WWE Extreme Rules: United States Championship - Kalisto (c) VS Rusev

Who SHOULD win?

  • Kalisto

  • Rusev

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Gone. For. Good.
At Payback, Kalisto once again defeated Ryback to retain his United States Championship in a very good match.

And at the Payback-fallout Raw, A battle royal was held to determine the new No.1 Contender to Kalisto's title.

Much to my delight, The Bulgarian Brute Rusev won this match thus getting a title shot at Extreme Rules.

Rusev has been going downhill since he lost United States Championship to John Cena and also lost his dominant run. First, Ziggler/Summer/Lana/Rusev love quadrangle and then League of Nations just derailed his run as a monster heel.

I have better hopes for him now, since LoN is no more and Lana is again with him. I believe that Rusev should win this match as Kalisto hasn't had anything much to do with the title.

I voted Rusev. I don't know why, he had his run and it was great. He was a monster heel with an undefeated streak. Now that aura is gone, and even if he beats Kalisto, how good of a run could he have? No one believes he'd go undefeated again and would likely just end up dropping it back to Cena.

I'd say let Kalisto keep his run. The problem is, if they're going to stick him in pre-shows, and put him in lackluster programs with guys like Ryback, then take the title off him because it means a hell of a lot less now than it did when Rusev was credible with it.
I really dig this match as Rusev and Kalisto both are quality wrestlers. I think that WWE will let Kalisto get one here and than let Rusev dethrone him at the next ppv
Now that Rusev has shaken off the love triangle, the League of Nations, he can now go back to being the threatening, unstoppable monster with the U.S Championship around his waist. Then Kalisto can go fight Sin Cara in a PPV opening bout.
Remember when Rusev was a wrecking ball, yeah, he needs to be like that again. Before he got crushed by Cena he could've been built up as a credible opponent for Reigns and Lesnar.

Kinda hoping Rusev has a mini-feud with Sheamus and Del Rio before the LON is properly put to bed.
I'm of the opinion that WWE either needs to get serious about Kalisto as champion or Rusev should take the title at Extreme Rules. Kalisto is fun to watch inside the ring, he's bright & colorful, he's athletic and he works really well against much bigger opponents. However, for much of his time as US champion, he's been used in random tag team matches in which he loses or he occasionally loses a non-title singles match.
Kalisto hasn't done anything significant, whereas Rusev defended this at WM against the face of the company. Rusev also beat that particular face once. Vote Rusev. It might not happen at Extreme Rules, but it has to happen eventually, on RAW or at MITB.
I hope Rusev wins and ends the bad streak his been on since he lost the title. I'd love to see him build himself back up as an unstoppable monster again; and they can tie Cena into this if they follow through and get to that point. They could replay the Cena storyline but instead Rusev goes over to correct his loss that derailed his career for a while.

Rusev is an absolute monster when his positioned correctly; and I think the league actually helped him in that I think WWE may of realized once again how good Rusev actually is.
I'm not excited about either prospect. For all the talk about Cena burying Rusev let's talk about the United States championship. The title was pushed so far in the background for Rusev's reign we wouldn't have even known he was champion if he didn't carry the belt around. Beating him was a bigger goal than winning the championship. Cena was the first one to make Rusev (An anti-American heel) being US champion an issue. Their matches were the only time in Rusev's title reign where the title had anything to do with why Rusev's opponent was motivated to beat him. Cena did in fact elevate the belt even before becoming champion. So yes, Rusev went down hill after losing the title and various rematches to Cena, but why did they book him so weak against Ziggler? Oh and his broken foot that turned him into a goofy lug on camera didn't help either. I would say between his feud with Ziggler and his injury, that's what really buried him. So back to the US title, Cena drops it. Del Rio wins it and the title is back to being in the back ground. Kalisto wins and nobody cares. Now we are at a cross roads. Is the WWE going to continue to try and build Kalisto up? If so, he needs to survive this feud and Sin Cara must turn on him. No more being in a tag team. He needs to be on his own. If Rusev wins, they need to make it about the belt this time. Look at what the Miz is doing as IC champion. The passion for the title needs to come across on television or else his reign will be as pointless as his last one.
I think Rusev is going to become a 2x US Champ by the end of Extreme Rules. I think it be wise to give him another big win streak with the title. If Rusev has a dominant reign you could set up a feud with a debuting Samoa Joe. I think a long Rusev and Samoa Joe reign could also give the US title more prestige again. Rusev vs Samoa Joe would be a very physical bout with a lot of possibilities.
It's a tough call but if it was up to me, I'd let Rusev win, Kalisto hasn't been booked well as US Champ.
Rusev losing to Sincara of all people was a too bad decision.

Why Kalisto (a face) kicks Rusev (a heel) during a match? Isn't it a heelish act to interfere in such a way? I may be wrong in this one but still.

Rusev shouldn't have lost to Sincara. He just lost to a mid/low card wrestler who is in a tag team with Kalisto.

I am unsure about Rusev winning, now.
Even though it's neat to watch Kalisto in the ring, and I have liked him since I saw him in NXT...His U.S title run isn't doing much for me in any way. He hasn't really faced interesting opponents I suppose...I think I am just going to put my hopes in Rusev for this one. Rusev was an incredible force a while back, and had a really cool WM bout against Cena. I feel like he has more opportunity than Kalisto.
Happy for Rusev to win the title back after an awful year in form of League of Nations and that stupid love quadrangle along with Dolph Ziggler, Lana and Summer Rae.

He is an extremely talented guy. Deserved this title win.

About Kalisto, the guy is talented but I think that WWE didn't have any plan for him in future with this title.

Now Rusev should have a long dominant title reign so as to make US title credible again.

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