WWE Extreme Rules - John Cena (c) vs. Batista - Last Man Standing Match


Occasional Pre-Show
On The Grandest Stage of Them All, John Cena finally did what he had not been able to do in the past when he defeated The Animal, Batista, one-on-one. At Extreme Rules, The Champ will have to do it again – this time in a Last Man Standing Match.

Aside from Cena’s victory at WrestleMania XXVI, The Animal has had The Champ’s number in their past encounters and this will be the true test for Cena. Despite the decisive victory in Phoenix, Batista still argues that the WWE Champion can’t beat him. But after the fierce foes face off at Extreme Rules, there will be no words deny to deny the victor.

This match has been detrimental to all the Superstars who have fought under such conditions and there’s no telling what can happen. As Randy Orton can attest, one’s well being is truly put on the line, as was The Viper’s when he broke his collarbone in the very same match at One Night Stand in 2008.

so who will win this match what will the future hold for the winner and loser

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LOL at the signature!

Anyways, I expect Cena to retain at Extreme Rules and since Batista is planning to take several months off this match is a good way to write him off. As for Cena I expect him to feud once again with the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus. Obviously there will be a Sheamus vs Triple H match at Extreme Rules where I expect Sheamus to come out on top so that would be also a good way to write off Triple H since he is in his 40's and like last year took time off after Backlash. From there Sheamus and Cena will probably be the main feud on RAW for the month of May. As for the loser, like I said earlier, Batista will probably take time off after this match.
Since it's the "PG Era" there won't be blood, so it won't be as exciting as previous LMS matches, not saying blood makes matches more exciting but a Last Man Standing match should be a brutal fight, and there should be blood, but there won't be so i'll move on.

As for the match Cena will win, probably making Batista "pass out" in the STF by using a chain or something or by giving him an "Attitude Adjustment" through a table. Should be a decent match, but like I said, without blood it just won't seem as brutal as a LMS match should be.
ummm ,, well am a cena fan .. but some how i see him losing this fight .. but i wish if it comes to cena maybe go for the Attitude adjusment from some high place and batista cant get up anyways as everybody thinks that batista is taking a break time so i think it will be up to another fued maybe Cena vs sheamus or Jericho maybe ...
Well for me, this match is absolutely no surprise. Their feud began with Batista beating the hell out of Cena and he just kept getting back up, pissing off Batista even more. I thought they were setting it up for WM26 but this will work as well. As for the end, I have to predict Cena to win. Usually matches like this, like I Quit matches, are set up for faces to win, but that's not always the case. But with Cena currently in his Superman character, I don't see him not getting up before a 10 count. Stranger things have happened though...
For purely selfish reasons, I am sorta disappointed with this. I will be at Extreme Rules in the crowd, and although I have never seen a LMS match live, I cant imagine it is easy to see anything. So, when before I was pumped about seeing this rematch, now, I am not really looking forward to it.

Anyways, this SHOULD be pretty awesome for everyone at home on the other hand. Honestly, its really tough for me to call a winner. We saw last year that just becuase Cena is coming off of the big Mania win, does not mean necessarily that he will be successfull here. I dont belive Batista has ever lost this kind of match, and I dont know if he will here. Should be a fun one (for all of you)
Na'h, I think Batista will win. Let's look at Cena's past reigns, most of them haven't lasted one month! I understand trying to build a feud but I don't think they should do that to the title. But I think it's all gonna end with Batista winning the title and starting a new feud with someone else...
ok first off i dont believe cena should be having the gold wrapped around his waist currently. I think short lived title reigns are one of stupidest things that can happen in a pro wrestling organisation. Cena should be in this match as the challenger to batista's wwe title.

As for the match, it will be better than the Wrestlemania 26 match they had simply because last man standing rules apply, Least to say that the best wrestling match cena and batista can have will be on the night of summerslam 2008.
For starters, I'm one of those few people who don't understand why it's called "Extreme Rules" if the product in mind will not have blood or chairshots.

Not saying you need it, but I do not recall a Last Man Standing Match that didn't feature either one of those.

As for the victor, my guess is John Cena. It's no spoiler that Batista has been talking about taking a few months off, if not retiring all together. As what was mentioned before, this is a perfect time to write him off. Now honestly I'd rather have someone take the belt off of The Champ, since lengthy titles reigns for him does not draw half as much revenue as him going after the guy that took his title.

After Extreme Rules, I expect someone different to step up to the plate and take the belt from Cena.
Personally I see Cena notching the win here, but knowing the history of this match, its going to be brutal, so batista probably will lose and take some time off, possibly for a legit injury he will suffer during the match:suspic:
Na'h, I think Batista will win. Let's look at Cena's past reigns, most of them haven't lasted one month! I understand trying to build a feud but I don't think they should do that to the title. But I think it's all gonna end with Batista winning the title and starting a new feud with someone else...

Assuming he survives the draft....I think I know who he will be feuding with...
I don't think we've seen that one played out,you could use the "Evolution" angle as part of the story.

Have them battle back and forth until Orton gets the strap and that'll clear a way for Batista to take some time off if he desires.


Guys, please stay on subject and only post in this thread in regards to the title match at Extreme Rules.

I think Cena will win the match but I would rather have Batista win. There have been reports that Batista will be taking some time off which leads me to conclude Cena will win. However if I've never readthses reports I would guess Batista would win. For some reason I just don't see Batista losing a last man standing match. If Batista does win then see could potentially see a new feud between Batista and Orton with Cena being drafted to Smackdown. Just a thought, but I hope it happens.
For starters, I'm one of those few people who don't understand why it's called "Extreme Rules" if the product in mind will not have blood or chairshots.

Chair shots are still allowed but chair shots to the HEAD are not

I think Cena is going to win but I think it was stpid to have him win at Wrestlemania instead of him taking the belt at Extreme Rules. I think Batista should still be the champ but a 3 week title reign wouldn't make much sense for Cena.
I have to laugh because, everytime I see Batista, I think of the sign from WM26, that said "Batista likes fishsticks." When he said "Last man standing..." My husband said "Does that include crabs as weapons? Maybe Ariel can be the special Referee?" :lmao: I could see some crabs holding on to a kendo stick...:p

Just a side note, I could almost see Batista going to SD since he's supposedly set to start filming his movie "Karma..." whatever its called in the next few weeks,,so that's a possibility.
John Cena will win this match, and retain the WWE championship. I find it hard to believe he'll lose the belt after winning it at Wrestlemania so soon. I've loved the feud between Cena and Batista, and their match at Wrestlemania was very good.

There will surely be a lot of brutality and mayhem in this Last Man Standing match. I think Batista will dominate Cena for most of this match, but Cena will make a come back, and be able to get a victory over The Animal. Batista will go back to Smackdown full time after this is over, and Cena will still be the WWE champion.
As much I don't want him to cena may win this match. For one I'm tired of these short title reigns even if I don't think some one needs to win it. Two Batista is supposed to be taking time off like so many have already said. I think they will probably have batista beat by cena so bad they have a thing where batista is injured (again like always except this injury will be fake) then he has to take time off.I think it should be the other way around but I don't think it will turn out that way.
Cena is gonna be winning the match bcuz Batista has said he's goin 2 take some time off for some movie or sumthing like that. But I really wish that this last man standing match goes berserk brutal in PG terms.
Extreme Rules as a whole will be a feud capper show. It's gonna be the night before the draft, so it'll probably be a bunch of Mania rematches with twists thrown in. So essentially it's Backlash with hardcore match types. There have been a ton of great LMS matches (HBK/HHH and HHH/Y2J come to mind), but I just don't think this will live up to the great ones of the past. It's kind of like the Iron Man Match Cena/Orton had at Bragging Rights. Yeah, it was a good match, but it wasn't on the level of HBK/Bret or Rock/HHH. A lot of people, myself included, attribute that to the PG rating, but I digress.

This match will be fun, but it won't be a brutal bloody encounter like it should be. Supercena will find a way to come out on top and Batista or Cena will get drafted to SD and the feud will be over.
Lets be serious, I am so tired of seeing John Cena as the WWE Champ, and Batista shouldn't be a champ at all, he should just be the bad guy that no one likes. Im also sick and tired of Cena calling himself the People's Champ, there will never be another wrestler as entertaining as The Rock was. Plus is it just me or does Cena's character remind you of a pumped up Scottie Too Hottie, lmao!
This should be a good match. Both have been great as of late and this will be no exception. Cena will win this match and Batista will feud with Edge most likely since he is still on Smackdown I believe. I don't think they will put the belt on Cena just to give it back to Batista but the exact same thing happened last year so it wouldn't surprise me.
Alright well im kinda excited for this match. This match will most likely be the headlineing match at Extreme Rules. Theese two had a really good match at WrestleMania and they can easily steal the show on this ppv as well. Im gonna go out on a limb and say Batista will become the new WWE Champion after this match because Cena is really due for a big ppv loss. I hope Vince realizes that Cena winning everything just beacuase "the kids like him" will drive more adults away from the company.
Probably won't be as good as their WM match, but should be pretty decent. I can't see Batista winning here, as Cena just won the title after it'd been hotshotted around a little and Batista is taking time off or something. You never know though, remember what happened last year at Extreme Rules? Cage Match. Orton. Stupid Booking.

Hopefully this is the last match between these two, at least for awhile. If not, it could start getting into Cena/Orton territory real quickly where no one even cares anymore.
LOL at the signature!
As much as I hate the "five moves" bullshit as an argument against Cena, I have to admit that that signature is genius and made me laugh pretty hard the first time I saw it.

As for the thread topic, John Cena is clearly your winner here because Batista is rumored to be taking time off following the pay-per-view, which might also explain the Last Man Standing stipulation as a way to write him off. It needs to be the main event of the show because their match at Mania, while very good, didn't get enough time as it should have. Give these two 25 minutes and I think they can put on a classic, especially in a gimmick match where Batista's weaknesses can be covered up. Being the two top stars in the company, the conclusion to their feud needs to be nothing short of fantastic, so I'm hoping they pull out all the stops in this one.
I expect Cena to retain since Batista still thinks Cena can't beat him and Wrestlemania was a fluke. Reports are saying Big Dave wants to take time off anyway so this is a perfect way to write him off. I expect Cena to win with the STF further aggravating Batista with more you tapped out chants when he comes back. Cena will feud with Orton or Sheamus afterward.
I expect these 2 to steal the show.As a matter of fact,the should have done it at WM but they couldn't because of HBK/Taker.The whole 2 biggest stars since the attitude era thing seemed to be the main and biggest thing in WWE but it didn't and couldn't be more big than HBK's retirement.

But now that we see Swagger in the other Main Event and there will be no HBK or likely Taker,This must be match of the night.And as it is Extreme Rules,It must be the most Extreme.

I expect these two beat the holy hell out of each other an do the best they can do.Both have had good LSM matches in 2007.Cena had one of his career's best matches with late Umaga (R.I.P) which IMO was the best match I've ever seen from Cena in case of being a bad ass.Batista and Taker was also good but it wasn't special in my point of view.

For the result i expect a draw where both man can't answer to 10 count.But if this match is the last match on card , i can also expect Cena to retain.But I'm really looking forward to the finish.

We all know that Cena's the No.1 guy in WWE but i think his matches always suffer weak booking.

He never ever has been the dominant guy.We always see his opponent dominate most of the match and then he finally overcome the damn odds and win.I know it is part of his Superman gimmick and it is for the kids to love him so much , but come on , every human being will cross the line some time in their life.I think if Cena's gonna win and Batista's gonna take some time off,the should book Cena to damage and demolish Batista.I don't wanna see him putting Batista in STF so long that Batista passes out,I wanna see him beat the holy crap outta Batista.It is no more satisfying to see him getting the beat for most of the match and finally winning out of nowhere which is STALE.Do you remember Bragging Rights and Iron man match?When he hit the AA through the announce table he got the best reaction during his feud with Orton.More People will like him if he shows more nastiness.

Being said that , I don't see it happening.Shame on WWE.

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