WWE Hell In A Cell: Cruiserweight Championship - TJ Perkins © VS The Brian Kendrick

Match Result :

  • TJ Perkins retains.

  • The Brian Kendrick wins the title.

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Gone. For. Good.

This match was made official at Raw as Kendrick earned the title shot after defeating TJ Perkins in a non-title match.

Perkins should win this match and thus end this feud. Kendrick can win the title later as it's all about Perkins as of now and it should be too.

I am guessing that at Survivor Series, Cruiserweight Championship would be defended in a multi-man match.
They're going to have to start making another heel for Perkins soon.

I kinda want Kendrick to win. Perking isn't doing anything for me at all. But it's too soon to switch the belt.
I'm a huge fan of cruiserweight wrestling as well as TBK but as it stands this match does nothing for me. Since they came to RAW they've done nothing to get me invested in any of them and the more that happens the more I'm finding it difficult to disagree with the people saying the division is destined for failure.

They have some time so I hope they prove everyone wrong but I'm not going to hold my breath.
TJ Perkins likes video games and shares Pharma Bro's face.

Brian Kendrick has a pirate fetish and broke an n64 or something.

There is no doubt in my mind that Kendrick should win this. He's more experienced, and he's more interesting. There's a fresh division chock full of baby faces he can maul through. Let him carry the weight of the division around while Perkins establishes himself a bit more. Let him be crazed with how he was given a second chance with this division and he'll be damned if some young hot commodity takes it from him. It sells itself.
I see Perkins retaining and I think it's the right call to make at this time.

To be perfectly honest, I'd rather see the Cruiserweight Division on SmackDown Live because I feel that more time will be given to establishing the cruiserweights as personalities rather than just smaller, athletic guys. It may have been better if the Cruiserweight Division was centered in NXT because I simply have more faith in Triple H's booking than Vince's. That's not to say that Raw can't turn it around and they are moving things in the right direction, it's just taking longer than I think it needs to.

Whenever a new title is created, one thing I absolutely hate is for the inaugural champion to drop the title within the first month of winning it. I'm not a fan month long title runs to begin with, so taking the title off TJP, to me, would send the wrong sort of message considering how much energy and effort was put into the Cruiserweight Classic.
It was a fine idea in theory, that being bringing the division to Raw because of the extra hour, but then I remembered Raw can't even handle what they have now much less another whole division.

It's funny I read this in one of the comments on another site and it said "imagine that, the cruiserweights have replaced the women as the piss break" and there is some truth to that. The story of these guys are great athletes and can do flippies just doesn't work with the main WWE product. It was awesome on the network as an alternative to everything we see on WWE now, but it was also mostly internet fans watching and paying attention to it. Most of us know who these guys are, but the main fans don't and that's why it's basically crickets when they are on TV.

I agree with Jack Hammer in that the guys would be much better suited to NXT or Smackdown. I think KB said this as well in that might be better to just have them work with the regular guys rather than their own division as that's simply not working at this rate.

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