WWE Elimination Chamber: Divas Championship - Kaitlyn (c) VS Tamina


That's all folks.

From WWE.com
It is said that hard work breeds success. Few WWE Superstars or Divas are better examples of that saying’s truth than Kaitlyn, the underdog beauty who powered her way to victory on WWE NXT season three. After years of toil and trial in the ring, Kaitlyn finally found herself standing tall as Divas Champion in a hometown victory so momentous it sent the deposed champion, Eve, packing from WWE altogether in a fit of rage. The title was hard won, and the road was hard-traveled, but as Kaitlyn’s first title defense against Tamina Snuka approaches, it is now clear that her trials are only just beginning.

Tamina has always stood as one of the tougher Divas ever to set foot in a WWE ring. With untamed aggression and high-flying skills passed down from her father — WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka — and a wild style all her own, the fierce Diva is truly a force to be reckoned with. And she’s had her eye on Kaitlyn’s Divas Title for some weeks now, first scouting the champion from a backstage monitor the week after Kaitlyn captured the title, then mixing it up against Kaitlyn in a Lumberjill Match that devolved into chaos and did not end in a clear victory.

But it appears the time for scouting and scrapping has come to an end. Frustration between the two Divas has boiled over, and Raw Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero has passed down the verdict that will see the two to a proper title match. Kaitlyn will defend her hard-won title for the first time against a hard-working opponent whose own road to success (Tamina memorably challenged Beth Phoenix for the same title at last year’s Elimination Chamber) is still being written. Only one will hold the Divas Title after Sunday. May the best Diva win


Because you're buying the pay-per-view solely for this reason right? I'm almost certain this match was announced two weeks ago during some sort of WWE.com exclusive or something but it is official on their website. So here you have it, Kaitlyn will defend her Championship against Tamina. I think it's easy to predict the outcome as Kaitlyn walks away with her hand raised as there is absolutely no reason to have Kaitlyn drop the Diva's Championship so early in her reign. With very little build going into this match, I expect a completely dead crowd as usual. It's possible this match could be bumped from the card once again as it is a completely awful one. Whatever the case, I think I'm ready for some NXT call ups to make this division even somewhat bearable again.

Hamler's Prediction -Kaitlyn will retain her Divas Championship.
This match got completely got bumped off the card last time, and I agree with the OP in that I expect a completely dead crowd for this. I am not even sure I have seen a divas match since the night after the Royal Rumble. Anyway Kaitlyn will retain here in a pointless match. I hope they actually do some build up if they have a Divas match on the mania card.
Why? We've seen Natalya come out with Khali more times in the past few weeks than we've seen Kaitlyn. Frankly, I'm not even sure we've seen Kaitlyn since before RR. I don't even mean that against her, I mean that against what they're doing with the Diva's division. Nothing. People complained before, but I've always known it's small potatos. Now they literally aren't getting ANY air time.

That said, Kaitlyn wins. Why? A better question is why not?
Yawn. Nobody cares because we're not given a reason to care. The only reason this match would be worth watching is if Kaitlyn wrestled in a bra and panties.

As that won't be happening anymore in WWE PG, this is just a filler between the Chamber match and Rock/Punk 2.
Well, I for one am excited for this. The build-up has been kept on app exclusives (which is a shame) and the girls had an awesome fight backstage. I hear their house show matches have been very hard-hitting, so hopefully this will be just as good. Yes, Kaitlyn will win, but it's her first title defense.

Can you guys not be so narcissistic? The divas work with what they can. The division isn't bad, what management does with them is.
Yawn. Nobody cares because we're not given a reason to care. The only reason this match would be worth watching is if Kaitlyn wrestled in a bra and panties.

Speak for yourself. There are people who care, there's more to women's wrestling than t&a. Just because all you see in the Divas are racks doesn't mean nobody else cares for their matches.
I'm pretty excited about it, as Kaitlyn is one of the better skilled divas out there, coming from the own training league of the WWE. Ever since she debuted, I don't think she's had a bad match. She's always doing something in the ring, not standing around waiting for spots, and Tamina is as rough and tough as most divas as well. I don't see what the big bore is about, and just because they haven't been hyping up the match doesn't mean it will be bad.
Agreed, I am looking forward to this match. I do wish there had been some TV time given to it to build it up. They waste SO MUCH time on the three hour Raw shows, but can't give a 10 minute segment to the Diva's to build their feud a bit. The poster that said its not the fault of the divas themselves, its management, hit the nail on the head. Obviously Kaitlyn wins here. If there is any thought given to the women for Mania... Kaitlyn and AJ have a history and AJ is over. Get her in the ring, let her become top contender and there is your Mania match for the Diva's title.
I feel sorry for Kaitlyn, she deserves an actual challenger, and what does she get instead? A match against TAMINA!? What an absolute waste of everyone's time this is going to be. I like Kaitlyn and am glad that she is Divas Champion, so this is hardly one of those "I hate the divas they always suck" rants. I legitimately want her to have a good title reign. However, in order to have a good title reign one of the key factors is retaining the championship against credible challengers.... and that brings us to her challenger. So my initial response when I found out about the match was more or less along the lines of....

Tamina? Seriously, WWE!? TAMINA?????????

Why in the hell is she getting a title shot!? They have divas who could put on a good match with Kaitlyn to give her the strong retention she needs. Divas who can actually work a decent match. Natalya and Layla both come to mind, I would very much like to see them work a feud with Kaitlyn. Why would they give a title shot to arguably the worst girl on the roster? She's only there because of who her father is. Kaitlyn wins easily in the least difficult prediction on this card to make. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason to give Tamina a title shot, let alone make her the champion. I have little interest in this match and will most likely be checking my emails, walking the dogs, or grabbing a snack once it comes on. Kaitlyn wins and moves on to her next challenger while Tamina goes back to doing nothing relevant and hopefully gets future endeavoured.

Kaitlyn retains the Divas Championship.
I feel sorry for Kaitlyn, she deserves an actual challenger, and what does she get instead? A match against TAMINA!? What an absolute waste of everyone's time this is going to be.

And it wasn't going to be a waste of time if it was anyone else besides Tamina?

I like Kaitlyn and am glad that she is Divas Champion, so this is hardly one of those "I hate the divas they always suck" rants. I legitimately want her to have a good title reign. However, in order to have a good title reign one of the key factors is retaining the championship against credible challengers.... and that brings us to her challenger. So my initial response when I found out about the match was much like my reaction from the last PPV event when I found out this match was going to happen.... (luckily it did not)

Surprising revelation there. You forgot the fact that Kaitlyn's not any good but you'll realize it soon enough.

Tamina? Seriously, WWE!? TAMINA?????????


Why in the hell is she getting a title shot!? They have divas who could put on a good match with Kaitlyn to give her the strong retention she needs. Divas who can actually work a decent match. Natalya and Layla both come to mind, I would very much like to see them work a feud with Kaitlyn. Why would they give a title shot to arguably the worst girl on the roster?

The worst girl on the roster probably is the champion herself. No one except you cares about Natalya who is living large with my man Khali and Layla who I forget is even still with the WWE.

She's only there because of who her father is.

Seems to be a recurring theme with you, doesn't it? Want to talk about it?

Kaitlyn wins easily in the least difficult prediction on this card to make. Seriously, there is absolutely no reason to give Tamina a title shot, let alone make her the champion. I have little interest in this match and will most likely be checking my emails, walking the dogs, or grabbing a snack once it comes on. Kaitlyn wins and moves on to her next challenger while Tamina goes back to doing nothing relevant and hopefully gets future endeavoured.

Suck it up, Dags. You knew you were going to do those things anyway if it was Kaitlyn vs. anyone else. I know the audience will.

And kudos for wishing that someone loses their job. I knew you had it in you.
Tamina isn't a bad wrestler, her move set is very restricted. I've seen her at a houseshow and there are a lot more impressive power-moves in her arsenal that I assume she isn't allowed to use on television. Kaitlyn is still green, but has a natural charisma and is very easy to get behind, as well as constantly improving in the ring (working with Eve, and now Layla and Natalya has/will help/ed her). Give them a shot before you pass judgement. Given enough time and less restrictions (which they ussually are on PPVs), they could put on a really good hard-hitting match.

Also, please don't blame the Divas for what MANAGEMENT is to blame for a lackluster division.
Sadly the Diva's Division is dead and nobody really cares for it. I like Kaitlyn and I think she has a unique look going into the future as the Diva's Champion. Tamina can be another cornerstone but this match needs to happen on pay per view regardless if the crowd is dead or not. There has to be Diva's matches,especially title defense on pay per view that way the audience at home gets to see them in action.

As for the match itself, it probably won't be memoral. It'll be decent at best but it needs to be on pay per view. I see Kaitlyn retaining just because it's soo early into her title reign and this is the perfect time to build her. Let her keep the title for a long time and just continue beating the other Diva's until one of these NXT Diva's come up.
how bout this kids. ya make them both look good. have Tamina win by count out or time limit draw after maybe 10 min match. i know sounds stupid but it gives them 10 minutes which is 4 times the length of a normal womens match and have Tamina win making her look good and Kaitlyn keeps the title.That would also lead into a longer real feud leading to mania. Not only does that help them both, it helps the whole division by giving them a little credibility. Lets say people do their usual bathroom break and come back from pissing and see the match still going on? WTF!!! people might start to watch wondering whats going on with the women? As for Tamina? she is very good and on par with Nattie and Beth but never really got a good gimmick per se. kaitlyn is still trish stratus level and green but will continue to grow into the true top (i hate this word) Diva.
And it wasn't going to be a waste of time if it was anyone else besides Tamina?

There were plenty of other talented challengers, and Tamina happened to be the one not having a shot recently, so changes are good sometimes.

Surprising revelation there. You forgot the fact that Kaitlyn's not any good but you'll realize it soon enough.

What an outright lie you just posted there. You're entitled to opinions, but there is no way to deny the skills she has. She is one of, if not the most consistently improving and growing female wrestlers in the whole division. Every move she does is energetic, and well thought out.

The worst girl on the roster probably is the champion herself. No one except you cares about Natalya who is living large with my man Khali and Layla who I forget is even still with the WWE.

So, the winner of NXT is the worst to you? Is that because she hasn't been a pro as long as the others?

I remember quite a cult of fans right here on these forums, that were crazily behind Natalya, two years ago and three years ago, as if she was the next Beth Phoenix. Just because she wasn't as muscular or large, didn't mean she couldn't take on anybody else. They were quite similar actually, in wrestling skills, but Natalya was given a crappy gimmick, probably as a punishment due to who her family was, unfairly. It's hard to bounce back from those things, as wrestling fans in general (not calling out anyone here) are stupid, and remember the negatives and barely any positives.

Also, if you don't remember Layla now, did you only watch when she wouldn't wrestle, and would stand around as a manager? She too added quite some nice manuevers to her arsenal, so if you don't remember that she's still with the WWE, maybe you automatically assumed she would be accompanying people to ringside her whole career, and saw that she doesn't do that as much now, automatically dismissing her presence in the company.
how bout this kids. ya make them both look good. have Tamina win by count out or time limit draw after maybe 10 min match. i know sounds stupid but it gives them 10 minutes which is 4 times the length of a normal womens match and have Tamina win making her look good and Kaitlyn keeps the title.

I'd rather have her win cleanly and decisively, as the people actually paying attention would take notice, even if a little bit due to a lack of interest in the division and storylines, which I won't deny, whether the reasons are justified or not.

The idea of a draw, because of a time limit, hasn't been done regularly, since probably the mid nineties, in any division, be it for the world title, Intercontinental Title, Women's Division, etc.. It's intriguing, but knowing the fanbase today, would probably result in a lot of senseless complaining, since they would think they paid money for a PPV to see a non-finish.

That would also lead into a longer real feud leading to mania. Not only does that help them both, it helps the whole division by giving them a little credibility. Lets say people do their usual bathroom break and come back from _______ and see the match still going on? WTF!!! people might start to watch wondering whats going on with the women?

I doubt people would remember this contest, let alone the match itself, because WWE doesn't care and just looks to be filling time with it. Who knows if any diva will even compete at Wrestlemania?

As for Tamina? she is very good and on par with Nattie and Beth but never really got a good gimmick per se.

She's very tough, just like Natalya and Beth, but more known for being the daughter of her legendary father. They don't really need to make a gimmick for her, as the association with the name of Snuka is usually enough to capture attention from people that actually might take the time to watch this division, amidst the lack of promotion from the WWE.

kaitlyn is still trish stratus level and green but will continue to grow into the true top (i hate this word) Diva.

I love this quote right here, as it is probably one of the most accurate descriptions about her that I ever read. Does anybody not remember that when Trish first came in, she was nowhere as experienced as she later would go on to be? Kaitlyn has already gone beyond what Trish was allowed to do on TV during her first year, or year and a half, with the company. (I'm not saying she's a better wrestler, but reasserting that she solely came in with the focus of being a wrestling diva, something that Trish had to change her image to later since she was more in a valet or managerial type of position upon debuting.) There is no reason as to why she can't be the top diva, since she takes the profession very seriously, is working hard, doesn't slack, and is very relatable to the audience in the sense that she comes off as an approachable person, with the kind of skater and sporty appearance and attitude, that is willing to try new things, and not worried about beauty contests all the time.
Also, to anyone who thinks Kaitlyn or any of the Divas are bad wrestlers, you're just buying into what management wants you to think the Divas are capable of. If you can spare 10 minutes of your time, I would watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQZRTTjmA_o&sns=em (sorry if we aren't allowed to use links). This is just the average Divas match without restrictions and proper time. Go looking for more house shows, it's where the girls are given the chance to not look like restroom breaks.
Bathroom break for me, I guess. Kaitlyn has some potential as the Hybrid Diva, but women's wrestling in WWE is still an afterthought. Nobody gives a shit, and that horrendous Vegas Showgirls Lumberjack match (well truth be told, it wasn't much of a match, but still) between these two a few weeks was unbearable.

Kaitlyn retains, and we'll probably see some pointless and forgettable heel/face tag team match between these two at Wrestlemania, or another shitty Divas battle royal, because we need to see another one of those.
The amount of f**** given about the Diva Division, or should I say, lack thereof...is astounding. It has totally collapsed into a crap chute. Like John said above me, shuttering thoughts back to Raw Roulette and that crappy Lumberjack match, that completely lacked any kind of structure. Applause to the announcers for being able to maintain their composure.

Kaitlyn retains the championship, because there is no point in giving it to Tamina. The whole Diva's division is a sinking ship at this point. (Not because of lack of talent, it just seems as though people completely stopped caring about it)
The amount of f**** given about the Diva Division, or should I say, lack thereof...is astounding. It has totally collapsed into a crap chute. Like John said above me, shuttering thoughts back to Raw Roulette and that crappy Lumberjack match, that completely lacked any kind of structure. Applause to the announcers for being able to maintain their composure.

Kaitlyn retains the championship, because there is no point in giving it to Tamina. The whole Diva's division is a sinking ship at this point. (Not because of lack of talent, it just seems as though people completely stopped caring about it)

Applause to the announcers? You mean the ones that crapped on the entire match (and all Divas matches), laughing and promising the show will get better, or the ones that struggle to call a match and instead give us three random facts about the Divas before drifting off to talk about Cena or the Rock?

The showgirl match was a train wreck because of how it was booked. Who the hell thinks to end a match like that? It wasn't any of the girls faults that they were told to run in there like brainless animals until the music randomly starts playing with no end to the match, no bell, nothing. Of course the fans won't care about what management doesn't care about.
Applause to the announcers? You mean the ones that crapped on the entire match (and all Divas matches), laughing and promising the show will get better, or the ones that struggle to call a match and instead give us three random facts about the Divas before drifting off to talk about Cena or the Rock?

Heh. Kudos on that, I did forget that they did actually say "The show will get better", but they only did that once the showgirls for some reason attacked one of the Diva's. That whole match confused the hell out of me, it was chaos from the very beginning. I was surprised they didn't just cut to a commercial when it happened.

It usually seems that the Diva matches don't last long enough for them to give us three random facts about them...Hahaha but really, I suppose I tend to tune out just about everything when the Diva's come out. I imagine that's what most people do, so they take advantage of it and in turn don't care either. It is somewhat depressing.
I wish , I really really wish I could give a flying f*ck about this match.But I just skipped through all their segments and matches so I cant give one.Kate will win this prolly. I hate that Natalya is not in the picture.Making her Khali's hoe doesnt make any sense.
I hate that Natalya is not in the picture.Making her Khali's hoe doesnt make any sense.

From a wrestling sense, yes. I remember looking forward to the team of Nattie and Beth Phoenix taking over the division; it was going to be a fallback program after the Kharma plans fell apart. But it never really happened, did it? The diva division has floundered, but never so much as in those post-Kharma times.

Nattie is probably happy to have something to do these days, whether it be wrestling or supporting one of the guys, but you have to wonder what she really thinks of all this. Does she see herself as a wrestler or performer?

Meanwhile, the Kaitlyn-Tamina match is filler, just like Rhodes Scholars vs. the Funkadactyls (or whatever the hell they're called). I don't know how invested anyone is in the outcome of either match, but neither seems worthy of PPV status.

One other thing: Layla's time has come and gone, huh? When she returned from injury, she was the diva......now, she's losing to Tamina, who's been beaten twice by A.J., for gosh sakes. Watching Tamina-Layla last night, we knew that only one was going to the PPV on Sunday, so it's not as if we had to guess which gal was going to win.

No intrigue at all in diva-land.
I think it's pretty standard practice to have at least one filler bout on ppvs. To me, this is really the only match that qualifies. The matches are, at the very least, made of wrestlers who have been involved in prominent feuds or storylines.

It's WresteMania season and the Divas are getting left in the dirt. In all honesty though, that doesn't bother me all that much. If Vince has no interest in making the Divas a genuinely viable portion of WWE, then don't waste television time on them during the biggest time in WWE's year.

As to who wins this bout, it's pretty up in the air. I think the match will be decent but neither woman has any momentum right now. Kaitlyn has been MIA from WWE television for weeks and Tamina Snuka has the personality of a month old corpse, so there's no real reason to care about this match at all.
Kaitlyn over Tamina

I don't really know why, probably b/c this match has had pretty much no build, but that's my gut feeling. Overall, this match is pretty inconsequential, like the Divas division in general.

The Divas division is in dire need of a major shot in the arm.
Having just started watching WWE again I've barely seen any of Kaitlyn's development but the focus seems to be more on Tamina leading into this match. Truth is if Kaitlyn wins who is the next challenger? AJ makes more money as Dolph's valet so that leaves Aksana I guess. If Tamina wins Nattie could get the shot I guess but I wouldn't be surprised to see Naomi positioned as her challenger.

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