WWE Legend Announces His Return For the 2014 Royal Rumble


Fox Sports has an article up about Diamond Dallas Page, his DDP YOGA program and how it's helped turn Jake The Snake Roberts' life around. The following link will take you to where I found the story, which shows a video of how far Roberts has come. There's also a link to the Fox Sports article itself.


Roberts has also officially declared that he intends to return to WWE at the 2014 Royal Rumble. Furthermore, he states that he'll be competing in the match itself.

Whether or not Jake will actually be there or not is pretty speculative at this point. One can assume that by making this announcement that he's spoken to Vince McMahon. One can also assume that this is the first Vince is hearing about it and Jake is using this opportunity to possibly pressure Vince into making him part of the Rumble. It's difficult to tell because pro wrestlers are professional bullshitters. But, I did read another article a few days ago saying that there's been some heavy talk about inducting Roberts into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2014. So that does lend some credence to that Roberts could be returning. If he does return at the Rumble, then I'd guess his induction into the HOF is pretty much a guarantee.

The business, time and drugs have definitely taken their toll on Roberts. However, he looks, overall, much healthier now than he has in a very, very long time. It'd be a great, feel good moment to see Jake Roberts have a match in WWE, if he's physically healthy enough to do it, and to be inducted into the HOF. I'd imagine he'll be put through an extensive battery of medical tests to make certain that he's up to snuff. It'd be all the sweeter if Roberts really has gotten his life turned around, which it certainly seems as though he has based on all the various stuff I've seen & read about him over the past 6 months or so.
Of course Vince may not yet know about this...

IF Jake is fit, can pass all tests and is clean then I see no reason why he couldn't be a part of WWE - I just would prefer it not to be wrestling. He could be an excellent manager onscreen or an agent/writer off it.

While I am certainly happy Jake has turned things round the biggest issue is what happens when DDP is not there all the time... at the moment it works but eventually Jake has to go off on his own and avoid those old demons. At the moment it'd be tough for WWE to bring Jake, Hall et al back as both would have DDP in tow...

Vince summed it up in Beyond the Mat, he was never sure which Jake he was speaking to or getting... IF he can stay clean and go his own way this year, then the Rumble could be something Vince might consider but the last thing they need is a relapse or another Lawler situation so my gut says it won't happen.
Couple things I want to mention first I'm only 27 no where near Jakes age but the age doesn't matter except for one things I'm a drug addict and a alcoholic but I've been clean and sober for well over two years now thanks to the grace of god, Jake is just now at what a half a year or a little longer? I still to this day wont place my self around alcohol because of the fear that I'll give in and when I have one it turns into me passing out because I wont quit drinking as far as the drugs that's another statement I got rid of those friends when I decided I wanted to get clean but I wouldn't want to get back around it. So what I'm getting at is I know its cleaned up a lot on the road but I still have to think they drink while on the road even if they're being drug tested they can still drink and with him not being to far into it how smart would this be? I'll be honest if he can do this and know he will not fall into a trap than more power to Jake I think it would be a great story for him and it would help make his name better than what it is now that's for sure. I do hope he can do this but I'm just not sure its smart knowing how I am, but we are two completely different people.
One can also assume that this is the first Vince is hearing about it and Jake is using this opportunity to possibly pressure Vince into making him part of the Rumble.

Yes, I think it's something one can assume because it seems awfully opportune that Jake would complete his rehabilitation at the same time Vince McMahon extends an offer to be in the Royal Rumble. I would think McMahon was hearing this for the first time when Jake said it.

Still, it would be great to see. One of the best parts of the Rumble is watching the 3 or 4 guys who come running down the aisle, guys whom we hadn't seen in a long time and had no idea were going to be there.

As for Vince, his stubbornness at having a performer dictate who'll be at his PPV might be overruled by the chance to bring back a true legend who has never appeared as an alumnus before (or has he?). After all, it's hard to keep getting excited when Sergeant (Maggot!) Slaughter or Ron (Damn!) Simmons show up for the umpteenth time.

But as the two previous posters surmise, the company will want to keep a close watch on Roberts from now until January. The last thing they need is to have him stumbling down the aisle when the time comes.....or, not showing up at all, which still might be preferable to appearing while severely screwed up.

SIDE NOTE: When WWE extended their offer to any performer (employed by WWE or not) to have their rehab paid for by the company, I wonder if they regret not making it a "one-time only" offer, especially after seeing people like Scott Hall and Sunny use the service, get discharged ....and go right back to their substance abusing ways, winding up with needing another WWE-financed stint. If the person isn't going to help themselves, how many times should WWE?
It's great that Jake seems to be doing so much better these days. It's also kind of sad that whenever those troubled retired veterans seem to get their shit together the first idea that pops into their head is getting back in the ring.

I like the idea of putting Jake in the HoF next year, though. This is going to sound very cruel, but at this point in time he is a) sober and b) still alive. There is no guarantee both factors will be there much longer, so the time to induct him would be now.
The fact is he belongs in the HoF and it's always a bit of a downer when the induction has to be made posthumously. Given his state in recent years I can understand why they couldn't risk him making a scene at the ceremony. Now there is a chance to honor the man properly without having to wait for him to die first (as they undoubtedly will have to do with Warrior). They should act now in case he relapses again. Again, it's cruel, but it is what it is.
Its going to be a tough tough road for Jake if he is going to enter the 2014 RR. I am all for it i really am,if jake is able to stay clear from his demons. He is looking good better than i have seen him in some years so whatever he is doing,is working. (God Bless DDP for this).

His career has been not the easiest one. His drug problem is no secret and vince has said in the DOC Beyond the Mat,he was never sure which Jake he was talking too. But you have to figure at some point,Jake is going to move out of DDP's house and be on his own. That is when the real test will happen. When no one is around to make him stay clear of the demons that has haunted him..

But maybe he is gonna stay with DDP indefinitely so who knows. I am looking forward if jake can pass his medical test get into decent ring shape stay clear of the drugs,then yes i want to see him in the 2014 RR only if it be for a a short time. If all that happens,then pretty much its a lock he will be in the 2014 HOF! I am rooting for you Jake
I'm interested to see how much of "today's fans" the kids who were born within the past decade remember the superstars of yesterday. It's been about 15 years since Jake was last in a WWF/E ring. I don't know. I remember watching RAW a few years back and legends like Ted DiBiase and Mike Rotunda (IRS) got virtually no reaction. I think if you were active within the last decade you might stand a better chance. But we'll see.....
I don't see any issues as long as he passes a drug test and a physical.

Jake should just have a spot with Santino or Health Slater, then be eliminated by someone like Orton.

I wouldn't push it with Hall, we'll see where he's at in 2015.

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