The expected HIAC bout between Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens was made official tonight on SmackDown Live.
The match will be entertaining and there's a compelling story behind it, but I still can't help but be a little bummed out that Vince's baby boy yet again finds himself a centerpiece in a heavily hyped match. This match suffers from the same weakness as Shane's matches against Taker and AJ Styles in that either we already know the outcome in that Shane loses or he wins and makes one of the most consistently quality stars on the main roster look bad for not being able to beat an authority figure.
The match will be entertaining and there's a compelling story behind it, but I still can't help but be a little bummed out that Vince's baby boy yet again finds himself a centerpiece in a heavily hyped match. This match suffers from the same weakness as Shane's matches against Taker and AJ Styles in that either we already know the outcome in that Shane loses or he wins and makes one of the most consistently quality stars on the main roster look bad for not being able to beat an authority figure.