WWE Is Trying Hard With Tyson Kidd


Occasional Pre-Show
Is it me or is the wwe trying hard with Tyson Kidd because of his multiple managers. The guy has been coming out with a new manager every week on superstars. I also found it funny how it was said to be bringing managers back to wwe but Kidd seems to be the only one getting them. Kidd is close to a ring expert but his problem is talking so a good manager should get him in the IC title chase.

My question is why does the wwe all of sudden care so much and do you think they're trying hard to get him over which would mean his job is safe? or this is just a experiment and his job is still in jeopardy?

Almost forgot to mention his latest manager was no other than loud mouth Vicki Guerrero.
It's a nice change of pace, to be honest. Kidd is a good in-ring worker, but he needs a mouthpiece, so a manager makes perfect sense. Add onto that the fact that they're changing it up weekly, it throws an extra wrinkle into it, it keeps his character interesting. I'm sure he'll eventually make his way to Smackdown and get a nice push, but only if he can connect with the crowd. He's a pretty boring worker, but if he can stay interesting with his managers and keep up his solid in ring work, I can see him sticking around for quite some more time.
Like Crock said Kidd is a darn good in ring worker, but is pretty lackluster on the mic. He really needs that mouthpiece and I was for sure they were going to stick with Striker there, as Striker just has that old school manager feel to him. Michael Hayes didn't really fit Kidd, nor does Estrada. Striker is really the perfect compliment. We know Striker can talk, as he was a commentator and he had his own talk segment. We also know Striker can be a manager as he was just that for Big Daddy V. I think if they stick with Striker as the manager for Kidd we could see him called up to SD and work his way into the midcard scene. Only downside is SD has a load of heels and that is pretty much holding Tyson back as well.
They probably realize how good Kidd is in the ring and want a manager to talk for him since that's not his strong point. Tyson has loads of in ring talent. I don't see it as his job being in jeapordy because he probably was just a good candidate for them to look at various potential managers to see who would be a good fit. Then they could bring them onto Smackdown to help push Kidd to the IC title where he could finally showcase his skills in the ring during an IC title feud while the manager talks for him if needed.
Why do they act like talkings such a big deal? I think casual fans probably don't analyze if a superstars speaking skills suck or not. All they care about is if what the guy is saying is negative or positive w/ no concious care of how it was delivered...........
Why do they act like talkings such a big deal? I think casual fans probably don't analyze if a superstars speaking skills suck or not. All they care about is if what the guy is saying is negative or positive w/ no concious care of how it was delivered...........

I agree with you but it's the criticism of older or wiser fans that talk down on guys with bad mic skills. John Morrison is my perfect example and I hate to say it but he sucks on the mic but the fans still cheer because they know the point he's try to get across.
Agreeing with what most people here have stated, I would have to agree that Tyson has great in ring work. But he is boring on the mic, and sometimes does not bring enough to keep me entertained in the match...

HOWEVER, I think that if he is put with the right general manager, he could get a nice push on Smackdown for the IC title... He reminds me of Dolph Ziggler actually... If Vickie were to bring him enough heat, he could be a solid mid carder and with the loud mouth Vickie on the mic for him, I would definetly see him capturing the IC title.
anyone think they might be giving him a different manager simply to introduce them all back into the audience again?

since it's been such a long time since anyone actually had a manager, maybe kidd is the guinea pig to get all these guys recognized again and have the fans familiar with them.
Their trying to hard with a guy who can't get over by any mean's.

I just think this is a lost cause really, Kidd is just no good at all. They keep having different manager's every week, but the fan's just don't care becuase Tyson Kidd generate's no heat or appeal, he's just there and the fan's don't care about him.
Tyson Kidd doesn't really have anything that appeals me...
He is a great in-ring worker and he is a very good cocky actor, however he has an awful look (his hair and hiz size) and no gimmick whatsoever.

WWE is literally forcing is way to the relevant scene again, but I can't really give a crap about him or his managers that tend to be switched.
His only salvation is being the last guy that trained in the Hart dungeon, if it wasn't for this, he would never have been signed unfortunately.
If he changes is entrance and his looks, he could definitely be called to the main roster and be relevant again, since he is a perfect cocky heel with a good reason (Hart dungeon).
Tyson Kidd doesn't really have anything that appeals me...
He is a great in-ring worker and he is a very good cocky actor, however he has an awful look (his hair and hiz size) and no gimmick whatsoever.

WWE is literally forcing is way to the relevant scene again, but I can't really give a crap about him or his managers that tend to be switched.
His only salvation is being the last guy that trained in the Hart dungeon, if it wasn't for this, he would never have been signed unfortunately.
If he changes is entrance and his looks, he could definitely be called to the main roster and be relevant again, since he is a perfect cocky heel with a good reason (Hart dungeon).
His look isn't bad at all. The hair is unique, it makes him stick out, you certainly remembered it, didn't you? It accomplishes the same thing Dolph Ziggler's old haircut (long blond hair) did, it may be ugly, but you're definitely going to remember it. What you're saying he should do is change that, become nothing but another face in the crowd... Get rid of what makes him unique to blend in more. How does that make any sense?

He definitely didn't get signed just because he was Hart Dungeon trained, either. Sure, it contributed, but Tyson Kidd is a damn good wrestler. THAT is why he got signed. If he was horseshit, but Hart Dungeon trained, would they have signed him? No, they wouldn't have. No way in hell.

Now onto your next point, you want Tyson Kidd to drop his gimmick and turn into a vanilla, cocky heel. Why would that make him better? The whole point of having a gimmick is to be different, is to stand out. It seems to me that you're just pulling random crap out of your ass, because none of this makes any sense to me. The changing managers are why we're talking about Kidd, it has made him interesting again, no need to destroy that.
His look isn't bad at all. The hair is unique, it makes him stick out, you certainly remembered it, didn't you? It accomplishes the same thing Dolph Ziggler's old haircut (long blond hair) did, it may be ugly, but you're definitely going to remember it. What you're saying he should do is change that, become nothing but another face in the crowd... Get rid of what makes him unique to blend in more. How does that make any sense?

Lets calm down a little bit.
One thing is having a good look that we want to remember, the other one is to have a look that doesn't really mean anything or have that special thing...
Dolph Ziggler is blond and his theme song make us remember Mr. Perfect right?
And his looks, is not only his silly hair, is also his size and bodyshape, he is to thin to be a threat to anybody...

He definitely didn't get signed just because he was Hart Dungeon trained, either. Sure, it contributed, but Tyson Kidd is a damn good wrestler. THAT is why he got signed. If he was horseshit, but Hart Dungeon trained, would they have signed him? No, they wouldn't have. No way in hell.

How do you know? Don't try to be a smark, you don't know that and you have to admit that if you have trained yourself your entire life for entering in the Wrestling Business and if you had to compete against any guy that have trained and being "Strongly" recommended from the Hart Dungeon, he would have more chances to be a WWE Wrestler, than you...
There are a lot of good independent wrestlers, better than Tyson Kidd, that dream of one day being part of the WWE but however you don't see WWE sign with him, right?

Now onto your next point, you want Tyson Kidd to drop his gimmick and turn into a vanilla, cocky heel. Why would that make him better? The whole point of having a gimmick is to be different, is to stand out. It seems to me that you're just pulling random crap out of your ass, because none of this makes any sense to me. The changing managers are why we're talking about Kidd, it has made him interesting again, no need to destroy that.

I don't want him to drop his gimmick, just to actually get one (would be nice...)
And for me he can be a legitimate and believable cocky heel, by being the last guy that trained with the Hart family.

You are right, the changing manager have made Tyson a little bit more relevant, and I'm glad that WWE is pushing a great wrestler, like they should, but he isn't a world champion material, and IMO he will never be one with that character he has now, maybe in the future...

Good Discussion and please calm down mate :)
Looking forward for your reply....
Lets calm down a little bit.
One thing is having a good look that we want to remember, the other one is to have a look that doesn't really mean anything or have that special thing...
Dolph Ziggler is blond and his theme song make us remember Mr. Perfect right?
And his looks, is not only his silly hair, is also his size and bodyshape, he is to thin to be a threat to anybody...

But wait, you just said you remembered his hair. That means he does have that special quality. You're contradicting yourself. He's a cruiserweight, obviously he's going to have a smaller body size, it's a part of wrestling. His in ring style reflects that. He's going to use speed and agility to win, not strength.

How do you know? Don't try to be a smark, you don't know that and you have to admit that if you have trained yourself your entire life for entering in the Wrestling Business and if you had to compete against any guy that have trained and being "Strongly" recommended from the Hart Dungeon, he would have more chances to be a WWE Wrestler, than you...
There are a lot of good independent wrestlers, better than Tyson Kidd, that dream of one day being part of the WWE but however you don't see WWE sign with him, right?

How do I know? Common sense. Smith Hart, Keith Hart, Bruce Hart, these names ring a bell? All Hart Dungeon guys, but they never achieved WWE success. They didn't get signed because of it. Sure, they had some one off appearances, because their brothers requested them to be there, but they never got contracts. Not only that, but there have been other Hart Dungeon trained guys who don't get signed. The WWE doesn't sign guys just based on that, they have to have talent. Not only that, but they have to fit the WWE mold, in some way.

Look at the Indy stars the WWE does sign. Daniel Bryan, Tyler Black, Mistico, they're talented, but they fit the product. Sure, a guy like Necro Butcher may be talented as hell, but he'll never get signed. Why? Doesn't fit the product. That's why Kidd got signed. He has talent and he can work the WWE style.

I don't want him to drop his gimmick, just to actually get one (would be nice...)
And for me he can be a legitimate and believable cocky heel, by being the last guy that trained with the Hart family.

You are right, the changing manager have made Tyson a little bit more relevant, and I'm glad that WWE is pushing a great wrestler, like they should, but he isn't a world champion material, and IMO he will never be one with that character he has now, maybe in the future...

Good Discussion and please calm down mate :)
Looking forward for your reply....

He does have a gimmick. That's why he's changing managers. A cocky heel is basically just a heel who DOESN'T have any character. A cocky heel is just basic. They bring themselves up to get heat, that's not much of a gimmick, to be honest. I'd rather he stays with his current direction and keeps changing managers, it's keeping me entertained. Also, the Harts still train people at their gym in the Hart Dungeon style, it's not over just because the Hart House was sold.

See, now you're stating the obvious. Tyson Kidd isn't ever going to be a main eventer. He'll be a success, a solid midcarder. To be a success he doesn't need to get the world title, most wrestlers don't. That's not an indicator of how good he is, he's just not right for the championship.
But wait, you just said you remembered his hair. That means he does have that special quality. You're contradicting yourself. He's a cruiserweight, obviously he's going to have a smaller body size, it's a part of wrestling. His in ring style reflects that. He's going to use speed and agility to win, not strength.

His silly hair will not let him be a solid midcarder, people will look to him and they will think that even they could put him out and that he is ******ed...
His ring work may be good, but he is no better than Evan Bourne or other cruiserweight superstar, and Tyson Kidd just looks like the guy that can be putted out with a Big Boot by a Heavyweight guy...

How do I know? Common sense. Smith Hart, Keith Hart, Bruce Hart, these names ring a bell? All Hart Dungeon guys, but they never achieved WWE success. They didn't get signed because of it. Sure, they had some one off appearances, because their brothers requested them to be there, but they never got contracts. Not only that, but there have been other Hart Dungeon trained guys who don't get signed. The WWE doesn't sign guys just based on that, they have to have talent. Not only that, but they have to fit the WWE mold, in some way.

WWE isn't ruled by common sense...
The Hart Dungeon just started to make good wrestlers after the semi-retirement of the Hart Brothers.
Guys like Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Jushin Linger come to my mind.
WWE has every type of wrestler/actor working for them, they don't really have to fit in their mold, because their mold is "If you can wrestle and entertain you're on" they don't have anything more than that, once again trying to be a smark...

Look at the Indy stars the WWE does sign. Daniel Bryan, Tyler Black, Mistico, they're talented, but they fit the product. Sure, a guy like Necro Butcher may be talented as hell, but he'll never get signed. Why? Doesn't fit the product. That's why Kidd got signed. He has talent and he can work the WWE style.

WWE only has a style, PG style and that's the bottom line.
Guys like Kaval (Low Ki) come to my mind, he was never successful in the WWE despite his ring work.
Necro Butcher could be a solid Stone Cold wannabe in the Attitude Era.

He does have a gimmick. That's why he's changing managers. A cocky heel is basically just a heel who DOESN'T have any character. A cocky heel is just basic. They bring themselves up to get heat, that's not much of a gimmick, to be honest. I'd rather he stays with his current direction and keeps changing managers, it's keeping me entertained. Also, the Harts still train people at their gym in the Hart Dungeon style, it's not over just because the Hart House was sold.

I'm stating one thing good out of Tyson Kidd, he has a facial expression really awesome for a cocky heel.
A guy that stats that he is the best of right now, because he trained with the best of best etc...
He was the last product from the Hart Dungeon, he can use it...

See, now you're stating the obvious. Tyson Kidd isn't ever going to be a main eventer. He'll be a success, a solid midcarder. To be a success he doesn't need to get the world title, most wrestlers don't. That's not an indicator of how good he is, he's just not right for the championship.

So what is the point of pushing a wrestler, if not to be the best he can do?
The Miz is a perfect example for illustrate that non-sense...
Do you remember when he debuted and his first years?
He wasn't any better than Tyson Kidd and he didn't look like the guy that once was going to be a WWE Champion, and however he was, he managed to create his character better than anybody.

Tyson Kidd can be a world champion, and the first thing he needs to do is changing his looks in my opinion and after that create an alternative character out of him...

Keep up!!
At first I did not like him having a manager because I thought that so many others needed one more than he did. However, I soak in things quickly and accept them. I have come to realize that Kidd does need a manager so he will be noticed more by the people and it will make him stand out among many of the other superstars. In fact, this manager thing has really got me more interested in Tyson Kidd than I have ever been. I just don't understand why the WWE makes him lose to a superstar like Yoshi Tatsu. I mean, Tyson looks great, he has a manager, he puts on excellent matches, and yet he is losing to Yoshi Tatsu on Superstars. What? Seriously, don't build Tyson up and then make him lose to someone who does not matter.

I think that this manager thing can go far and I think that Tyson Kidd could be a star.
It really doesn't seem like WWE is trying that hard with Kidd. It just seems like they are testing the grounds with having managers. If they were trying then they would actually stick with a manager rather than having a new one every week & Kidd only being shown on Superstars.

He definitely has the in-ring talent but he can't talk AT ALL and that stupid haircut is just annoying to look at.
As soon as The Hart Dynasty split and DH & Kidd went their seperate ways I realized that Tyson Kidd is a darn good wrestler. Sure his mic skills are mediocre and the WWE really has nothing to do for either of the former tag team partners but I would like to see Kidd in the main event some day if he can improve his talking, I see alot of potential in him. I think that they'll find him a niche soon where he can grow as a performer and maybe get some more fans because unfortunatly it seems as though he doesnt have many so far. But if there was one guy that I could give a push right now it would be him.
I'm hoping this storyline ends with Tyson choosing Bret as his manager because its his natural fit. Tyson really needs a face turn badly and this should be the way to do it. WWE shouldn't give up on Tyson's Hart affiliation just yet.
i was just thinking about this....at first i thought it was stupid to have all different managers each week for kidd but then when i saw vickie managed him for a week it got me thinking....what if she became his permenant manager and wwe makes a team out of ziggler & kidd? they dont have to compete for the tag titles but they could although id rather see them as allies and have ziggler win the us title and kidd win the ic title and then from there go after the tag titles or maybe add in a couple more young guys who need help and have vickie manage a stable of champions? with kidd as the ic champ,ziggler holding the us title and maybe make a team out of mcintyre and someone else and they win the tag titles? they could dominate the undercard and it could actullay be good IMO :shrug: just a thought
Yeah, Kidd is a great In-Ring performer, but with all this swapping around of Manager just seems to me like they're playing him around to try and give him the right one, but they're putting him through a stage of where I believe him less, the more managers he has.
I love what they're doing with Kidd and the managers, for 2 reasons. Firstly, it makes him look important to some degree. I know that Matt Stryker or JTG are not exactly names that come to mind when you think "great manager," but by having all these different personalities vie for the chance to manage a guy, it makes him seem like a big prospect. The rotating managers gives Kidd some kind of spotlight, some reason to pay attention to him aside from his ring skills. Secondly, the pool of midcard faces on Smackdown is pretty tiny. You've really only got Daniel Bryan, Ezekial, and Sin Cara, all of whom would look weak losing to Kidd, and then Yoshi Tatsu and Trent Baretta. Basically, there isn't really anyone for Kidd to feud with, and there isn't anyone on his level of the card that he hasn't faced numerous times. By giving him this angle involving non-in-ring characters, he is able to have a storyline to keep him relevant despite the lack of a supporting cast. The creative team has actually done something somehwat creative with Kidd's storyline, which is nice.
Ok, here's a thought that I have with a lot of thoughts like this: The WWE is a dog-eat-dog world. Raw is only two hours, and Smackdown is only two hours. Not everyone can be a big star in the WWE. People often complain about this wrestler or that wrestler and how they aren't used right, but for every wrestler that gets pushed and gets TV time, it's always at the expense of another superstar being taken off TV. People are always saying how guys like Tyson Kidd, Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder (I agree with that one) should all get big pushes. But if they did, it would be at the expense of other people. And I agree there are certain people on the roster that I don't care to see (i.e. Mark Henry and Great Khali) but WWE doesn't always do what the fans want. So if Zack Ryder or Tyson Kidd were on Raw or Smackdown, it would probably be at the expense of someone else that we like, i.e. Daniel Bryan. WWE is constantly looking for their next big star, which is why they're always pushing new, young Superstars (Jinder Mahal for example) With Raw and Smackdown only being four hours a week, and WWE always needing air time for new stars to get over, sometimes there are casualties. Sometimes people don't get their fair shot. Some people just plain fail. And that's why Superstars is a purgatory for people waiting to be future endeavored. That's just the way it has to be. Anyone who is holding out for Tyson Kidd to get a huge push and one day be the star of WWE is being a little unrealistic. If we ever see Tyson Kidd on Raw or Smackdown ever again, it will be in a squash match. I hate saying this, because I legitimately like the guy. But it's only a matter of time before he gets released.
The Manager gimmick is actually an easy way to get Kidd some TV time

If you think about it, Kidd could get a push of sorts by appearing on both brands, and being a supporting player to every feud, acting as a lackey to the other heels by having random singles matches with their enemies. (i.e. Tyson Kidd w/ R-Truth vs. John Cena)

There are lots of possibilities with the managers even with the current roster.

1. Zack Ryder manages to get TV time by accompanying Kidd to the ring. Ryder cuts a promo and the crowd laughs their asses off when Ryder tells Kidd to "Take Care. Spike...um...that."

2. Kidd appears on RAW and comes out with Alex Riley (briefcase and everything). Kidd ends up losing, and argues with Riley who was no help at all. Kidd says something along the lines of "No wonder the Miz dumped you." A-Ry, in a Stone Cold moment, lays Kidd out with his finisher. The following week on RAW, Riley and Kidd have a match, and Kidd comes out with a new manager, possibly Michael Cole.

3. Kelly and Layla reform Extreme Expose and grind up on Kidd's d*ck as he comes out to the ring.

4. Eventually it could lead to the reformation of the Hart Dynasty as he comes out with David Hart Smith.
I think that the manager gimmick can only go so far. Superstars has piss poor amount of people watching it since it is been forced to go onto the WWE main website. For example I am unable to watch Superstars in Canada so I have to sadly read what happens after it has happened. There are those less dedicated who don't actally acare that much. Tyson Kidd is getting some attention but in all honestly rarely nobody besides the IWC really knows/cares about it. I think Tyson will be apart of the summer cleaning, which is sad because us here in Calgary love the Harts.
I don't think they are trying hard enough honestly. This angle needs to be on Smack Down and not on Superstars if they are trying to do anything with it. I rarely watch Superstars now that I can't DVR it and unless I read results I wouldn't even know it was going on. Kidd is a good in ring worker, and I think a manager is what he needs I just think it is going to be hard to find him a good one because of size. Maybe a female or a male small non-wrestler male unless you are going to give him a bodyguard type guy.

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