
Pre-Show Stalwart
So i was just sitting about at home doing nothing really and then something hit me, it occurred to me for no reason what so ever, just randomly i thought "WWE is WCW's bad parts all over again."

Now WWE will never go out of business, so that is not what i mean. Let me explain minus ECW from this we have Raw and SD. WCW was known to only push there main event talent and not build future stars, the like of Hogan, Nash, Hall, Sting, Macho Man, Etc were always pushed into the title picture, but the under card weren't. Fast forward to WWE today and we have:

Raw - Orton, HHH, Cena, Batista
SD - Punk, Hardy, Taker

There we see, WWE in this form at this current moment is copying WCW with the fact its been the same people in the title picture for well over a year. Mainly on Raw though.

Onto the next thing that struck me, the over use of celebs. WCW done the match with Dennis Rodman, then they went on to have Jay Leno come on the show and NWO take over the Jay Leno Show, then as much as this hurts to say every time they had David Arquette (SP) win the World Title. Once again fast forward to WWE today and you have the "Guest Host" thing going on, with WWE using a different celeb every week .... over using celebs ? i think so.

Then moving on again you have WCW who im pretty sure brought back Four Horsemen a couple times, and way over ran the Nwo angle. Fast Forward once again to today and you have WWE bringing back DX yet AGAIN, for about the 5th time. Both companies here showing no brains for new stables, which could lead to perhaps saying that WWE is also dodgey about pushing younger talent .... much like WCW.

So what do you think, does today’s WWE represent the bad parts of WCW of old ? I certainly think parts of it do.
You have some very vaild points. WWE does overuse and overkill a lot lately. But to say that WWE is WCW is a bit pre-mature. I'd say that WWE is just badly mismanaged and currently has no suitable storylines and thus it makes WWE look like WCW because they only have certain stars they promote and push.

I agree, I loathe the celeb host thing. It makes me sick to my stomach, but if that's what they're doing and they're still coming back on the air the next week and still getting people interested, then it must be working. I cannot see this going on forever, and perhaps this is just a way to bide some time until creative gets their heads out of their butts, because think about it, it could be worse, this could be happening on SmackDown!

WCW died due to numerous factors, not just the ones mentioned. WCW didn't have to die, but it choose to collapse under the weight of certain issues, internally and externally, something that just will not happen to WWE. There have been many threads on how and why the WWE got to the point which it's at and how it can be fixed so I'm not going to go there, but I will say again, WCW and WWE are not one in the same, never will be. Vince didn't buy a company that died only to watch his company suffer the same fate.
in a way yeah they but i think TNA is going more towards the WCW way. Just look at the MEM they are just like the NWO they run everything and have most if not all of the titles. They pretty much run the show same as NWO. That is just my thought.
I see what you are saying, its true that WWE is pushing all of the old guys over and over..... But if you look at it, they are trying to make new talent to push, but they just are not working, a la Chris Masters, Bobby Lashley. But they do still have some guys with potential to be big names for the company, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Jack Swagger.

The celeb hosting is da dumbest thing i have ever seen, but its not like they have anyone to compete with. They bought out all of their competition. And TNA is gonna self-destruct with Dixie Carter at the helm of the company. Double J was not the greatest wrestler but he knows what the people wanted in wrestling and Dixie just does not get it.

Also, if you see it, WCW died because there was issues with how the company was being ran. I have followed WCW from like 1994 to the buyout and its always had fairly good storylines. Yes, they never really let anyone get a break because of guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash. But it was still entertaining to watch.
WCW died for one reason and one reason only, The AOL/Time Warner merger. If that merger didn't happen WCW is still around today. As bad as people thought WCW was it was still doing decent in the ratings when it took its forever snooze. With Turner still in charge I have no doubt it would still be around.

Wrestling has always had the same people in the title hunt for over a year. Every once in a while you get a younger guy but very rarely does a fed overhaul its roster enough to have different guys in the title picture every year.

As far as WWE being dodgy about pushing younger guys....uh no. Cena, Orton, Punk, Hardy(before he left), Kingston, MVP, Miz, and Morrison. These guys are all getting a very good to decent push. Plus you still have Swagger waiting his turn.

I agree with the Celeb and Stable things. IMO stables are pretty much through.

I don't think that WWE is WCW or even close to their bad parts....yet anyway.
in a way yeah they but i think TNA is going more towards the WCW way. Just look at the MEM they are just like the NWO they run everything and have most if not all of the titles. They pretty much run the show same as NWO. That is just my thought.

TNA resembles both the Attitude Era and the WCW/nWo era. They're focusing on the young talents and have a lot of focus on stables just like the Attitude Era. The only difference is the Attitude had no real dominate stable like the MEM, which resembles nWo so people make a comparison of MEM to nWo which was all in WCW. But in actuality, TNA is a mixture of both eras.

As for the E, the WWE is ridiculous and is near WCW 2000 bad. You've got Hornswoggle, a leprechaun defeating a guy with a well known family name in ridiculous gimmick matches and somehow this guy who couldn't beat the leprechaun is put in a feud with a guy like Bourne because he's suppose to help elevate Bourne. That makes no sense whatsoever! And then you've got the same guys fighting over and over and divisions and midcards that people barely care for. And no tag division. If WWE wasn't living off of their name, they'd be in trouble.

And people, please stop acting like WWE is so untouchable and can't go down the drain. Every dog has his day! Look what happened to the Roman Empire. Who in 1998 thought a giant company like WCW would fold? Who ever thought the World Trade Center could come down tumbling?? Anything can happen.

There will be a time when WWE will be no more. Vince is basically the brains behind WWE and the older he gets, the more he loses his touch. The WWE could actually die with him being around. But I'm certain that If Vince dies, WWE will easily go out of business. Why? Because Stephanie is an idiot and HHH's ego will all cause the demise of WWE. I'm calling it now! WWE is dying!
So i was just sitting about at home doing nothing really and then something hit me, it occurred to me for no reason what so ever, just randomly i thought "WWE is WCW's bad parts all over again."

I disagree. The WWE is wearing its own shoes right now, and always has been.

Now WWE will never go out of business, so that is not what i mean.

Yes they will. Time kills all things, including the WWE.

Let me explain minus ECW from this we have Raw and SD. WCW was known to only push there main event talent and not build future stars, the like of Hogan, Nash, Hall, Sting, Macho Man, Etc were always pushed into the title picture, but the under card weren't. Fast forward to WWE today and we have:

Funnily enough. The last time I checked, new stars were being created on each show.

Raw- Legacy, The Miz, Jack Swagger, MVP, Mark Henry. All credible title contenders.

SmackDown - John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler both could be credible title contenders to this day. Matt Hardy, and The Undertaker as well. (whos not been in the title scence for over a year)

Raw - Orton,

Funny, Orton's only been the champion for a mere 6-7 months throughout the coarse of the past 2 years. Hes ben on and off when it comes to the title, up until this past reign. You need to stop watching seseme street, so that your attention span can further.

Hes not even in the Main Event scene right now. Hes currently putting over two young stars in Legacy, and has been doing so for the past 2-3 months. When was the last time you watched?

A man who hasn't been in the title scene for a little under a year now. Hardly pushing the same people over and over, aren't they?

The guys been out of action for the past year. He came back once....This is just stupid.

SD - Punk,

A guy who has been in the main event scene for two months, and has been in the WWE for 3-4 years now. :wtf: This is tottally the same face over and over again.

Incase you didn't notice. Hes out of the company.

:rolleyes: Hes been in the title picture for 3 weeks for the past year and a half. What the FUCK are you talking about?

There we see, WWE in this form at this current moment is copying WCW with the fact its been the same people in the title picture for well over a year. Mainly on Raw though.

roflmao...None of your names were even accurate. The only one that could really be accurate is Randy Orton. Even so, hes not been in the Main Event that long.

Onto the next thing that struck me, the over use of celebs. WCW done the match with Dennis Rodman, then they went on to have Jay Leno come on the show and NWO take over the Jay Leno Show, then as much as this hurts to say every time they had David Arquette (SP) win the World Title. Once again fast forward to WWE today and you have the "Guest Host" thing going on, with WWE using a different celeb every week .... over using celebs ? i think so.

Celebritys have been part of wrestling since WrestleMania 1. Its not a new concept used by the WWE, nor any other wrestling promotion. The guest host a genius move. Just look at the ratings on RAW, going from 3.0's-3.4's to pumping out 3.6's-3.9's like candy. Celebrities, cause a MEDIA draw the the WWE is without right now.

Then moving on again you have WCW who im pretty sure brought back Four Horsemen a couple times, and way over ran the Nwo angle. Fast Forward once again to today and you have WWE bringing back DX yet AGAIN, for about the 5th time. Both companies here showing no brains for new stables, which could lead to perhaps saying that WWE is also dodgey about pushing younger talent .... much like WCW.

Thats just silly. The Four Horsemen were damn near perfect everytime they've been ressurected. DX has been the same way, they're serving their purpose. I fully expect Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase to go over tonight, and possibly win the entire match. The WWE is playing their cards quite well right now, in most everything they do, especially with the lack of main eventors on SD due to injuries, and traitors.
I deffinetly feel that WWE is WCW again. Just for the fact that that they are putting the same people in main event matches, and they are over using celebs. For the reason of using the same people that is because the company can trust those handful of guys to carry out a good match and storyline. A lot of the undercarders just arent cutting it to be pushed to that status in my opinion. For the Celebs that is just a pathetic way to get ratings remember before they came Raw's ratings were really going down. Finally for the stables like DX there is only one explination for that, the writers are running out of new ideas to try and push other wrestlers. So they just through HHH and HBK together to try and draw money
First off how can you say WWE isnt pushing young talent. has orton even turned 30 yet? Hardy was what 32. I am pretty sure Cena is below 35. Punk is young as well. Edge still has alot of good years left. Looks to me like the only old guys really in the title scene are HHH, Undertaker, and Batista. Shawn is the best the company has and they never give him a title match because he doesnt need it. You cant run every young guy to the title. Ok lets say you run Morrison to the main event right now. He is very good I agree but is he ready? If he isnt you just wasted a bright young star and even if he is once he was won a world title he loses some luster. I would much rather see this young guy building his way to the main event scene as to see him run out and win a meaning less world title. The problem is people want a new star every week nowdays it seems. Hell I dont think feuds last long enough today. By the time they really heat up they end because people nowdays have no attention span. All these great feuds people talk about like Steamboat/Flair, Rock/Austin, Roberts/Rude, and so on were built over years and you guys are tired of a feud after only like 3 matches. I do agree with some of what you said though. Vince needs to seriously look at his product. Yea DX sells but really dont HHH and Shawn make enough without having to break out the DX outfits. I dont really compare it to the NWO though because it is just these 2 guys instead of getting like 50 people togther. Also putting the Horseman back togther would have worked in WCW they only did it because all the fans kept asking for it not because they wanted to. Also WWE tried to build Carlito but his stupid attitude screwed it up, they tried to build Kennedy but it turned into a mess. WWE knows when the time is right for a push and they no how to do it. I cant turn on WWE t.v or their website without seeing something about Morrison. They are also building Cody and Dibase up now. They made the guys pay their dues getting the crap kicked out of them and then built them thats how it should be. And finally sorry for the long post but their is no lack of main eventers today. WWE actually has more main eventers today than they had in the attitude era. It just doesnt look like it because of the 3 way split. Most people forget the brand split didnt come until like the last year and a half of the attitude era. I mean look you have Undertaker, Shawn Micheals, HHH, John Cena, Punk, Orton, Kane, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry, Edge, Christian, Batista, Big Show, Jack Swagger, Morrison, MVP, Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali all capable of main eventing a PPV at anytime. It doesnt take much to put a guy in the main event scene so with a few big wins well these young guys you are talking about are their. The attitude era main eventers consisted of Rock, Stone Cold, HHH, Foley, Jericho, and Brett Hart thats pretty much it. In case you guys forgot Shawn was gone though the majority of the era and Brett actually wasnt their for most of it either.
TNA resembles both the Attitude Era and the WCW/nWo era. They're focusing on the young talents and have a lot of focus on stables just like the Attitude Era. The only difference is the Attitude had no real dominate stable like the MEM, which resembles nWo so people make a comparison of MEM to nWo which was all in WCW. But in actuality, TNA is a mixture of both eras.

As for the E, the WWE is ridiculous and is near WCW 2000 bad. You've got Hornswoggle, a leprechaun defeating a guy with a well known family name in ridiculous gimmick matches and somehow this guy who couldn't beat the leprechaun is put in a feud with a guy like Bourne because he's suppose to help elevate Bourne. That makes no sense whatsoever! And then you've got the same guys fighting over and over and divisions and midcards that people barely care for. And no tag division. If WWE wasn't living off of their name, they'd be in trouble.

And people, please stop acting like WWE is so untouchable and can't go down the drain. Every dog has his day! Look what happened to the Roman Empire. Who in 1998 thought a giant company like WCW would fold? Who ever thought the World Trade Center could come down tumbling?? Anything can happen.

There will be a time when WWE will be no more. Vince is basically the brains behind WWE and the older he gets, the more he loses his touch. The WWE could actually die with him being around. But I'm certain that If Vince dies, WWE will easily go out of business. Why? Because Stephanie is an idiot and HHH's ego will all cause the demise of WWE. I'm calling it now! WWE is dying!

Did you just use the World Trade Centre as an example?

Are you seriously comparing the World Trade Centre attacks to the state of Wrestling and the likelihood of the WWE going out of business?

I hope you dont wonder why you have so much bad rep, that is plain idiotic.

As for the ridiculous gimmick matches, terrible misuse of decent talent, ridiculous characters and midcards that people barely care for, you say these things like they are only new situations in the WWE, these issues have always been there, in all the big companies, in the WWE (for decades), in WCW, in TNA etc.

Tag team division, thats a fair call, though I wouldnt say its a major factor personally as the company is chugging along just fine without it.

As for Hornswoggle, as much as alot of the people here hate it, fact is the kiddies watch too, and we can whine and bitch all we want, its not going to amount to much. Its only a few minutes out of your life live with it, and once again, these silly matches were prevalent during the glorious Attitude era and before.

There may be a day where the WWE dies, but right now thats not going to happen, and thats not going to happen for a very long time, the WWE is doing just fine in almost every sense, and in a few years I can guarantee you they will still be around, probably even bigger then they are now. TNA?... Not so sure.

Either way, of course there are similarities between WWE and WCW, just like there were similarities between 1997 WWF and 1997 WCW, or TNA and WCW. They all have similarities, but not even close to saying its like a repeat. Be thankful we have what we have on tv right now, and not some of the rubbish the later years of WCW brought us.
Did you just use the World Trade Centre as an example?

Are you seriously comparing the World Trade Centre attacks to the state of Wrestling and the likelihood of the WWE going out of business?

I hope you dont wonder why you have so much bad rep, that is plain idiotic.

As for the ridiculous gimmick matches, terrible misuse of decent talent, ridiculous characters and midcards that people barely care for, you say these things like they are only new situations in the WWE, these issues have always been there, in all the big companies, in the WWE (for decades), in WCW, in TNA etc.

Tag team division, thats a fair call, though I wouldnt say its a major factor personally as the company is chugging along just fine without it.

As for Hornswoggle, as much as alot of the people here hate it, fact is the kiddies watch too, and we can whine and bitch all we want, its not going to amount to much. Its only a few minutes out of your life live with it, and once again, these silly matches were prevalent during the glorious Attitude era and before.

There may be a day where the WWE dies, but right now thats not going to happen, and thats not going to happen for a very long time, the WWE is doing just fine in almost every sense, and in a few years I can guarantee you they will still be around, probably even bigger then they are now. TNA?... Not so sure.

Either way, of course there are similarities between WWE and WCW, just like there were similarities between 1997 WWF and 1997 WCW, or TNA and WCW. They all have similarities, but not even close to saying its like a repeat. Be thankful we have what we have on tv right now, and not some of the rubbish the later years of WCW brought us.

Lol at bad rep. Why would I care about a stupid rep system when it holds no weight in my everyday world?:lmao:

And what I said wasn't meant to be disrespect to 9/11 but it isn't too far fetched from the point I was trying to make. The point I was making is that anything can happen at anytime. You should always expect the unexpected. People like you need to stop thinking like the WWE empire is immune to crumbling. WCW showed that WWE can be very vulnerable.

And you say that people have never cared for the midcard? What a lie! There was a point in time where every division in WWE mattered from the IC division, tag division, European, and down to the hardcore division. Hell even the women's division. Now the WWE is just about the 2-4 main event guys on each brand fighting for the world title. And no in WCW, the cruiserweight, US title, and tag titles were all held in high regards as well.
It's VERY possible that WWE could go out of business... especially during these tough financial times. I'm not saying that it's going to happen, but, there are bigger companies in the world than WWE filing for bankruptcy protection. So, anything's possible. Actually, in the early 90's, the WWF came VERY close to folding just a heartbeat before The Attitude Era did a 360 for the company moneywise. But, they were close to being no-more.

Of course, it's a different atmosphere today as there is no WCW nipping at the WWF's heels in the ratings and just general public interest (TNA is not anywhere close to being a threat to WWE at this point) and WWE is no longer "just" a family run company and has shareholders now. WWE also has a more solid international following more than ever and makes great money outside of North America. NBC/Universal is enjoying the solid ratings WWE brings to USA and would probably help WWE to continue to providing programming to their cable properties if WWE was in trouble. So, I can't see WWE closing shop any time soon.

WCW was owned by a corporation that wasn't fond of the product to begin with. Amazing how the suits found great tolerance for WCW when the money came flowing in, but, how they REALLY hated it when that money stopped. WCW was at the mercy of corporate types who wanted to drop them like a bad habit. And that's exactly what happened and why there's no WCW today.

That's not say that WWE (and the McMahon's) aren't at the mercy of anyone. Shareholders aside, WWE, at the moment, is at the mercy of NBC/Universal as they own the USA Network, which is vital for WWE to remain to continue the exposure of their product.

Which is why we're seeing this clusterf--k with the celebrity hosts on Raw. It should be clear, this isn't something that Vince or WWE is really pushing to do. I don't know if Vince is liking having celebrity hosts or not.

But, what has happened, the head honcho of the USA Network, Bonnie Hammer, basically forced the celebrity host idea on WWE... Hammer is envisioning ratings and public interest by the gimmick. She felt that Raw was lacking the star power it once enjoyed with The Rock and Stonecold Steve Austin. So, she thought celebrities would be the next best option.

It should be noted that, for the most part, Hammer has been pretty good with the WWE and has been on their side for a while. She helped WWE bring Saturday Night's Main Event back to network TV on NBC when WWE resigned with NBC years ago. Unfortunately, it was WWE's current slump that ruined that opportunity to make a big splash on NBC. But, I digress. Like any show on television, especially on neywork TV, there are always executives who insist on putting their finger in the pie and more often than not, ruin everything.

Hammer is a network suit, and even though she's been better than most other suits in the business, she still dips her fingers in WWE's pie. I'm sure she's come up with much worse ideas to Vince in the past and probably will in future, but, this is what Vince has to deal with. So, WWE is walking a fine line with USA at the moment.

Again, that's not to excuse the lame booking we're seeing on Raw with the wrestling product itself. That's not to excuse questionable pushes of some of the boys over others. That's politics and that's everywhere.

I wouldn't go so far to compare WWE with the old WCW quite yet, though.

I would wait until Triple H and Stephanie take over from Vince to say WWE is like WCW. You're going to see Kevin Nash type booking focused around Triple H. It'll be known as HHHF (Hunter Hearst Helmsley Federation) and only his buddies will get pushes -- and of course they'll all take beatings from him all the time on TV). And the backstage politics will make Hogan's politics in WCW seem like child's play.

Basically, folks -- you ain't seen NUTHIN' yet!
Before I start excuse the typing, I'll try to go back and fix stuff when I'm done but just in case....hungover

Nice thread.....well not really.

WWE is not WCW and even if we are gonna circle that point over and over again like we didn't strap our helmets properly, WCW did not go out of business because of the way the shows were going.

Alright, now that we are past that.....we are past that, right?

WWE is doing a damn good job right now. I'm bummed the fuck out that Morrison and Ziggler is off of the Breaking Point card, but after I see why I'm kinda liking it. They didn't wanna mess up an ending that would slow down a push for one of them, even though them being left off of the card does about the same thing, at least WWE has there head in the right game.

WWE is pushing young guys, slowly....sloooowly. But it is happening. Let me show you.

Legacy...went from scabs to damn near superstars thanks to DX. DX may be getting cheasy but it is still playing a huge role in developing these guys. I think Shawn and Hunter realize just how much they need to push young guys before their time is done. Actually when I think about it, HHH has been putting young guys over for awhile...Orton, Batista, Cena, Hardy, Lesnar....as soon as WWE finds it's next kickstart HHH seems to lose to them to cement their place. I think tonight might be Legacy's turn and then they will finish it in Hell in a Cell. I think tonight Shawn might get knocked out and then get put in the Million Dollar Dream, that move is gonna play some part in the match I can promise you that. Seems like they are using DX to lead up to HHH vs HBK...might just be me though.

Remember all of the Main eventers used to be young guys, from what I remember about time lines I'm fairly confident that's how it works. You are acting like they have stopped since the last crop of young guys....wrong.
-CM Punk (he's champ)
-Jeff Hardy (he's young he got pushed, he fucked up multiple times, his fault),
-Matt Hardy (we'll see),
-Morrison (looks like a million dollars in and out of the ring)
-Ziggler (promos, matches, character....it's working)
-Legacy (see above),
-Swagger (they wasted the MVP feud, no development...kinda taking it slow),
-Miz/Kofi (i'm lumping them together for now, lets see what kind of match they can put on and what kind of feud they can create before I give them too much credit, but they are on the card tonight),
-Bourne (at least he is on tv, for the circus that Raw is becoming that it pretty impressive, he has to go to Smackdown at the next draft if he wants a shot at anything, ever),
-MVP (he's kinda old, kinda boring, but he's on the card)
-Zeke and Kozlov...finally a reason for them to be alive, I like them more then Kane and Khali. Considering Kozlov was already pretty much a main eventer once, a steady build seems like a better option than the quick push
-Hart Trilogy (they actually took a step back by squashing Smith, but they still seem to be going steadily up)

....guys are getting pushed, just give it time. If they get pushed to quick that will hurt their character even more...give....it.....time.

The celebrity thing is kind of a bummer. But remember...we are wrestling fans, we don't give a shit about that kind of stuff. We don't care about ratings, we care about matches. We don't care about money, we care about storylines. WWE and USA, they care about money and ratings. Everyone catching on?
Sooner or later it will phase out, WWE is working itself back up; they don't have anyone that can touch Rock/Austin, if they stop making Orton such a pussy he might be the next guy, hell 2 of they're top merch guys are having drug problems for godsake (Jeff/Rey). I understand that drugs are a big part of the business but stop getting caught, especially outside of the business JEFF you stupid.

Guys...Raw is not Nitro. WWE is not WCW.....so relax, I'm sure we will have something to watch for quite awhile and I'm sure we will have new main eventers over the years and I'm pretty sure flair and hogan will keep trying to come back.....that's life.

Sorry guys...rambled a bit...well a lot.
Think about this. RAW is the show with the established name-brand main eventers--HHH, Cena, Orton, Batista, HBK. Add in the fact that their next echelon is mostly second generation names or Attitude Era survivors. Legacy, Big Show, Mark Henry. (Sorry Kofi, Miz, Swagger, Bourne, MVP.)

SD is the show with the rising young talent/veterans who never really got to be the number one guy--Punk, the Hardys, Morrison, Ziggler, Mysterio, Jericho, even Undertaker and Edge.

If MyNetwork goes down, WWE has the option of running a mega-angle mixing the Attitude Era New Blood Rising and InVasion angles, with Smackdown talent waging a campaign to "take over" WWE before TV factors force McMahon to merge the RAW and Smackdown rosters.

Just a thought. (I know, SD could move to USA or even WGN or whatever, but the clear A-show/B-show hierarchy sets up an invasion angle well if they want to go that route.)
TNA resembles both the Attitude Era and the WCW/nWo era. They're focusing on the young talents and have a lot of focus on stables just like the Attitude Era. The only difference is the Attitude had no real dominate stable like the MEM, which resembles nWo so people make a comparison of MEM to nWo which was all in WCW. But in actuality, TNA is a mixture of both eras.

As for the E, the WWE is ridiculous and is near WCW 2000 bad. You've got Hornswoggle, a leprechaun defeating a guy with a well known family name in ridiculous gimmick matches and somehow this guy who couldn't beat the leprechaun is put in a feud with a guy like Bourne because he's suppose to help elevate Bourne. That makes no sense whatsoever! And then you've got the same guys fighting over and over and divisions and midcards that people barely care for. And no tag division. If WWE wasn't living off of their name, they'd be in trouble.

And people, please stop acting like WWE is so untouchable and can't go down the drain. Every dog has his day! Look what happened to the Roman Empire. Who in 1998 thought a giant company like WCW would fold? Who ever thought the World Trade Center could come down tumbling?? Anything can happen.

There will be a time when WWE will be no more. Vince is basically the brains behind WWE and the older he gets, the more he loses his touch. The WWE could actually die with him being around. But I'm certain that If Vince dies, WWE will easily go out of business. Why? Because Stephanie is an idiot and HHH's ego will all cause the demise of WWE. I'm calling it now! WWE is dying!

what if TNA annouced they was going out of business effective tomorrow? what would you do if that was to happen? WWE is NOT dying! they are going through bad times because of the recession. i'm calling it now! the rate TNA is going. they wont survive past the year 2011! just letting YOU know!
Totally "off the record," I believe that WWE's motive for Superstars on WGN was to plant the seeds to move SmackDown to WGN should anything happen to MyNetwork TV.

When the negotiations for Superstars to be added to WGN were underway, there was a lot of talk in the TV industry that The CW Network had one foot in the grave and that MyNetwork was close behind. It was at that point where MyNetwork was rebranding itself to where it wasn't going to produce original programming and that it was going to show mainly reruns and movies. SmackDown and a couple of other shows were basically it for MyNetwork. The CW, though, was finding new life with 90210 and Gossip Girl.

MyNetwork TV's future is still considered touch-and-go, Superstars is still very important to remain on WGN, because it could be Smackdown's new home some day.
The WWE is NOT WCW, the two companies aren't even close. Overall, what killed WCW was the AOL/Time Warner merger, but there were contributing factors to WCW's demise.

To begin with, after Turner purchased Jim Crockett Promotions, he basically just turned the company to the excecutes working for him and said "Go make me some money with this". Turner's executives knew nothing about wrestling and had no real clue how to run a wrestling company. By around 1991 or so, a lot of the older guys that'd been in the company got sick of the corporate screw ups and left and a lot of what was going on in the company just plain sucked. WCW had a revolving door of bookers that clashed with excecs and the excecs didn't want a "wrestling guy" actually running the company. Now, Bischoff did turn things around for the company and all was well for the next several years. Aquiring guys like Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Hall, Nash, forming the nWo etc. all very much helped WCW grow.

Having the WWE at the time for competition also certainly helped WCW grow, but the nWo stories kept getting pushed to the point where nothing else on the show mattered. Eventually, every major name in WCW became part of the nWo at some point, the faction itself branched off and it just kept continuing to where interest just faded away. Another big problem were the guys behind the scenes. Did Bischoff, Nash and Russo actually kill the company? Of course not, but they definitely lowered the quality of the product to great degree by the time it was all said and done.

More so than Bischoff and Nash, Russo was very much a problem. I know that there are people that want to claim he's some sort of genius and a savior of the WWF in the 90s and all but everyone forgets one important element. That element was Vince McMahon. Any idea that Vince Russo had while he worked for the WWF ultimately had to be approved or disapproved by Vince McMahon. Russo did have some good idead, no doubt, but one can't help but wonder how many of his bad ideas were shot down by McMahon. Vince was a filter that Russo had to deal with and it was something he didn't have in WCW. Russo's ideas, and some of them were very bad, went onto WCW television and pay per view without anyone to tell him no. Whether it be Bischoff, Turner executives or Turner himself, nobody grabbed Vince Russo by the scruff of the neck and said "What the hell are you doing??" Vince Russo poorly used WCW championships because, for some reason, he felt that fans ultimately didn't care about them and that they were just props and he treated them as such. Russo signed with WCW on October 5, 1999 and by the time McMahon bought WCW, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship changed hands 22 times and was vacated a total of 7 times. Some reigns didn't even last a day, the title was put onto people that had no business having it and he did similar things to other WCW straps.

In WCW, you had guys running the company that ultimately had no business running it and you had executives that really didn't even want the show in the first place. They felt it was low class and tasteless in spite of the hundreds of millions of dollars it pulled in and that millions upon millions in the U.S. and internationally watched every week. The WWE is McMahon's life's blood, it's his legacy. McMahon is always trying to do what he can to attract viewers to his show. Of course, not everyone is going to like what he does. That's just life, after all. But in terms of revenue, viewers, bookers, people running the company, etc. the WWE is nowhere near where WCW was during the last 18 months of its existence.

Some have brought up WWE still pushing older guys rather than making ways for new ones. One reason why the WWE keeps pushing older guys like Triple H, HBK and the Undertaker is because they're still very good at what they do. Unlike Hogan, Hall and Nash back in WCW, the "elder statesmen" of the WWE are far more capable in the ring and have proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt. I agree that Raw has some work to do regarding pushing of younger guys in general, but some are trying to make it seem that the WWE doesn't push young guys at all. Every singles championship in the WWE that a man can hold is currently held by a younger guy and there are lots of young and credible mid-card guys on the rise. They still have a ways to go, but at least the WWE is starting to do something with them.

The WWE isn't going anywhere anytime soon, not nearly. Ratings are up, match quality has definitely improved, most WWE viewers like the overall product, titles mean more than they have in a while, etc.

Some can say the WWE is awful right now, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but the opinion doesn't seem to be shared by the majority of WWE viewers. If you want to compare anyone to WCW, TNA is much closer. Overall quality of the show has declined and ratings have been steadily declining for nearly a month.
So i was just sitting about at home doing nothing really and then something hit me, it occurred to me for no reason what so ever, just randomly i thought "WWE is WCW's bad parts all over again."

No, not really

Now WWE will never go out of business, so that is not what i mean. Let me explain minus ECW from this we have Raw and SD. WCW was known to only push there main event talent and not build future stars, the like of Hogan, Nash, Hall, Sting, Macho Man, Etc were always pushed into the title picture, but the under card weren't. Fast forward to WWE today and we have:

True, but The WWE is trying to create new stars: Ziggler, Morrison, Kofi, Miz, MVP, Jackson, Kozlov, McIntyre, DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase

Raw - Orton, HHH, Cena, Batista
SD - Punk, Hardy, Taker

In case you havent noticed, Hardy isnt in the WWE anymore

There we see, WWE in this form at this current moment is copying WCW with the fact its been the same people in the title picture for well over a year. Mainly on Raw though.

Its always been that way, we have always seen Jericho, Orton, Cena, HHH, The Rock, SCSA, Taker, Hogan,HBK, Goldberg, Nash, Benoit, Edge, Lesnar, Guerrero, and Angle in the RAW main event title picture when they were all with the comapany. RAW is nto known for putting new stars in the title picture.

Onto the next thing that struck me, the over use of celebs. WCW done the match with Dennis Rodman, then they went on to have Jay Leno come on the show and NWO take over the Jay Leno Show, then as much as this hurts to say every time they had David Arquette (SP) win the World Title. Once again fast forward to WWE today and you have the "Guest Host" thing going on, with WWE using a different celeb every week .... over using celebs ? i think so.

No it's not, Its marketing from the WWE, Bonnie Hammer wants the WWE to do the guest host gimmick. Also, the reason for all oif the celebs back in WCW was because when it was going out of business, they decided to film a movie.

Then moving on again you have WCW who im pretty sure brought back Four Horsemen a couple times, and way over ran the Nwo angle. Fast Forward once again to today and you have WWE bringing back DX yet AGAIN, for about the 5th time. Both companies here showing no brains for new stables, which could lead to perhaps saying that WWE is also dodgey about pushing younger talent .... much like WCW.

DX is entertaining, The fans want DX, Vince wants DX, The feeling is mutual

So what do you think, does today’s WWE represent the bad parts of WCW of old ? I certainly think parts of it do.

not evan close here, wwe/f has always been way better when it came to telling good stories developing new stars and entertainment wcw was great but lets face it it was always a "retirement run" for the verry old and has been wwe guys hogan/nash/hall/jarrett and so on..... they never developed one goon new talent except goldberg but they evan screwed that up by letting nash beat him wich was nash's call and a dumb one. wwe maybe a little stale right now but nothing compared to the bad days at wcw name me a legandary charechter that wcw made the original call on?

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