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WWE missed a huge opportunity with HBK last night on RAW with HBK and Batista


Getting Noticed By Management
So Batista beats up Bret Hart, when suddenly, HBK runs down to make the save. He superkicks Batista, then Hart attacks McMahon, starts to turn him over....WHAM! Sweet chin music to Bret Hart, more shoulder since he can't do headshots, and Bret is left out cold. Vince spits on him as HBK just stares, and then Vince a HBK shake hands.

This would have been a great ending to RAW. We later find out Vince guaranteed HBK would have Taker at Mania no matter what. It turns HBK heel, which would be fresh, and gets Taker. It also leaves the Hart/McMahon saga wide open as well. HBK is going crazy, this would have worked since he would do anything to get that rematch.

I got half way through reading that suggestion and thought, 'no way, we don't need to see that, and i'm glad they didn't go that way' but then i read the 2nd half, and that would totally make sense.

However, i think they want to keep HBK away from this fued as much as possible, while at the same time, keeping us guessing about HBK v Taker II. Will it happen or not? Will he wrestle for a title at Mania at all? Will he even have an opponent? Only time will tell i guess, and even then, it won't be until after EC before we get any sort of idea what the ACTUAL WM card is going to be.
You're forgetting about the angle with Edge. Edge has yet to decide which world champion he intends to face at WrestleMania. Edge will be hosting The Cutting Edge on Smackdown this week and will feature the Undertaker. If you think about it, it works out logically as the winner of the Royal Rumble gets to face the champion of his choosing at WrestleMania. By doing an angle in which HBK is promised a match against Taker by Vince all along, it takes quite a bit of steam away from Edge's victory at the Royal Rumble. Also, I think having HBK attack Bret just sort of takes away from Hart's appearance a month ago. Bret Hart can't really wrestle anymore and everyone knows this, so having HBK lay him out with everyone knowing good and well that Bret Hart can't retaliate seems kind of cheap in some ways.

In the end, however, they may just decide to go that route. There's still lots of time before WrestleMania and whatever plans there are could well be changed.

Also, I like the slow build up that they're doing with their approach towards everything. You hardly see that in wrestling anymore. Everything in wrestling for a long while has just felt rushed and time hasn't been given to let things build up so that the pay off is even better when it's all said and done. Having HBK completely flip his lid this quickly just doesn't pack quite the same punch as it does if he loses himself steadily over time. Next week, for instance, everyone is expecting DX to drop the tag titles and that would be yet another frustration/setback for HBK.
You're forgetting about the angle with Edge. Edge has yet to decide which world champion he intends to face at WrestleMania. Edge will be hosting The Cutting Edge on Smackdown this week and will feature the Undertaker. If you think about it, it works out logically as the winner of the Royal Rumble gets to face the champion of his choosing at WrestleMania. By doing an angle in which HBK is promised a match against Taker by Vince all along, it takes quite a bit of steam away from Edge's victory at the Royal Rumble. Also, I think having HBK attack Bret just sort of takes away from Hart's appearance a month ago. Bret Hart can't really wrestle anymore and everyone knows this, so having HBK lay him out with everyone knowing good and well that Bret Hart can't retaliate seems kind of cheap in some ways.

I didn't forget. I'm not sure Taker will still have the title. And if he did, Edge chose that, Vince would say its a 3 way, so Edge could get pissed and then go to RAW. I thought of that, but this was all hypothetical anyways.
I was explaining what I thought about the ending of Raw last night to my brother and this is what I came up with. Last week John Cena comes out and talks bad about Vince, calling him a coward and that if he didn't bring Hart to Raw this week that he'd be even more of a coward. Now, I've heard rumors that Cena vs. Batista at Mania is pretty much going to happen. It clears up a few things right away having Batista attack Bret Hart.

1st of all, it opens MORE of a door for McMahon/Hart to go down at Mania. 2nd of all, it sheds a little light on why Cena came out and said what he said about McMahon and Hart. 3rd of all, it lets us know that PROBABLY Sheamus is going to win the ECM and go on to wrestle Edge. 4th, I doubt Taker vs. HBK is going to happen 2 times in a row. Most people, including myself, do NOT want that 5 star classic to be diluted with a watered down version of a rematch, seeing as to how HBK has all but whinned and cried the past few weeks about it. And last, this is setting up a split between DX with no one knowing who's going to be the heel, though I can see HBK going heel this time because last time HHH was heel when they fought. Over on the smackdown side, I think the move they made to put Jericho on their show was HUGE because he'll be taking on The Undertaker instead of HBK, so long as they keep the title on Taker and then have Jericho as the person pinned by Taker, thus setting up a rematch...

So no, I don't think they dropped the ball, in fact, I think they got the ball rolling. As of last night there were 55 days left until WM and so for the next month or so this will be very interesting.
I personally enjoyed this thread, I thought it made for an interesting senerio... However I must admit with it being a good senerio I DONT like it...

1) I for 1 do not want to see HBK & Undertaker II at Mania... Last years match was amazing and I have a feeling in my gut they are leaning towards HBK ending the streak as his last major career accomplishment... Hell NO... If the streak is to end it should be done by someone 2-3 yrs into the business they play to build the company on like they have Cena & Orton... Someone that can get a career long rub for that 1 single win... Maybe a Shamus or Ezekial... I hate to say it cause I am not a big fan of either guy, but if they plan to be around 10-15 years then why not... Or maybe even Jack Swagger, what a way to put him back on track...

Second I think John Cena should have made the save last night, was the perfect way to get the Cena vs. Bastista match rumored for the rumble started...

As for Vince & Bret I am still undecided there... I think they could use this fued as a way to kill the celebrity guest host angle that is 90% of the time so stupid... Like last night... They could build the rumored Vince vs. Bret street fight with some stipulations... If Vince wins Bret leaves never to be heard from again however if Bret wins he becomes the new permenant GM of Raw... Providing Bret is willing to stay beyond Mania which he has said if the situation is right he would
When Batista attacked Bret I though John Cena would make the save but that didn't happen. Not until I read this thread did I think about HBK making the save because he's got the storyline with Taker going on. I don't know if that would've been a good thing, it definately would've been interesting to see what would've happened but I don't think they needed to go there. I think Bret vs Vince in a streetfight will take place at WM 26 or a tag match Bret/Cena vs Batista/Vince will take place. Cena vs Batista have been rumored for awhile now but after what happened on Raw this maybe a possibilty, I that I don't think should happen.
I think the problem with HBK superkicking Bret is it would undo the January
4th moment which would be a shame. Also what would the pay off be? Bret would need to get his revenge and how could he do that if HBK was facing Taker?

Things seem to be starting to take shape for Mania, it looks like we are going to see Batista w/ Vince McMahon vs XXXX w/ Bret hart, the oppenent looking 99.9% likely to be John Cena.
My thought is that HBK is going to fight HHH at Mania. The clues are all there. He superkicked him at Survior Series, at Rumble ( to eliminate him), the conversation at Rumble between the two that HHH would like nothing more then to have HBK on the other side of the ring, then at RAW saying that he wants to take the roof off the place facing him at Mania. So in my perspective something big will happen in coming weeks between the two setting up the match at Mania. So no, I don't think WWE missed the chance on anything.
I think a great ending to last night's RAW would have , while Batista came out, and was attacking Bret, Shawn MIchael's should have come out to make it appear he was going to help with the beat down. Have Bret being held by Batista, and Shawn Michaels going to super kick Bret, and actually hit the super kick on Batista laying him out in the ring, then have Bret locking Vince into the sharp shooter. That would then set up a tag match between Bret/Shawn vs Batista/vince at wrestlemania where Shawn would do most of the work, and have Bret win with the sharpshooter. I think that would have been the killer way to take this scenario... what do you think?
I think a great ending to last night's RAW would have , while Batista came out, and was attacking Bret, Shawn MIchael's should have come out to make it appear he was going to help with the beat down. Have Bret being held by Batista, and Shawn Michaels going to super kick Bret, and actually hit the super kick on Batista laying him out in the ring, then have Bret locking Vince into the sharp shooter. That would then set up a tag match between Bret/Shawn vs Batista/vince at wrestlemania where Shawn would do most of the work, and have Bret win with the sharpshooter. I think that would have been the killer way to take this scenario... what do you think?

That wouldn't of been that suprising, because HBK and Bret already made up, and HBK is a nutcase right now. If they hadn't, or were on a rocky relationship, then it would have been good.
I completely agree. HBK & Bret Hart VS McMahon & Batista would be a great idea and a worthy finish to all the montreal business. Michaels superkicks Batista and Hart makes Vince tap out to the sharpshooter... they celebrate in the ring and history is made... probably won't happen but that would be logical. 1 big problem... Batista is complete TRASH in the ring.

I think an even better senario is HBK & Hart VS Vince & HHH. Hunter is Vince's son-in-law and if you read HBK's book, the original Screwjob orchestrator in Montreal....
I think the WWE are building towards a Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Undertaker triple threat match at WM.

I don't see the value in having Hunter vs. Sheamus. Nobody would buy the PPV because of that but what if HHH became the no 1 contender for The Undertaker's title? It would lead to more tension in DX. Or Taker lost in the EC, HHH won and The Undertaker became number 1 contender.

My prediction for the WM main events:
WWE Title: Triple H v. Shawn Michaels v. Undertaker
WHC: Chris Jericho v. Edge
Vince screwed up big time.............several weeks ago by starting this PART 2 bullshit. Nobody wants to see HBK Taker II. Taker has been insistant that his close friend Glen (Kane) Jacobs break the streak next year in his retirement match (Glen is ready to retire). Next, Vince forgot how to make money. The emotional value alone of HBK saving Bret puts $100,000 more PPV's on television screens. Here's how to do it:

First, we need to gently put this HBK - Taker thing to bed and make HBK 'normal' again; and here's how to do it.................

Make It A 3 Hour Monday night Raw February 22nd - Vince opens the show that he has challenged Bret to a match at WM and if Bret has any guts, he'll show up and accept. Vince shows a contract in his hand.

Mid show, Taker (who has lost his title to whomever at the elimination chamber) tells Shawn that he's thought about it, and he's got a deal. Taker hands HBK a contract. HBK thanks him and they shake hands. HBK puts it down and will sign it later.

End of show, Vince and Bret in the ring. Vince signs the contract and then Bret signs. Vince takes the contract and puts it in his jacket and says he "screwed Bret again" because it says Tag Team match with Vince and Batista's signature already on it, and only Bret's on the other side of the page which means it's now a handicap match. Batista arrives and they start beating Bret again. The camera cuts back to HBK ready to sign the Taker contract in the locker room while he sees this unfolding on the montior.

He looks at the contract , then the TV with confusion............the crowd is chanting HBK HBK!
Contract-TV, TV-Contract, Contract-TV.............HBK HBK HBK echoes from the rafters louder and louder!

We cut back to the ring........Bret is ready to be busted open for good............He's a goner, no more Hitman! Vince winds up with the chair as Batista holds him...................................(BOOM BOOM BOOM) OH SHAWN!!!!!!............the music hits! HBK comes flying down at top speed, the crowd becomes unglued! Destroys Batista! Vince tries to escape! Super kick on Vince! HBK stands over a beaten Bret. Looks at the contract on the ring floor that fell out of Vince's pocket. Picks it up and signs it to be Bret's TT partner!

The music hits, and he extends his hand to help Bret up.

I agree HBK and Hart vs HHH and Mcmahon would have been better and a good way to ensure Hart doesnt take too much of a beating. But the way things are going with HHH and HBK, HBK is prolly gonna be a heel before long. not to mention with all the hype of HBK wanting to face taker at WM26, i dont see them just dropping it to make a tag match. HBK vs Batista has happened before (feud over Ric Flair) and honestly it just seemed boring. Another awesome match would be Undertaker vs HHH, (HBK could interupt to cost HHH the match) this would be huge because HBK would be so jealous and could set up a big "backstapping friend" rivalry between HHH and HBK after WM.
i still think HHH V.S HBK will happen at Wrestlemania.I'll admit I was thinking the same thing when its was happening.Bret needed to be humiliated one more time before he gets help.I think Batista is only involved because he had nothing else to do.im sure they can find someone to help beet but I'm not sure who yet.
I'm sorry, but I can't support this idea on the basis of logic. Your ideas reeks of "swerve for the sake of a swerve". Just a month ago, Bret and Shawn had such a wonderful moment, and you want to kill that for basically no reason? Like it was a setup all along? And even if it was a setup, why would it culminate on a random Raw? None of it adds up. That is WCW booking to the core.

To be honest, it's best the Shawn isn't involved. Shawn was shown all night dealing with personal issues. He's not all of a sudden going to come out and deal with something else that isn't really on his mind. Shawn isn't involved, and he shouldn't be. They made their peace and now they can go on with their lives in different directions. Batista was the added element last night. As time goes on, we'll see how different pieces are added to the puzzle. I just don't expect HBK to be one on either side.
I honestly think they could of had Michaels hold Bret instead of Batista, that way Michaels could get his rematch against Taker at Wrestle Mania. Setting up Bret in Taker's corner and Vince in Shawn's corner. Now it seems that Batista and probably John Cena will be the ones in the spotlight due to Hart's misfortune.

I mean what does Batista gain from this? a title shot? or a spot at the EC? Michaels told Vince only good thing will happen if you bring Bret in. Why not capitalize on that to get his match against Taker. I think that is really the only logical way of having Shawn feud with Taker. I think Bret looks weaker having Cena come to his aide then having Michaels do a swerve on him.

I guess we will have to wait and see. I just don't want the biggest screw job in wrestling history to be nothing more than a Batista vs. Cena match.
WWE missed a huge chance on HBK and Batista last night. Several scenarios could've happened but didn't. One I would've like to have seen was HBK make the save after Batista came down to attack Bret. HBK and Bret have made their peace and Batista was the one who eliminated Micheals at the Royal Rumble. This could've been a good way to get all 4 men involved in this angle.
They have missed nothing with Shawn and this angle,this thing is one of the best set up things i have seen WWE do in a while,i mean think about it,at this point HBK could face any of about 3-5 different guys.I mean the rift growing with DX leads us to believe that maybe HHH is the guy,the stuff he's said with Taker leads us to believe its him,Batista eliminating him and the look he gave him plus the fact he's buried the hatched with Bret leaves him a possibility.Hell Kane could even be a candidate after what happened with those 2 at the rumble.After March 28 then we could sit around saying they missed with HBK,right now,sit back and enjoy.
sigh...its fairly easy to see whats gonna happen....between the raw before RR, RR, and edges promo last night...its a dead giveaway....... edge is waiting to decide till after EC...edge wants jericho...... hbk wants taker HMMMM what could possibly happen.....shawn will either somehow get into the ec tonight when smackdown does their selections or shawn will soomehow get inside the EC and screw taker out of the belt.......therefore we get both shawn vs taker 2 and edge vs jericho for the belt at WM and it makes sense story wise.......as for bret/batista/mcmahon......it sets up the cena/batista match for WM..... cena came out and called out mcmahon last week, if anyone payed attention at the RR when cena threw out batista , batista stayed and stared down cena while cena was on the ropes prior to being tossed by edge, and now batista inteferes with bret who cena basically brought back....
WWE is doing exactly what they need to do. All the chess pieces are being put in place to build up to Wrestlemania. The reason it seems they miscued is because we don't know what they are intending to do yet, which should be a big tip off that they are doing exactly what they should be doing and doing it well. Shawn really has no place in the McMahon-Hart feud after the Jan 4th make up between him and Bret. He has his own motives, his own goals, and his own storyline. Batista and John Cena's presence is likely only there to drive a feud between the two of them, and I like the prospect of a Cena-Batista feud and match at Wrestlemania. Batista is playing his heel role masterfully, and Cena is playing his role masterfully. They are just pieces of the puzzle. McMahon and Hart will have their own deal going into Mania, the plans have already been laid out since before we even knew about it. They know what they are doing, I think they have been doing well, and last night was the best part so far. I can only imagine what will happen next, and I look forward to it.

as soon as the cameras went off, cena made the save, and had a match with sheamus, batista interfered, and then cena hit attitude adjustment on sheamus to end it.

It would have been nice to have Cena save Bret with the cameras on, or just to have Bret to put Vince in the sharpshooter, instead of being embarrassed by Vince. Vince's speech to Bret i think was extremely bad and boring, and they really need to do something more interesting with Bret then have Vince embarrass him
I do agree that HBK making the save would have been cool. Also a very good set up for WM. Even Cena coming down would have worked. I just don't think it's believable that NO ONE did. Just doesn't make sense.

as soon as the cameras went off, cena made the save, and had a match with sheamus, batista interfered, and then cena hit attitude adjustment on sheamus to end it.

I think this was the classic wrestling booking of "send the audience home happy" and nothing more. Maybe to judge how people would react to Cena fighting on behalf of Hart.
I don't think that WWE missed that huge of an opportunity. Wrestlemania is not until March 28th, guys.... they can't give us the entire angle at once. It's better to develop it slowly. The way it happened on Raw was fine because now we as fans are wondering "Why is Batista involved?" and "Who could side with Bret?" as well as the most important question of all "What's going to happen next?". See what I mean? Would I be opposed to the original poster's idea of HBK siding with Vince to turn heel and get the Taker match? Sure, it's possible. However something like that should not be revealed (if it even happens) until after Elimination Chamber. If they let too many things happen at once then we will not care anymore by Wrestlemania since the feud will feel "too old" since it had developed too much. It's better for it to develop slowly since it makes us fans keep wondering what will happen NEXT week. They haven't missed a huge opportunity yet because they still have over a month's worth of time left to provide us with shocking moments before the big match.

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