WWE Elimination Chamber: WHC - Alberto Del Rio (c) VS Big Show

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
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Del Rio is an entertaining face champion, and I've enjoyed the feud with Big Show. Booker T recently "suspended" Del Rio, and this new development could add more intrigue to the storyline between both men. I fully expect Del Rio retain the WHC here, because I honestly don't see the point in putting the title on Show so close to Wrestlemania.

There's always a chance Ziggler could cash-in. I could picture a scenario, where Show goes ape-shit after losing the title, beating Del Rio into a pulp. Ziggler takes advantage of the opportunity, and becomes the new WHC.

Either way, we'll see how much faith WWE has in Del Rio at the Chamber pay per view. He could go into Wrestlemania as WHC, and a victory over Show here would be a big step in the right direction for Del Rio's character. Then again, the WHC has been the opening match at the past two Wrestlemanias. Del Rio was apart of one, and the other one was over in eighteen seconds.
I don't know why ... but I LOVE this feud.

I was skeptical of the WHC switch to Del Rio and the full face turn so quickly, but I think it has worked fairly well and gives the WWE a nice market to cater to.

As for this match. I am really looking forward to it. I also cannot see any chance they take the strap off of Del Rio heading into WM and I am guessing that they are moving forward with Del Rio vs. Ziggler at the biggest event of the year. And I am totally good with that.

I also would not be surprised at all if they have Del Rio drop the strap to Ziggler and then go in a direction that would include Sheamus and/or Randy Orton at WrestleMania since they clearly think of them as the bigger draws (and they probably are).

Definitely a ton of intrigue in this match though ... and you cannot ask for more than that.
Over the past 5 months Big Show, with a great deal of help from Del Rio & Sheamus, has become one of WWE's most valuable assets.

I wouldn't make a prediction for anything other than a Del Rio victory. The only issue is where they go after. Del Rio vs. Ziggler is not a WrestleMania match. Certainly not at this point. The scenario above where Ziggler cashes in after Big Show gives Del Rio a post-match beat down could lead to a triple threat match at Mania. But I still see that as being very "B" show. Then again, they'll want to get that title and those wrestlers in a match somehow. And it's not like the WHC isn't an opening match belt.
This has been a pretty decent feud. Although I think it should have ended at Royal Rumble; Big Show's attack of Ricardo Rodriguez added a bit of extra fuel to the fire. It seems as if Big Show starts becoming great at the end of the year and during the start of a year. I'm not sure if it makes up for him being shit for the remainder of it, but I digress.

It doesn't really make sense for this to be a singles match if they've had 2 previous Last Man Standing matches but it will still be entertaining. The smart money is on Del Rio and that's my pick for the winner. I expect Del Rio to make him tap too.
There's been a disconnect between me and Big Show for a long time now. He has been doing good work as a heel, but I just have a hard time caring about him. With that being my feeling towards the bad guy in this feud, the onus has been on Alberto Del Rio to keep my attention. To my own surprise, he's done so with gusto. ADR's face run has me more invested in his character than I have been since he won the Royal Rumble.

I've enjoyed the way this feud has escalated, becoming increasingly personal. That being the case, this match being a plain singles affair doesn't really follow, as TLC already mentioned. Stipulation or no, I fully expect Del Rio to retain. I'm not expecting much from this match, as it's unlikely to top either of their first two. Naturally, if they exceed expectations I'll be thrilled.

The Ziggler factor intrigues me more here than it has in months. Sure, taking the belt off of Del Rio would hurt his momentum. And sure, there's a lot going on, and a cash-in could get lost in the shuffle. However, knowing those things, I still can't shake the feeling that WWE is going to have Dolph cash-in soon. I'm not predicting it, but this is the first time in a while where I think it might happen.
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I have actually liked this feud a lot as well. I also liked Show's feud with Sheamus. This might be the first time I have ever liked The Big Show for this long. I am also enjoyed the face run of ADR. I can't see anything other that ADR retaining here, but I agree that Ziggler and him are not a Wrestlemania match yet. I guess it could be given that the WHC has been featured so early in the show. I am not really clear in where I see the WHC at Mania, but I am going to say Del Rio retains here with no cash in from Ziggler yet.
From the participants named in the Elimination Chamber, it seems like Randy Orton is gonna walk into Wrestlemania as the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Title, and it may just be me, but I cannot see Orton vs. Show or Show vs. anyone from the Chamber match for that matter as a Wrestlemania match, so I think it will be Del Rio retaining here. Doesn't mean I expect Del Rio vs. Orton for the title at Mania, although that wouldn't be a bad match for the event and I think ADR would be a perfect opponent for Orton to turn heel for, it's possible Ziggler could cash-in on Del Rio and we get Ziggler vs. Orton for the title at Mania which was one of the original plans. Or if it's gonna be Orton vs. Sheamus for the title at Mania, then I could see Show winning the title here only to lose it to Sheamus on Smackdown. But I also don't think WWE should take the belt off Del Rio, Alberto as champ is working wonders for him at the moment, WWE shouldn't screw that up right now. I fully expect Orton to win the Chamber match, it's just hard to say who he's gonna face for the title at Wrestlemania, but like I said above Del Rio wouldn't be a bad opponent for Orton at WM...at least I think, so I'll stick with Del Rio on this one.
It seems a bit odd for such an intense rivalry to conclude in a regular old singles match, after not one, but two Last Man Standing matches and two months of these guys beating the hell out of each other. Let me throw a crazy situation out there.

Alberto del Rio vs. Big Show kicks off; the bell rings and they start to circle each other. This is later in the night, after the #1 contender's match. Big Show looks to be in total control of the match, but Ricardo Rodriguez comes out, heads to the technical booth, and starts dropping the Chamber around both men! Big Show panics, and heads for the door, but Ricardo beats him to it and locks them both inside. Show turns around and takes a sick steel chair shot from del Rio; maybe the referee gets bumped or something, I don't know. But for the remainder of the match, these guys absolutely DESTROY each other. The pods get broken, del Rio comes off the top of one of them; maybe even some blood from the cage?

I just think it would be an incredibly fun, very unique way of ending their rivalry.
Who would’ve thunk it that an Alberto Del Rio/Big Show gathering is intriguing to me? First, Del Rio threw a table over Big Show in a lucky victory. Then, he took a page from John Cena’s playbook and taped Big Show’s feet to the bottom rope in another lucky victory. This singles match, as far as I’m concerned, will be Alberto Del Rio’s true testament as he faces Big Show without being able to pull off any real tricks that he has stuffed up his sleeve. With Big Show angrier than ever, I expect Alberto Del Rio to get absolutely decimated during this World Championship bout. We’ll likely see Big Show finally get some justice by controlling just about 90 percent of this match up and rightfully so. Alberto Del Rio’s been on an incredible role in pissing off the huge giant.

With that said, I fully expect Alberto Del Rio to retain the World Championship against Big Show on Sunday. How is the question? In what way can Alberto Del Rio legitimately pin or force Big Show to tap out and still make the finish look believable? I certainly cannot see Big Show falling to Del Rio’s corner Enzuigiri and even Big Show is too strong to submit to Del Rio’s Cross Armbreaker. Whatever the case, Del Rio is walking from this match as your World Heavyweight Champion. That is, until Dolph Ziggler cashes in when Big Show is pissed off at another fluke win from Del Rio. New Champ baby.

Hamler's Prediction -Alberto Del Rio will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
This has been a very surprising feud and I see Del Rio retaining. I don't know what Big Show is going to do at WrestleMania, which sucks because I loved last title reign, but Del Rio needs this win and go into WrestleMania as the World Champion. No hot potato title at Elimination Chamber. Del Rio's face turn hasn't been recieved entirely well, but it's better than Miz's and he looks a lot more comfortable as a face and even using some of Eddie Guerrero's tactics to win or get in the mind of his opponents!

Del Rio retains and goes on to WrestleMania 29!
I really don't see them letting Del Rio give that championship back to the Big Show. It seems in the past few months they have been really pushing Del Rio and developing his character. (In my opinion that is)

It has been one of the better feuds of recent memory. The duct taping of Big Show's leg at the RR was a classy move, and I knew from that point on it was going to heat up.

What I could have done without in the feud, was the Big Show's horrible poop-garbage segment this past week on Raw. Where he came out and punched Alex Riley in the face and knocked him out, and then stood silently in the ring for 5 minutes. It was painful to watch, and he could have gone without that "promo". Hahaha
I came into this thread with a clear result to this match, Del Rio beats Big Show, and goes on to face Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. But after reading some of your posts, I have a new idea. Not Del Rio vs. Orton would be a horrible match or anything, but Del Rio vs. Orton is just a little bland for a Wrestlemania match, so how about this: Del Rio still beats The Big Show this Sunday, but as somebody mentioned earlier, Show goes on a rampage after the match and destroys Del Rio. This sets up the perfect opportunity for Ziggler to cash in, so he capitalizes on the situation and becomes your new WHC. With Orton still winning the chamber match, this sets up what I think will be a great match between Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton at Wrestlemania for the WHC, and this 'Mania match will finally propel Ziggler into the main event (Permanently) after he beats Orton clean in a hard-fought match that makes both men looks good.

My Pick: Del Rio wins, only to get destroyed by Show post-match and then lose his title following Ziggler's MITB cash-in.

Most Likely Outcome: Del Rio retains clean, and loses the title somewhere on the Road To Wrestlemania (Maybe the night after EC?) to Ziggler.

Either outcome, Ziggler will be world champion come Wrestlemania 29.
I'm also glad to see Show becoming relevant and important. This feud has been entertaining. I'm not and never have been a fan of ADR, but I will give him credit. His face turn has worked out fairly well, he was not going anywhere as a heel. This match is a tough call, and I enjoy that heading into WM, the World Title picture is so unclear. Either man could win here, though I am going to go with ADR retaining. I think Show is headed for WM match with Ryback. I would not be shocked to see Ziggler cash in on though and set up a triple threat match with ADR and the winner of the EC challenging Ziggy at WM.
I think this will play out as follows:

Del Rio finds another "creative" way to beat the Big Show and post-match a ticked off Big Show hits the WMD on Del Rio. Ziggler comes out and cashes in his MITB briefcase to become World Champion. I also see Chris Jericho winning the chamber match (no way he comes back without winning at least one high profile match). Del Rio gets his rematch sometime between EC and WrestleMania in which Ziggler will retain. This sets up Ziggler vs. Jericho for WrestleMania where Y2J will job cleanly to Ziggler giving Dolph a high profile win over a high profile babyface.
The build going into this match has been better than it was for their last match at the Royal Rumble. I'm ready for this feud to end and it most likely will after this match. Alberto will be getting the win so that he can move on to feud with either Dolph Ziggler and/or whoever wins the #1 contendership Chamber match. I highly doubt that anyone in the #1 contendership Chamber match will be working a Wrestlemania angle with Big Show over the World Heavyweight Championship, so most likely a heel will win it to be Del Rio's next challenger.

I'm not expecting too much out of the match and it might go on earlier in the night. The end result depends on both when Ziggler is cashing in and who wins the Chamber match for the #1 contendership. I don't see Dolph cashing in just yet, this could be a good time to do it so that he can set his Wrestlemania involvement in stone, but I think he may wait just a little longer until either Wrestlemania itself or during the build up to the show. Alberto wins, no Dolph cash-in at this PPV. Why waste the cash-in when they can still save it for a Wrestlemania moment for Dolph? They are so close, if they can wait just a little bit longer with it.... There's his Wrestlemania moment.

Alberto Del Rio will retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
Even though I really, really like ADR as a face and as WHC, his feud against Big Show didn't clicked on me. In fact I can't expect for these two to wrap up their rivalry. They had interesting LMS matches, but this time I think it is a regular match, therefore nothing spectacular can be as a result of the lack of stipulations. I am almost sure that this is going to be their weaker encounter. Definitely ADR is going to retain here.

The big questiong is if Ziggler after the match is going to cash in on ADR?
They have booked this feud in reverse, usually feuds build to a gimmick match but here they have shown it's easier to beat a giant in a match where you can use weapons, the hardest thing is to beat him clean in a regular match. The feud also began with a title win and then has escalated from there.

Del Rio's promos as a face are even worse than when he was a heel but Ricardo is over and he's good in the ring as a face, so to that extent the face turn is working and I see no reason for him to lose here.

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