.

Michael Cole:
Thank God Orton got their before Edge could execute that con-chair-to Cena!

Jerry Lawler:
Well Edge was trying to make a statement and I don’t what Orton was thinking by interfering in Edge’s business. It had nothing to do with him! If he had just let him do what he wanted, the title would be up for grabs.

Michael Cole:
I think Orton has much more decency than that King...
Jerry Lawler: Remember who you’re talking about their Michael. This is THE Viper, Randy Orton. He doesn’t care about what happens to Cena and he wants the WWE Championship just as much as Edge does.

Michael Cole:
At least he doesn’t try and spill Cena’s brains across the ring to earn that shot.

Jerry Lawler:
Well, I’m sure he impressed Bret Hart, which is what he set out to do!

RAW goes to commercial with Orton heading to the back while Edge, standing in the bleachers, looks shocked that his plans were thwarted.


RAW returns with Santino Marella already standing in the ring with his theme song *La Vittoria è Mia* playing in the background. A few rowdy members of the audience begin a ‘Santino’ chant and he responds by blowing kisses and waving in their direction.

Michael Cole: Santino also has the chance the impress the General Manager tonight by competing against a superstar new to Monday Night RAW.

Jerry Lawler:
I was talking to Bret Hart earlier today and he said he was so excited to have this man compete on the brand and really cement his name in the annals of WWE history. Hart also said that this man has really been plagued by injury over the past few year and now hopes to start his career afresh.

Michael Cole: It is always great to see fresh blood here in th-


Cole is cut off (thankfully) as a huge hulking figure emerges from backstage and out onto the ramp. The figure of Ezekiel Jackson! The intimidating force of Big Zeke walks down to the ring, up the stairs and through the ropes with his eyes on Santino the entire time. Jackson flexes his enormous biceps and lets loose an frightening roar which would put a fully grown lion to shame.

Match 3 - Singles Match - Santino Marella vs. Ezekiel Jackson

The two competitors circle each other and Santino attempts a few pathetic leg sweeps and takedowns but fails miserably thanks to Jackson’s enormous legs. Marella throws several punches to the face yet it seems to have little effect on Jackson who simply pushes Santino back into the ropes and then catches him in his arms and locks in a bearhug! Santino yelps in pain yet Jackson just wrenches even harder on his opponent’s back. Jackson keeps the hold on for several seconds more only to place Santino on the top rope. Marella looks happy to be free of the painful hold, but the happiness doesn’t last for long as he is launched high in the air by Jackson and lands hard on the other side of the ring with a vicious throw.

Jackson hits Marella with a big boot to the skull and then looks to end things early by scooping Santino off the mat with one arm, which usually signals for the Uranage! But Santino shows his tenacious spirit by hurling several elbows to the side of Jackson’s head, attempting to repel the attack. Santino manages to break free of the hold and then avoids a big right hand by doing the splits! But Santino gets caught on the second way around with a gigantic clothesline! Jackson picks Marella up and immediately slams him down with the Book of Ezekiel Uranage. Ezekiel then lies on top of the dazed Santino, hooks his outside leg and covers him for his first victory on Monday Night RAW.
Jackson has his hand raised by the referee as he gets to his feet but he quickly leaves, just as he entered, and heads straight back up the ramp towards the locker room.

Ezekiel Jackson (3:22)

Jerry Lawler:
WOW! That is all I can say about Big Zeke’s debut here on RAW! That Uranage crumpled up Santino like an accordion.

Michael Cole:
Jackson certainly made an impression upon the WWE Universe and the RAW lockeroom and certainly looks to have a big future ahead of him here on Monday Nights.

Jerry Lawler:
That’s an understatement if anything Cole! You kno-

Michael Cole: Sorry to cut you off King, but I’m receiving word that we are about to cross to Bret Hart who has a very important announcement for later tonight.


We are shown sent straight to the middle of the General Manager’s office with Bret Hart looking directly into the camera, still wearing his signature shades.

Bret Hart:
I know that many people in the crowd tonight, at home watching in their living rooms and even the employees and wrestlers backstage won’t agree on what I have to say next. But I’m going to say it. I was impressed by what Edge did earlier tonight. I was impressed enough to give him a WWE Championship at The Bash in three weeks.

The crowd in attendance are booing Hart furiously over the announcement.

Bret Hart:
Who am I kidding. Edge didn't impress me in the slightest with his cowardly attack on the WWE Champion. However, since arriving on RAW in the draft he has been quite impressive and John Cena himself came into my office and requested a shot at Edge. If Edge wants the WWE Championship and Cena wants Edge so badly I can only see one resonable solution. Later tonight John Cena will face Edge one-on-one and if the Rated R Superstar is able to beat Cena in the middle of the ring, he will receive a shot at the title in three weeks. BUT if Cena is able to knock off Edge tonight, he will be out of the running for a championship match at The Bash.

The WWE Universe is much happier about this proposition and shows it by responding with loud cheers.

Bret Hart: Enjoy the rest of the show.

RAW goes to another advertising break following Hart’ announcement.


As RAW returns, the Toledo crowd pop loudly as Orton is seen walking backstage towards his lockeroom only to be intercepted by none other than Sheamus. Sheamus has a rather sly look on his face while Orton is not too happy about being confronted by the Celtic Warrior.

Randy Orton:
What do you want Sheamus?

What’s wrong wit’ yu Randy?

Orton doesn’t speak but continues to stare at Sheamus.

You hud the dubaya dubaya e’ champion at his weakest moment and yu help him up? What has happened to the Legend Killer? Three years ago uf Cena was as vulnerable as that yu wud have punted his head uf! Have yu forgutten what your old mentor Truple H, the man that I took out last munth, taught you all those years ago.

Orton still doesn’t respond, which seems to anger the Celtic Warrior even more.

You’re pathetic Randy! It’s no wonder you haven’t held a single piece of gold this year and yet you gut opportunity after opportunity and still win nothin’! It makes me sick to see you as the face of RAW!

Orton has just taken every insult and jeer thrown his way and this sends Sheamus over the edge.

Hah!? Cat got yur tongue Randy? Not even gunna respond?

Orton rears up on the balls of his feet and looks ready to smack Sheamus right in his arrogant gob.

You’re not even worth it...

Orton walks off, leaving Sheamus stupidly staring after Orton. Sheamus then punches a nearby wall and walks off.


*I Came to Play*

The Miz enters the arena, looking smug, with a microphone hanging loosely in his grip. With a green tinged faux hawk and brand new emerald tights, The Miz certainly looks the part for his match tonight. And in case you didn’t know if he was awesome, he has it written on his shirt. Without even walking halfway down the ramp he already has the microphone raised to his lips and about to do his favourite thing in the world besides winning. Talk.
And the crowd already boo him before he has even spoken a word.

The Miz:
Really Bret? Really? Is this some kind of joke? I don’t know if you are trying to basically hand me back MY United States Championship but I would want more of a challenge. Tonight I face a street thug who couldn’t beat with if I had two arms tied behind my back and if, no, when I win I go onto the wrestle a midget pepped up on caffeine. Really? You’re kidding right?
The WWE Universe doesn’t take lightly to having two of their favourites ripped on.

The Miz: And another thing. I am going to completely decimate R-Truth tonight so I can get out of Toledo as quickly as I can... because I’M THE MIZ... AND I’M AWES-

*What’s Up?*

The catchy theme song of R-Truth cuts off The Miz and Truth begins to rhyme along with the lyrics as he dances his way to the ring. Miz looks on angrily as Truth interacts with the fans and then hops through the ropes and finishes his entrance off with a huge ‘WHAT’S UP?’ But instead of throwing his microphone to the ring keeper as per usual he keeps a hold of it and begins to talk directly to The Miz.

: I’m a thug am I Miz? (Miz nods his head) You are going to win back the United States Title without breaking a sweat are you? (Miz nods again) Truth is, you’re an arrogant brat who whines about anything that doesn’t go your way. Truth is, I’m the one who is going to The Bash in three weeks. I will become the new United States Champion and THAT’S THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHIN’ BUT THE TRUTH!

Match 4 - Singles Match - The Miz vs. R-Truth (United States Championship Tournament)​

As the bell rings Truth seems totally motivated about heading to The Bash after his big pre match speech. The moment Miz gets into his range, Truth lashes out with a right hand which catches Miz straight across the face. Truth snaps off a dropkick to the valuable jaw of the Awesome One and then follows it up with a pinfall attempt. The pinfall is unsuccessful but Truth is right back on the offense, hitting a pair of arm drags into an armbar. Miz is able to fight Truth off, but as he gets to his feet he walks into a hip toss from the North Carolina native. Miz is hoisted onto his feet but his aggression wins out as he comes at Truth with punches before slamming him head first into the top turnbuckle. Miz begins to launch knee shots deep into the gut of Truth and then to irish whips him towards the opposite corner.

As Truth reaches the corner, he pushes off of the top rope and flies over the top of his incoming opponent and handsprings away from Miz. Miz swings with a heavy left hand but Truth is too quick and avoids it with a nifty split manoeuvre and when Miz turns around he has blasted in the chin with a jumping spinning heel kick! While Miz is recovering next to the top rope Truth takes him down and out with a lariat which sends him down to the outside. The moment the groggy former champion has risen, Truth is already diving over the top rope with a crossbody sending Miz down to the ground again.

Truth tosses Miz into the ring by his faux hawk but instead of going through the rope he climbs onto the apron and then ascends the top turnbuckle. Truth keeps his momentum rolling and hits a huge missile dropkick and then hooks both the legs of The Miz and the referee hits the mat for the third tim... Miz gets his shoulder up in the nick of time. Truth seems annoyed that he was unable to finish the match but that frustration vanishes when he notices Miz on his knees and in perfect position for the axe kick! Truth charges at Miz and drives his leg down only to hit nothing but thin air. Miz counters by kicking Truth directly in his gut, doubling him over before landing a knee lift and then following it up with a neckbreaker!

This time it is Truth who is in trouble... but he gets his foot on the rope before the three count. Miz gets back to his feet only to sprint right back at Truth with the intentions of booting him in the face, but he ducks and rolls up The Miz, looking for the quick victory. Miz quickly powers out and then catches Truth into his own pinfall attempt which Truth kicks out of rather hurriedly. Truth tries to muster some offense and swings a big fist at Miz who avoids it, locking his arm over his back and then drops his entire weight to the mat, sending Truth’s jaw right onto his shoulder. Miz tries once again to finish the match but is unsuccessful. In frustration Miz locks in an aggressive headlock as Truth begins to fade, his energy being sapped with every second in the hold. After being locked in the hold for a full minute Truth begins to tap his foot on the mat which brings the WWE Universe into the equation. Truth seems to feed off their energy and rises to his feet and suplexes Miz over his head, finally breaking the hold! A couple of right hands from Truth directed at Miz hit their mark with force which he follows up with a pair of clotheslines.
Miz is whipped into the ropes and Truth attempts a back body drop but instead receives a kick to the chest. Miz rushes right back at his opponent, trying to flatten his momentum, only to be hit with a swift scissors kick to the mush. Truth notices that his opponent could be out for the count and lays on top of him and motions for the referee to begin counting. 1... 2... but Miz manages to sneak his shoulder out from under his opponents weight. Miz is lifted to his feet and then caught in a suplex clutch with Truth trying for his Truth or Consequences stunner. Miz slips out from his grasp and rolls up Truth with a handful of jeans! But it doesn’t have the same affect a pair of wrestling tights would and Truth is able kick out of it.

Once Truth rises and realises that Miz nearly screwed him out of a title shot, he isn’t too happy. If anything he’s pissed as hell! Truth tackles him into the corner turnbuckle and hits haymaker after haymaker until the referee pulls him off the dazed Miz and begins to scold him for such behaviour. Unbeknown to both the official and the wrestler to which he is consulting, The Miz yanks the top corner cover off, unveiling the harsh metal buckle which lies beneath. Truth, who is eager to continue punishing Miz softly pushes the referee aside only to be pulled face first right into the metal buckle! Miz then puts the finishing touches on Truth by hitting the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz has no need to hook any legs and simply lays on top of his opponent while the official counts to three and then awards him the victory.

The Miz (8:24)

Michael Cole: The Miz stole one from right under Truth’s nose...

Jerry Lawler:
What are you talking about Michael? Miz pinned him one, two, three. What’s the big deal?

Michael Cole: He pulled him right into that metal turnbuckle while the referee wasn’t looking!

Jerry Lawler:
Well I applaud The Miz!

Michael Cole:
How so King?

Jerry Lawler:
He wanted it more than R-Truth and it lead him to the victory and a shot at the title.

Michael Cole:
By cheating?

Jerry Lawler:
Sometimes you have got to do anything to win a match and he proved that in the ring tonight.

Michael Cole:
Moving on with the show... We still have a gigantic main event to come with John Cena taking on Edge. If Edge wins he will be given a title match at The Bash!

Jerry Lawler:
And Cena is ripe for the picking after that gruelling I Quit match last night and the beating at the hands of Edge earlier tonight.

Michael Cole: But up next Maryse will place her newly won Divas Championship on the line against Natalya Neidhart.


*New Foundation*

Natalya Neidhart is the first out from the curtain and seems ecstatic to be given a title shot against Maryse. And she is soon followed by the other two members of the Hart Dynasty, Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith with their newly defended Unified Tag Titles in tow. Kidd and Smith assist Nattie into getting in the ring and then follow her in themselves. As the Hart Dynasty pose in the ring the talented, young trio receive a huge pop from the crowd.

Jerry Lawler:
I can’t believe that Nattie is getting a title shot from Uncle Bret. Everybody backstage knows that Kidd and Smith were basically handed the tag team titles on a silver platter and now Natalya is receiving a Divas Championship match for nothing?

Michael Cole:
On the contrary King, The Hart Dynasty worked for two long years in the tag ranks before even getting a shot at the gold and Nattie Neidhart has been working very hard and picking up some impressive victories since arriving on RAW thanks to the draft.

Jerry Lawler:
Well Hart certainly seems to have been giving title shots to certain people. All out of the blue is it? More like out of the pink.

Michael Cole:
Would you stop being so paranoid! Your favourite performer is due out next so try and lighten up.


Maryse doesn’t look too pleased about having to defend her newly won championship on RAW tonight which she carries on her right shoulder. She struts towards the squared circle, with her black jacket billowing behind her, and ignores any crowd members trying to give her support with the swivel of her hand. Once she is in the ring, she reluctantly hands over her butterfly shaped title to the official. The referee shows the championship to Nattie who grasps it into her own two hands an... but she gets blasted from the side by Maryse and the official has no choice but to ring the bell.

Match 5 - Singles Match for the Divas Championship - Natalya Neidhart vs. Maryse (c)

Maryse grabs Nattie’s head off the ground and slams it straight back to the mat. Maryse takes a small run up and then boots Nattie in the gut, causing all the air to be expelled from her body. Maryse cockily prances around the ring while she waits for Nattie to get to her feet. The moment she does, Maryse launches a vicious slap right across the Anvilette’s face. More pissed off than anything from the cheap shot Nattie charges at Maryse and bowls her over with a giant clothesline. Maryse fights back with forearm shots and then whips Nattie into the ropes with an irish whip only to get knocked over again by a powerful shoulder block. The Third Generation Diva lifts the champion in her arms and slams her down hard onto the canvas before dropping a leg across her stunning features! Nattie looks to win her first title here in the WWE but Maryse rolls her shoulder up before the three count.

Nattie looks to take a page from her father’s book and once again lifts Maryse up, but this time positions Maryse on her shoulder, looking to put her away with a powerslam. Nattie begins to run forwards but Maryse manages to slide out and then as Nattie turns around to continue her attack she is caught on the back of the head with a heel kick.Taking advantage of a slip in Nattie’s offense, Maryse pounds away at any part of her opponent’s face that is exposed. The beautiful French Canadian locks in her specialised camel clutch, keeping her opponent trapped to the mat and unable to move. After a couple of minutes in the excruciating hold, Nattie looks close to giving up. But after some encouragement from her Hart Dynasty teammates, and the crowd, she is able to show just why she is a Neidhart by lifting Maryse onto her back and then dropping her weight backwards, causing the hold to break! Maryse tries to end her opponent’s momentum and the match as she launches a quick kick to the gut of Nattie. Maryse tries to hit the French Kiss DDT but Nattie’s strength prevails again as she blocks it then counters with an overhead northern lights suplex. The official drops to his knees and hits the mat once, twice... kick out by the champion!

Nattie blasts off Maryse with a pair of right hands to the face and then knocks her opponent through the ropes and out of the ring with a colossal discus clothesline. Maryse sneaks under the ring apron and emerges with a bottle of perfume, which was seemingly stashed there earlier. The perfume is raised in Maryse’s right hand right towards the eyes of Nattie, who is still standing inside the ring. As Maryse is about to spray it, Tyson Kidd wrenches it from her grasp and throws it across to his tag team partner, well out of the reach of Maryse.

Nattie pulls Maryse onto the apron from the outside by her long, platinum blonde hair! Maryse is hurled into the ring with a harsh hip toss in which she lands in the middle of the ring. And in perfect position for the sharpshooter! The WWE Universe notices this too and they pop loudly, hoping to see a new champion. Natalya lifts one leg in the air and then the other but out of the corner of her eye she notices a figure walking slowly down the ramp towards the ring.
A tall woman with thick, curly black hair begins to verbally assault Nattie who turns her attention away from Maryse and begins to return the favour to the mysterious woman. This back and forth lasts for only a couple of minutes and Nattie turns back to finish the job but gets her knee kicked out by Maryse. Maryse grabs her opponent into a front facelock then drops her entire weight on top of the head of Nattie. The official counts to three and Maryse has retained her title!

Winner: Maryse (5:31)

Maryse quickly bails out of the arena with her title in hand as both members of the Hart Dynasty enter the ring to console Nattie. The mysterious woman continues to hurl abuse the Hart Dynasty’s way and both Kidd and Smith take exception to these comments and move forward to confront her... only to be attacked from behind by two guys in bright blue tights.

They throw everything they have at the downed tandem; fists, elbows and knees. Just when the beating looks to be over the two unknown men pick up Kidd and then throw him high into the air. He is then caught. By a samoan drop! When Smith gets to a stable base he is caught by two heels to the face thanks in full to the mysterious ‘tag team’. The trio then pose over the downed bodies of the Hart Dynasty as the crowd is booing desperately and the announce team is wondering what the hell just happened.


The camera pans to a shot of none other than Randy Orton, who is packing his ring gear into his bag, ready to depart the arena. Josh Matthews suddenly walks in on the Viper with his microphone in hand.

Josh Matthews:
Sorry to interrupt Randy, but could I get your thoughts on the main event tonight?

Randy Orton:
To be honest I think its complete bullcrap. Edge tries to crack Cena’s head in and he receives a chance at going to The Bash for the title? I was the one that saved the face of this company from having his career ended. And what do I get? Nothing.

Randy Orton:
I don’t like John Cena. But deep down, as much as I hate to say it, I respect him. But it seems that if I punted him in the skull earlier tonight, maybe it would be me having the match tonight instead of Edge. For once in my life I play the good guy and I receive jack. But next time I get in the ring with him, Cena shouldn’t count himself as lucky. I am the one who deserves that title match! And Edge. If he thinks that a double count-out is going to settle our rivalry he must be totally out of his mind. I am not finished with him just yet...

Josh Matthews:
How do you respond to Sheamus’ comments about you not being the same man you once were?

Randy Orton:
Sheamus is nothing but a punk. I said it before and I’ll say it again, Sheamus isn’t even worth the effort it would take to beat him down. And if he thinks that the Legend Killer, that the Viper is dead. He has another thing coming for him.

Josh Matthews:
Thanks for your time Randy.

As Josh Matthews leaves his lockeroom, Orton stops packing his bag and seems to contemplate something as RAW goes to commercial.


Ted DiBiase is seen walking, in a pristine suit and tie, towards the car park while texting rabidly on his phone. He accidently bumps into a rather large individual. Ezekiel Jackson. At first Ted seems shocked that he knocked into such a large man and offers Zeke a quick apology. Jackson just shrugs it off and walks off towards the lockeroom but DiBiase follows him with a devilish grin spread across his face.



Edge slowly makes his way onto the ramp for the second time of the night before suddenly stopping in his place. He then throws his arms into the air and a plethora of fireworks explode from in front of the titantron. Edge struts the rest of the way to the ring and slides under the bottom rope before ‘humping’ the canvas. He seems awfully confident as he put a beating on Cena not twenty four hours after his gruelling I Quit match with Batista of all people. Edge poses one more time to the WWE Universe before his theme music stops playing and he heads to his corner and prepares for Cena to enter.

*My Time is Now*

The WWE Champion also makes his way into the arena for the second time of the evening but this time his smile has disappeared. Without a salute, without a run the ring and without so much as a high five Cena enters the squared circle with the intent of breaking Edge in two.

Match 6 - Singles Match - Edge vs. John Cena (c) (Non-Title)

The moment the bell tolls once Cena shoots out of the blocks heading straight for Edge, who wisely sticks his upper body out through the ropes which causes the official to restrain Cena from attacking the Rated R Superstar. The champion tries it again but with the same results and quickly realises that he isn’t going to defeat Edge with the sloppy game plan he is utilising.

The two storied rivals circle each other and lock up and Cena immediately shows his strength and pushes Edge straight into one of the corners. But as the referee tries to pry them apart Edge lands a sharp right hand to the top of Cena’s head, sending him to the ground. Edge takes advantage and lands stomp after stomp onto Cena’s already bruised and battered body. He then lifts him up and slams his face directly into the top turnbuckle.
But as Edge gloats, Cena responds with several right hands before grabbing him by his long blonde hair and forcing him to eat a turnbuckle. Edge is then whipped hard into the opposite corner and Cena charges right at him but runs directly into a big elbow from his opponent. He follows it up with a big kick to side of Cena’s head! An anger fuelled Cena once again tries to make a comeback with more haymakers which send Edge sprawling to the mat and launches off the ropes trying to get some offense going but runs right into a powerslam. Edge quickly hooks the leg but only gets a two count.

With Cena trying to recover on the bottom rope, Edge presses his boot on the back off his neck, choking him. Edge continues to land shots to Cena’s head while he lays pressed against the corner. Edge lifts Cena to his feet, whips him into the ropes and then nearly knocks his head off with a clothesline much to the dismay of the crowd who hate seeing their hero getting beat up. With Cena prone on the ground Edge wastes no time in dropping knees and elbows into the champion. John fights back with a knee to the gut and then hits a stunning throwback leaving both men on the mat. Cena rolls over and tries to put Edge away but to no avail. Cena attempts to continue his proverbial roll but Edge ends it quickly with a dropkick. Edge looks to head to a title shot in three weeks by crawling onto Cena but he powers out!

RAW goes to an advertising break as the camera rests on Edge’s frustrated face!


RAW returns with the two men trade shot after shot and then take each other down with a double clothesline which starts the referees count. The WWE Champion is the first to his feet and lands a big shoulder block followed by another one and then ducks under a lazy punch from Edge and slams him down with a spinning powerbomb. John Cena motions for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and fulfils his promise with devastating force onto Edge’s face!
Cena patiently waits for Edge to rise and the moment he does he gets hoisted onto Cena’s shoulder for the Attitude Adjustment. Edge manages to slide out and instead hits Cena with an Edgecution. Edge hooks both legs and looks to be advancing to The Bash 1... 2... CENA POWERS OUT!

Edge doesn’t seem too frazzled over the near fall and instead heads to the corner with a maniacal look in his eye. Edge charges at Cena who sidesteps him, tripping him over in the process, and locks in the STF! Edge looks so close to tapping but instead REACHES THE ROPES! The referee almost has to wrestle Cena off of Edge in order to break the hold before Cena immediately runs over to the dazed Edge and lifts him onto his shoulders trying for the Attitude Adjustment again. Edge is able to counter once again and locks in a front facelock looking for an Edgecution. This time it is Cena who counters and pushes Edge towards the ropes and trips up Edge again with a drop-toe-hold. However Edge pushes out with his legs causing Cena to run straight into the referee, knocking them both down.

Somehow the sheer determination of John Cena allows him to get to his feet first only to see Randy Orton slide under the ropes like a serpent and set his sights on Edge. Cena seems confused as to Orton’s presence in the ring and walks towards him to questions his actio... only to get an RKO! RKO to Cena! RKO to the WWE Champion! After he drops Cena with an RKO, Orton begins to search for the reason he came to the ring in the first place, Edge. Orton sees movement out of the corner of his eye and turns, only to be blasted in the face with a big boot from Edge, sending him through the ropes and out hard onto the outside. Edge spins back towards the middle of the ring to see both Cena and the official getting to their feet. Edge charges at Cena and hits a vicious spear. Both legs are hooked and the referee slowly counts... 1... 2... 3! EDGE JUST PINNED THE CHAMPION!

Winner: Edge (11:27)

The moment the referee hits the mat and declares Edge the winner, Edge gets the hell out of the ring before Orton can finish what he started. Cena is still out cold in the middle of the squared circle and Orton is nursing a sore neck on the outside whilst glaring at Edge with his cold, emotionless eyes. Edge throws his arms into the air in victory as RAW fades to black on his arrogant smirk...

Quick Results
Evan Bourne def. Zack Ryder (8:58)
Mark Henry def. Ted DiBiase (5:12)
Ezekiel Jackson def. Santino Marella (3:22)
The Miz def. R-Truth (8:24)
Maryse def. Natalya to retain the Divas Championship (5:31)
Edge def. John Cena (11:27)


Hope you enjoyed the first episode, please give me feedback and point out any errors or anything you see wrong. Thanks for reading! And a HUGE thanks to Riaku for the awesome graphics (RAW and SD!) for both of my shows!
Now that's what I call a good read. I see you have adopted Papa Grande's style of formatting by using red for the RAW show to type the descriptions... not saying it's bad because it is a good thing. I love how you write the psychology and not the description. It's what most people here don't understand and I found it compelling.

Please keep up the writing.
Wow! Thanks for the great comments Crock and Falk! To FalKon; I did pretty much use Papa Grande's style of formatting as I enjoyed reading it that way. And I'm really glad you liked it as I spent my spare time for a good four weeks polishing it...Now onto Smackdown!
the Papa Grande style is great, makes it extremely easy to read. I loved the show, it was great to read, and I was really waiting to see what happens next, good luck with all future shows Peep
Really good read.. Very easy to understant and comprehend, which some people fail to capture.. fairplay and i look foward to reading the next show
Papa Grande's RAW Feedback:

Alright, I've been wanting to review your thread for a while, since you've paid attention to mine pretty well, so here's a full blown review, son. Before I go on, I want to let you know that this is meant to be CONSTRUCTIVE, so if I do make a bad comment on something I see try to take it in stride and not blow up on me. You know I only mean well. Now, take notes...

Good that you took focus and reminded everyone of last night's main event and what went down on it. Recap video's should almost always show after a PPV, no matter what, so good for that.

Solid opening commentary b/w Cole and King to let us know what's gonna be happening for the night. Not too out there, but that's pretty much how they sound. Although there were a few times I think you could've pulled one of those exclamations away and made it a complex sentence. Just a little too short and choppy. A few small grammar mistakes here and there (Toledo , Ohio) and such, but for the most part it was good, as you can't do a whole lot with opening commentary.

Hart probably was the right option to open up the show, as he could both adress the WWE Title situation and relinquish his US Championship at the same time. Again, some small grammar errors here and there, but not enough to take away from what's actually taking place. Just make sure you either proofread everything when you're done or go segment by segment, because it looks a lot nicer and comes off as if you care about this project. Hopefully with Batista gone and Bret saying that he wants someone to make an impact and step up you don't go with a traditional ME and give a younger guy (Miz or DiBiase, preferrably) a shot in the ME. Announcing a small 4 man tourney for the US title is good too, and glad that both matches are happening tonight so you can spend the next few weeks giving the two winners some build up.

Good to see some of your younger midcarders opening up the show, as I am a firm believer that the first match of any show should be a slightly competitive contest. Before I get to the match, put a heading of what the match is before you begin to write the match. It helps the reader know that the match is now beginning, instead of just changing it to red text. It'd also help so we know if they're fighting for anything, which they are right now, as it's a match in the US title tournament.

Well, you did exactly what I would like to see in an opening match. Ryder got the dominance in the middle of the match, which is booking 101, then you provided an excellent climax between the two and kept people in suspense. Pretty much exactly how you want to book an opener, so good job there. Again, the commentary was decent, but the King's sentences were a little too choppy and short. Put a few comma's and put some conjunctions in there to lengthen them out. Cole was written better though. Again, another mistake on the format by forgetting to red your text when you sent it backstage, but that can be easily fixed.

Problem here with Edge's promo. First of all, is Orton hurt? Because Edge has said that he's done with Orton, but their match the previous night ended in a DCO, which would mean that they are far from over, since we haven't had a clear winner in the feud. Idk if you wanted to scrap the feud or not, but if that was the case then you should've had a decisive winner at their match last night. If Orton is hurt then it's a different story, but I checked and so far it appears that he's not, and this feud does have some legs under it. You're just leaving the fans hanging since we only saw these two go to DCO and haven't had a decisive winner, yet Edge leaves just like that? You're gonna have to explain that a little better. And you missed a few reds in there. Again, PROOFREAD BEFORE YOU POST!

I said it before your opening match, but again; Use a title to indicate when the match is starting. Otherwise, for a reader, it may get a tad confusing. Good psychology having Ted keeping the monster Henry down by attacking his legs, but one of the moves I saw didn't make any sense at all, and that was the leg DDT. I don't think I've ever seen that move and ever will, and it wouldn't really hurt at all, as Henry's foot would just land on the canvas. Clearly the match was all about Dibiase and Henry was there just for the ride, but now that Virgil is gone hopefully DiBiase will turn it around and get a push. Another solid match, despite small grammar errors and what I pointed out earlier.

Very good, albiet small, promo here with Santino. You got the accent down pretty well, as well as his goofy antics. Almost definite squash against Santino, tonight, and hopefully it is someone that is useful and isn't old or washed up. Also I hope it's not a great big name either, as that debut could be saved for a bigger time rather than a squash against Santino.

Solid start to the Cena promo, but 2 things: 1) Edge just mentioned he was gonna make an impact on Cena a few segments ago. It's not like he actually jumped him or anything yet. and 2) Don't ever mention things like the PG rating to the crowd. Wayyyyyy too smarky, which over half of them probably didn't even get. That's a business thing that the crowd doesn't need to worry about, so you shouldn't bring it up. There's a fine line of thing's that superstars can say on TV, but stuff that would only appear to smarks and stuff that happens backstage is far, far away from that line. This isn't ECW where you could get away with that. The only ones that might get away with that is DX. But Cena? No. He's the last person who'd bother bringing up smarky talk and backstage rumors onto tv. Glad that you had Orton come out and help Cena, because I really don't think this feud b/w him and Edge is close to being over and it kinda explains what I was asking earlier. Edge clearly just wants the title, while Orton wants Edge. TT at the Bash, perhaps? Signs seem to be pointing that way.

Ezekiel Jackson is the mystery guy? Good choice, I'd say. He's not a great name where people will be wondering why he's busy squashing Santino on RAW in his debut, but he's big enough so people actually know who he is. I expect a good future on RAW for Ezekiel. Exactly the way his debut should have been written as well. Show off some of his power moves and don't let Santino get any offense in. Good booking, good job.

This Hart promo just doesn't make any sense at all, man. Reason 1) Why is he impressed that Edge jumped Cena from behind? And then he bailed right when the going got tough for him? Would've liked an explanation for that. And then he says this:

I was impressed enough to give him a WWE Championship at The Bash in three weeks.

Only to say this seconds later:

BUT if Cena is able to knock off Edge tonight, he will be out of the running for a championship match at The Bash.

Just because Cena gave him a suggestion? Looks like Bret is quite easy to sway, if I do say so. And why isn't Orton involved in this picture. Didn't he just help Cena out by scaring Edge away? He's just gonna be put to the side? And why give away a big match like Edge/Cena on free TV. I know they've met multiple times before, but who's gonna wanna watch that match in three weeks when they're getting the same thing for free now? Really, really confusing and dumb booking, imo.

I really don't like that you broke off Edge/Orton as quickly as you did, and it looks like a Sheamus/Orton feud might be happening? While it's something, you'd have to rebuild something you already had with Edge/Orton.

Glad you gave the Miz a small amount of mic time before his match, but isn't he from Ohio? I thought he's been billed from Cleveland, which is in the same state as Toledo, so why would he really be so desperate to leave. I know it's cheap heat at the crowd, but when he's in his home state it looks unneccessary. Also, I hope you do let him win, because Miz/Bourne is a much much more attractive match then Bourne/R-Truth.

Again, Booking 101 with that you had with Miz/Truth, but that is the right decision, by far. Miz definately should be featured on PPV's and if he gets back the US title then he should defend it a little bit more then what he did with his other reign. Should be a good match at the Bash.

Meh at the divas match. I'm not much of a fan of them, so I didn't look into great detail with the match. Sorry, but the only good thing about Maryse is that shes fucking smoking.

At least Orton is thinking the same way I am. I still think he's should be involved in the title match at the PPV, but I'm expecting, due to them acknowledging his comments, Sheamus will face him one on one instead. While it gives them something to do, Edge/Orton should've been the feud continuing. Not restarting Edge/Cena.

Pretty obvious that Edge/Cena wasn't going to end clean and that Edge was gonna win, but I didn't expect Orton to come out as soon as he did. I thought he may have saved that for next week. Either way, I'm assuming that move makes him a loner-tweener now, which probably is for the best. I really hope you add Orton to the ME as you do seem as if you are gonna continue the Edge/Orton feud, and it was a solid ME.

Overall, it was a solidly booked show, despite some of the things I mentioned above. I like what you're doing with the midcard, becasue you do have some talent there. The Bash is already shaping up to be a decent card with Miz/Bourne and (hopefully) Cena/Edge/Orton. Grammar errors need to be worked on, but that doesn't take much work. Good booking, solidly written show. BUT PROOFREAD. Other then that, I don't have anything to say about your first RAW. 6/10. You have potential, though. Good luck with this project.
Just kidding, I get what you are saying on some points but let me explain somethings first. First in Edge's promo he said he 'was done with Orton' because he was perfectly fine with just avoiding Orton (double count out) for the time being. And with Hart's promo, he kinda said that he was giving Edge the match as a way to tease the crowd a bit before announcing the Edge/Cena match for the main event, he wasn't actually impress by it, just teasing the crowd. Just like you asked I will pick out any grammer/lay out/ match up mistakes I put up.
Oh and a leg DDT is a move I have seen young heels use a lot lately, which basically compounds the knee and just basically looks like it hurts. Cena's promo about the PG stuff, well I just did it is a way to insult Edge's gimmick since the rating of all WWE is now PG. Not as a backstage/shoot kind of deal.
I'm not a big fan of the Divas but I used that match as a stepping stone for the debut of a new stable, I think you may have missed that.
Edit: Made the changes! :)
Theo's Feedback

Alright Peep, I enjoyed the show. Love the format, easy to read and follow along to. That is always a good thing. It is well written and the matches are of a good quality that it doesn't bore the reader and keeps them in tune with the match. I agree with Grande with Edge/Orton continuing on. Maybe you have something down the road for them two to continue with, but I think they should have had some kind of match at The Bash. Nothing to fret about however, just different booking preferences. Big Zeke as the mystery man was a good choice. I was expecting a big name star or something, but Zeke is a better choice, as he won't clutter up the main event scene more than it should be. A nice mid card guy to have around and dominate. Nothing to really nitpick about minus the little things I mentioned. Looking forward to reading SD and the following shows. Best of luck Peep.
Just finished reading your first show. Very good, I thought. I like that Orton is still not done with Edge, as he helped Cena out. Or at least that's what I'm hoping. I'm glad that Hart relinquished the title, as he should not be carrying it at this point. Zeke was a good surprise. I didn't see that one coming, but then, I rarely am able to predict surprises. Bourne vs Miz at the match should be a good story.

Like I said, enjoyed the show. Makes me want to start my own BT. Only problem so far? I think your show was posted on the 26? So, two weeks without a new show. However, I don't know your schedule so I can't give you too much grief about that. I understand not everyone is devoid of a social life like I am, lol.
Thanks to Theo and YeDemon for your comments! To Demon, I have been so busy lately so hopefully Smackdown will be up real soon. And Theo, don't worry about Edge & Orton, they will keep feuding for a while. I have got somthing up my sleeve for them. I just didn't want them to have another singles match right after they already had one.

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