WWE Marks Headquarters


Shawn Michaels ❤
A few days ago, I replied to a thread laced with negativity about how good the WWE actually was. I stated that creativity were making plenty of good decisions resulting in a product which was increasingly in quality the more we watched it. Instead of any intelligent debate, the reply to me was something along the lines of "You're a WWE mark, what are you, 12?". But without the spelling being correct, because half of the people who complain about the WWE don't know how to spell WWE.

Now, I'm simply wondering why being called a WWE mark is an insult. Doesn't it basically mean someone who gets excited about the show? Someone who enjoys watching it? I'm a WWE mark through and through. I buy every show we have to, and always mark out for my favourite wrestlers. While I'm watching the show there's no one I hate more than the heels, and all I want is the faces to beat them and show how good they actually are.

The comment about being 12 also made me laugh. At 17, I'm not as old as quite a few of the posters here, in fact I'm one of the youngest regulars. Why is it that I'm only allowed to mark out for the show if I'm in the pre-teen years? Why, at 17, and older, can I not enjoy the show in the same way? I mark out for the WWE, and that makes me seem like a stupid poster to all you 'smart' fans out there. I made a thread a while back about praising the WWE, where technically this post could have gone. However, with the amount of negative threads we see popping up daily I thought I'd be fine making a new thread. So, for all you 'stupid' posters out there who marked out for NOC, who counted down the days to WM and who still get that shudder of excitement for your favourite wrestlers, come post in here, and save my sanity.

WWE marks <3
I'll be happy to be known as a mark for the WWE. So many of my childhood memories are wrapped up in the WWE, begging my Mom to order the PPV and let me stay up late to watch the ending, sneaking to stay up when she said no.

I wasn't able to order Night of Champions but as I was reading the results I actually caught myself smiling and getting excited just by READING the results. I love to see heels get what's coming to them, especially when they happen to be some of my favorites (Edge and Jericho). I couldn't help cheer Cena AND HBK at WM23 when I was there live (cheap plug, I know). I feel I get much more enjoyment out of the product by taking it as it is and letting it entertain me.

Hi, I'm Bill and I'm a WWE mark.
The comment about being 12 also made me laugh. At 17, I'm not as old as quite a few of the posters here, in fact I'm one of the youngest regulars. Why is it that I'm only allowed to mark out for the show if I'm in the pre-teen years? Why, at 17, and older, can I not enjoy the show in the same way?

You know earlier this year I went to a house show with my younger cousin, his dad and my dad. When I was waiting in the car before the show, a lot of younger fans (I'm talking kids between 5 and 10 years old) walked past and my dad turns to me and says "don't you think it's about time you grew out of this wrestling thing?!" Now, there I was sitting in my Kane t-shirt ready and rearing to go and for a minute, I thought what my dad said was going to ruin my night.

For a minute, I started to think to myself "what if I am too old for this thing?" and then I felt really self-conscious because of what he said and with all the little kids walking past. However, once I got into the show and discovered that there was in fact a lot of people in my age category there, I thought to hell with what my dad says and the inner child in me came out again! I had a great night, did a bit of marking out and regretted nothing about it. I will continue to go to the shows as long as I like wrestling and will continue to enjoy the show regardless of what anybody says! Well said Becca by the way, there's no reason why fans older than twelve still can't have a laugh and enjoy the show.
I've never seen the problem in being a WWE mark, a TNA mark, an ROH mark, anything. Whats wrong with getting excited when your favorite wrestler wins the title or hits their finisher or kicks out after a 2.9 count. Its a part of wrestling, and sports entertainment as a whole, its there to entertain.

You'd mark out/get excited when your favorite football team scored a goal, or won the championship or whatever, why is wrestling any different? If anything its more relevant to mark out over wrestling because thats what they go out to do, entertain us, get us excited.

Anyone who looks down on any kind of mark is simply trying to seem superior or more intelligent, thats not always the case guys, we just enjoy the product more than you do.

My names Kyle, im 21 and i mark out for WWE, TNA, John Morrison, The Undertaker, AJ Styles and Newcastle United and im damn proud of it.
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i have been a huge wrestling fan for, id say about 14 years now, i used to watch WWF, WCW, ECW and now WWE and occasionally TNA, i remember the big rivalries, the monday night wars, DX, NWO, raven and sandman, hogan and sting, HBK and bret hart, and i have always been a fan to cheer for my favorite wrestlers because i enjoyed watching the show...so if that is what makes me a mark then screw it im a mark, i will continue to watch the shows continue to cheer when my favorites win, and boo when their enemies win

if you dont like it than i have two words for ya!
Becca, most of us posters with at least half a brain... does anyone really gives a damn what these posters have to say anyway? I surely take into consideration their points & analyse them a bit... but most of them are rubbish anyway. I know that Forums include opinion, but I mean... keep the wording in understandable & sophisticated terms. New posters like myself, SophieDavis & th3truthiness [whom I mark out for when he comes into the forums just to see his Stephen Colbert pic] have made this transition.

I would also like to add that even though I support most, if not all, of the WWE's current decision's that they are making towards a brighter future... I would like to say that the days of being a full-blown out WWE mark are long gone. I am a fan who know sits back & analyses everything about the show. There aren't that many moments at this point that unleashes what Chill refers to as the inner child within us. When the HBK vs. Taker happened at WM25, I reverted back to my 8 year old kiddy age at how great the match was & how excited I got. I actually was on the edge of my seat. Every pinfall near the end of the match resulted me in getting up off my couch & jumping before i realised that it was mere "2 fall." Once the match was over, I came back into my realistic, ripe & ancient age of 18 to analyse just how much cream came from my pants because of what I saw.

My point is, I am not a WWE mark by any means... but a wresting mark. Right now, the best wrestling product is being generated by the master chef himself VKM & his most important baby... the WWE. Oh wait... that makes me a WWE mark by Becca's definitions... :shrug: Meh... I still support the WWE & those that choose to be marks.

BTW: I like the touching story there Chill. I got the same exact line given to me when I was having my mid-life crisis at 14. It nearly broke my heart, but I recovered & I still love wrestling.

EDIT: I am a Diva's Mark, so I am part WWE mark!
Hi- my name is Beef, and I am a WWE mark.

I used to watch wrestling back in high school, during the attitude/monday night wars era, as did my whole crew of friends. We went to see wrestling live- alot of crappy indy promotions (but i did get King Kong Bundy to admit that he was my father), and one awesome one started close to home. We were all so into it that one of my friends was a pro wrestler in said indy fed (one of the best heel gimmicks i've seen), and gave up that dream to become a rock star.

But like all things, we "grew out of it" and i started falling off once The Rock and Stone Cold were no longer a part of it.

But then Wrestlemania happened. My friend's and i made it our goal to go see one Wrestlemania before all was said and done. So we went to New York City (about an eight hour drive) and saw Wrestlemania XX. Where it all began again...including my love for wrestling. So i started watching up at school, unbeknownst to be that my roomate and best friend used to watch as well, and we got back into it together. And we pretty much sat every Monday and Friday night aside to watch Raw and Smackdown, and when we weren't watching wrestling, we were playing Day of Reckoning, and later, Smackdown vs. Raw. I still go and visit him to this day and we spend hours playing SvR 2009.

It's not a bad thing to be a WWE mark- that's why they are the best. They create compelling storylines that illicit reactions, negative or positive, in such a way that holds your attention. IE: Having Cena come back to win the rumble (my roomate and i were livid-he called me when the music hit to tell me how upset he was that Cena was back like four months early), or having Punk lose the strap to Jeff Hardy (I called him to let him know that i was fuming angry that they would make such a stupid decision). And yet, we both continue to watch. He doesn't watch Raw anymore, as he is boycotting Kennedy's firing, but we both still watch and enjoy Smackdown.

You don't hear people getting "attacked" for being fans of the NFL, NHL, MLB, or NBA. Why should being a WWE mark be such a bad thing?
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A few days ago, I replied to a thread laced with negativity about how good the WWE actually was. I stated that creativity were making plenty of good decisions resulting in a product which was increasingly in quality the more we watched it. Instead of any intelligent debate, the reply to me was something along the lines of "You're a WWE mark, what are you, 12?". But without the spelling being correct, because half of the people who complain about the WWE don't know how to spell WWE.

Rofl, thats the smartest thing you've ever said. Damn mark.

Now, I'm simply wondering why being called a WWE mark is an insult.

Basically its calling them ******s, for actually believing the product is real.

Doesn't it basically mean someone who gets excited about the show?

Not necassarily. It means that a person does not, or chooses not to, follow the backstage politics of the actual sport. The person prefers to beleive in the characters and angles they watch unfold on telivision as "real", unaware of how choreographed and pre-arranged it is, and is a total dumbass redneck member of the audience who needs to stop living in 1998 and learn the days of Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock are long dead. Simple as that, really.

Someone who enjoys watching it?

Nope, its just someone who believes the shit is real. None of its fake, and they are too moronic to see otherwise. I think the majority of fans that are marks are about 8-9.

I'm a WWE mark through and through.

No you're not.

I buy every show we have to, and always mark out for my favourite wrestlers.

Me too.

While I'm watching the show there's no one I hate more than the heels, and all I want is the faces to beat them and show how good they actually are.

I usually prefer the heels, to be honest.

The comment about being 12 also made me laugh.

If you didn't have those DD boobs, you would look 12.

At 17, I'm not as old as quite a few of the posters here, in fact I'm one of the youngest regulars.

I don't think you're in the bottom 5 of the youngsters.

Why is it that I'm only allowed to mark out for the show if I'm in the pre-teen years?

You don't.

Why, at 17, and older, can I not enjoy the show in the same way?

You can.

I mark out for the WWE, and that makes me seem like a stupid poster to all you 'smart' fans out there.

Once again, the term mark has been brutalized by morons who do not know how to use it. Watch Sly use it, its much more proper, and in a correct manner. I don't think I need to define the term mark again.

I made a thread a while back about praising the WWE, where technically this post could have gone.

Way to spam the forums, and you're a g-mod? :disappointed:

However, with the amount of negative threads we see popping up daily I thought I'd be fine making a new thread.

You should really start merging those together, or throwing those threads in the trash. Stick the "General WWE sucks thread" get all this trash out of our way.

So, for all you 'stupid' posters out there who marked out for NOC, who counted down the days to WM and who still get that shudder of excitement for your favourite wrestlers, come post in here, and save my sanity.

I'm not a mark, neither are you. You achknowledge the fact that wrestling isn't real everytime you log on WZ and read the headlines. To see when Shawn Michaels is coming back :p

WWE marks <3

Sigh, you've skewed the term mark.
I am, have been, and always will be a WWE fan. I still get stoked watching my favorite wrestlers come down the aisle to the ring, be it Hogan/Warrior/Duggan in the late 80s, to Bret Hart in the early 90s, to the Austin/Rock era, to Cena/HHH/HBK, and Taker throughout almost all of it. I was excited when I got invited to Monday Night Raw coming up in September. However, I do not consider myself either a "mark", or a member of the IWC. Frankly, I think both terms are derogatory, and don't show the intelligence of a real wrestling fan. I know it's fake, and while I check on WZ daily for the latest news (and mostly for smackdown spoilers on the friday nights that I can't watch SD), it's not the be all and end all.
Basically its calling them ******s, for actually believing the product is real.

Not necassarily. It means that a person does not, or chooses not to, follow the backstage politics of the actual sport. The person prefers to beleive in the characters and angles they watch unfold on telivision as "real", unaware of how choreographed and pre-arranged it is, and is a total dumbass redneck member of the audience who needs to stop living in 1998 and learn the days of Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock are long dead. Simple as that, really.

Nope, its just someone who believes the shit is real. None of its fake, and they are too moronic to see otherwise. I think the majority of fans that are marks are about 8-9.

Originally that was the definition of a mark, but as with many words, the definition has evolved over time. When you get on these forums, a mark is known as someone who accepts the show for what is and follows it no matter what, whether they know it's real or not. A "sheep" would probably describe the person better, but mark is the chosen term.

The kind of mark I believe Becca is claiming to be is the one who cheers when the face wins and boos when the heels win. Who enjoys the show for what it is and doesn't let the fact that Orton and HHH are "pricks" behind the scene. Who doesn't care that Cena "only does 5 moves" (BS, by the way) and cheers him anyway.

As far as I'm concerned, mark shouldn't be a negative term. As long as they are getting enjoyment out of the show, how can that be negative?

I would rather suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride than worry that MVP isn't in the Main Event because HHH is holding him back or because Orton has a problem with him.
Originally that was the definition of a mark, but as with many words, the definition has evolved over time. When you get on these forums, a mark is known as someone who accepts the show for what is and follows it no matter what, whether they know it's real or not. A "sheep" would probably describe the person better, but mark is the chosen term.

Its not evolved, its been misused greatly, people take the word and try and call anyone that disagrees with them a mark. Its as simple as that, when they missuse the word I simply laugh and move on. Because the definition of Mark is what I just said.

The kind of mark I believe Becca is claiming to be is the one who cheers when the face wins and boos when the heels win. Who enjoys the show for what it is and doesn't let the fact that Orton and HHH are "pricks" behind the scene. Who doesn't care that Cena "only does 5 moves" (BS, by the way) and cheers him anyway.

Thats called a fan, not a mark.
A few days ago, I replied to a thread laced with negativity about how good the WWE actually was. I stated that creativity were making plenty of good decisions resulting in a product which was increasingly in quality the more we watched it.

That's exactly what I said in the same thread! I read your post after I posted mine, and thought "Woah, once again. The 10 people who don't hate the WWE against the 50 people who hate it, but still watch it and come on here to cry about it."

Instead of any intelligent debate, the reply to me was something along the lines of "You're a WWE mark, what are you, 12?". But without the spelling being correct, because half of the people who complain about the WWE don't know how to spell WWE.

Yeah. I never got that. Apparently, when you turn 13 you're supposed to hate the WWE and all that they offer. Or, maybe it's that if you were older you'd realize that the Attitude Era is what wrestling really is. Never mind the blatant and unnecessary violence and sexuality.

Now, I'm simply wondering why being called a WWE mark is an insult.

Every time I'm accused of being a mark I tell them I'm not offended. But they keep coming back with it. Over and over again. It's like I'm telling them the bullets don't work, but they keep shooting at me like it's going to kill me this go around. :shrug:

Doesn't it basically mean someone who gets excited about the show? Someone who enjoys watching it?

That's what I gather. And I don't see how that's a problem.

I'm a WWE mark through and through. I buy every show we have to, and always mark out for my favourite wrestlers. While I'm watching the show there's no one I hate more than the heels, and all I want is the faces to beat them and show how good they actually are.

Which is what we're all there for. But..you know. We have to be cool and cheer the heel that just punted an old man in the head. Because we're teenagers, damn it.

The comment about being 12 also made me laugh. At 17, I'm not as old as quite a few of the posters here, in fact I'm one of the youngest regulars.

HA, I'm 19. I immediately know more about wrestling than you ever will. ....Wait....

Why is it that I'm only allowed to mark out for the show if I'm in the pre-teen years? Why, at 17, and older, can I not enjoy the show in the same way?

Don't ask me. I'm waiting for the ones who think "mark" is still an insult to tell me why they keep slinging it at me. I don't think they'll ever answer though. Probably can't hear us over the repetitive droning of "WHAT?!" they channel through their speakers. Because they love Austin and the Attitude Era that much.

I mark out for the WWE, and that makes me seem like a stupid poster to all you 'smart' fans out there.

We can type in complete sentences, though! And we know how to spell. That should earn us extra points.

I made a thread a while back about praising the WWE, where technically this post could have gone.

And you call yourself a G-Mod. ;)

However, with the amount of negative threads we see popping up daily I thought I'd be fine making a new thread.

There are a lot of those. Also, the "Fire Cena because he can't wrestle" threads are getting tiresome. Or maybe the generic "Let's trade our top heel of one show for the top face of the other! That'll make for fresh feuds!" thread. People never think beyond 5 hours, I swear.

So, for all you 'stupid' posters out there who marked out for NOC,

I was legit disappointed when Cena didn't win. :(

who counted down the days to WM

You don't have to do this. The WWE does it for you. :lmao:

and who still get that shudder of excitement for your favourite wrestlers,

Hardy FTW

come post in here, and save my sanity.

Did I make you laugh? That's what I was aiming for.

WWE marks <3

That isn't a very scary battle cry. If we're going to go into battle out-numbered 30 to 1, we need a more intimidating battle cry.
Not necassarily. It means that a person does not, or chooses not to, follow the backstage politics of the actual sport. The person prefers to beleive in the characters and angles they watch unfold on telivision as "real", unaware of how choreographed and pre-arranged it is, and is a total dumbass redneck member of the audience who needs to stop living in 1998 and learn the days of Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock are long dead. Simple as that, really.

So, I happened across the EXACT location of where you pulled this definition of Mark from and you forgot one definition in your post. Let me paste it here:

3. Prefers to cheer for a specific wrestler even if general consesus by thr Intenet majority is that they suck balls.

(Typos and misspellings are not mine.)

I'm fairly certain this is EXACTLY the definition of Mark that is being thrown at people on this forum. This is why it's meant to be an insult and also why people continue to use it in that matter. And again, I say, that I'm fine with that.
You know earlier this year I went to a house show with my younger cousin, his dad and my dad. When I was waiting in the car before the show, a lot of younger fans (I'm talking kids between 5 and 10 years old) walked past and my dad turns to me and says "don't you think it's about time you grew out of this wrestling thing?!" Now, there I was sitting in my Kane t-shirt ready and rearing to go and for a minute, I thought what my dad said was going to ruin my night.

For a minute, I started to think to myself "what if I am too old for this thing?" and then I felt really self-conscious because of what he said and with all the little kids walking past. However, once I got into the show and discovered that there was in fact a lot of people in my age category there, I thought to hell with what my dad says and the inner child in me came out again! I had a great night, did a bit of marking out and regretted nothing about it. I will continue to go to the shows as long as I like wrestling and will continue to enjoy the show regardless of what anybody says! Well said Becca by the way, there's no reason why fans older than twelve still can't have a laugh and enjoy the show.

that was a great story,i enjoyed reading it,i'm glad you had fun

i've been a WWE mark ever since I was 4 years old(i'm now 16),my older brothers introduced me and i was hooked,i've watched wrestling my whole life and i will always be a fan no matter how sucky the product gets.I remember watching the attitude era and how violent and inappropiate it was,my mom actually watched Raw with me and my brothers once and she banned us from watching it because it was not our age.for days,we bugged our mom to change her mind and she eventually did because she wanted us to be happy

and after every match,me and my brothers use to redue the whole match in our way,we used our bed as the ring and we did everything the wrestlers did on TV and we never even got hurt,good times

even after WWE became "uncool",i still continued to watch and i still enjoyed it.i like spending my mondays watching Raw and now watching TNA impact on thursdays,it's fun for me

I will always be a wrestling mark,it's a part of me and always will be
I hate the term "mark" to begin with. I like to consider myself a fan. I guess if someone referred to me as a "mark" of some kind, I would be an ROH mark. However, I enjoy the WWE. I recent attended a handful of WWE shows and I had fun. I cheered, I booed, I even had signs. I went bananas when Jack Swagger and Christian's entrance music hit and I went even crazier when CM Punk wrestled.

I do find all the WWE hate a bit odd. Most people claim it's the gold standard of the wrestling business then turn around and bash everything about it. I am an ROh diehard, yet I can find plenty of things to like about the WWE. It's really not that bad. Afterall, it is the home of Swagger, Christian and Punk- whom I will always mark out for.
So, I happened across the EXACT location of where you pulled this definition of Mark from and you forgot one definition in your post. Let me paste it here:

Clever you are!

(Typos and misspellings are not mine.)

Sure they aren't.

I'm fairly certain this is EXACTLY the definition of Mark that is being thrown at people on this forum.

Not really, people just throw it around like its nothing. Morons do anyways. The person she was explaining was a complete and total ********, who has absolutely no idea what hes talking about.

This is why it's meant to be an insult and also why people continue to use it in that matter. And again, I say, that I'm fine with that.

Sigh, they use it incorrectly. The whole "Person agaisnt the IWC" thing isn't a proper use of the word mark. Just one more reason I chose not to be in the IWC!
Clever you are!

I always thought of myself as clever, thanks for the confirmation.

Sure they aren't.

I'll just ignore this little jab.

Not really, people just throw it around like its nothing. Morons do anyways. The person she was explaining was a complete and total ********, who has absolutely no idea what hes talking about.

It's hard for me to understand how you can use parts of a definition to get your point across, but when the rest of the same definition contradicts your point you throw it away. Unfortunately that's not how it works; when it comes to the definition, it's all or nothing. And I don't deny that the person she was talking about was a ********, nor do I deny he was a moron, but his use of Mark was not what made him such.

Sigh, they use it incorrectly. The whole "Person agaisnt the IWC" thing isn't a proper use of the word mark. Just one more reason I chose not to be in the IWC!

I disagree. You are part of the IWC because you chose to post on the internet about wrestling which is the definition of the IWC. That's you, so welcome to the Dark Side. ;)
If the term "mark" is being used in a negative way, as an insult, then I have no idea why. I do however, know that it's idiotic to use as such. Is it wrong to enjoy the product, and suspend belief? I don't think so.

Anybody, at any age, can be a mark, and enjoy the buisness. It targets the younger demographic as well as the older and each age group is entitled to "mark out", and be entertained by the product because afterall, that's the soel point of the show - to be entertained.
Marks, smarks, what? I dont care anymore, fucking wrestling terms.

So I bought Night Of Champions on Sunday, now I was very drunk by the time it came on, as a result I missed a lot of it due to being asleep. Depsite the state I was in I still thumped the table in disgust when Cena didnt win the title.

I watched that recent TNA PPV on Bravo as well, more sober that time, and once again I was completely annoyed when Joe made Sting tap. I wouldnt consider myself a mark or whatever, but due to my reactions to those 2 matches alone I think I am still a fan of professional wrestling.

This post is meaningless.
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You like what you like. I don't get caught up with what others think. When I disagree I disagree. I state why but I don't totally rip someone apart for their opinion. Once again you like what you like. Who am I to tell you that your opinion is wrong?

Be happy and have fun liking the WWE. I would rather be the person having fun watching it than to be the one watching it and being miserable.
I hate the terms mark and smark. When someone labels their selves as a smark it makes them come out sounding egotistical by putting their selves over as the superior wrestling fans as if they are more important to professional wrestling than people who decides not to spend time reading rumors and posting on forums. It also angers me when someone purposely intends to insult another wrestling fan by labeling them as a mark as if it's something bad. They act as if it's not okay to get excited about an upcoming wrestling show, as if you can't have favorites and as if you must have an unbiased outlook. I am NOT a talent scout nor do I work behind the scenes. There are certain wrestlers I like a tad more not just for their talent but because they have appealing characters. Someone like Paul London never appealed to me because they would barely or never talk on the mic or cut a promo that was anything exciting and their wrestling character/s was very stale or boring nor do/did they have a character that was ever appealing to the fans. It doesn't make me a "mark". Like I said I am not a talent scout. Like anyone who claims to be a smark or whatever you want to stereotype yourselves or others and like any 5 year old you see, I'm just a fan with no impact on the business (note I don't need to label myself to put over my intelligence).

It's seriously pathetic when others act as if it's not okay to be passionate of a certain promotion or superstar. If we're wrestling fans why is it not okay to act like one? Like I said we're not talent scouts. I'm all for the freedom to be a fan. Never let a "smark" tell you it's not okay to be a wrestling fan.
I'm enjoying the WWE very much right now. Quite possibly more than I ever have before. And yet, I'm stupid for that reason.

Looking at WWE videos on Youtube drive me crazy. Talking about how awesome the WWE used to be. How it was so epic, how good te angles used to be, how they pushed new stars.... I'm sorry, are you people watching Smackdown?
Raw has all the most popular stars, we've seen them wrestle lots, and Raw is probably more geared towards younger fans and casual fans. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's still a decent show. We still get good matches on Raw. Orton vs Dibiase a few weeks ago was a really great match.
But with Smackdown, wrestling fans should be thrilled with what they're getting right now. It's epic, has great angles and they push new stars. CM Punk vs John Morrison... One of the best free TV matches I've ever seen (the first one, the second one wasn't quite as good.). That was pretty epic. The Hardy vs Punk saga has been an awesome angle. And it got even better on Smackdown with that huge beat down which included blood. And they are pushing new stars. Punk is still relatively new, as is John Morrison. And Jeff Hardy has only been in the main event since late last year.

My point is, don't complain that the WWE isn't giving you what you want. They're trying to satisfy the casual fans on Raw and the hardcore fans on Smackdown. When was the last time you saw a bad episode of Smackdown?
If you keep living in the past, you're gonna end up a bitter old fan. Like those 40 year olds who hate new music because the bands don't sing about sex and don't overdose on heroin.

Just get over it. Why can't you just enoy what you're given? Especially when it's as good as SD is right now.
I don't know if I would consider myselft a WWE "mark", but I'm definetly a fan. The fact of the matter is WWE has the best wrestling product on the planet know, and it's not really close. Unlike ROH or some indy feds, I can watch WWE on my TV without much trouble and don't have to search the web to find matches.

The whole point of be a wrestling fan is to enjoy wrestling and have fun, not bitch about every little thing the WWE does wrong. I'm not saying you shouldn't ever criticize the WWE, but sometimes we forgot just how good it really is. I can proudly say and I and will always be a WWE fan.

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