WWE getting ready to move Edge & Jericho to Smackdown


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As you've seen lately The "Computerized" GM has been getting on Edge and Jericho's bad side. Forcing Jericho and Edge to compete in matches for there spots in Night Of Champs one of which jericho lost his spot and on RAW earlier today Edge got "SCREWD" over after his over the shoulder slam to the mat match when the gm made him compete in another match against Mark henry. So what im thinkin is Edge and Jericho will unite together either next week or the week after Raw and they'll tell the "Computerized" GM that they've had enough and that they're leaving. On october 1st WWE is gonna expect us to be shocked that Edge and jericho are now on SD. So what do u guys think? do you think this could happen orit won't happen because I know it will happen.
Yes this will happen theres a chance of y2j not moving due to his contract expiring but yeah i think you're right about how it will play out or maybe they do something that the gm dont like and gm fires them from raw or something along those lines
I was starting to think this last week but was too lazy to post anything about it.:blush:

Anyways, it is possible that the GM is making Edge and/or Jericho suffer so that way they would leave to Smackdown, since its been said that the company was planning to move some main eventers from RAW to Smackdown whenever Smackdown moved to SyFy tv.
I've been thinking this for a while, but after tonight it's clear that they're using the anonymous GM to move them. No complaints here. They need to revive SD!
That has to be where this is going. They're the only ones threatening the DellGMtron 5000 and being made to jump through hoops. They never should've left Smackdown in the first place and this could be a good way to remedy the situation. Edge destroys the laptop out of frustration and Jericho reveals the actual GM leading to their release and a return to the blue brand where big names are sorely missing.
The dumbest thing WWE can do is send Edge and Jericho over there and keep them heel which I'm afraid is the most likely option. Smackdown has Swagger, Punk, and Kane as main event heels and in the midcard you have Ziggler, Rhodes, and McIntyre so they're set. If Edge goes over to Smackdown, please make him face and execute it right because they failed the first time. Same scenario should happen to Jericho as well.
Yeah I can expect that exactly to happen because now it seems they are just using this Anonymous GM just to drive Y2J and Edge to SD! I like the idea and hopefully we will see one of the two or even both turn face over on SD! What the above guy said about Edge destroying the laptop and Jericho revealing who the GM is after he loses at NOC will probably be the route they are going with this only to later find out that Jericho and Edge are both fired from RAW and must go to SD!

I also see this move bringing even more light to the chances of having guys like Matt Hardy and Christian being pushed to the main event scene, so SD! will have plenty of main eventers just as RAW does now. It would open up so many main event feud possibilities for SD! It would like this:

Matt Hardy
CM Punk
Rey (he is on his way out anyway)
if they do this it just reinforces that smackdown is the b show. they get fired from raw so they have to go to smackdown? maybe they get sick of their treatment and quit. moving to smackdown would be a "better" option for them. although i hate that they keep having edge and jericho together. 1st they have a feuds at mania, then both go to raw, and now both go back to smackdown. one needs to stay on raw and maybe have HHH return to smackdown instead. what ever they decide to do smackdown needs a better blance for ME talent. they dont have much: taker, kane, punk, rey, show? swagger? christian? while raw has: Sheamus, edge, cena, orton, jericho, hhh, soon barrett and miz, possible morrison on the way.
i am one of the likely few who want to see Jericho and Edge on Smackdown. Smackdown doesnt need Edge going back to feud with Undertaker for another title run, what he needs is to stay on RAW, same for Jericho (but maybe a face turn for him sometime after his feud with the GM, which i will speak on later). I think what Smackdown needs is (after NOC) is for Alex Riley to sign a contract with Smackdown by either Long or Guerrero, have him go there and have Riley try to break out on that show.

As for Jericho, have him feud with the GM and hopefully, eventually reveal him, his mic work tonight was gold, i especially liked it when he flat out said the GM is NOT Mr. McMahon and when he told Cole to just read it.

As for Edge, i have seen him on Smackdown for way too long, lets' just keep him away from there, Edge needs to stay on RAW as a heel.
you have a good idea, but i would almost bet money that Y2J and Edge leave NOC as tag team champs and tell the gm they're staying exclusive to smackdown.

Hahaha I'll take your money as well. How do you even expect this to go down? They're both already in what I'm sure is the main event. But it is strange that the tag team titles aren't being defended at Night of CHAMPIONS.
I think the storyline they're setting up is the witch hunt for who the GM is. Jericho threw it out there and he relayed the message that we as fans think with the "SHUT UP MICHAEL COLE!" tantrums he threw.

The move to Smackdown for Edge would make sense, but if you're trying to push new talent...What's the point of Edge being up there, because you know he can't just job to any of them.

Unless they finally wanna spoil us with a Christian/Edge feud =)
With recent reports that Edge and Jericho were playing the roles of Faces at a recent house show. No coincidence that they are the specific two getting picked on by the GM. I seriously think that a move to Smackdown for Edge and Jericho is just what Smackdown needs to balance the crowded RAW main event scene a little more.
I really doubt it. A lot of the heels, as well as John Cena to some part has seemingly been annoyed with the computer and the general manager. With that in mind I don't see WWE is preparing Edge and Jericho to move to Smackdown.

However, I would say that Chris is really the one seemingly being prepared for it the most. He's getting into the whole disrespected and threatening to leave. It could easily just be incorporated into leaving RAW and joining Smackdown, if they have to go into that twist.

Edge is already scheduled to return to Smackdown though. But it shouldn't come off as something obvious I guess, so they're not trying to make it an open fact that Edge is moving back. So really I don't see either Jericho or Edge being scheduled or booked to look like they're preparing to get the fuck off RAW and "back home" so to say.
I think so. The GM has been neutral enough to annoy every wrestler. For example giving The Nexus contracts, but then occasionally putting them in precarious positions. However, it would appear Jericho and Edge are more prone to this than anyone else. One of the commentators last night explicitly said Jericho and Edge have had their problems with the GM. So yes, if those two are being singled out, I think they may make their move to SD.

They may expose the GM and be kicked off Raw or piss the GM off so much that they lose a match and are kicked off Raw. They seem kind of plausible. However, if they both go to SD (or even if one goes) I would like them to be face. Edge, hopefully. He's such an underrated face. I'd love to see him expose the GM and it turns out to be a really hated heel. Edge then returns to SmackDown a hero. What? We can all dream, can't we?
They seem kind of plausible. However, if they both go to SD (or even if one goes) I would like them to be face. Edge, hopefully. He's such an underrated face.

I think people are still trying to forget "SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!".

I hope Edge DOES go to Smackdown because I don't think he is needed on Raw. It just feel like everything he does is by default because he is a "main eventer guy". Like the six pack challenge.. What has he done all summer to be in that match? :disappointed:
I hope Jericho stays on RAW. Maybe have the GM fire him which leads to him coming back as Y2J and revealing who the GM really is. As for Edge, I don't mind him going to Smackdown and feuding or teaming with Christian and maybe bring the tag team division back to life.
Edge is already scheduled to return to Smackdown though.

Really? Or is this just a rumor? Cause I heard they were featuring Edge on the SyFy site or something like that...but I'm not sure if it's true. Even if it is, it could change.

Anyway, I thought Jericho was taking time off to tour with Fozzy. So, he's gonna lose NoC, and WWE.com posted the stipulation that Jericho had to leave WWE.

I could see Edge going to Smackdown! A lot of people think it will happen. I think it might happen. He can feud with younger talent and with....Christian? Who knows. But, the point is that he is just way better on Smackdown! than RAW. All he does on RAW is sing Right Round and make fun of The Great Khali, anyways.

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