WWE Invasion II: RAW week 1


5-time XBPW Heavyweight Champion
*NOTE: This is the first week's RAW of my storyline. I will be posting SmackDown & the rest of the storyline in the coming weeks. Here it is. Also, i know there aren't alot of matches on this card but that is because of the storyline. There will be more matches in the future shows.*


RAW live from San Diego, California.

- RAW opens up with Alberto Del Rio claiming that San Diego would be a great city if they didn’t cheer for guys like Rey Mysterio & John Cena. Del Rio says that Rey is a little Chihuahua & Cena is a cheater. Del Rio says that he was cheated out of the Undisputed WWE Championship last week on RAW in his rematch. Del Rio says that he wasn’t ready & Cena knew that. Del Rio says that he will be the champion again & he proceeds to call out John Cena. Del Rio tells Cena to come out to the ring & be a man & defend the title against him in a match right now. Suddenly the arena goes dark…
Triple H’s music plays & his entrance video & lights go off through the arena. The crowd waits 30 or more seconds & still no sign of The Game. Triple H’s music stops. Del Rio looks confused & the crowd starts to boo intensly. The arena goes dark again but this time it’s Hulk Hogan’s old music playing, but it stops immediately. Del Rio says he’s had enough of these games & knows Cena is behind all of this. Del Rio tells Cena to get out here or he will go backstage & find him. The arena goes dark again & this time it’s Cena’s music playing. Cena comes down to the ring & confronts Del Rio. Cena says that Del Rio needs to listen up & listen good because he isn’t the one screwing around with the Titantron & the music. Cena says that he is a WWE Superstar & not a technical guy or an authority figure. Cena says he is here to wrestle, not DJ to the crowd. Cena says that Del Rio needs to go talk to the sound guys, not him. Cena wants to know who is screwing around here too. Alberot Del Rio goes to say something but his mic is cut off. Cena tries too, but his mic is cut off as well. The video on the Titantron switches from Cena & Del Rio in the ring to somebody unplugging wires & messing with equipment. Two of the audio guys are seen laying on the ground, presumably unconscious. The arena goes dark again & when it goes back to the lighting, Eric Bischoff’s music starts playing & holy…crap…it’s Eric Bischoff, E.B. is here on… RAW!? Eric steps in the ring & congratulates Cena on retaining the title twice against Del Rio. Eric then says thank you to the mystery man for cutting off Del Rio’s mic. E.B. says that he didn’t mean for Cena’s to be cut off but sometimes good people make mistakes. Cena’s mic is back on & says that Eric is full of crap. Cena knows that his company went bankrupt weeks ago & knows E.B. is here to try to ruin another company. Cena says he killed WCW, he got fired from WWE because he was trying to kill RAW & now him & Hogan killed that company down south. E.B. says that Cena needs to calm down & that he can mention it, TNA. E.B. tells Cena to say it with him, T-N-A. T-N-A. Cena says he doesn’t care if its WCW, TNA or Bischoff Incorporated, but he will not have Eric here trying to kill another company. E.B. says that Triple H hired him & some of the TNA guys here to WWE & that since Stephanie McMahon was taken out in the middle of the Mark Henry attack, that HHH appointed him the role of RAW G.M. Cena says if Eric is here as RAW G.M., then he’s quitting the WWE, because he won’t be a part of a dying company. Cena drops his belt in the middle of the ring & heads up the ramp. CM Punk’s music plays & Punk stops Cena at the top of the ramp. Punk says that Cena is right & if Bischoff is here running things, then he & Cena will go & take their talent to someplace else such as TNA or New Japan. Cena says that he is a fan of those companies & believes he & Punk could be tag team champions. Punk says that Kevin Nash & Sting walked out of TNA after E.B. was put in charge & now he & Cena are too. Cena & Punk drop their mics & walk to the back.

- Commercial break.

- We’re back from commercial & Justin Roberts is announcing that this match will be a tag team match & it is for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Out first is the champions The Miz & R-Truth. Out next is the team of Alex Riley & Kofi Kingston. The bell rings, but E.B. is out again to announce that this match will now be a triple threat tag team falls count anywhere match. E.B. points to the back & Bully Ray’s music starts playing. Bully Ray & Scott Steiner make their way out & this match is now official. Bully Ray clotheslines Kofi, then A-Ry. Steiner goes to clothesline Miz but he is met with a neck breaker from R-Truth after Miz ducks it. Bully Ray sees this & hits Truth from behind. Miz jumps Ray & Kofi & A-Ry go to work on Steiner. Truth helps Miz out with Ray & the WWE “Originals” are working together to take out the TNA guys. Steiner tries to power out but is met with a DDT from A-Ry & an elbow drop from Kofi. Truth hit’s the Shut Up on Ray & Miz kicks him in the head. Steiner goes to get up but is met with a clothesline from A-Ry that sends him over the ropes. Kofi hit’s an amazing moonsault to Steiner on the outside. Miz knows that A-Ry & Kofi are dominating Steiner & takes advantage & hit’s a-Ry with Skull Crushing Finale from behind. Miz pins A-Ry for the win.

Winners & still your WWE Tag Team Champions: The Miz & R-Truth.

Post match: E.B. comes back out & says that Miz & Truth got the job done. E.B. says he is proud he gets the honor to work with such great stars. E.B. says that the Royal Rumble is coming up & we’re on the Road to WrestleMania. E.B. says Miz & Truth have the next few weeks off because they deserve it, but, they’re going to need it too. E.B. says that at the Rumble, Truth & Miz will defend their titles in a unification match against the TNA Tag Team Champions, Rob Van Dam & Matt Hardy.

- Commercial break.

- Back from commercial & we get an ad for WWE’s newest DVD set, “The Rise of The Reality Era.” Sounds like a cool DVD set. Punk & Cena are on the cover, fitting, right?

- We go backstage where Triple H is seen talking on the phone. He says that he had no other option to hire Bischoff as the GM. HHH says that his wife is out with a broken arm, he bought TNA & needs to use the talent & unfortunately, Bischoff is the most qualified to be GM. HHH hangs up the phone & Cena & Punk walk in. Cena tells HHH that he & Punk quit. HHH tells them that he understands where they are coming from but they can’t quit. HHH says that he had no other option, Bischoff is qualified. Cena says that Bischoff was qualified to run WCW & TNA too, but look where it ended up. Punk says that HHH made a big mistake but he & Cena aren’t going to be apart of a company that is run into the ground. Cena says that he’s been fired once & came back but this time he’s quitting. Punk lets HHH know that they’ve already made calls to other promotions & that they’ve contacted other WWE officials to let them know to put them on the “future-endeavored” list on WWE.com. Punk & Cena leave HHH’s office.

- We go to the ring & Justin Roberts announces the next match. Out first is Rob Van freaking Dam! Next out is John Morrison.

The two lock up & Morrison goes for a headlock. RVD counters it & irish whips JoMo against the ropes. Morrison ducks a spinning kick from RVD & lands a cross body off the ropes for a 1 count. RVD finally hits JoMo with a spinning heel kick, then lands a standing moonsault for only a 1 count. RVD backs up & is looking like he’s going for Rolling Thunder, but JoMo rolls out of the way, gets up & kicks RVD in the head. JoMo flies off the ropes & hits RVD with a flying chuck kick to the face when RVD gets up but only gets a 2 count. JoMo goes top rope, but RVD runs up & gets a nice kick in to JoMo’s groin. RVD hit’s a hurricanrana off of the top rope. RVD goes top rope & goes for the 5 Star Frog Splash but JoMo rolls out of the way & RVD lands on his feet badly, looking like he took a bad landing. JoMo with a spinning heel kick of his own to RVD. JoMo gets on the ropes & goes for Starship Pain, but RVD catches JoMo & rolls him up for a 3 count.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Post match: RVD helps JoMo up & the two shake hands. E.B. comes out & yells at RVD for shaking Morrison’s hand. E.B. says that they (TNA) are here to take over & make an Impact in WWE. RVD says that he’s worked in ECW & WWE in the past, but he’s never worked for WCW. RVD says that he’s glad he never worked in WCW & is ashamed that he stayed in TNA under Bischoff’s management. RVD says that while guys like Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero became icons & legends in the WWE, not everybody from WCW made it far because Bischoff killed WCW & he killed TNA. RVD says that ECW folded because of other reasons, but nobody killed ECW, ECW had a cult following & Paul Heyman knew more than Bischoff ever will. Bischoff says that he didn’t kill anything. Bischoff tells RVD that TNA went bankrupt because he tried to pay the talent there big money so they could wrestle for the fans all over the world. Bischoff says he was only trying to make the wrestlers there happy with their position, so he paid them big money. RVD tells Bischoff that just because Triple H bought TNA & that Bischoff is in charge, he isn’t going to stoop to Bischoff & his chronies’ level. RVD tells Bischoff that TNA is dead & that he’s a proud WWE Superstar. RVD says that he was a part of the original ECW/WCW Invasion back in 2001 & he knows how these things work & knows how Bischoff is. RVD tells Bischoff to stick it & that if he tries another invasion, he & the rest of the WWE locker room are ready for a fight. Bischoff walks to the back pissed as RVD & Morrison talk in the ring.

- Commercial break. And ad for WWE’s new DVD airs again.

- Back from commercial & a Divas match is next. In the ring is Beth Phoenix, out next is Alicia Fox to cheap heat.
Bell rings & Fox goes after Beth with a few slaps, but Beth shoves her down to the mat hard. Beth picks up Alicia Fox & power bombs her, not once, but twice. Beth with the cover.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

Post-match: Beth gets a mic & says that any TNA Knockout that wants to try to take over this amazing company has to go through her & the other Divas in the back first. Beth sends a message to the WWE Divas, “Let’s bring ‘em our best girls!” Obviously Beth has just completed phase 1 of face turn.

- The big mystery man who we saw earlier is walking backstage in very low light. Eric Bischoff walks up to him & tells him to not forget about the deal tonight. The mystery man nods his head in agreement. Wonder what he’s talking about here. Cut to commercial break.

- Back from commercial & Triple H is on the phone again. HHH is talking to Stephanie & says that after RAW tonight, he will be on a flight home to see her & the kids. There’s a knock on the door & HHH hangs up & tells whoever it is to come in. The lights go out & there is sounds of tables breaking, things being smashed & Triple H yelling in pain. The lights go back on & Triple H is seen on the floor knocked out. A table of food is broken in half, pictures are knocked off the wall & broken glass is everywhere. J.R. & King sell shock to the TV audience.

- We go ringside to J.R. & King, who talk about what they just saw. J.R. says he is worried for their own safety here tonight, King agrees & talks about how much of a sick act that was. Suddenly, generic rock music starts playing, a scorpion appears on the Titantron & out comes Sting. Sting gets a massive pop & smiles while the crowd eats his appearance up like candy. Sting finally speaks & says that he is happy to be here in the WWE, but at the same time, he’s upset. Sting says that Cena & Punk quit already tonight & everyone already knows why. Sting says he’s had to deal with Bischoff before & he won’t let him kill yet another company. Sting talks about how he just watched what happened to Triple H in the back on one of the monitors & he is sickened. Sting says he’s been in this business a long time & has competed in many wrestling promotions but not WWE. Sting says that while he’s a part of WWE, for however long that may be, he is here to get rid of the cancer that is Eric Bischoff & his goons. Sting says he is a smart man & he knows who attacked Triple H, & knows that Bischoff is behind it. Sting calls out Bischoff, but he doesn’t come out. Sting says Bischoff is a coward & won’t come out because he’s one step ahead of him. Sting says that he respects Cena & Punk & is upset at them leaving, but he won’t leave because he has a job to do & that is make the WWE a Bischoff-free enviroment. Sting says that Abyss is the man who attacked Triple H & he already has Abyss caught & he’s not going anywhere. Bischoff finally comes out & says that Sting is full of hot-air. Sting says that Bischoff is the one full of hot air because he has been on screen more than half the night already. Sting says Bischoff is full of himself. Bischoff says that Sting doesn’t have Abyss captured at all because he just spoke with him. Sting says Bischoff is so gullible, he laughs then tells Bischoff to look at the Titantron. The Titantron shows Abyss chained up to a chair backstage behind a big steel mesh fence. CM Punk & Cena are seen with Abyss. Punk closes the gate & locks it from the inside. Punk says that nobody can save Abyss since it’s locked from his side of the cage like wall. Punk says that he & Cena both talked to Sting earlier before leaving & said that Sting came up with a great idea. Cena & Punk grab a big safe & drop it on Abyss. Abyss screams in pain & Abyss & his chair fall over sideways. Cena grabs a steel chair & hits him with it, then tells him to shut up. Punk gets another chair & hits him again, knocking Abyss out. Cena grabs his phone & tells Bischoff that if he wants to see his sidekick bitch get his ass kicked some more to go on Cena’s YouTube page later tonight. Bischoff looks on in shock before Sting grabs him & hit’s the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting takes off his jacket to reveal a shirt with the WWE logo. The broadcast ends with Sting standing over Bischoff & J.R. & King still shocked at the events tonight. J.R. says good night & he will see the fans next week on RAW or whatever Monday nights are now……

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