WWE: Live or TV?

WWE: Watching it Live or TV?

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  • TV

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Pre-Show Stalwart
This topic is plain and simple..

In WWE, we get the opportunity to watch it live in person or watch it on the television. So, my question is, which do you prefer? Live or TV?

I personally prefer watching it on TV because you get to see the matches up and close, you can see the expressions on their faces more and it is better to watch it on television.

however, some of you may say that it is better live and i do agree with you to a standpoint. When they are cutting promos, take example, Vickie Guerrero, you can't really hear her because of the crowd heavily booing her as where as on TV, you can hear her perfectly. With watching it live, you see them in 3D motion and real life and not just watching them.

So, which one? Live or TV?
I personally like live because you're there and it's always a treat to be in the arena of a huge match. Also, you can't cheer for your favorite wrestler or otherwise you'll look like a ******. You can't buy merchandise at home either which makes live much better. The best part about live events is that you don't have to listen to Michael Cole's bull shit ranting about vintage this and vintage that! This is why I find live events better than watching it at home.
I'm kinda torn
I watched Raw from the crowd in Liverpool and it was amazing! We all went nuts for punk. I watched it on tv when i got home and having heard the cheers live, it was disapointing.
But on tv you can fast forward the bornig bits.

Overall I'd say live.
Live. Just the atmosphere in the arena, it's always electric. Being there, and being apart of the show in a small way. I'm a lot more invested in the show when I'm there live.
It really depends on where you're sitting when you see it live. If you're ringside or close to it, you're up in the action and it's the best. If you're up in the nose bleed section, it looks so small, you get a better view on TV.

I really don't care about the hot crowd or anything. They don't influence my enjoyment of the show at all.
That's like saying watching a concert live on TV / DVD is better than being there in person at the concert. Well, it's not. It's always more fun being there at the shows. I find myself watching WWE on TV and get kind of bored but being at the show, I'm having more fun. Except for the last Raw I went to, it really wasn't that great, i felt bored being there. I had gone to a house show months before that, and the house show was so much more fun than the Raw. But my nephew had a lot of fun at Raw, it was his first show, so that's all that matters. :)
I think it depends on the event. For RAW, I definitely say TV unless it's a surprise return. I would have LOVED to be at the RAW where Brock returned or one with Jericho's 1st return (The Save Us Y2J one.) But overall I like watching RAW on TV because the commercials at the events are kind of a buzzkill. It's also much more of a crapshoot if the event is gonna be good or not. There's a better chance of attending a shoddy RAW than a shoddy PPV. But being at a PPV live is something special, especially if it's a Mania or something like that. I've been to the last 5 Mania's and they've all been great live even though some people didn't particularly like them on TV.

Disclaimer: I live in NYC so I kind of get the best events anyway lol. So maybe it is kind of a biased opinion since WWE always steps their game up for a NY PPV.
I'm Irish, which you can obviously tell from my name and location so I've never got to got to an actual televised event. I have however been to a few house shows which were good because I actually felt apart of it.

I would assume being at a televised event however has a different feel to it, so I'll say being their live.
Live bacause thats when we get to hear the majority of the crowds opinions instead of fake crowd chants and the volume of the crowd being edited so we know howmany people say things like lets go cena cena sucks.

Also, we do not know what to expect, no spoilers and it's more exciting.

Ask TNA fans, it's been much better recently because it has gone live.:p
I voted for live, but I am kind of torn. There is nothing like being there live to see everything, hear the music, see and feel the pyro, and be apart of a loud excited crowd. The thing is though I like to watch on Tv, and hear the commentators, and get a bird's eye view of the action. When watching a cage match you can lose something being there live. The same thing if the action spills into the crowd. I saw Bragging Right 2009 live last and when Orton and Cena went into the crowd I missed a lot of the match. Everything being said though there is nothing like taking an event in live and getting to feel the action as well as see it.
I voted TV, although it's worth it to see a live show at least once.

I greatly considered going to Slammiverary last week, as it was only like 30 mins from my house. But when you think about the obstructed view, nightmare parking, traffic, and overzealous police, it's easier to just stay home and watch it on TV.
I live in NYC so I kind of get the best events anyway lol. So maybe it is kind of a biased opinion since WWE always steps their game up for a NY PPV.

Live is better obviously cuz to a good show or ppv its always great to be part of the crowd.And also Elements i think its because we actually cheer and are hype for the matches unlike the rest of the world who are quite the whole time eating popcorn and bringing the mood down.
There is nothing like being there live. I had taken a few people who werent into wrestling and they LOVED it afterwards.
But..being there live has its downfalls. Last night I had gone to Raw and sat next to the stage and having signs, coliseum security and a seating snafu for 40 minutes with the coliseums enept ways of putting seats, your view can be blocked and you cant see a thing and youre watching it on the titantron.
I did have the pleasure though of being next to Albertos car when he drove out and get a HHH high five, so it does have its advantages.
gotta go with live. ive been to a raw taping over here (liverpool last november) aswell as rebellion and summerslam 92 (i dont remember a lot of) and the atmosphere is electric.

we started a ricardo chant in our section and within 5 mins it was round the arena and that was amazing cos you could see him smiling.

tv is great for fast forwarding past the boring bits but nothing beats a live show. its like saying do you prefer to watch your fave sports team on tv or live? no question about it live all the way :)
And there is nothing like being at a PPV. The first one i went to happened to be my first televised event too (Survivor Series 96)and I felt after 4 years of house shows I finally made it. I was able to watch an event I went to over again and relive the magic I felt and inside the arena that night. Watching that event (or any event ive been to again) you can still feel the excitement in the air. My first Wrestlemania i went to, the atmosphere outside of the Garden and inside was electric. I cannot wait til 29 to feel a bigger crowd and especially see an event outside.
Watching at home, you cant yell at someone to put a sign down, or sit down or have a vendor come to you, have someone kick a soda under your seat and get your merchandise wet and floor sticky...its all apart of the live atmosphere.
There is nothing like being at a live event for me. When I am watching it on TV, I can scream, chant, and yell all I want, but ultimately, it only probably upsets the neighbors. The last Smackdown taping I went to, I started a "Sexual Chocolate" chant for Mark Henry from the nosebleed section and it carried throughout the arena, and there are hecklers in the crowd that say some of the most hilarious stuff.
This is probably going to get me ridiculed but I like watching on tv more because when I go and watch live there are inevitably absolute morons around me who apparently spend every dime they have on wrestling stuff and swear that it is real. It always makes me feel dumb by association for having the same interests as these people. I doubt I could even get anyone to go with me anymore and I'm dang sure not going alone.

Don't get me wrong, I really like watching wrestling and have since I was a kid. I remember when WWE was on after Murder She Wrote I would watch until the end every time I saw Murder She Wrote was on so I wouldn't miss wrestling. I have a bunch of the old rubber wrestling figures including greats like Mean Gene Okerlund and the Iron Sheik in my basement. Watching WWE is nostalgic for me and is a nice 4 hour break during the week from all the crap everyone has to deal with.

Wrestling is awesome but for me best enjoyed in the privacy of my own home.
I miss prime time wrestling. I had caught the last few episodes of the studio audience episodes they used to do and had always wanted to be apart of that. Primetime was a great 2 hours and the group of talent you had at the table were great in between matches.
Too bad WWE 24/7 doesnt air those. Always remember seeing Tito Santana in action and when getting chocked would froth at the mouth and here Bobby Heenan scrream, HES FROTHING HES FROTHING.
Then got sad when they started Raw and went to only 1 hour a week.
I can still remember sitting in the living room, seeing the ending to Murder She Wrote and then have my snack and watch Primetime or Raw. Then at 11 there was Silk Stalkings. When youre young you know its something you shouldnt be watching lol
Its hit & miss really.

Whilst live is fucking awesome & should be experienced if ya get the chance, TV does have its strong points.

On TV ya get all the close ups & better view if the action spills out to the outside and its out of your view if ya went live.

But from someone who went to WM28 ya just cant beat going in person & now ive crossed off my list "Going to Wrestlemania at least once in my life"

If ya ever do get the chance to go see WWE live, whether its a house show, TV taping, PPV or Wrestlemania.

Go do it, you wont regret it.

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