WWE fan jumps the barricade and walks with Seth Rollins

The chances of the titantron falling on a wrestler are much less than the chances of a wrestlers being attacked by a fan are very different. Thankfully, it didn't happen, but it could have. That's all I'm saying. Perhaps WWE needs to add extra security to avoid situations like these.

You do realize that all the tron comments are jokes, don't you? Do you have a sense of humour lurking around somewhere. And yes wrestlers can be attacked at any time by fans either when they get close to them or having something thrown their way.

Thank God most fans aren't that asinine and we don't hear about it often. it didn't look like the guy was out to cause any injury, just making an ass out of himself.
Again, I really want to see the evidence that supports this statement.

Again, we can all wonder ourselves into paranoia or leave it for WWE to worry about.

Talking to you is like talking to a damn wall.. I've already gave you evidence multiple times in this thread
Talking to you is like talking to a damn wall.. I've already gave you evidence multiple times in this thread

Making up numbers isn't what normal people call evidence, Crocker. Talking to you is like talking to a compulsive liar, which is actually starting to make sense now.
Making up numbers isn't what normal people call evidence, Crocker. Talking to you is like talking to a compulsive liar, which is actually starting to make sense now.


So I was trying to find the exact likelihood of being killed by any type of falling object, AND I FOUND EVIDENCE THAT EVERYTHING WILL KILL ME!!


I'm going to be killed by scalding hot water before a terrorist ever catches up with me! I wasn't able to extrapolate numbers from that list that relate to falling objects in the workplace, so I had to keep digging.

I imagine that a Titantron, despite it's massive size, is double bolted if it isn't triple bolted into place with the greatest bolts known to man. Then I imagined a disgruntled worker upset over the fact that Kim Davis ruined "Eye of the Tiger" for him for the rest of his life and chose to take out his frustrations in doing a half assed job on load bearing the tron. It seemed so unlikely that the tron could whomp Seth Rollins, until I found some pretty shocking events in human history.


Number 9, A FLYING BEAR KILLED TWO PEOPLE!! A fucking bear fell out of the sky and killed two people, and you sick people aren't doing anything about it! Flying bears have killed more people than falling Titantrons, so I estimate that a falling Titantron is therefore MORE likely to even the score.

For the terrifying stats on how deadly falling objects are, I consulted this scary link:


When fans jump the barricade, they're hardly as terrifying as the hubble space telescope about to turn you into human sauce. I think the worst story I've ever heard was when Bobby Heenan recalled a fan cutting Blackjack Lanza with a knife that was coated in pig fat, resulting in the worst staph infection he'd ever seen.

Then there was this incident:


Ernie Ladd was no selling the heart punch, and the fans thought he was being murdered before their eyes. Though they probably would have killed Ox, there were no deaths in this incident.

In terms of actual occurrences, Spidey wins. And now I need to wear a titanium helmet and a suit of armor everywhere to include the shower.
All I know is don't trust cows and hippos if you see them around a wrestling venue.

You all be careful out there.
Number 9, A FLYING BEAR KILLED TWO PEOPLE!! A fucking bear fell out of the sky and killed two people, and you sick people aren't doing anything about it! Flying bears have killed more people than falling Titantrons, so I estimate that a falling Titantron is therefore MORE likely to even the score.

So I'm taking it that we are more likely to have a flying bear land on and kill a wrestler than a falling Titantron.

Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll land on someone else.
Thank God most fans aren't that asinine and we don't hear about it often. it didn't look like the guy was out to cause any injury, just making an ass out of himself.

At least that fan didn't interrupt his dinner.

I figure a fan who jumps the rail so he can do his hoopty dance with a performer on the way to the ring is just as likely to have murderous intentions as a fan who violates restaurant etiquette by nagging a performer while he's trying to slurp his spaghetti in peace, but only one of those scenarios results in wasted food and a bad yelp review for the restaurant.

Just to be sure, we need Seth to eat his dinner as part of his entrance to the ring from now on and that way we can gauge who was right in this debate. It'll be a falling Titantron, a fan shaking his groove thang or a fan wanting to interrupt Seth while he bogarts a hot pocket.

Seth won't die you silly people, Titus will swoop in and save the day just before that could ever happen. It's the sole directive of his programming, and Skynet never fails.
So I'm taking it that we are more likely to have a flying bear land on and kill a wrestler than a falling Titantron.

Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll land on someone else.

You think just because you're sexy as hell that you can take human life for granted!? For shame!

That Titantron IS the falling bear! The more unlikely the likelihood of an object crushing you under its terminal velocity, the more likely it is to occur. Murphy's law is going into overdrive when it comes to falling objects and nobody is safe!

I recommend that the Titantron be hoisted over the commentators.
All I know is don't trust cows and hippos if you see them around a wrestling venue.

You all be careful out there.

All I know is that I should have been dead ten times over before finishing this post!

*throws wads of cash at Spidey*

For the record- the Titantron DID fall in Worcester in (I'm kinda sure) 2002, injuring two workers. Specifically, they dropped a large part of it while moving it from the trucks, damaging it, and resulting in the WWE skipping Worcester for more than ten years, until management at the DCU Center changed.
For the record- the Titantron DID fall in Worcester in (I'm kinda sure) 2002, injuring two workers. Specifically, they dropped a large part of it while moving it from the trucks, damaging it, and resulting in the WWE skipping Worcester for more than ten years, until management at the DCU Center changed.

They did a SmackDown taping there in July of 2005.
Might have been then, I honestly don't recall the year. I was in my mid 20's and most of the details of that period are lost in a haze of drinking, smoking, and fucking.

Former WWE Head of Security Says “Somebody Should Be Fired”

Former WWE head of security Jimmy Noonan, who worked for the company from 1999-2007, recently appeared on the Wrestling Mayhem Show and said someone in WWE security needs to be fired after the recent string of incidents involving fans hopping the guardrails at live events.

“It’s getting embarrassing. I’m getting offended by it. You don’t get caught three times in one month. If you do, you’re fucking up. Somebody is messing up. Not shitting on WWE security, but somebody is making a mistake. I think somebody should be fired. I think if you’re security and you mess up, you should be fired. Will they? Probably not.”
These recent incidents seem to be targeting The Shield members. Seems like some sort of conspiracy.
These recent incidents seem to be targeting The Shield members. Seems like some sort of conspiracy.

It's clearly John Cena paying random dudes to try and take out The Shield bros so he can be the number one guy FOREVER!!!!!!!
I actually agree that somebody in security wasn't doing their job. It's their job to secure the area. it's their job to stop fans from coming anywhere near the wrestlers. If you were a security guard and you have a team of guards working for you and all of you are busy watching wrestling while someone robs the bank you're protecting, you deserve to lose your job. It kinda makes me wonder how the hell WWE security can spot a fan with an obnoxious sign, but they can't spot the guy who jumps are guardrail and manages to make it 25 feet near a wrestler
I think it's odd that we are holding Security so accountable for letting one or two slip over the barricade while there's always naked people who run onto the field of the biggest American football event of the year.

People err. Shit happens.
I should've known better from Spidey.. not only does he constantly defend and apologize for the creative team and their booking decisions, he also does the same for the SECURITY.
It's clearly John Cena paying random dudes to try and take out The Shield bros so he can be the number one guy FOREVER!!!!!!!

Of course, it all makes sense now! Crocker wants his hero Cena to be the #1 guy forever, so he must have been the one behind all of these security issues. You've been found out, Crocker. Show's over.

I should've known better from Spidey.. not only does he constantly defend and apologize for the creative team and their booking decisions, he also does the same for the SECURITY.

You're just mad that BaconBits found out about your evil plans to keep Cena as the top guy in WWE forever. And you would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling Wrestlezone Posters.
I should've known better from Spidey.. not only does he constantly defend and apologize for the creative team and their booking decisions, he also does the same for the SECURITY.

You're a creep that stalks celebs family members.

Nobody appears to be perfect.
Of course, it all makes sense now! Crocker wants his hero Cena to be the #1 guy forever, so he must have been the one behind all of these security issues. You've been found out, Crocker. Show's over.

That might actually be an interesting storyline. Someone paying random fans to take out their rivals.

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