WWE grooming a new top guy


Getting Noticed By Management
With 35 year old John Cena currently dealing with back, elbow, hip and neck issues, there has been a lot of talk for months about who is the next top guy for WWE. With Vince McMahon's days likely numbered, some believe that the next top guy after Cena will be Vince's last ever hand-picked top guy.

While Cena won't be replaced as the top guy until his body breaks down or until the public tires of him, there is a feeling that you have to think about the future now as Vince has never gone with anyone older than 40 as his top guy because people think he cuts bait early and then moves on.

Vince has told both the traveling and non-traveling writing staff, as well as the RAW and SmackDown crews, that they are now to put emphasis on storylines and angles for Sheamus. The idea is that CM Punk is a heel and won't be that top guy. Plus in their minds of what "the guy" is supposed to look like, Punk doesn't fit. Triple H is also backing Sheamus because he's big enough, dedicated enough and loyal enough. At the same time, many people feel Sheamus wouldn't be right as the face of the company because of his character. Another downside to Sheamus is he's almost 35 and if they are looking at grooming the next guy for Cena's spot, they should be looking at someone who is 25 or so.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Kind of sad that Daniel Bryan isn't even considered heh?

Future top 3 heels = Rhodes, barret and Ziggler
Future Top 3 faces = I can't name anyone on the current roster which is bad

Well maybe Ryback?? not sure about Sheamus I mean I don't hate him but he isn't a great face IMO.

Before anyone says "We have tired of Cena" no you haven't, He still draws the biggest reaction on WWE TV right now, Whether it's boos or cheers, they are still showing interest

Who do you think should be the future face?
There has been a "WWE are grooming the new top guy" report every year since like '06, when Cena was fitting into his role as the top guy. It's bullshit.
Still think Kofi Kingston could be a major face if they split him away from Truth. Barrett has done nothing for me since his return. Rhodes is in limbo and his pairing with Sandow is the only thing I feel keeping him on TV. I hope Ziggler finally does well after he wins the gold but constantly losing doesn't help him. I don't like Cena's character but I hope to God he stays around till they find a better face than Sheamus.
Did Dave Metlzer really write that? If anything Sheamus is like the new Batista. He is almost 40.

I think Miz, Rhodes and Ziggler could be future faces for the company. Someone like Sin Cara too.
If you don't think Vince and HHH at least have their eyes on a new "top guy" in WWE, you're nuts. They're not pulling the plug on Cena in the near future, but it's definitely something they're thinking about.

Sly has successfully struck fear into the hearts on many here at WZ, hasn't he? :lmao:
To be fair, Vince doesn't always pick the top guy right from the beginning. He did, in fact, hate John Cena - as reports and videos and documented have all confirmed - and didn't like the gimmick until far into his career. It wasn't until he went over JBL at WrestleMania that I think Vince really started seeing the drawing potential in Cena; he was abruptly shifted to Raw and they never looked back.

That being said, they have to be thinking about "who's next?" Vince is on his way out of management, if not in the next few years, than sooner. It would not surprise me at all if picked a guy to push and left him to Triple H to mold into the future. This also doesn't surprise me at all that it would be Sheamus; we've known for a long time that he's a "Triple H guy", so to speak.

I don't buy the whole, "CM Punk is a heel so he can't be the top guy" bullshit though. Vince did well enough with Austin, and that guy was so bad (in a good way) he ended up getting cheered anyways. Austin flipped from heel to face enough and managed to still maintain a place on top, at least until the Rock wandered onto the scene. Another guy that carried the company as a heel. Lesnar carried Smackdown for a few years too.

My problem with Sheamus being that guy, outside the obvious issue of his age, is that he's already established. He's a multi-time World and WWE Champion. WWE would be hard-pressed to make him into a bigger star than he already is.
To be fair, Vince doesn't always pick the top guy right from the beginning. He did, in fact, hate John Cena - as reports and videos and documented have all confirmed - and didn't like the gimmick until far into his career. It wasn't until he went over JBL at WrestleMania that I think Vince really started seeing the drawing potential in Cena; he was abruptly shifted to Raw and they never looked back.

True. That's always the case right? Vince didn't like Hogan because he was old and balding, he probably didn't see Punk as one of the top guys until the pipebomb.

I'm not sure if you're joking. Hmmm.

I think Dave Meltzer said that Orton was the guy that HHH was vested in right from Orton's first day in the WWE.


Casey Ryback.
Did Dave Metlzer really write that? If anything Sheamus is like the new Batista. He is almost 40.

I think Miz, Rhodes and Ziggler could be future faces for the company. Someone like Sin Cara too.

There is a little bit of difference between Sheamus and Batista. Right now Sheamus is 34 and has been the most dominate superstar on the roster this year. Batista was 34 back in 2003 at which point he was a rookie on WWE TV. The year Sheamus is currently having at 34, Batista had two years later in 2005 at the age of 36. While that is not a big difference, you have to keep in mind the time Batista kept on missing due to injury. Even at 36, Batista was supposed to be the original top guy over Cena, but he could not stay healthy and Cena could so he became the #1 guy back in 2005-2007.

As long as Sheamus can stay relatively healthy (avoiding multiple injuries that keep him out for months instead of weeks) there is no reason he couldn't be a top guy for the next 5 years.

With the way Sheamus has been booked since winning at WrestleMania, I have to believe that he is currently the guy WWE wants to be their next top face.

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