WWE Extreme Rules: WWE TTC: Tornado Match - THN (c) VS The Shield


After many weeks of build, the match was finally made official last night on Raw. Kane & Daniel Bryan will defend the tag titles at Extreme Rules against Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns in a tag team tornado match. It took me a second to recall the rules of this match, as it's been forever since WWE had one of these. The rules, if you want to call them that, are that all four men are in the ring at the same time. It's like a fatal fourway match in that sense.

I've enjoyed Team Hell No, as most people have, and think they've done a great job as champs. I simply don't see them walking out with the titles, however. WWE has really, really been behind The Shield with constant strong booking. They've generally decimated everyone they've wrestled against or just beaten people down. In every encounter, they've just had THN's number. With Ambrose having a singles match for the US title at Extreme Rules, I see all three members walking away from the show with gold.
It's like a Fatal Fourway, only two men don't beat each other up at any point because they're on the same team ;)

Anyway, joking aside, this match should be pretty awesome, pretty brutal too. I don't actually think I've seen a Tornado Tag Match live on TV, because well, I'm not that old and I've done a LOT of Youtubing.

Team Hell No have been my favourite Tag Champs in, well, God knows how long, they've been absolutely brilliant from the start and when we've thought they were going to lose them, they never did. However, this time, we think they're going to lose them and...they probably are. Rollins and Reigns are like Bryan and Kane in the sense you've got the little athletic guy who jumps a lot, paired up with the beast that just beats people to shit. In the end though, Reigns & Rollins are going to be the better pairing, probably ending this with a massive spear from Reigns, on Kane. New Tag Champions, and I don't see them losing for a very long time.

The Shield to win the Tag Team Championships
I think this should be a good match. We have seen the four of them facing about 6 months or so but the "tornado" aspect will keep it refreshing.

As for a winner, I cannot see past The Shield. I certainly don't see them loosing and putting the tag-team championships on Rollins and Reins would be a good move. I like Team Hell No but there title reign should end. Ambrose will probably interfere and the Shield will get a the victory.
Wow this match is going to have fireworks and will be brutal! Tornado tag matches are just crazy and its going to be great storytelling in the ring.. What a way to defend the title THN. The Shield IMO will win the Tag titles because well there the Fucking Shield. This PPV hopefully will be all shield winning as much titles as are up for grabs. Reigns and Rollins as tag team champs and Ambrose as the US champ wow what a fucking stable!

This will eventually break up THN they will lose the Tag titles rematch probably on Raw the next night then break up
It's time for The Shield to walk away with the tag titles. They can only torment, bully, and beat up Bryan and Kane for so long, and expect the sneak attacks to remain interesting. Bryan and Kane have done all they can do as champions, and The Shield needs to drive the nail into the coffin for this feud.
this match could be a great one. the Shield hopefully end up carrying alot of gold home at the end of the night. the group is being treated as a big deal and if Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns walk out with the US and Tag Team gold, then that can cement them as a great group and with the exposure they get, they can help bring prestige to the US title while continuing to add prestige to the Tag Team titles which Kane and Bryan have been doing. as for Bryan and Kane, this would likely end their pairing after a re-match and hopefully lead to Bryan either winning the IC title or Bryan being in a World title feud.
This could be a great match. We haven't see a Tornado match in quite a while and there should be quite a lot of action here. I think it is finally time for Team Hell No to lose the belts. They have done a great job with them, but it seems the time is now for The Shield. My question is if Hell No will break up after this match or if there will be return matches, but The Shield will walk away tag team champs.
This is one of the matches I am most looking forward to seeing at Extreme Rules, I imagine its going to be quite fast paced at times and i'm expecting there to be complete carnage. As for who will win the match, I can see anything else other then a win for the Shield and I'm also expecting this to be the beginning of the end for team Hell No with them splitting up on the night or maybe the night after on Raw. the only thing i'm not sure about is which one will turn Heel.

I'm VERY much anticipating this match. I would rather it have been all three members of The Shield getting the title shot and using the Freebird Rule when they inevitably win, but that's ok. It has the potential to be the best match of the night despite Ambrose being scheduled for a different match. I've loved Team Hell No's run but it's time for it to end. The Shield need this win and a run with the giant pennies. It makes perfect sense. The three of them have been on such a tremendous role that there is absolutely no reason to not give them title reigns. Ambrose as US Champion with Reigns & Rollins holding the giant pennies will happen by the end of the night. What else can Team Hell No even do at this point? It is time for them to lose the belts. The Shield move on to feud with other teams such as 3MB while Kane and Bryan will probably enter a feud with each other. I can see the loss in this match causing them to finally split up. It goes on toward the end of the show, probably in between Trips VS Lesnar and Cena VS Ryback.

The Shield will win the WWE Tag Team Championship.
I hope wwe does the right thing and have shield go over. My 1st thought is hell no should split as a team but I don't know who the shield would feud with after that. I hope shield avoids feuding with cena like the bubonic plague because I don't want to see how bad they would be buried. 3 on 1 for cena? I don't like the shields odds lol
Tornado Tag? This has the Shield winning written all over it.

Team Hell No's time is up. They've had one hell of a run, but they've been together for almost 8 months now as tag champions. Their antic were fun and they had the potential to breathe life into the tag division, but it never happened. None of their title defenses ever made it seem like their reign was in danger. The closest team, Rhodes Scholars, lost countless title matches, and it wasn't as if they weren't/aren't a decent team. They just were clearly positioned as a big step below Kane and Bryan, which was fine.

The Shield have not only been positioned as on the same level as Team Hell No, they've gotten the best of them at every turn. Sound familiar? It's what Team Hell No has done to the tag team division since they won the belts. This is the opportunity to restore balance to the division.

The Shield, specifically Reigns and Rollins, win this. I'm not sure, since it's just Tornado tag, if weapons or outside interference is allowed, but if so, Ambrose will undoubtably be there to assist them, perhaps hitting the move or taking out one of the combatants that leads to the victory. If it's just the four of them, I still see The Shield winning. They function as a team, and manage to make it seem like they have extra numbers, even when they don't. Factor in that this is a chaotic match, and it favors the Shield even more.

While Ambrose to me is the one who stirs the drink in these matches, I don't think it will matter here. This should be a heckuva match, with power vs power and technical vs technical in Kane and Reigns and Rollins and Bryan, but ultimately, the Shield wins this. It's been a really fun ride for Team Hell No, as Kane and Bryan have been some of the most interesting stuff on TV in the past year. But WWE is really pushing The Shield as a top act, and they haven't lost a match by pinfall yet. I don't see this being the first.

Rollins and Reigns walk out as tag team champions.
The Shield will finally end Team Hell No's reign. I say finally because there's nobody left for them to face. It's time. The gimmick has been stale for a while now and The Shield have earned this shot. Team Hell No breaks up and The Shield will hopefully have the titles for a long while!
This has to be a Shield win here. It's been nice to have guys like Bryan and Kane make the Tag Belts somewhat relevant again, but it's time for the Shield to have their time with those belts. They can make them even more prestigious and other teams will form just to upend them and try to end their run as undefeated. It won't happen here, as I see conflict with Team Hell NO causing The Shield to get the win and Kane chokeslams Bryan into hell, setting up their match at Summerslam.

Shield wins.
Definitely the storyline and potentially the match most interesting on the card. I have enjoyed this program a lot, it's probably the reason I'm still watching the product.

I really like THN, honestly I don't want to see them lose the titles but The Shield needs this win, they could become an even bigger deal within the WWE if they win the titles.

The fact that this match is a tornado match makes it even more interesting, I would've booked a tornado falls count anywhere but oh well,this isn't as bad as regular tag team match in "extreme" gimmick PPV.

Shiled wins and becomes a serious threat within the WWE, it is going to be very interesting if Shield wins all their championship matches, where do they go from there? Can't wait for this one!
This was the second best match of the night for me, lots of great back and forth action, The Shield broke out a cool tag team finisher and the right team won.

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