WWE Fans


Dark Match Winner
Sorry if this was already spoken about, but this needs to be adressed.

Why do these WWE fans (or whatever they are) say WWE suck and continue to watch it each and every week? Some people get sick of hearing it. There isn't thing you can do by being b*tchy and complaining. WWE doesn't give a crap what you think. Vince could care less.

So the big question is If you don't like, why the hell do you keep watching it?
The IWC will never be satisfied. Their word doesn't mean a thing. I remember a lot of people on here going nuts with randy orton a few months back when he first started getting red hot and now they are are like "omgz he wins every match, the rko is overused" idk about anyone else but i would feel ripped off if i didnt see an rko on raw. its sometimes the only good part of the show. There is just no pleasing some people no matter what happens.
The WWE is like Cocaine. The first time you watch it it's fucking fantastic so you keep watching it you will feel that high again but it will never live up to the first time you tried it out.
^ :lol: interesting comparison...

Some of the people always have the need to keep bitchingg no matter how stupid they end up looking. It makes them feel all cool bc they think they know more or are MORE MATURE than those of us that actually like PG WWE.

In reality, they only end up showing how idiotic they really are. Just look at the Anti-PG people that post in the WWE Non-Spam sections...most of them end up getting made fun of bc all they post is shit...
Another way of saying what DJ said.. We are like Matt Hardy's appetite.. We will never be satisfied.

But yes, there are a lot of people who bitch about it.. But does that not go for EVERYTHING in society?
If you dont like people being critical of a product you should probabley not come to a wrestling forum, people are not going to like everything and they are going to be vocal about it. In fact if we all just agreed wwe is perfect there would be no real reason to come hear. It would just be one person saying they like a segment or wrestler, then a bunch of other posters saying "me too."
If you dont like people being critical of a product you should probabley not come to a wrestling forum, people are not going to like everything and they are going to be vocal about it. In fact if we all just agreed wwe is perfect there would be no real reason to come hear. It would just be one person saying they like a segment or wrestler, then a bunch of other posters saying "me too."


The guy who started this thread is doing exactly what he is bitching about. The opening post was a total contradiction.
Man, it's just the IWC. We're never happy. The main things at the moment are that Matt Hardy and Christian aren't World Heavyweight Champion, The Miz sucks because he's getting a push, Randy Orton's apparently boring now, PG sucks and Michael Cole sucks.

I'm not even going into anything about either of those that I just said, that's just the main topics right now. Nobody's ever happy.
The WWE is like Cocaine. The first time you watch it it's fucking fantastic so you keep watching it you will feel that high again but it will never live up to the first time you tried it out.

No, Cocaine is consistent in its product around these parts.

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