WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - WWE Championship MITB Match

Who should replace Kane in the All-Stars MITB Match

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Last night on Raw, as a little part of the threeway power struggle angle between Vince, Stephanie & Triple H; Stephanie came out onto the stage and announced the participants for the WWE Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match. This year's match will be made up of CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam.

The WWE Championship MITB match is heavily stacked with a lot of talent. With the probable exception of John Cena, CM Punk & Daniel Bryan are possibly the two most over babyfaces on the roster right now. Sheamus has been dominant over the past few years and has often been compared to Orton as to who is the #2 babyface in the company. Orton's been a dominant force in WWE since he arrived and has pretty much done everything. Kane has been an upper mid-card institution, with occasional ventures into the main event & tag team scenes, for more than 15 year and you have to apply that to Christian as well. Rob Van Dam makes his WWE return in this match. If Tommy Dreamer is the heart & soul of ECW, then RVD has to be thought of as ECW's favorite son and is the only simultaneous WWE & ECW Champion in history.

In a similar trend to what we saw in the last WWE Championship MITB match, all the competitors in this match have either been WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, rather than simply just being a former WWE Champion. As of last night, I think this match is ultimately Daniel Bryan's to win. Along with Christian & RVD, I also think he'll be pulling some of the bigger spots in the match. Christian has almost no chance and I don't see WWE trusting RVD with the WWE Championship again. Punk is a genuine possibility, but I think WWE is ultimately more interested in building his eventual match & feud with Brock Lesnar and the Paul Heyman storyline. I think Kane could be in the final few years of his career and him winning just doesn't seem very exciting or fresh. It also doesn't feel fresh with Sheamus or Orton winning, especially Orton as he was an almost all of his accomplishments happened before he was 30.

After last night, and unless things change over the next 3 weeks, I think the strongest scenario has Bryan winning the MITB match and ultimately challenging Cena in a face vs. face match for the WWE Championship at a major ppv.
The problem with this match is that it leaves the WHC MITB match with very little starpower. I say bring in Sheamus Kane and Christian to the WHC MITB match. The MITB matches are known for their rational distribution of heels and faces. This WWE Championship MITB match is overloaded with faces (read no heels whatsoever) , and RVD is going to get the biggest pop alongside Punk and Bryan. What's the point? There's time to build up to the PPV. They shouldn't be rushing MITB matches up like this just for the sake of playing up a McMahon Power struggle drama.

Winner : Daniel Bryan. For the same reasons as yours, Jack Hammer.
The problem with this match is that it leaves the WHC MITB match with very little starpower. I say bring in Sheamus Kane and Christian to the WHC MITB match. The MITB matches are known for their rational distribution of heels and faces. This WWE Championship MITB match is overloaded with faces (read no heels whatsoever) , and RVD is going to get the biggest pop alongside Punk and Bryan. What's the point? There's time to build up to the PPV. They shouldn't be rushing MITB matches up like this just for the sake of playing up a McMahon Power struggle drama.

Winner : Daniel Bryan. For the same reasons as yours, Jack Hammer.

Has there been any indication that there's going to be a second ladder match this year?

As for the match, I also believe they're building up DB for the win here. He's clearly being given a strong push and a MITB win at this point would send him through the roof. If his momentum carries well enough, I could even see him beating Cena for the title. Strike while the irons hot.
Has there been any indication that there's going to be a second ladder match this year?

Why wouldn't there be a second ladder match? If both championships are equal according to WWE "Logic" (read logic, not opinions of backstage officials aka Vince), there will be a second ladder match. But the starpower, as I mentioned earlier, will be low, because of too many faces in the WWE Championship match.
Why wouldn't there be a second ladder match? If both championships are equal according to WWE "Logic" (read logic, not opinions of backstage officials aka Vince), there will be a second ladder match. But the starpower, as I mentioned earlier, will be low, because of too many faces in the WWE Championship match.

With the brand split dead, so might be the "Smackdown" briefcase, which is what it was always labeled as. Not saying there won't be, because it gives a lot of guys on the roster a spot on the card, but it wouldn't surprise me.
7 very strong performers in the WWE MITB match. All are main event or flirt around the mid/main event so will be interesting to see who prevails.

- No chance.
Kane - no chance.
Christian - no chance.
RVD - returning, would be interesting but cant see it. Surprised he isnt going for the world title.
Orton - Looks like WWE are favouring him again. Thats good to see because he is a solid performer. Could possibly win and then lose the privilige in a match.
Punk - Think Lesnar will probably cost him setting up a fued for Summerslam.
Bryan - Smart money goes here. On the verge of a big push.

This doesnt leave a lot for the World Title. Probably see Cesaro, Barrett, Miz, Rhodes, Sandow and 1 or 2 other mid carders.

Have to say it doesnt excite. And not sure if Curtis Axel or Dean Ambrose would be involved. The latter would be an extremely interesting choice.
Who cares about star power in MiTB Ladder match? These matches are about spots, destruction, and one guy standing above all else in the end. In the end the WHC match may be more entertaining than the WWE Championship match. Especially when you put in guys that are younger and hungrier.

This line up is promising though. The resume of some of these guys in ladder matches is long. Hopefully guys like Christian, RVD, and Punk can still put it out there in this type of match.

In the end, it is certainly set up to give DB a chance to shine. I'm not sure who wins this though. DB seems the most obvious but he has had the case recently, a case works more effectively for a heel, and it's not the route I want him to go to earn a title shot. I more like the idea of him collecting big wins like last night rather than taking the path of using a brief case when he feels like it.

Plus I'm ready for Orton and Cena to feud again. It's been a while, Orton's been a good soldier, and he really is one of the better ring workers WWE has to offer. Gun to my head I predict DB but I think I would prefer Orton winning.
Lots of star-power, but everyone is a face, leaving the WHC MITB match very lacking.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Vince or HHH change the entrants as a way of getting one up on Stephanie and furthering this power struggle thing they've got going on. That could even out the two matches better.

However, if it stays like this then my money is on Bryan
WWE, what in the sam hell are you doing?

There are more faces in this match than there are reasons to watch said match. This indicates to me that RVD's almost going to have to return as a heel, cause let's face it, Christian's face, Bryan's super face, Punk's a tweener (but might still be a heel, I think, I don't know what the hell they're doing), Sheamus's a face, Orton's almost gotta turn heel, but might still be face, and Kane's still a face. What in the sam hell are they honestly thinking here? I just don't get it.

Daniel Bryan to win this thing, pretty damn safe bet.
Problem with adding a second MITB match is that between the first one and with the undercard matches already set up for Jericho and Ziggler there are no real "face" guys to go into a second MITB match. The only available face would be the Miz and he's been scuffling in that role. We would be legit looking at a pool of Miz/Sandow/Rhodes/Barrett/Langston/Cesaro/Shield/Axel with maybe a returning Swagger and Mysterio. I don't know how that works having such a heel heavy match.
I just hope Dean Ambrose is in the WHC MITB match so he can call out the Shield to help him and they can triple power bomb someone through a ladder. Ambrose doesn't have to and shouldn't win but I just think that would be an awesome spot for the match. The WWE MITB match is too stacked, I thought RVD, Christian and Sheamus would be the faces in the WHC MITB but I guess not. For the WHC MITB I would have Dean Ambrose, Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro as the heels but for faces maybe a face Big Show return and if Kofi and Evan Bourne are ready to comeback that would be great. As for the winners, Daniel Bryan should win WWE contract and Wade Barrett should win WHC contract.
That's a stacked match. The problem is that MITB is supposed to make careers and each guy in that match has either reached the top, is already at the top or will never reach the top. None of them need the briefcase.

I suppose it would be a boost forsomebody like Bryan, but he's going to be the WWE Champion at some point in the future anyway. He's also previously won it.

I'd be more inclined to fill a match like this with people who've never been world champion. Somebody like Ryback should be in this match and they should be coming out of it with a WWE Championship in their near future.
WWE, what in the sam hell are you doing?

There are more faces in this match than there are reasons to watch said match. This indicates to me that RVD's almost going to have to return as a heel, cause let's face it, Christian's face, Bryan's super face, Punk's a tweener (but might still be a heel, I think, I don't know what the hell they're doing), Sheamus's a face, Orton's almost gotta turn heel, but might still be face, and Kane's still a face. What in the sam hell are they honestly thinking here? I just don't get it.

Daniel Bryan to win this thing, pretty damn safe bet.

This is exactly what I thought man. Even worse, unless they bring RVD out on TV before the PPV, he'll have to return as a face because he'll get a big pop from the crowd. So you've got seven faces in one match with no one to stir the pot. They'll be helping each other up the ladders!!

If this isn't when Orton turns then you might as well just forget about it ever happening... evaaaaaar.

Bryan looks a shoo-in anyway.
This is exactly what I thought man. Even worse, unless they bring RVD out on TV before the PPV, he'll have to return as a face because he'll get a big pop from the crowd. So you've got seven faces in one match with no one to stir the pot. They'll be helping each other up the ladders!!

If this isn't when Orton turns then you might as well just forget about it ever happening... evaaaaaar.

Bryan looks a shoo-in anyway.

Don't be a moron. You really think they're going to let each other climb the ladder? I know you can't be this stupid. Every man for himself. Who cares if they are all faces?

Like Jake said, they probably should have put more people in that have never been WWE champion. Ryback comes to mind and a shot in the dark would have been Dean Ambrose.
I don't think it matters that they are all faces, in fact until it was mentioned in this thread it never crossed my mind. These days fans cheer who they want a lot of the time so here it will just be about star power, big spots and someone getting a big moment. With the creative talent involved in the match I think it could be the best MITB match ever personally.

Of course it's always possible that Vince alters the line-up as part of the power struggle angle but I don't think so, I think the WWE want this match to be the PPV's biggest selling point as while Bryan is favourite but there are big enough names in there to make the outcome questionable enough to build excitement.

I think Christian is just in there to help run the match given his experience in ladder matches, and I'd be surprised is Kane won, but the other 5 are all viable in my view.

Daniel Bryan - The clear front runner but that is sometimes when WWE pull the rug out, however I don't think they will, personally I see him winning and challenging Cena up front to a match at Summerslam to continue his quest to prove himself.

CM Punk - It seems likely that Brock or Heyman cost him the match, but maybe he wins and cashes in face to face with Cena like Cena did with him and then Lesnar costs him that match.

Orton - Despite the loss to Bryan last night I think Orton has looked revitalized in the last 6 weeks working with Bryan and The Shield in the "weak link" angle, so a win here would set him on the road back to the title picture.

RVD - Most unlikely of the 5 but what a way to make an impact.

Sheamus - Could be a dark horse, he's been treading water for ages now but has been kept strong by hardly ever losing, if he gets the briefcase it could set up a heel turn that would get him back in the real main event mix.
I think the best option here is for Daniel Bryan win the contract and announce he is cashing in at Summerslam. This sets up the WWE title match for the big PPV. I don't really see any of the other guys with the exception of CM Punk winning it. CM Punk seems like an unlikely choice just because of his inevitable feud with Lesnar which is actually happening now anyway.

I cannot honestly see them trusting RVD and he is not even going to be full time. Orton doesn't stand a chance, Sheamus neither. Kane and Christian have no excitement or interest to me, I like both but at this point both are past their primes. So Daniel Bryan seems like the absolute best and most logical choice here. What better place to cash than Summerslam in L.A.? You already have your two top matches pretty much set in stone with CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar and John Cena (c) vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE title.

The world title match seems lacking in star power but what can you do? Not much really. Might as-well just accept that its the secondary match of the two.
I would love to see Orton win the MITB and eventually cash in on Daniel Bryan. Only to become the first person to properly lose on a cash in. This would be the perfect way to both turn Orton heel and cement Bryan as a champion! I realsie this will not happen but I can dream...
Do you know what I think is interesting about this?

The fact that, if we assume there'll be a WHC MITB like last year, all the faces are competing for a shot at a title held by a face, and all the heels will be competing for a title held by a heel.

That just feels off for me. Expect major turns before the ladder match/es are finished.
I have a feeling that either the shield wins the WHC mitb as a single unit, or dean ambrose is entered into the whc mitb and wins it on behalf of the shield, putting up the briefcase in the hands of the shield as a single unit, you know, with them always being about team > individual, what better way to showcase that than by taking an individual title like MITB and giving it to the team... it will allow creative to open up so many doors and help keep things fresh because right now, there isn't anyone else left who can win the WHC MITB that is anywhere near credible enough... Maybe Big E Langston can win it to help distance himself from Ziggy
Would love to be Bryan. Best part of RAW right now and best thing in a while on the show. He needs it more then anyone because he is on fire and its a shame that they dont capitalise that and because of it he is a favorite here. Unfortunatly I can see WWE going in a different direction:

1) Rob Van Damme- Winner of second MiTB match. He cashed in on Cena. Who is champion now? Cena. :)

2) Orton- In heelish turn he wins then cashes on Cena and then Bryan beats him for title.

3) Sheamus- As much as my dissmay WWE pushes him, pushes him and pushes him. HHH sees something in him but they cant get him elevate and isnt closely over as much as they want. This could be their try to do another push on him because, lets face it, he doesnt have too much to do lately...

Others are here for creating a noise for themselves. Kane will have something to do with Bryan or Orton, somehow Heyman will cost Punk a match(he even doesnt have to be at the match, its just enough that Lesnar takes him down prior to the match) and Christian
is there because of spots...
Sheamus[/B] - He Will put a Decent showing but in reality no chance in hell at winning this thing! No way not as a face anyway maybe as a Badass heel he stand a chance
Kane - He Has already won it why would he win it again. That would make no sense! No chance
Christian - I love Christian but lets be honest here for a minute. He simply isnt main event material or WWE title material. No way does he win sorry christian but its true
RVD - returning, Ahhh He will do some cool spots five star frog splash someone from the top of the Ladder like always but he will fall short.
Orton - I Like Orton i do. To me,he actually he would win it if indeed he was the Heel Viper. I totally could see him winning it if he were a heel. Slowly though,it seems like he is gaining respect finally and gaining trust. This could go along way to being back in the title scene where he belongs.
Punk - I Love Punk! He is solid Gold like DB is! I like everything there is to Punk his ability,his mic skills are second to none and he brings out real emotion. I would pick him to win if it werent for one last star in the match
Bryan - This is his turn to be the star he was destined to be. He is the future WWE champion and rightfully so. He has the ability to wrestle circles around 95%of the WWE roster! He will challenge Cena probably as soon as SummerSlam

This doesnt leave a lot for the World Title. Probably see Cesaro, Barrett, Miz, Rhodes, Sandow and 1 or 2 other mid carders.

Agreed here on the WHC.

Cesaro:If I had to Pick he would be my pick. Zeb needs a champion under his stable to make it more believable instead of just flapping at the gums. Cesaro i have said it time and time again. Pound for Pound the strongest dude in the WWE. He has Underrated Mic Skills and great ability.

Damien Sandow: Underrated but not for long. Really coming into his own and maybe 2 years from now will be his time but not now. I hope they keep the same character with him smartass and just insults people. He is funny and gold on the Mic! Underrated ability in the ring.

Barrett: Wow how he has fallen. He was the pick to be in MITB at WM28 hell they were gonna have MITB in that WM but he unfortunately got injured and missed quite some time. Then they give him the IC title and i think finally this guy is going somewhere. Then he loses it. God he lost to the Miz of all people this guy is going backwards real fast. Clearly he has ability,decent mic skills but obviously he cant get over with the crowd. I still have faith in him though as I think still he is a future WHC but he better step his game up

Cody Rhodes: I think he make a WHC a decent one better than Ziggler would IMO. He has good ability,above average Mic Skills,and in reality he should have broken Honky Tonks man record for the longest IC title reign! He did bring back prestige back to the Ic Title his time is coming.

Miz: God No please no! That man IMO should hold nothing higher than a tag title ever again. He is so bland boring and watching squirrels fuck is more exciting than this guy. He was the worse WWE champion in history and thats saying something.
For Me I'd have to say...Christian. He has the most to gain from all this. D.Bry is going to face Cena regardless of how it happens it WILL happen, so why bother giving him a case? "To make us believe it?"

Christian as that chance to shock the world and pull his name out of that abyss that drowned him for so long (Since E&C Split)

(Straying off topic)

Everyone knows D.Bry will have Cena, i'd rather him beat Cena "CLEAN" on a Raw show that give him the spot, to me that will be waaaaaaaaaay more "Holy shit" then anything. D bry pinned the champ! or of course...if u wanna protect Cena have someone (Orton) attack D.bry when he applies yes/no lock on Cena symbolizing Orton is pissed and might just be the heel in this plot.

(Back On Topic)

Christian is the guy to win this (If it were up to me) just because hes the only guy there with something BIG to gain and can actually DO SOMETHING with that chance.

Kane: Wont win since Taker might help him with Shield
Punk: Lesnar
D.Bry: Already stated
RVD: I get it...hes back, but that alone shouldnt allow him to win
Shemus: No
Orton: it could encourage the heel turn
I think WWE is going to pick up where they left off and give us a Randy Orton vs RVD feud for Summerslam.

Obviously this would start at MITB.
It is a star studded match and should be very interesting. I really can't see RVD, Christian or Kane winning but they will all increase the quality of the match. I also doubt that Orton and Sheamus will get the briefcase from the position they are currently in.

I think Punk will be taken out during the match. Whether it be by Curtis Axel, Brock Lesnar or even the Shield, I just cannot see him finishing the match.

Therefore the obvious winner is Daniel Bryan. He is clearly receiving a huge push and this can only continue. My only problem is that he has already won a MITB before but there is no reason he can't win another one. I think Bryan won't cash the briefcase in the traditional way. Someone will antagonise him or suggest he will cash the briefcase in a cheap manner. He will then challenge Cena to a proper match at SummerSlam to prove he is not the "weak link"
CM Punk is the most obvious choice for the guy, who's not going to win this match. Punk is going into a feud with Brock Lesnar, so I don't see the point in having Punk walk away with the briefcase. I could picture a scenario, where Punk is distracted via mind games from Lesnar and/or Heyman, as he's climbing up the ladder for the briefcase. Maybe Lesnar's music hits out of nowhere, Punk's attention is drawn to the entrance ramp, but Lesnar doesn't show up, giving someone else the chance to knock Punk off the ladder, and grab the briefcase.

Christian....yeah. I just can't picture him being anywhere near the WWE Championship picture. The World Heavyweight Championship picture is another story, but the WWE Championship picture? Not a chance.

RVD's just there for his big return pop, some of the more jaw-dropping spots, and to add some extra star power to the match. When it comes to Kane and Sheamus, I just have a hard time buying into either one of them being inserted in the WWE Championship picture, especially Kane. And Daniel Byran is white-hot right now. He simply doesn't need it, and I can see WWE putting together a championship match between these two without the briefcase.

My pick is going to Randy Orton. Orton's been on the brink of a heel turn for a long time, and we all know, 98% of the time, whoever cashes in the briefcase turns heel. Orton is a phenomenal heel, when given the chance to be a bad guy. I think Orton's been in the doghouse long enough, and he's on the very short list of guys in WWE, who are legit main eventers.

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