WWE Elimination Chamber: WWE Championship - The Rock (c) VS CM Punk


A return match for the WWE Championship was announced last night on Raw during the confrontation between The Rock and CM Punk. Much like the Hell in a Cell ppv this past October, it looks like WWE is going to have one of the titles, in this case the WWE Title, defended in a standard one on one match while the WHC is defended in the EC.

I thought their match at the Rumble was good, but I think they have a chance to do much better here.
With The Rock's appearances being so limited they were never going to just have him in a Chamber match facing the usual no-hopers who find themselves in those matches. While I'd prefer to see him face somebody else on this show, it makes sense for him to face Punk again.

Their match at The Rumble was good, I'd expect this to be an improvement.
really. Really? reeeeally.. you can honestly say that the rock vs cm punk was good? i thought the match was complete garbage.. i mean the rock is suppose to be the great one and he talks a big game but when its go time he cant even produce.

I trained professionally for 4 months and i could do a MUCH better job than rock could ever do. all he did was kick, punch, a crappy spine buster 2 peoples elbows 2 rock bottoma and an inverted atomic drop...

he is a disgrace to the title..he does nothing for the title..all he wants is the spotlight and he has his his shoved soo far Vinces ass that he cant breathe 90% of the time. Rock= trailer park trash. end of story.
really. Really? reeeeally.. you can honestly say that the rock vs cm punk was good? i thought the match was complete garbage.. i mean the rock is suppose to be the great one and he talks a big game but when its go time he cant even produce.

I trained professionally for 4 months and i could do a MUCH better job than rock could ever do. all he did was kick, punch, a crappy spine buster 2 peoples elbows 2 rock bottoma and an inverted atomic drop...

he is a disgrace to the title..he does nothing for the title..all he wants is the spotlight and he has his his shoved soo far Vinces ass that he cant breathe 90% of the time. Rock= trailer park trash. end of story.

:lmao:You made an account just to bash rock with baseless rants. I hope you didnt break your dvds just like that "angry fat cm punk fan" on youtube after rock's victory.

Yup Rock has nothing else to do with his life but to spend 4 months training nonstop for a part time job while hes gonna delay filming, interviews, promo appearances, traveling across states etc. for his upcoming 5 movies.

I enjoyed the match. They utilized the outside environment well and the interference from shield to enhance the match. I know it is not five stars, but it sure got ppl out of their seat.

The guy is gonna leave after mania and pretty much wrap up his career. After that you can do your training and cheer jack swagger as your world champion when he gets repush :)
A return match for the WWE Championship was announced last night on Raw during the confrontation between The Rock and CM Punk. Much like the Hell in a Cell ppv this past October, it looks like WWE is going to have one of the titles, in this case the WWE Title, defended in a standard one on one match while the WHC is defended in the EC.

I thought their match at the Rumble was good, but I think they have a chance to do much better here.

Ya theres no reason for rock to compete in the chamber in risk of getting injury at the chamber. I hope this will lead to a triple threat at mania cause rock and cena 2 just doesnt do much for me.
really. Really? reeeeally.. you can honestly say that the rock vs cm punk was good? i thought the match was complete garbage.. i mean the rock is suppose to be the great one and he talks a big game but when its go time he cant even produce.

I trained professionally for 4 months and i could do a MUCH better job than rock could ever do. all he did was kick, punch, a crappy spine buster 2 peoples elbows 2 rock bottoma and an inverted atomic drop...

he is a disgrace to the title..he does nothing for the title..all he wants is the spotlight and he has his his shoved soo far Vinces ass that he cant breathe 90% of the time. Rock= trailer park trash. end of story.

You mad?

Lol a nobody comparing himself with arguably the greatest to ever step in a wrestling ring. Butthurt Punk mark.

It wasn't a 5 star match, but wasn't a complete garbage either. I expect a better match at EC.

In conclusion, you can go shoot yourself!
Punk/Rock match wasn't at all near garbage . Anyways don't mind the rematch because I know these two competitors could possibility put on a 5star match. I absolutely don't see there is anyway Punk leaves EC as WWE Champion. It obvious that Cena vs. Rock is Lined up for WM. I personally will give Punk the title just so the Rock could use his rematch clause and have a triple threat at WM.. that is what ill love to see but won't happened in my eyes.
Their match at RR sucked Rock couldn't hold himself in the end let alone have a match inside the demonic structure. come on!!!!
I think at Royal Rumble CM Punk made reservations for the Smack Down Hotel, and a Elimination Chamber he's gonna check-in. Dwayne will be his concierge.

Seriously, though, the Royal Rumble match was entertaining and the mess at the end lets Punk save face. They're definitely going to have a better match this time around. Punk's knee will be that much more healthy and The Rock will be that much less rusty. I'm looking forward to it.
Right, there's no stipulations on this right now. If there's no "Shield involve, you're fired" or something like that, I fully expect them to be involved. Whether this is where we finally where we see The Undertaker return, stop The Shield, or just stop Punk from winning, I don't know. However, if there are no stips, I would love to see The Shield get involved in this. But at this stage, it does look like The Rock will win no matter what and we'll get "Twice In A Lifetime".

It's a shame, I don't see any way for Punk to regain his championship here.
Punk and Rock out on an average match at best.

Punks losing again and he demands respect and tries to earn it by moving to The Undertaker.

I'd rather see Punk vs Taker then Punk involved in a Triple Threat match at WM just to see Cena pin Rock to win the title.
Right, there's no stipulations on this right now. If there's no "Shield involve, you're fired" or something like that, I fully expect them to be involved. Whether this is where we finally where we see The Undertaker return, stop The Shield, or just stop Punk from winning, I don't know. However, if there are no stips, I would love to see The Shield get involved in this. But at this stage, it does look like The Rock will win no matter what and we'll get "Twice In A Lifetime".

It's a shame, I don't see any way for Punk to regain his championship here.

This is totally where Undertaker will return. Lights will go out, Shield will interfere. Rock will be knocked out and Punk will go for the pin but then the lights will go out again and then the gong. When the lights come back, Punk will be layed out in the ring and Rock will hit the People's Elbow for the pin.
Punk/Rock at the Rumble was good. Expected much more though....the crappy booking in the end of the match and it not having more time then just 20mins in my opinion held it down from being amazing. Hopefully they can redo all that the EC. More time and no CRAP booking. Just someone winning with their finisher and THAT'S IT!
To the person who said The Rock was just Kicking and Punching at Punk at Royal Rumble. I lost count of how many times Punk countered The Rock and lamely kicked The Rock around the back of his thighs to slow him down. It was a scrappy match by both men from what i saw. I think thier main goal in the match was to tell a story, which both accomplished.

The Rock is definatly off the pace, understandable with a 10 year gap, and a ruck of Movies to fill that time, not to mention adding 10 years onto the guy's life. The Rock is 40 now maybe 41 (not to sure on his actual age) I'm over the moon for CM Punk even though he lost the title, stepping in the ring with a huge draw like The Rock is still doing the little guy from Chicago with the awesome voice the world of good. CM Punk will come out of this a bigger "internet darling" than he went in.

I think the EC match will be slightly better. After the Rumble Match Punk and Rock will know each other that little better and should make for a better match. I think The Rock Retains but i want to see Punk inserted into the WWE Title Match at WM. Punk is winning me over but The Rock is helping him and so will John Cena in the background. I hope it all fits into place and we get a Triple Threat at WM for the WWE Championship.
The problem is for Rock to improve his stamina he'll need more match time under his belt than PPVs otherwise he'll keep losing his steam after 10 mins. And my problem with him being champion is that he like Ryback did not earn a title shot. Honestly I want Punk vs Taker because that match will blow Rock/Cena 2 out of the water because it's two guys who've done nothing but wrestling for their entire careers. Also the reason that the punk and rock match wasn't what it could be was due to 2 reasons: 1. Rock had only two matches since returning before then so his stamina isn't back to its attitude era days where he could wrestle 20-30 min matches no problem and 2. time contraints since they had them at the end of the card.

If Rock took more focus on a balance of wrestling and Hollywood he'd be somewhere close to his usual shape but he's been on one end of the scale too long to suddenly be the top guy in WWE again. So please for the sake of your fans and I mean your wrestling fans not the fans who just watch you on wwe cause you're a movie star get your ass in wrestling gear and go perform at some house shows to get that stamina back up. Do that and I may just start to chant your name once more cause right now you aren't the Rock I grew up with you're just Dwayne Johnson trying to fill the void of his absence.
I'm not pissed at The Rock winning the WWE Championship like so many marks are. You could see it coming. CM Punk held the title for a full year. Is that not good enough? And look on the bright side; CM Punk is wrestling The Rock not once, but TWICE before John Cena. That should be an honour considering the fact that CM Punk even got to pin The Rock in their first encounter (albeit restarted). Not even John Cena got to do that. With that being said, I do look forward to this match and hope that there are no interferences and it's a clean decisive contest. I see The Rock retaining and then facing John Cena at WrestleMania in an inevitable outcome that places John Cena at the top once again much to my chagrin due to the fact that he doesn't need another WWE Championship number on his resume.
I knew The Rock would win the title, and like I said in another thread it is simply just time for him to return the favor to Cena. I am surprised everyone is so mad about something we all saw coming since Rock announced he would get a title shot at Rumble. That being said, I hope this is where Taker returns. Punk has wanted respect all of this time, and what better way to earn that respect than by beating Taker at Mania. I also think if the streak is ever going to come to an end then Punk should be the one to do it, but that discussion is for another time. Rock wins this match setting up twice in a lifetime, and if Punk doesn't fight Taker then I would like to see him added making the Mania match a three way.
One of two things will happen. Both of the solutions are Rock winning them both. Number one, Shield interferes in darkness again, Rock is laid out Punk goes for the pin and lights out, Taker returns and basically screws Punk. Number two, Punk has Rock in the GTS and lights go out, Taker's gong distracts Punk and Rock hits the Rock bottom and beats Punk.
This would obviously set up for the Punk vs Taker WM 29 match the next night on Raw with Taker basically saying you can't gain respect unless you earn it etc.
wouldnt it of been better if the rock was a surprise entrance in the rumble and he ends up winning? i know its all about the money, but that would of given the ppv a bigger buy rate.
If Undertaker-Punk is the route they're going for WrestleMania, I can see a very likely scenario on how this one ends.

1) Rock will be closing in on the win when the lights go out again and the Shield does their thing.

2) A laughing Punk slowly crawls over to pin Rock when the lights go out again. When they come back on, he is screaming "what are you guys doing?! you already did the job!" or something along those lines (obviously assuming it is the Shield again). He looks around to see the Shield dismantled outside the ring.

3) Then the lights go off again and the gong hits. Undertaker appears behind Punk, choke slams him, Rock retains the title, and WrestleMania is set.
really. Really? reeeeally.. you can honestly say that the rock vs cm punk was good? i thought the match was complete garbage.. i mean the rock is suppose to be the great one and he talks a big game but when its go time he cant even produce.

I trained professionally for 4 months and i could do a MUCH better job than rock could ever do. all he did was kick, punch, a crappy spine buster 2 peoples elbows 2 rock bottoma and an inverted atomic drop...

he is a disgrace to the title..he does nothing for the title..all he wants is the spotlight and he has his his shoved soo far Vinces ass that he cant breathe 90% of the time. Rock= trailer park trash. end of story.

LOL! Look at my signature, are you this kid?

As for their rematch. I'm not really excited at all. After RR, it's pretty clear that Punk just doesn't match The Rock in physics. It was like watching a fight between a guy who actually works out and some skinny teenager kid covered in tattoos. The only way I can see Punk being a threat to The Rock is to have Shield helping him again.. which is outplayed already.

I personally think Punk should be feuding with the likes of Alberto and Ziggler.

That said, I don't wanna see Brock vs Punk anymore. It'll be too unreal.
I don't like how the Rock is above the elimination chamber. I get that he can get injured and that would impact on buys for mania but Taker has wrestled in chamber matches. I would like to see 4 other guys in this but oh well....

I think the Rock wins and sets up his match with Cena. Punk getting the belt back would be pointless; however, they could end it in a draw (via DQ or whatever). This would allow Punk to complain about how The Rock has still never beaten him setting up the triple threat that many, including myself, want to see.
I don't like how the Rock is above the elimination chamber. I get that he can get injured and that would impact on buys for mania but Taker has wrestled in chamber matches. I would like to see 4 other guys in this but oh well....

You forget, The Rock has a successful career in Hollywood. He can't risk getting seriously injured in the Elimination Chamber and put the movies he's working on, or the movie producers in serious jeopardy.
Jeez, what is with people sucking Rock or Punks dick on these forums? Punk and Rock sold it very well at Rumble though the booking for restarting the match was this side of ridiculous. A straight win by Rock first off or having Vinne Mac strip Punk and the announce a tournament where the winner faces Rock at EC would work a little better in my view. I don't think it's because Rock is a movie star and they want to treat him like a fragile porcelain doll, as the Rock fan boys insinuate, they don't want to risk injury on any stars but for the short time they have Rock they want to get the biggest bang for Vinnie Mac's buck. Jericho was in the EC match last year and he has very successful career outside of WWE but the draw is different with him which is why he was in the match last year and Rock isn't this year. Punk does good chasing, particularly under circumstances that build on his respect angle.
Hopefully, we'll see a clean match this time around with no outside shenanigans, or interference from The Shield. I'm expecting a more fierce and intense contest from both men this time around. Rock is fighting to prove he can still be the man, and Punk is fighting for his last shot to go into Wrestlemania as the champion. And unless WWE throws a wild curveball at us by having Lesnar wrestle on this pay per view, Rock VS Punk should be the main event.

Of course, I'm picking Rock to retain the strap here. I believe WWE is dead set on having Once In A Lifetime Part II at Mania 29, otherwise Cena wouldn't have won the Rumble. Unless Taker fights Lesnar, Rock VS Cena II is the best option for a main event at the big show this year.

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