WWE finally ditching the Dashing Gimmick?

Jackiz Kirey

Dark Match Winner
Yes, please WWE, please! Remember when Cody Rhodes was hit in the face by Rey Mysterio and his nose broke? Cody Rhodes openly said that he wasn't dashing anymore. Perhaps this can lead to a face turn, be the opposite of dashing, wear a mask, and become the next Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio will help Cody Rhodes be over as a face with the fans by being in a tag team with him. This would also help the tag team division that you guys are whining about like little fucking babies. Cody Rhode's new gimmick will be a helpful companion who gets really mad when somebody hurts his friends. This is more main event material than "Dashing", so don't whine if this happens. You can even pair up Cody with Kaitlyn for future purposes, like possibly main eventing Wrestlemania 30, fighting Randy Orton (has lots of chemistry) for the WWE Championship, winning his first ever world title. Randy Orton will attack Kaitlyn and punt her to the head, then Cody Rhodes will rage and become a monster like Undertaker is today. This will make a very exciting main event imo.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do you think this is possible?
Wow, this thread sucks..... And I have made some pretty bad threads in my day on WZ. Whatever happened to the Stupid thread PoPo?
Let's hope they're ditching the dashing gimmick for the moley bastard. That's all I can say on this topic at the moment.

Also, why are you lot still treating him as if he's serious? If you think Jackiz Kirey is anything other than a troll, you're an absolute moron.
Cody Rhodes will rage and become a monster like Undertaker is today.

Sig worthy post, it is going in immediately!!

Great job dude. :worship: when Jackiz comes to your town. He brings the knowledge of 70 IWC members. Watch out Mark Madden, your Super Genius Gimmick is about to be confiscated!
Oh dude. When will your amazing storylines end? Yet again, total mindfuck.
Just, no.

Please, don't even ask if it's good. 'Cos that won't be pleasant.
Oh yeah and then because Cody Rhodes will be WWE's new resident monster have him injure undertaker and when taker comes back he'll have a new gimmick.... AN ANGER MANAGEMENT COUNCILOR, he'll help Cody Rhodes turn back into a regular person and by the year 2020 cody will be dashing once more.

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