WWE, Ironic Heels and Faces


I think this topic has been mentioned quite a few times on these forums, but never really looked at. I'm talking, of course, about some of the placements on the Heel and Face list. I'm not complaining, so don't take this thread to be a threat, but isn't weird how some placements don't match up if you take a look at them? People, who you'd think would be face are heel, and people who normally people would think should be heels are faces.
Again, I'm not insulting the judgement of the WWE and no one should take it as such, I'm just pointing out the irony of the entire thing.

CM Punk, Heel- Doesn't use any drugs, alcohol or tabacoo, lives a clean lifestyle and is a great influence for children.

Jeff Hardy, Face- Has been known to take huge risks in the ring, which children could easily re-create in a home or school yard.

Stone Cold, Face- Drinks more alcohol every RAW then he does blood in his body whilst sticking his 'finger' up at authority.

'Taker, Face- Dark demonic creature summoned from the depths of Deathvalley to immortalate his presence in the WWE.

Cena, Face- Former thug (gimmick wise).

JBL, heel- Businessman who has made millions with his mind and talents in stock and stuff.

Sandman, face- Alcoholic and self-abuser.

These are just a few things I've noticed and wanted to point out. Don't get me wrong Stone Cold was a great face too, being able to stand up to his bullies and, who appeared to be the devil at the time (Vince).

So, I'd like anyone reading this to give a few of their own suggestions, see if they can see any other people that have this irony. It's for fun, so don't take it too seriously.
Some of those have an obvious explanation... They were Attitude Era (and the TV-14 years that followed) and working class heroes and big business villains. Those were in general, the past.

But now that WWE is kid friendly and PG, and honestly, John Cena is the only PG wrestler around. HHH's home invasion, use of a sledgehammer as a backup, and penis references are really not mannerisms of a PG, kid-friendly face. And CM Punk and Jeff Hardy is just terribly ironic and Attitude Era, to the point that it makes zero sense.

But being PG never did honestly matter to WWE, just John Cena. If being PG mattered, they wouldn't even let the Divas on TV anymore. As far as I know, painful abortions don't fit in on PG TV.
Ricky Ortiz - Existing.

Just kidding, but there are a few I can think of:

Cryme Tyme, Faces - Thieves, thugs, gangsters.

Edge, Heel - Makes the most of opportunities to further himself in his career. How is that a bad thing, really?

Matt Hardy, Face - Tried to kill his brother numerous times and killed his dog(storyline of course). But all seems to be forgiven. So this just shows that you can go try kill someone and after about 8 months they will forgive you.
There's really one major thing that makes CM Punk and JBL effective villains (beyond, of course, the despicable actions that they take against their rivals that are without a doubt villainous) and that is the element of self-righteousness and arrogance. Let's face it, nobody nobody likes a person who thinks him/herself better than everyone else and constantly feels the need to remind everyone of this fact. CM Punk is a great example here. We've all run into this sort of person before, I'm sure, that claims that because he's on a highly restrictive lifestyle that he is better than everyone else and enjoys shoving it down everyone else's throat. It's the same thing to some extent to the less effective evangelists for various religions, claiming that they are better than everyone else because of that. (I admit, I'm a Christian, but the way some of those who claim to follow Christ arrogantly patronize and pontificate makes even me want to boot a few heads.)

Back to the subject. People like Cena and Jeff go the other way. One thing that makes people like them is that they're willing to admit they have flaws, they face adversity and overcome. It's an attractive story. It's what makes a hero. I'd think this makes them perfect for the face role, but then I could be wrong. I'm willing to hear other viewpoints.

Got one more for ya.

Vince McMahon, Face - Especially after all his time as a vindictive, arrogant, small-minded heel. He's still got all the power, why on earth should he start being a good guy?!
Santina Morella was hated amoungst her peer for being the hottest diva ever. The people cheered her for her because her nice body, tattoos, and dance moves.
Surprised no one throws jack Swagger into these conversations. The all american with all natural talent who has busted his but to be the best, even fighting through a speech impetiment in a buisness where you need to talk.
Batista- the "Animal" Batista is more for a heel than a face. He should be ripping people apart, not saving them.

Ric Flair- considered the dirtiest player in the game, cheating to win his matches, and was still a face.

Kane- the big red monster is meant to be scary, not friendly.

Eddie Guerrero- "I lie, I cheat, I steal" doesn't sound like a good guy.

The Dudleys- Good guys don't use tables to win matches.
Ok I have been reading the posts here but people on here seem to forget that there are THREE major roles in any decent professional Wrestling organization... You have your obvious heels/faces, but the what of the roles of the Anti-Hero? These are your bad-ass no bs guys that do all the wrong things but carry these actions towards a definite heel on most occasions and these guys seem to have the charisma of a face... Obvious examples of this are Triple H, The Undertaker, and even Shawn Michaels.... In fact I think Vince MacMahon (this new version) should be considered an Anti-Hero. Now as far as the WWE goes here is my opinions on some that should be defined in certain categories....

John Cena
Rey Mysterio
Jeff Hardy (if he comes back)
John Morrison (I like him as a face, it just fits his character better)
Evan Bourne

Jack Swagger
Randy Orton (the epitamy of a perfect heel)
Chris Jericho (hell I hate him no matter what he is)
Mark Henry (this nice guy playing with Hornswoggle shit isn't workin)
Big Show (noone wants to see a 7' pussy)
Great Khali (see above)

Triple H (its been working this long, if it aint broke dont fix it)
Crime Time
Shawn Michaels (see Triple H)

- These are just some of my ideas as to who should be where and why.... I would love some feed back...

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