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WWE Hall Of Famer Bashes Women In Wrestling


A little while back, WWE Hall of Famer Sunny, AKA Tammy Lynn Sytch, made some fairly derogatory comments about a handful of WWE's Divas. Another HOFer has made some comments of his own that are so out of date that they're practically out of the stone age.

On the Filsinger Games podcast, the View, Greg 'the Hammer' Valentine made some ignorant statements about women during a Q & A at the Wrestling Geek Fest. Valentine said that he would be running WWE very differently if he were in charge. In addition to having slower paced matches, he would put an end to the entire Divas Division.

"I would send them all out to the strip bar and fire them. "I'm not knocking how, physically, they look - I won't go that far... I'd fire every girl wrestler I ever saw."

According to Valentine, his reasons for believing that women have no place in professional wrestling is because they "don't draw any money", "they have horrible matches, and they take jobs from male wrestlers that need to support their families. I love women, but they've got to realize they're in their place."

Valentine further declared that women aren't supposed to be professional wrestlers, boxers or MMA fighters and believes "they need to be home washing dishes and cooking and pregnant and barefoot."

To address the most glaringly obvious points, this is some of the most ignorantly misogynistic comments I've heard of in quite a long time. Aside from just insulting women in wrestling, he's pretty much insulting women across the board and the guy should be embarrassed about making such comments.

One thing he said that is true is that women have historically never drawn money in pro wrestling, though I'm not really certain what sort of expert Valentine is as he never exactly sold out Madison Square Garden a record number of times himself. If there's any company that has the potential to draw money with women, it's WWE because of brand recognition and audience size.

As for the rest of it, it's pretty much garbage, especially concerning women having "horrible matches." He obviously didn't watch Sasha Banks vs. Bayley last night and probably doesn't even watch wrestling period anymore. I dunno, Valentine here strikes me as another one of these ancient veterans that's extremely behind the times and has a mind set that'd be just fine in wrestling, and society as a whole, if it was still 1960.
I seem to remember Wrestlezone's own Josh Isenberg tweeting:

"Charlotte, Paige, Becky...I don't think I could pick one for a night. as @JustinLaBar would say, I wouldn't kick any of them out of my bed #OYCH"

I'm just saying; we should probably not criticize a woman's ability to wrestle when most of us guys are admittedly thinking with our dicks when we try to brainstorm the criticism. Notice how Greg "blue waffle face" Valentine is quick to harshly criticize the natural wrestling ability of all women in existence, but at the same time he's quick to note that he has nothing against their physical appearance while they fail to meet his expectations.

I'm a guy, and I'm a huge Joshi mark. I grew up watching Japanese women who could stomp Greg Valentine's shapeless mass into matt paste, or at least until he mumbles out something resembling an apology for being a fucking idiot.

It doesn't matter how emasculated us red blooded beer guzzling chain farting American males get by observing women who don't need us to give them permission to leave the house, women are human and thus will eventually find their way to a state of being that appeals on a universal level. Competition isn't something that only men get excited for.

It is mildly sexist to invest our love and admiration in a gal like Ronda Rousey in that being as tough a gal as she is appears to be a novelty to our generation, except that a few of us guys are learning to like a woman for reasons other than how well we can imagine her validating our sexual potency. I want to see Ronda Rousey fight, even if it makes a pathetic shithead like Greg Valentine feel like less of a man.
He's entitled to his opinion on women in wrestling. I doubt that he's all that informed, and is probably talking based on a lot of the crap the WWE has put on TV over the years in the Divas division. I guess I can't fully blame the average fan if that's the case, because that is what the WWE has chosen to present to the world. But a former wrestler should be more informed. He just sounds ignorant. For example, the Sasha Banks-Bayley match last night was outstanding, and I don't recall seeing many(if any)Greg Valentine matches that were better. And I liked Valentine well enough. In his prime, he was very good for what he was. But that match last night was phenomenal in all aspects.

But the "stay home and cook and be pregnant" BS? It's actually laughable for how ridiculous it is. It's like he's giving the ultimate ignorant heel promo.....but he's apparently serious.
Theres too much political correctness in the world now so its refreshing to see another opinion I don't personally agree with him but it is his opinion we should be allowed the freedom of speach, The Hammer was great back in the day, what annoys me is when you get all these so called experts who werent even born when the said wrestler competed in the WWE who seem to know exactly on how well those wrestlers drew back in the day in their peak not just Valetine but others too.
Maybe it is a great heel promo. Some of what he said is over the top. And yes, there are some talented Divas. But, there are a lot of crap matches and interchangeable personalities and looks. Fortunately, things are improving right now. But, they still have throwaway matches and throwaway feuds. Blame creative all you want, and they do share a great deal of blame, but that doesn't change the fact that Diva matches make great bathroom breaks.

And Valentine is right about drawing power. To be honest, the last time women's wrestling really made money was in WWII when the boys were out fighting, and several years immediately after that, along with a potential blip around 1984.
There's too much political correctness in the world now

Oh good grief.

"Politically Correct" is a term used as a negative by idiots so they can validate their indecency. A few people can craft an insightful perspective using cuss words and potty humor as a foundation, the rest of those exclaiming their lack of political correctness are fucking idiots who would rather stick to being unprofessional douche-bags than have to learn how to behave like adults.

Greg's thoughts are refreshingly politically incorrect to some, and that's a pretty fucked up positive to draw from what he says. Greg has the freedom to verbally thrash every female pro-wrestler as though they would have been more productive living up to his fucking stupid expectation of women, and I have the freedom to say that he's a worthless shit stain who built an entire career off of breaking Roddy Piper's ear drum.

If Greg was the gold standard of pro-wrestling; men would be better off grunting nonsensically while lifting random heavy objects only for the purpose of putting them down in a place where we intend to pee on them, we would only occasionally take a break from that to *********e while playing grant theft auto.
This is just a case of getting to know your star too much.
He is a really old guy, he started at a time when a woman was not on thesame level as a man. There are people like this still around. Just like 90% of the old people who were growing up in the racist times.
Its like when people were shocked that Paula Deen said the N word. Just look at where she was raised and when, we all know she used it before, just on camera makes it a million times worse.
Its a shitty thing to say about people, since we all know that the ladies in WWE are just as tough. We shouldn't treat these old timers differently. They are old, they dont have much long to live, and its hard to break the cycle of operation when it has been for that long. Unless he presses on about how Women need to get out of wrestling, people should just brush it off as an old guy talking. Its just something that was common when he was growing up.
Plus, the biggest factor in this, at least for me. I never cared for him, I never liked him, I dont care for his work. So to me its like Virgil starting a page asking for money, its just a stupid thing they do. Ignore it and move past. I just want to see another CM Punk twitter fight, at least he is somewhat relevant to today's wrestling world.
If this was a heel promo, it would've done its job in getting a reaction. Afterwards, all the WWE divas would come out and just lay his ass out or fuck him up to the point where he's begging for mercy.

But it sounds like this is how he sincerely feels. If so, I have to say it's pretty disgusting. He's not just insulting women in wrestling. He's insulting women in all walks of life. To say something like that is ignorant and disrespectful. Saying that a woman's place is in the kitchen and the bedroom is not something you want to tell the women in your life. You would want to encourage them to follow their dreams, whether they want to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist or even a professional athlete. I have two little nieces and if anybody said they should stay in the kitchen when they grow up, I'd beat the living shit out of them.

It's true that women wrestlers have not been known to drawn money. Then again, they've never been put in a position to do so. For the longest time, women's wrestling was seen as an attraction, much in the same way midget wrestling was/is. It was just something to fill time as a sideshow or for spectators to visit the concession stand/restrooms. So it's no surprise that women have never been seen as box office draws.

But if the Sasha Banks/Bayley match showed us anything, it's that a women's wrestling match CAN draw if the WWE chooses to put the time, effort and thought into it. They just need to do so.
thank you mr valentine. its about time someone said it. womens wrestling is utter trash. im tired of hearing about bayley and sascha already....it wasnt that good. best womens match i ever saw was madusa vs akira. as a womens match it was a 10. as a wrestling match it was a 5.
Big deal, an old guy made some comments.

There is an actual woman basher in the wwe hall of fame who gets a podcast endorsed by wwe.

I'll take "actions are worse than words" for 500 Alex.
He is obviously an idiot but I can't say he is wrong about the wrestling not drawing. When you have the right mix of women and actually give them a chance, women's wrestling can draw - just look at TNA. At one point their woman's wrestling was so popular, rumor was they were looking into a second show just for that. ROH is supposed to be looking into a Woman's Title now too. But with wwe, it has been up and down for years and the last several years really haven't been great. Even with AJ and Paige last year, the division itself was kind of blah. So I can't totally disagree with him about them not drawing but that is not really their fault, it is wwe's fault. But as for the rest, did he suddenly think it was 1950 again?
Up until a couple months ago most people would have agreed with Valentine. The divas division on the main roster was worthless. Whether or not they draw money remains to be seen but at this point (Tonight's boring match excluded) it's usually one of the highlights of current WWE programming.
Well in his defense argument can be made that they look and act like bunch of ****es ready for stripping and more, dont draw too much and have had bunch of horrible matches in past.

But its just outdated opinion from old guy that doesnt know better. If you give them character, story and they dont suck in ring its quite enjoyable even from sides of guys who are there for match itself. And thats the other thing, not all of them are there for that, there is nothing wrong in just being "eyecandy" in world where people are gathered to watch two women wrestle in mud just because they are in bikini. It still gathers audience. So even someone as horrible as Eva Marie "has place under WWE sun" just for looks alone.
Greg Valentine Is Terrible & Ignorant, the Woman In WWE Now are doing so much better than the scary Sherri days, no matter if he's out of date or what he should see the product before judging it
Up until a couple months ago most people would have agreed with Valentine. The divas division on the main roster was worthless
Women's wrestling effectively died with the retirement of Moolah, which Valentine was able to witness. I'm sure he shakes his head watching most women's matches in the last ten years in comparison to what Moolah could do. Of course, the writers didn't put much more effort into women's storylines back then, either.

Moolah could not only wrestle, she could actually play the crowd.
Look at these people bashing Greg Valentine when he's absolutely right, and he's made more money and became a bigger star than any diva in WWE ever will.
Oh good grief.

"Politically Correct" is a term used as a negative by idiots so they can validate their indecency. A few people can craft an insightful perspective using cuss words and potty humor as a foundation, the rest of those exclaiming their lack of political correctness are fucking idiots who would rather stick to being unprofessional douche-bags than have to learn how to behave like adults.

Greg's thoughts are refreshingly politically incorrect to some, and that's a pretty fucked up positive to draw from what he says. Greg has the freedom to verbally thrash every female pro-wrestler as though they would have been more productive living up to his fucking stupid expectation of women, and I have the freedom to say that he's a worthless shit stain who built an entire career off of breaking Roddy Piper's ear drum.

If Greg was the gold standard of pro-wrestling; men would be better off grunting nonsensically while lifting random heavy objects only for the purpose of putting them down in a place where we intend to pee on them, we would only occasionally take a break from that to *********e while playing grant theft auto.

If your going to start an argument at least know the facts instead of drabbling on in a long story, If you could actually read I stated that I DON'T agree with his comments.
Greg Valentine is entitled to free speech same as you are we don't need little Hittlers like yourself going around telling everyone what to say and what not to say.
Well in his defense an argument can be made that they look and act like bunch of ****es ready for stripping


I'm not totally sure anybody can make sense of what you were trying to say with that statement, but chances are you're either a hopeless virgin or a devout Muslim.

Would that really be a defense of what Greg was saying? Greg was implying that women are better suited to working in a kitchen and that their involvement hurts pro-wrestling because they're naturally not very good at it. The only nice thing he had to say about women in pro-wrestling is that their looks aren't bad enough for him to have a negative opinion on that.

You think they look like ****es Kodo? That's pretty fucking interesting, or stupid on a fascinating level more like. You seem to be suggesting that the way the female performers dress while in the ring is a bad thing, thus implying that women should wrestle in full burkas and adopt names like "woman #6" and "woman #8". THEY'RE WEARING WRESTLING TIGHTS!!

You think they act like ****es Kodo? No shit. Obviously you have ridiculously high standards for how women should behave in a high contact exhibition like pro-wrestling, so ridiculous are those standards that you would rather female wrestlers not wrestle at all as a means of improving your ass-backward opinion of them. You should probably clarify the random flaming bullshit that falls out of your sewer, because essentially you're saying that Bailey is a ****e because she hugs people.

You think they look like they're ready for stripping? Let's analyze that thought; Greg himself, in his overtly misogynistic glory, didn't suggest that the women resemble strippers. I'm starting to think that this is less of an attempt to promote Greg's train of thought, and more an effort to project your perverted fantasies onto the women of the WWE while using Greg Valentine as a proxy.

Meet a positive female influence, learn some fucking manners and then let the world know how you feel about female pro-wrestlers.
If your going to start an argument at least know the facts instead of drabbling on in a long story, If you could actually read I stated that I DON'T agree with his comments.

If you could actually comprehend what you read, you would have noted that my post was in recognition of how you saw his lack of political correctness as a positive. If I drabbled on a long story, I think the chances are pretty high that reading is something I'm capable of.

Greg Valentine is entitled to free speech same as you are we don't need little Hittlers like yourself going around telling everyone what to say and what not to say.

I never said that Greg Valentine isn't entitled to free speech, I said that he is entitled to free speech. I never told anyone what to say or what not to say, I grant you the right to completely fuck up an interpretation of what I had said.
He's not exactly wrong. Remove the sexist rant (which he's completely out of touch), and look at the wrestlers and the wrestling. Most of us have spent the last decade complaining about how awful the WWE women are, and they are. The Diva's division is shit, and has been for a very long time. It's been over a decade since we had Sable, Chyna, Trish and Lita. The women's division has been mostly directionless, and faceless, since 2006.

What's the problem? Consistently short matches, models instead of wrestlers, the inability to have any interesting stories, Kevin Dunn. Yes, NXT is a breath of fresh air, but that true revolution has yet to transfer to the main roster at this point.
Like I said earlier, I'm a Greg Valentine fan and respect what he's done in the past. But when it comes to watching bleached blondes with big boobs wrestle, I'll take a diva or Valentine ;)

Seriously, I completely disagree with what he's saying. I think he needs to watch some of the recent NXT matches.
Sorry peeps, a critique against the division is one thing. But he turned it into a misogynistic rant. I'm honestly surprised that so many people are okay with this. He said women 'belong in the Kitchen' or should be pregnant, cooking and...barefoot (??). That overrides any potentially valid point he may have made.

I'm not totally sure anybody can make sense of what you were trying to say with that statement, but chances are you're either a hopeless virgin or a devout Muslim.

Would that really be a defense of what Greg was saying? Greg was implying that women are better suited to working in a kitchen and that their involvement hurts pro-wrestling because they're naturally not very good at it. The only nice thing he had to say about women in pro-wrestling is that their looks aren't bad enough for him to have a negative opinion on that.

You think they look like ****es Kodo? That's pretty fucking interesting, or stupid on a fascinating level more like. You seem to be suggesting that the way the female performers dress while in the ring is a bad thing, thus implying that women should wrestle in full burkas and adopt names like "woman #6" and "woman #8". THEY'RE WEARING WRESTLING TIGHTS!!

You think they act like ****es Kodo? No shit. Obviously you have ridiculously high standards for how women should behave in a high contact exhibition like pro-wrestling, so ridiculous are those standards that you would rather female wrestlers not wrestle at all as a means of improving your ass-backward opinion of them. You should probably clarify the random flaming bullshit that falls out of your sewer, because essentially you're saying that Bailey is a ****e because she hugs people.

You think they look like they're ready for stripping? Let's analyze that thought; Greg himself, in his overtly misogynistic glory, didn't suggest that the women resemble strippers. I'm starting to think that this is less of an attempt to promote Greg's train of thought, and more an effort to project your perverted fantasies onto the women of the WWE while using Greg Valentine as a proxy.

Meet a positive female influence, learn some fucking manners and then let the world know how you feel about female pro-wrestlers.
If you think that I defend his misoginist attitude that women belong in the kitchen you are terribly wrong. Just because I said that they are often presented as such doesnt freakin mean that I think they are such or, by the way, that they should wear burkas for wrestling. I said that its outdated opinion that doesnt "hold water". :lmao:

Lol at me being someone who "didnt meet positive female influence and to need to learn some manner" while you are calling me a misoginist virgin muslim just because I dared to critic how women are represented sometimes. Really classy I must say. ;)
Well Greg the Hammer has never been very politically correct. He even called JYD and nasty balck man before. His comments have no place in modern society. Women belong doing whatever the F they want to do, not just cooking and cleaning. I have been commenting on a few threads about the Divas and I have been hard on them, saying they need to deal with hostile crowds better and need to step up their individual games and not rely on social media to propel them to the top. But I wouldn't even think of something that stupid. The Divas bring something to the show that men can't bring at this point, not "sexyness", but inspiration. Young boys have known for a long time that they can be WWE Superstars if they work hard enough, now little girls know that too. The ladies have been pushed and it's up to them how far they go now, but they won't go far in these factions and relying on a social media slogan. Time to get some good individual action gong here and see who the fans like best.

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