WWE ending the brand split next: Good or Bad


Occasional Pre-Show
So apperently WWE is planning on unifying all their titles by next year. By them doing this I'm now assuming that they are finally planning on ending the brand split. To me this is a good idea because IMO honest opinion they brand split has overstayed its welcome. I'm pretty sure some maybe even alot may disagree with me, but I will explain why I feel ending the brand split would be a good idea.

1. More Fueds- This is something Im pretty sure everyone wants and something I believe a brand split free WWE can provide. How many times do we have to wait a full year for McMahon to decide and "shake things up" just so we can finally see the Undertaker vs John Cena or Swagger vs Sheamus just to name a few. I say if McMahon really wants to shake things up lets just drop the whole draft gimmick along with the brand split and do things the old way.

2. More Matches- I don't necessarily just mean adding 3 more matches to a card. What I mean by more matches is different wrestlers facing each other each week. I've been watching Smackdown and I've seen Christian vs Drew McIntyre at least for the past 3 weeks. I can understand their trying to build up a fued but you can't continue to have the same matches week after week and then decide to put it on PPV like people will still give a damn. I can also understand theirs not many stars on each show to give us different matches, which once again makes my point that with a brand split matches are limited. You end the brand split we will see a certain wrestler face someone different pretty much every week.

3. Prestigue added to titles- With the brand split gone all titles can be tooken more seriously than before. With the brand split we had guys that had no buisness being World Champ like Rey Mysterio (whose a good wrestler no doubt but definitley has no buisness competing for a World Championship IMO) winning World Championship. Without a brand split we get a more wider varity of opportunity's for main eventers and possibly high mid carders to get a shot at the title. Keeping the brand split were going to continue to see Cena, Sheamus, Edge, HHH, Orton, and Jericho fight for the title on Raw but bring in Taker, Punk even Swagger, Kane, Show, and Mysterio and the WWE's title picture as a whole gets a little more interesting. The same thing can be said for the other titles aswell.

4. Ratings- The one thing WWE wants is ratings, Imagine how much WWE's ratings will improve with Cena, Orton, Taker, Mysterio, HHH, etc... all on one show. How many fans of these guys will tune in to watch Raw or Smackdown with all WWE stars.

Now of course some bad does come out off this. For example if the WWE does decide to end the brand split it might mean that they'll have to release some wrestlers. Now to me that really isn't all that bad being as the only guys WWE would most likley release will be the lower mid carders and jobbers. But its always kind of bad to now you have to get rid of some talent, however it won't be major talent. Another thing that could be bad about ending the brand split is the scheduale. WWE already has an intense scheduale with a brand split, take that away things may get even harder for their employee's. But other than that I think it wouldn't be such a bad idea to end it. So what is everyone else's take on this if the WWE is planning on ending the brand split would it be a good or bad idea.
I find this entire thread and idea to be based on false pretenses, but I suppose I shall answer anyway.

At this point in time I dont find it to be a good idea to end the brand split. There are far too many talents in the WWE to do this, very few will have a chance to get on television, especially when you have the same main eventers on each show eating up all of the segment and match time.

Everything youve said can be achieved without ending the split, as Ive stated in a post in another thread about this.

With the titles going between brands it opens up more feuds anyway, be it among the champion and new challengers or those challenging for the #1 contendership. This will make the belt more prestigious as the fans will say "Everyone in the WWE wants this belt". This will also increase ratings as you see the champions on both big shows, as well as their challenger, especially if its someone like Cena.

Really ending the brand split is not necessary, and will be more of a negative than anything else, at least at this point in time.
God, I've been waiting for this since the day they started it. I know it will mean cuts, but WWE employs more poeple than they will EVER need, although no more brand split will mean getting a spot will be even harder. Another thing is when stars from the other show end up coming on, it's kind of a big deal, and I kinda liked that.

The brand split really limits the feuds in my opinion, and it's all one company, so it never really was believable to me. I feel like the only way to have done this would to have had Vince keep WCW around, and just own it, and let it be the second show, then it would truly be a separate entity.

I think at first it could get a bit congested on TV, but WWE was working with, basically, 3 shows for 3 years with no brandsplit (Raw, Heat, and SD!, '99-'02), so I think this could and can work...I will really get back into WWE if this happens.

This will be much better because feuds will be stronger, and really, only the WWE Title players and maybe some other stuff will span both shows. I'm sure there will still be plenty of mid-card feuds going on still, as those feuds really don't need 2 shows a week. With better build to feuds, the PPVs will be better too, as they will have 6 shows rather than 3 to get something going between title contenders.
Issues with the bland split:
A lot of people are complaining about the crowded main event on Raw at the moment. So many main eventers on one show make it hard for a superstar to make the transition from a midcrader to top of the card. Meanwhile on Smackdown we have been able to see former midcarders such as Jack Swagger, Kane and Rey Mysterio with the gold around their wastes. It's hard to believe that these people would have the chance to shine on a show with the likes of Triple H, John Cena and Randy Orton. Also, Raw has earned the reputation of 'where midcarders go to die' because of the overpowering main event which dominates the show and it would be sad to see the dominance of main eventers spread to both shows. Yes, you could say there will be more time and so a happy medium between top tier and second tier guys will be found, but when there are that many big names on one roster...when you have Sheamus, Chris Jericho, Edge, Undertaker, Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena and Rey Mysterio on one roster, what is gonna happen to people like CM Punk? His chances of getting a title drop dramatically. And then whats gonna happen to guys like Evan Bourne, John Morrison and Ted DiBiase? If they're not feuding for the IC/USA and there are that many names on a single roster, they're gonna fade into obscurity. Their struggling on Raw as it is. You may think with an extra two hours they have more chance of showcasing their stuff, but thenre's the likes of Codey Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston, all of which are going to be competing for midchard relevence as well. I can guarentee that if the brands were merged, Albert Del Rio's debut wouldn't have caused anywhere near as much buz.

Different people will be feuding and facing off against eachother, but the quantity and quality of matches won't change. Sure, different combinations would be interesting to see, but i think the WWE will fall in the habbit of having big names facing off too often and casually. I mean, you see it on Raw already.

I don't think joining brands or even unifying the title means the the title is going to be more prestigious. The title is still going to be tossed around every few PPVs amongst the same few people. In fact, it may even get tossed around even more so. The WWE is gonna have trouble finding things to do for so many main eventers, and an even harder time keeping them all happy.

From a business prospective, i can't imagine things improving too much. I mean, the fact that there's more big names won't attract new viewers. Maybe more people will watch Smackdown!, but it'll still be taped so I'm not sure...
It is amazing it has been almost ten years since the brand split began. This was a split that eventually involved three brands although aside from the initial resurrection / inclusion of ECW, really just focused on Raw and Smackdown!

Actually, I don't think this is the end of the brand split. Rather, it is doing something I have wanted to see for a while - having one main world title which provides bragging rights for that brand. In addition, it will make whoever is champ that much better as he'll have to deal with challengers from both brands.

That said, I feel it is good to have the world title unified. However, I think they should still keep the secondary titles on Raw and Smackdown! My feeling is whoever is US / IC champ is expected to defend the title on their brand. However, whoever is woman's / tag / world has the added expectation to face ALL challengers. This will make the secondary titles mean a lot more, give two wrestlers the image they are one step away from being world champ, and have whoever is the secondary champ that doesn't have the world champion be viewed as the top player thereby raising that individual's stock.
I have to agree With HBKurtAngle, the fact is Unifying the belts and ending the brand extension would be a bad idea.

The fact is it will not only destroy whatever hope WWE has of developing new stars but it will also kill pushes for alot of upper midcard talent.

One World champion

Without the WWE title on Smackdown a lesser known talent known as John Cena may never have been elevated to the main event of the WWE upper Echolon, he would never have been chosen as the main company guy and probably would never been apart of the some of the WWE's top ten feuds.

Triple H and Batista would never have had his main event push, Randy Ortan would never have carved his own legacy and moved out of the shadow of his father.

Without these two main title's the WWE would never have been able to elevate its upper midcard talent and shaped the main eventers of the future.

Draft Special

As a wrestling fan i find the draft shows the most appealing, we look forward to seeing talent from each brand switching shows in hopes they can be elevated to the next stage of their career, without this platform talents would be stuck in limbo.

Mass Firings

Alot of new talent will be laid off, you would see guys like R- Truth and Morrison job to an endless upper card pool, and alot of guys who are supporting there families will be laid off.

The WWE will also fail to attain stars for their new projects.

The Same guys will be ruling the World title scene

You think the world title scene is overcrowded on raw now, wait till the titles are unified, without the world heavyweight championship you will see alot of main eventers hogging the championship, no new contenders at all, guys like CM Punk will not even have a chance at the title, Wade Barrett will never be champion.

The worse part of this scenario, the title will end up being used as a hot potato having champions holding the champiionship within seconds.

Ticket Revenue will go down

No one wants to be at a Smackdown live show if there's no champion, we came to see champions, and if its a toss up between raw or smackdown, raw will win out.

All Champions will stay on Raw

Look how the Unified titles are being used, the Hart Dynasty are barely defending the belts, there are two teams on smackdown and we have yet to see the new champions compete on the second show, if the belts are unified there will be no chance of seeing them on the B show.

The whole Unified titles are a bade idea, the one show rule again is a bad idea, the WWE is already losing ticket revenue, having just one show will end up killing the careers of alot of up and coming stars, your favorite wrestlers who are just tasting the main event will never get a chance if the brand merge happens.

Even though this is a myth its still the worst idea ever put forward.
" just so we can finally see the Undertaker vs John Cena"

First off. I am really getting sick of people saying that this Feud has never happened.

Here are some examples:



I know its not on topic, but I've seen this "dream match" thing over and over again. and granted, the one feud is from 2003 when Cena had his Thug gimmick.... but the other is from 2006 during the height of SUPERCENA

okay sorry about that. I think ending the bransplit is a terrible idea... it would just be all the main eventers on both shows all the time... so many people would be buried.
I have mixed feelings about the brand-split ending.

First, ending the brand-split really doesn't create potential for more fueds, because there are whole stretches of months when they let guys appear on both shows, and not just WM build ups the likes of Taker/Michaels.

Not since the Stephanie-Bischoff GM fued has the brand split meant anything to me. The annual Draft doesn't even hold the same appeal.

Will the two shows be dominated by the current top stars, stiffling the current crop up-and-comers? Possibly. But keep in mind that we're probably seeing the end of the career of the Undertaker, and likely Kane. Not to mention Jericho will likely depart once his contract expires in the coming months. The same holds true for Mysterio. Batista is gone, and now Triple H has cursed himself for commenting on how Dave was constantly on the injured list by adopting the role himself.

That leaves Edge (another one injury proned), Cena, Orton & Sheamus. None of which are injury proof, so there will be more opportunities than not. Having all the top guys on both shows saves Vince from having to mix things up as injuries occur in order to keep ratings on both programs up. Enter the Nexus boys (and girls), Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, etc.

In the end, as the older generation fades, it does hold great potential for the next.
I think that a brand split could ultimately go both ways. First it off, it most likely would fail terribly because there would probably be virtually no mid-carders except for guys jobbing to the established main eventers. There would be pretty much no new, fresh guys.

The only way it could survive would be to keep the separate shows but lose the brand loyalty aspect. Much like the early 2000s.
A year from now, we're all going to be laughing our asses off, saying "remember those stupid rumors about the WWE unifying the WWE and World titles and ending the brand split? I can't believe I bought it!"

There is NO chance of this happening. I don't mean the brand split ending, I mean the WWE and WHC titles being unified at next year's Wrestlemania. It will not happen, and I REALLY doubt anybody employed by the WWE has ever seriously considered bringing up the possibility. This is all because they unified the WWE tag team titles into one set of belts - which was long overdue, and they had already been unified for over a year anyway - and the women's/divas title unification match set for Night of Champions...which, in case you haven't noticed, hasn't even taken place yet. Lets see if they actually unify the female titles before we go crazy. I'm guessing it will either end indecisively or, more likely, whichever of LayCool doesn't lose will then become the sole Women's champion. (ie, Layla gets pinned by Melina, and then Michelle becomes the only Women's champion)

People are so silly and gullible.

And if the brand split did end, it would be a TERRIBLE thing. There wouldn't be more fueds or matches - they cross shows all the time anyway - it wouldn't add prestige to the titles (that's something they obviously don't care about) and there certainly wouldn't be better ratings. Right now you have to watch SD! to see all the stars on that show...with no brand split, people would just stop watching that and see everybody on Raw. Plus there just isn't nearly enough time for everybody on both shows.
No this would not work. Many people would hardly wrestle. The only place they would wrestle would be on WWE Superstars. They need to have the split so mid carders can acctually become world champions. Plus I dont want there to be one world title because the mid carders wouldn't be able to win the title that often. Also some Raw maineventers need to go to smackdown so that maybe some mid carders on raw can become maineventers. so this is a bad idea and i hope it doesn't happen!
Well it will shake things up no doubt, but to me, one thing that needs to happen is bring back the light or cruiserweight title. This will give a title for the undercard "small" guys that Vince doesn't particularly care for to fight over. Have Rey Mysterio be the top of the division at the beginning and go from there. Evan Bourne is one of the most exciting guys in the WWE (off the mic at least). And there are a multitude of guys that could slide into this weight class. The WWE is obviously incorprating certiain MMA elements into their shows. Undertaker's submission of the past, Alberto Del Rio's armbar submission. Two weight classes would give the smaller guys something to strive for.

Another thing I believe needs to happen if the brand split goes away is the reintroduction of stables. One of the reasons the Attitude era was so popular was the "Gang Warfare" aspect. What is the biggest storyline in the WWE right now? NEXUS. Bring back large stables and the cruiserweight title and I believe it will go along way and could be a great outcome of the un-splitting of the brands.

What do you all think?
Vince McMahon, Bring Back the WCW! What a Great Name! World Championship Wrestling, WCW sounds crisp and easy to remember! Make it the new Flagship Show, kinda what was Done with Nitro in 1995.

Take all the established talent, mix it with new upping coming stars, and Fresh new stuff! Bring Back "the great Scientific wrestling match.

Keep Raw as a PG show, or Turn it into a new attitude show!

I would have never gotten Rid of WCW! Great Name!
Well it will shake things up no doubt, but to me, one thing that needs to happen is bring back the light or cruiserweight title. This will give a title for the undercard "small" guys that Vince doesn't particularly care for to fight over. Have Rey Mysterio be the top of the division at the beginning and go from there. Evan Bourne is one of the most exciting guys in the WWE (off the mic at least). And there are a multitude of guys that could slide into this weight class. The WWE is obviously incorprating certiain MMA elements into their shows. Undertaker's submission of the past, Alberto Del Rio's armbar submission. Two weight classes would give the smaller guys something to strive for.

Another thing I believe needs to happen if the brand split goes away is the reintroduction of stables. One of the reasons the Attitude era was so popular was the "Gang Warfare" aspect. What is the biggest storyline in the WWE right now? NEXUS. Bring back large stables and the cruiserweight title and I believe it will go along way and could be a great outcome of the un-splitting of the brands.

What do you all think?

I love the idea of weight division, e.g. heavyweight and lightweight. Maybe 200 or 215 pounds the cut off. But they need to make the lightweight belt relevant and not just throwing it in the middle of Raw or SmackDown. It should be able to main event a Raw or SD, maybe a PPV depending on the two contenders. If you end a show with a awesome match for the belt, it makes the belt good in the eyes of the fans and the egos of the IWC.

As for the brand split ending, it's good to have two separate brand that do their own share of tours, etc.. However, they haven't treated each brand as equal with Raw getting more attention. It would be nice if the C show that was formerly WWECW could rise and use the whole draft to pick guys from the C Show (presumably NXT now). During the draft, the two brands can make trades, etc.. They can change the name from WWE Draft to WWE X-Change... which covers 2 draft pick each...and trading of talents.
I think this is a great thing if this really goes down. I've been a hater on the whole WWE draft thing ever since it first started in 2002. It first started out as an actual draft where the two GMs actually drafted their wreslters. Now it is just a lottery. It got very stupid and boring. Unifying the titles is a good thing because we wont see the titles being swapped every paperview.
I guess I am the only one who likes the brand split? I think it is better for the wrestlers; I think the storylines/feuds have benefited from not being shoved down the throats of the viewers of every show. Especially stuff with "shock" value like the Nexus a few months ago. Would they really have came off like it did if took place twice in one week? Let alone on a taped show?

Since the start and even now, all the performers I want to watch are on Raw:
- Wade Barrett
- Mark Henry
- John Cena
- Triple H (when he is healthy)
- Sheamus
- Some of the Divas
- Teddy Jr (I know, I know)
- William Regal
- The Great Khali

About the only people I would move from SD is Alberto Del Rio and the gorgeous woman in my sig. Well, Chris Masters is pretty awesome. Can they switch him for Morrison?

But even better, all the performers I really don't want to watch or listen to are on SD. I would not watch Raw if Matt Striker was at the table, Michelle was getting unneeded TV time, that Scottish guy was still around, and about 65% of the roster was people that really won't be making waves anytime soon or they would be on the A brand.
A year from now, we're all going to be laughing our asses off, saying "remember those stupid rumors about the WWE unifying the WWE and World titles and ending the brand split? I can't believe I bought it!"

There is NO chance of this happening. I don't mean the brand split ending, I mean the WWE and WHC titles being unified at next year's Wrestlemania. It will not happen, and I REALLY doubt anybody employed by the WWE has ever seriously considered bringing up the possibility. This is all because they unified the WWE tag team titles into one set of belts - which was long overdue, and they had already been unified for over a year anyway - and the women's/divas title unification match set for Night of Champions...which, in case you haven't noticed, hasn't even taken place yet. Lets see if they actually unify the female titles before we go crazy. I'm guessing it will either end indecisively or, more likely, whichever of LayCool doesn't lose will then become the sole Women's champion. (ie, Layla gets pinned by Melina, and then Michelle becomes the only Women's champion)

People are so silly and gullible.

And if the brand split did end, it would be a TERRIBLE thing. There wouldn't be more fueds or matches - they cross shows all the time anyway - it wouldn't add prestige to the titles (that's something they obviously don't care about) and there certainly wouldn't be better ratings. Right now you have to watch SD! to see all the stars on that show...with no brand split, people would just stop watching that and see everybody on Raw. Plus there just isn't nearly enough time for everybody on both shows.

Thank U,finally someone who thinks like I do. The Brand Split is NOT Coming to an end and just because the Tag/Womens Titles are being Unified doesn't mean all the others will be. The more Ive thought about it the more I need to see if it actually happens. Right now neither one is going to happen.
I think getting rid of the brand split would be a horrible idea. First off from a business stand point that means 1/2 as many house shows which is a big loss of revenue. Vince is too smart to just throw away money.

Alot of people are stating that it would open up new feuds but there are so many wrestlers on their current roster that havent faced each other still. Its more of a creative problem of them not setting up new feuds. They do a draft every year to switch talent. Good feuds last 2-3 months average so that means each wrestler will have 4-6 feuds a year in which both rosters are stacked enough to come up with that every year.

As far as the title unifications i'm fine with that. If anything it could further separate the brands and lead to a Smackdown vs Raw feud between the G.M's for bragging rights for who has the most titles on their brand. The brand split was at its best when Bischoff and Steph were at each others throats stealing talents and bragging about their brand. If creative was stuck without feuds they could make a trade between brands or have a wrestler get pissed at their G.M. and defect to the other show.

With all the titles unified there would be more challengers for the I.C. and World title so some of them could actually jump into the tag division and make it as credible as it was in the Attitude era
I am just not sure how there would be "more feuds". There are 48 people listed on Raw's roster page and 38 people listed on SD's roster page. That is 86 people over the span of 4-5 hours on the average week. They can even peg all the guys and girls they do have into something worth talking about.. It is one thing for TNA to try to do that with 2 hours because they are the little naive engine proving that could, but there's no way in heck the WWE would attempt that. It would be the same feuds on the all of the shows, just like it was pre-brand split.

Can someone explain it to me?
Vince McMahon, Bring Back the WCW! What a Great Name! World Championship Wrestling, WCW sounds crisp and easy to remember! Make it the new Flagship Show, kinda what was Done with Nitro in 1995.

Take all the established talent, mix it with new upping coming stars, and Fresh new stuff! Bring Back "the great Scientific wrestling match.

Keep Raw as a PG show, or Turn it into a new attitude show!

I would have never gotten Rid of WCW! Great Name!

To quote the Miz: Really????? Really???? I mean this Isn't an attack on you dude, but, do you really expect wwe to use the wcw name and MAKE IT A FLAGSHIP? I don't see where that is even a plausible idea... and why would they make it TV-14??? If you are that desperate for the "attitude" era, please watch tna... hell if you want WCW, watch TNA.

Ending the brand split would be the worst thing WWR could possibly do at this point. It would completely destroy everything they currently have going with the new talent they are building. it would POSSIBLY be beneficial for a Tag division, but what would happen to guys like Daniel Bryan, or Morrison or hell, even people like Bourne who as it is barely gets TV time?
i personally have always hated the spilt, i wish the wwe would have never done it to begin with and id love to see things go back to the way they used to be. vince fucked up by closing down wcw, he should have just left it the way it was with the talent and used that as the "b" show, raw could be extented to 3 hours every week to make things work for the real talent of the company, get rid of the divas and the problem of tv time is solved.
Well it will shake things up no doubt, but to me, one thing that needs to happen is bring back the light or cruiserweight title. This will give a title for the undercard "small" guys that Vince doesn't particularly care for to fight over. Have Rey Mysterio be the top of the division at the beginning and go from there. Evan Bourne is one of the most exciting guys in the WWE (off the mic at least). And there are a multitude of guys that could slide into this weight class. The WWE is obviously incorprating certiain MMA elements into their shows. Undertaker's submission of the past, Alberto Del Rio's armbar submission. Two weight classes would give the smaller guys something to strive for.

Another thing I believe needs to happen if the brand split goes away is the reintroduction of stables. One of the reasons the Attitude era was so popular was the "Gang Warfare" aspect. What is the biggest storyline in the WWE right now? NEXUS. Bring back large stables and the cruiserweight title and I believe it will go along way and could be a great outcome of the un-splitting of the brands.

What do you all think?

I disagree with you completely.

The WWE shouldn't bring back the Light-Heavyweight/Cruiserweight Title, because they didn't do anything with it when the had it.

The WWE would never treat a Cruiserweight Division as well as WCW did. Except for Mysterio, the other guys would never get a chance to rise in the card.

When the WWE had a Light-Heavyweight division in the '90's, they had guys that could really go like Mr. Aguila and Taka Michinoku. What did they do instead? They put the belt on fucking Gillberg for over a year!

It got a little better when they got the Cruiserweight Title from WCW, but they did things like putting the belt on Matt Hardy even though he hasn't been a Cruiserweight since Jr. High!

Then the last middle finger Vince gave to there ever being a good Cruiserweight division was putting the belt on Hornswoggle!

The WWE would never treat their Light-Heavyweights and Cruiserweights as well as Japan or even TNA does.

In Japan, the Jr. Heavyweights are treated as well as the Heavyweights. If not more. That would NEVER happen in the WWE.

If the WWE does decide to end the Brand Extension. I hope they keep the U.S. Title, because they do have a lot of Mid-Card talent. I think they can use it like they used the European Title.

But no Weight Divisions. It would hurt the smaller guys more than it would help them.
I'm not sure that mid-carders not getting TV time is a completely solid argument for keeping the brand expansion. Remember before they even did the brand split guys like the J.O.B. Squad, Kai-En-Tai, Spike Dudley and Crash Holly were getting TV time. Why wouldn't mid-carders get it now minus the brand expansion? It may also be a good thing for WWE to do what the Nexus likes to call "trimming the fat". Get rid of people like JTG, Shad, Vance Archer, Vladimir Kozlov, Curt Hawkins, and Primo. (Wrestlers that really no one cares about). However, I do think they will get rid of the brand split, nor will the unify the U.S and Intercontinental or the World titles.
Well its is good to 'shake things up' but from the talent's point of view this could be the end of a great era.

Again I remember the time when Undertaker was the Unified Champion and would go on both Raw and Smackdown and have two feuds at the same time.
It made for good TV because A. Taker was a very good heel, B. Guys like Jeff Hardy were being pushed to main-event championship matches.

But if we look at it from a broad outlook, many of the talent will never get a title shot if there's just one Unified Championship.
And in order for a shot to actually happen again two scenarios will have to be fulfilled-
A. Backstage push
B. Performer goes over regardless

I mean no more hot-shoting champions, it becomes a gradual process with storylines being built overtime.
Although this could frustrate the talent who are now used to getting some kinda belt as soon as they give one good performance, this could also work in favor of the viewers as storylines will be better executed and panned out with extra precision, so as to give a future, new champion real momentum.
Should've never split brands in the first place, was working fine the way it was b4, just cause there's 2 shows doesn't mean people have to be on both in the same week

I too don't know about unification of the world titles, which do they scrap? they both have decades of history. WWE's more time but the WCW/NWA world title is equally as important.

Same goes for the US/IC titles, they are both prestigious for there respective histories. not counting the last 5 or so years.

but if they did join the brands again it would seem dumb to have two world champs, and not one undisputed champ, which they did with Chris Jericho as he loves regailing.

If they kept 2 world titles and unified the brands there could be more chances for anyone to get a title shot, (OK seriously that won't happen) it will still be the same people who are proven.

The same problem with the US/IC titles both have too much history to just throw away
but what to do if they joined the brands again

Im gonna go out on a limb and say they won't unify any more titles or the brands.
Hopes to be proven wrong and the WWE related titles are kept and get rid of the WCW ones, although we are heading to a theoretical WCW Wrestlemania next year

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