WWE Money In The Bank - Rey Mysterio (C) vs Jack Swagger WHC match


Has Returned.

At WWE Money in the Bank, newly-crowd World Champion Rey Mysterio will attempt to defend his coveted title against the revenge-fueled aggression of former champion Jack Swagger.

At Fatal 4-Way, “The All-American American” lost his World Title to The Master of the 619, amidst the chaos of a whirlwind Fatal 4-Way main event that pitted four past and present World Champions against each other. In a match already designed to give the incumbent champion a 25 percent chance of retaining “his favorite trophy,” Swagger was challenged not only by Mysterio, but also Big Show and CM Punk.

In addition, the looming threat of an irate Kane laid waiting in the shadows, as he sought retribution on the unknown attack of his fallen brother, The Undertaker. Seconds after The Big Red Monster focused his attack on The Straight Edge Savior, Mysterio seized the moment, hitting the 619 on Swagger for his miraculous championship victory. But, can the masked Superstar keep his place of glory?

Five days later, a “cheated” Swagger proclaimed that he would evoke his World Title rematch clause at the innovative, new pay-per-view, Money in the Bank. Armed with a new-found thirst to make anyone in his path suffer, Swagger unleashed a vicious ankle lock upon Big Show later that night, refusing to release it even after being disqualified. Will his newfound mean streak – combined with his talent for winning at any cost – allow Swagger to regain the World Title?

Mysterio leaps into Money in the Bank just one month after capturing his second World Championship. The Ultimate Underdog’s high-powered arsenal of maneuvers – not the least of which is the electrifying 619 – has helped him overcome insurmountable odds time and time again. However, with his possession of the World Championship elevating the stakes higher than they have even been before, does the biggest heart in WWE have what it takes to once again rise above expectations?

Can World Champion Rey Mysterio withstand the Superstar who will stop at nothing to get the title back around his waist? Find out at Money in the Bank, Sunday, July 18 at 8/7 CT, only on pay-per-view.

Jack Swagger has revoked his rematch clause to fight champion Rey Mysterio at the upcoming Money In The Bank Pay Per View to regain his championship and these two competitors will battle it out in less than a month.

Will Jack Swagger regain his championship against the high flying Rey Mysterio?
Or will Rey Mysterio retain the championship with a devastating 619?

Let's discuss the match in here.
First of all
a devastating 619?
That's not possible.

Secondly, I think Swagger will regain the title here. There is no real value in a Swagger vs Mysterio fued.

Mysterio was only given the title to keep him happy, so he will stay on TV while Undertaker heals up.

I would like to see Swagger win this one, then either go on to fued with Kane until Taker returns, or, I see a pottentially great fued between Swagger and Drew McIntyre. I think it could be great to watch these two in the ring.

Btw, Swagger doing the Ankle Lock? Yet another subtle reference to him being the best wrestler in WWE since Angle? How long before he starts calling himself an 'American Hero'?
First of all

That's not possible.

It's more a figure of speech than anything really Cookie, and it sold properly it could come off devastatingly, Batista has proved to do some pretty odd selling to the 619 at one time or another during their feud.

I do not see Jack Swagger regaining the championship although because of the fact that WWE seemingly weren't happy with Jack Swaggers reign, and Rey Mysterio getting the belt because he were unhappy backstage.

And of course there's also to remember the fact that Rey Mysterio as champion could prove profitable for WWE and Smackdown both in merchandise, Pay Per View buys and ratings.

But it could really go either way, Rey Mysterio could remain champion, or have a short reign where WWE gives the belt back to a more dominant Jack Swagger, because he did look dominant against Big Show towards the end last night.
I would really like to see Swagger go over in this match, I don't think Rey should have won it in the first place and considering his actions I really don't think he deserved the title win either. If the rumour is true he was only given the title to keep him on TV, especially after injuring Undertaker, then it's a travesty that a promising guy on the rise like Swagger would forfeit his title to him. I would really like to believe Swagger will come out on top, but then WWE has a habit of ruining my expectations
Snaggle tooth bores the shit out of me. I'm actually disgusted by the fact he's even getting a rematch. They really need to better define what determines a "rematch clause", because Swagger should not be getting one. He was more of a fluke Champion than, ironically enough, Mysterio during his first go-round.

This match is not likely going on anyone's top favorites list of this year, and its going to be easily forgotten just as quickly as its been made. Actually, didn't they just wrestle on Smackdown leading up to the Fatal 4-Way event? I swear they did. (keep in mind, I don't get SD)

I can only hope Rey Mysterio retains here, so we don't have to go through more torture and torment of Swagger's lame Championship reign. Seriously, the guy never won - anything. As Champion, did he actually even win one match? I'm sure one, but likely not more than 5.

Bottomline, I don't see either guy leaving this Pay per view as the World Heavyweight Champion. I see the winner of the Money in the Bank match leaving as the Champion. Well, depending on how thats set-up.

If we get a Smackdown and Raw MITB match, then one will open and one may close. Smackdown's should open.. Swagger/Mysterio can fill up the middle, and the MITB winner should cash-in, and take the gold. Here's pipe-dreaming that it will be McIntyre.
Well Unlike bigwill over here, I enjoy watching Swagger. No idea why they took the belt off him and put it on Mysterio. I'm going to assume that it's only because they want to do CM Punk vs Mysterio in a Title vs Mask match at Summerslam. However, only time will tell!
I can Rey Mysterio retaining here and getting Swagger out of the main event as quickly as possible and rightfully so. As a result of this, I can see CM Punk Vs Rey Mysterio for the championship and Jack Swagger Vs The Big Show at Summerslam
Well Unlike bigwill over here, I enjoy watching Swagger. No idea why they took the belt off him and put it on Mysterio. I'm going to assume that it's only because they want to do CM Punk vs Mysterio in a Title vs Mask match at Summerslam. However, only time will tell!

Probably because they realized no one gave a crap about Swagger, and Mysterio sells the most amount of product on Smackdown (next to, or more than, the Undertaker.)

As for another Mysterio/Punk feud.. no. I doubt highly they're going to back-track either individual into that type of situation. I suppose I won't say I guarantee they wouldn't, but it wouldn't make sense for them to, considering Mysterio was originally never suppose to be in the Fatal 4-Way to begin with.

So, him becoming Champion was a last-minute decision it seems.

I can Rey Mysterio retaining here and getting Swagger out of the main event as quickly as possible and rightfully so. As a result of this, I can see CM Punk Vs Rey Mysterio for the championship and Jack Swagger Vs The Big Show at Summerslam

Again, see above.

I think the biggest reason why people are leaning toward another Mysterio/Punk feud is because Punk has that mask on, and the last feud either man had was with each other. No, I just can't see them doing this.

If Mysterio heads into Summerslam with the Championship, its going to be defended against either Kane, or the Undertaker. I'm almost sure of this. For Punk to be tossed back into another feud with Mysterio would more or less only be a one-off match, which would be for no better reason than they feel no one else is worthy. And thats B.S.

As for Swagger & Big Show, I also can't see their feud continuing into Summerslam. Swagger's ankle lock on Show at Smackdown was just to show that Snaggle tooth is becoming more aggressive.

To be perfectly honest, I don't see Jack Swagger competing at Summerslam in any type of Main Event level match, or any match with any type of build - at all. (and I'd be just as happy to not have him competing on the entire card, if I had my entire way about it.)

I still stand by hoping the Money in the Bank winner cashes in here. Namely, McIntyre. I'm almost positive Mysterio & Kane will fight at Summerslam over the Championship, however.
Probably because they realized no one gave a crap about Swagger

Except that the fan reports always indicated that Swagger got the most heat BY FAR. :rolleyes:

Anyway, there's no way Rey is losing here. He only just won the championship, and with the reports of him being disgruntled, they wouldn't take it off of him so soon. I'd imagine it would affect his morale and he'd get even more disgruntled. On top of that it seems that management was unhappy with Swagger's reign (though really they have only themselves to blame).

The only way I see Rey leaving without the title is because of a surprise MITB cash-in.
LOL people saying this match wont be favorite are you made didn't you not see Swagger v Rey on Smackdown that match was awesome and i cant yet to see this match Rey has the ability to put guys like swagger over and rey sells specials really well he could more credibility to swagger.:worship:
All I can say is neither is walking out champ and I'm calling it right now. Someones going to cash in on their asses and rake in a title, preferrably Kane or Drew Mcnugget. I just can't see either of them keeping/regaining the title, and I think a World title match Kane & Taker Summerslam would be great to watch so thats what I'm voting for.
i want REY MYSTERIO to retain because i DO NOT want another boring SWAGGER run.but if i had my way i would let MYSTERIO win then MR. MITB CHRISTIAN comes out cashes it in and becomes WHC and turning CHRISTIAN HEEL i can dream right. but i see REY winning because mangement was not happy with SWAGGERS reign so i dont see him winning it back and REY won to keep him opn TV for TAKER while hes gone so isee REY holding on to it till TAKER returns and fueds with whoever took him out and then i see REY taking his time off but im still hoping for CHRISTIAN to be MR.MITB and cashing it in on REY and turning heel
I also am unsure as to what program Sqwuilliam has been watching, but Swagger gets it done in every facet of the game, and has already had three GREAT encounters with Mysterio. I expect this one to be no different. The only shit thing being, for one of the few times in the year so far, its fairly clear who comes out of this with the title. No reason for Mastrio to drop it so soon after winning it, you generally dont put a WHC title onto a guy like him just to have him lose five weeks later.

Should be a badass, albeit somewhat predictable match. Personally, its the one im looking forward to the most on this card so far.
i really look forward to this, and i am dreading this at the same time. if swagger regains i think it would be amazing, and show thats hes here to stay main event -wise. but if he loses i fear the worst for him, cuz lets face it not everyone can make sheamus rebounds. i hope swagger retains and has a fued with taker. that would really help swagger long term. and the ONLY way i could ever be happy with rey winning is if they have him face cm punk at summerslam and still go swagger v. taker no title. and cm punk regains at summerslam. ONLY WAY.
Althought I do see Rey Mysterio's reign a short one...I think he may just retain the title...i've just got that feeling...they wouldn't take it from him so quickly...

But the again the following ppv is SummerSlam...so im also thinking it might be a win for Swagger..since I'm guessing they got something huge planned for him at Summerslam...but since I think the original plan was going to be Swagger/Taker...I think things have changed since takers injury...

Either way...I'm going with the all american american former world champion...Jack Swagger!!
rey is gonna retain, because he never wants to put over anybody, he only thinks about himself and wants to keep his little kiddy fans happy. so here are some possible results :

rey retains by doing the 619 (yawn)
rey wins by dq
rey wins by countout

bottom line rey retains and ill never watch smackdown again until he drops the title.

wich is probably until taker returns.
Unless Jack Swagger becomes a 3 time, 3 time, 3 time World Heavyweight Champion by some miracle, I don't think he'll beat Mysterio at Money in the Bank. As much as I absolutely HATE Rey Mysterio and him being World Champion, I just don't think he'll lose so soon...

But then again, I didn't think Jack Swagger would lose either.

My reaction to Mysterio winning at Fatal4Way ^

Lets just hope Money in the Bank is a success as a pay-per-view.
I also am unsure as to what program Sqwuilliam has been watching, but Swagger gets it done in every facet of the game, and has already had three GREAT encounters with Mysterio. I expect this one to be no different. The only shit thing being, for one of the few times in the year so far, its fairly clear who comes out of this with the title. No reason for Mastrio to drop it so soon after winning it, you generally dont put a WHC title onto a guy like him just to have him lose five weeks later.

Should be a badass, albeit somewhat predictable match. Personally, its the one im looking forward to the most on this card so far.

Your bromance for Swagger never seizes to amaze me. I tried, I truly did try to find the guy entertaining. I wanted him to make it, but SwAngle is only spinning his tires at this point.

His Championship reign was flat, and boring. Above and beyond the level of Punk's first reign. Maybe you can blame it on lack of opponents. Maybe you can blame it on being pushed out of left field a bit too quickly. Or, maybe you can just accept the blame where it deserves to be..

And come to understand Snaggle tooth isn't a Main Eventer. At least not now. (Oh, and before I get the a-typical NorCal reply I know is coming - being IN a Main Event, doesn't MAKE you a Main Eventer.)

I don't doubt Mysterio will do his best and make this match look the best he can. But by year's end, do you even have a thought (man, I hope not) that this could/would be considered one of the better matches of the year?
I am entirely unsure as to what the booking of his title reign has to do with the quality of the matches he was having....if they were over the IC title, would they have been acknowledged then?

Yea his title reign was shit, not really any fault of his own, a LOT like Punks first reign. Shit booking from a character standpoint, very high quality wrestling matches.

and yes I do certainley belive this has MOTN potential at the VERY least. I doubt they are given enough time to do anything TRULY special, but this will be a VERY good little 8 to 10 minute match, I garuntee you.
I am entirely unsure as to what the booking of his title reign has to do with the quality of the matches he was having....if they were over the IC title, would they have been acknowledged then?

The booking of his Championship reign, by way of how his matches went, is what I'm entirely talking about.

When a Champion is meant to look like a weak little bitch, who runs from everything he faces head-on. (Big Show, for example - not that I blame him, mind you, the guy's huge.) Its hard to view him putting on 5-star mat classics, when he's told to go out and look like someone who's only trying to retain at any and all cost. (including countouts, and dq's)

Yea his title reign was shit, not really any fault of his own, a LOT like Punks first reign. Shit booking from a character standpoint, very high quality wrestling matches.

Where are these matches you keep eluding to? They certainly aren't going to post themselves you know. And I'll be damned if I go on some wild goose-egg hunt for them, because I simply don't believe they exist.

Keep in mind, we're discussing matches he's had as Heavyweight Champion. Not anything from his ECW days, where, you know, he had plenty of talent who's only job was to attempt putting him over.

and yes I do certainley belive this has MOTN potential at the VERY least. I doubt they are given enough time to do anything TRULY special, but this will be a VERY good little 8 to 10 minute match, I garuntee you.

Anything longer than 10-15 minutes and it becomes either a weardown marathon, or a spot-fest. Depending on who's in control.

Mysterio is good, no question, and he isn't the one I'm doubting here. Swagger, through my eyes - and knowledge of understanding - has not put on a match worth anything, thats gone beyond 10-15 minutes. So an 8-10 minute match seems like it'd be about the only thing that could help him.. and I still don't believe.

Gonna need that proof.
I don't buy the implication that "five star matches" (whatever those are) can't be had by a guy who runs like a pussy. It's a tried and true formula in wrestling and a form of storytelling. It still tickles man on occasion and does what it needs to. Why can't a "perfect match" be had from it?

As for decent Swagger matches, his first ECW title defense against Christain (their second match against one another; on SciFi before Mania last year) is one of the best matches of last year. Of course Christian was one of the top three workers in the 'E last year for my money, so a bad match wasn't really an option. Still, it takes two to <some kind of dance>, and Swagger was one of the two men in that ring.

As for his days as Heavyweight Champion, his match against Orton at Extreme Rules certainly wasn't awful. By any stretch.

As for the issue at hand, I see Mysterio retaining and I'll eat that shit up. Mysterio's one of my all time favorites and somebody I'm pleased to see getting another title reign. Should be a fine match, just like their bout on SD a couple weeks ago. Of course Swangle will prove he's not Angle when the bout fails to match Rey vs. Angle levels of greatness, but that's not a knock against Swagger.
Yes, his matches as WHC, thats what im talking about. Did you watch any of them? His title match with Orton, his matchs with Rey, fucks sake, he got good matches out of JOHN MORRISON. Pretty much every match he was in as WHC was good to great. Which is why I said earlier that I wasnt sure what show you were watching. You ar eliterally the ONLY person I have ever seen to question his ring work. Everything else? sure, maybe. In the ring though, he cuts the mustard with the best of them, as does Mysterio. Thats why if given proper time, we will get an excellent match out of these two.
Yes, his matches as WHC, thats what im talking about. Did you watch any of them? His title match with Orton, his matchs with Rey, fucks sake, he got good matches out of JOHN MORRISON. Pretty much every match he was in as WHC was good to great. Which is why I said earlier that I wasnt sure what show you were watching. You ar eliterally the ONLY person I have ever seen to question his ring work. Everything else? sure, maybe. In the ring though, he cuts the mustard with the best of them, as does Mysterio. Thats why if given proper time, we will get an excellent match out of these two.

Alright, here's the deal..

I will hold my tongue (well, as best I can until someone calls for it) until the Pay per view, and I'll re-review my assessment of SwAngle then. I personally have never seen anything special in this guy, and as such I think it'll be harder for anything to be proven to me based on that pre-made judgment from watching him since his debut.

His match against Orton was not special, it was a technical weardown fest. No, it certainly was not terrible - but it was dry, and slow. Maybe thats what it was meant to be, I can't say, but bland is the word I'll use when coming to think of it.

I don't get Smackdown, so any matches on 'said show' will have to literally be posted for me to judge.

I have said before, and will say now (again) though.. SwAngle will not on any level match the excitement and levels of mat-greatness that the real Angle had against Mysterio. (for multiple reasons, including things they can't avoid - such as Mysterio's age & injuries, so that much isn't Snaggle tooth's fault.)

Also, the newly used Ankle lock seems like a clear-cut set-up into a 619 and Mysterio victory. But I will tell you now, if SwAngle can somehow catch Rey in mid-air and turn it into a SwAngle Bomb, I'll pop for that much.
The booking of his Championship reign, by way of how his matches went, is what I'm entirely talking about.

When a Champion is meant to look like a weak little bitch, who runs from everything he faces head-on. (Big Show, for example - not that I blame him, mind you, the guy's huge.) Its hard to view him putting on 5-star mat classics, when he's told to go out and look like someone who's only trying to retain at any and all cost. (including countouts, and dq's)

I really am rubbing my eyes at this post. You're a seasoned vet who I understand to have superior knowledge of booking a heel especially being a huge mark for a guy who's made his career as being a sneaky, cowardly, weak little bitch, like Edge. Nothing against Edge, he's awesome. BUT a quick and easy way to get someone over as a heel is to umm, have them act like a heel. Swagger does this well, not as well as the likes of Edge, but then who could? Do you not hear the tremendous heat Swagger gets? It's not X-Pac heat, it's not hatred against the lisp, it's because he's played the heel role well. Alsooooo... with Show playing the role of the face, he is meant to be the badass that everyone is scared of. Mainly because he is you know, 7ft+ 500lbs. I can't think of a heel that's gone up against him that wasn't scared.

And come to understand Snaggle tooth isn't a Main Eventer. At least not now. (Oh, and before I get the a-typical NorCal reply I know is coming - being IN a Main Event, doesn't MAKE you a Main Eventer.)

I do agree with the assertion though, that Swagger is NOT a main eventer. I had the same thoughts about Sheamus with his 1st title win, but he's done the work and won me over, and if booked correctly, Swagger will do the same. He won the title too early after winning MITB, but they had to book it that way, to make the MITB more exciting and credible. He has the tools, he's just a little green, that's all.

rey is gonna retain, because he never wants to put over anybody, he only thinks about himself and wants to keep his little kiddy fans happy. so here are some possible results :

rey retains by doing the 619 (yawn)
rey wins by dq
rey wins by countout

bottom line rey retains and ill never watch smackdown again until he drops the title.

wich is probably until taker returns.

This is absurd. I would LOVE to see an example of Rey's selfishness. Behind Cena, he sells a ridiculous amount of merchandise and is a draw for WWE's key demographic. WHEN YOU TAKE THE TITLE OFF THE GO TO GUY(Cena), YOU PUT IT ON THE NEXT BEST THING (Mysterio) TO MAKE MONEY. Well done though for pointing out the ways Mysterio could retain, you're a genius. :lmao:

Snaggle tooth bores the shit out of me. I'm actually disgusted by the fact he's even getting a rematch. They really need to better define what determines a "rematch clause"

Kinda like, when a champion loses the belt, he as the right to a rematch. This is the rematch clause. :)
First off, I've got to agree with Norcal when he says that Swagger and Rey have already had some great matches since Swagger won the title. I post fairly regularly in Disarry's MOTW thread, and I remember picking Swagger matches for like four/five weeks in a row during April and May. I'm pretty sure Swagger vs Rey was one, or maybe two, of those picks.

So, I fully expect them to put on another good match at MITB. I don't think there will be much of a build up over the next couple of weeks on Smackdown though. Just your basic rematch clause thing. That may hurt it a little, but like I said, it should still be a good match. I fully expect Rey to retain the title too.

The thing is though, I don't think this is all about the match. I agree with others in this thread who have predicted that a cash in will take place at MITB. I don't think there are going to be two breifcases being carried around, so I can really see a cash in on the night occuring. If that is the case, then I'd expect it to be cashed in on Rey for the WHC. He is Smackdown's top face, so it would be similar to cashing in against Jeff Hardy this time (roughly) last year.

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