WWE Elimination Chamber 2014: Batista VS Alberto Del Rio

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

The outcome of this match is a foregone conclusion, because WWE will use Del Rio as a sacrificial lamb for a Batista tune up match. I don't expect a complete squash, but Batista will dominate the match with a Batista Bomb for a decisive victory, because he needs the momentum for Wrestlemania.

Although, in the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure a win over Del Rio will help Batista's status with the fans. Del Rio's been stuck in no man land's land for a while now, and it all started with his loss to Cena at Hell In A Cell. Hell, before the little Twitter beef started, Del Rio was just floating around the card with no real purpose.
So not looking forward to this match in the least. Does the idea that WWE knows the IWC hates Del Rio, or at least thinks hes boring as all hell. And that the IWC doesn't like Batista in the least, yet WWE throws these guys in a match, knowing the fans ill be chanting something negative. Either WWE is oblivious to what the fans say, or they just love irritating the fans.
I think making Batista work with Del Rio was an act of desperation.

Think about it, who else can they put Batista up against this early to where the crowd is less likely to boo him? Del Rio is practically and unfortunately a nobody these days, I'm pretty sure his boos are mostly people who want his segments to end quickly. Sadly for the WWE, the reality is that the crowd actually likes someone who can draw their legit heat over someone like Batista who wrestles like an anthropomorphic sack of shit.

Putting Batista against literally anyone other than Del Rio would be a mistake because Del Rio is probably the only person who's appearances are more droll than Batista's. Basically, Batista is a massive lesson in what a literal interpretation of the sunk costs fallacy looks like, and without Del Rio around Batista would have bombed even worse than he already has.
Match would mean more if Del Rio hadn't already been fed to Cena. He never recovered from that, he won't from this either. I expect a comprehensive beating which will keep Del Rio off TV for a while.

Maybe a few months away will do him some good.
this is just a filler match. Batista destroys del rio just like that. After ec batista moves on to title picture. Del rio fued with rey. Thats it.
This is the best booking from the WWE, why

Scenario A, The fans warm to Batista due to his physical in ring nature as clobbers the hell out of Del Rio.. I noticed a few fans were conflicted when he bombed Del Rio through the table on RAW, fans are fickle.

Scenario B, The crowds turns in favour of the most disliked person on the rosters in Del Rio.. He has NEVER been able to get the crowds support or interest, if by some freak chance the entire stadium is chanting DEL RIO... You know the WWE will then commit 110% to Batista being the heel at Wrestlemania.

Del Rio is good in the ring, he can shoot, he can brawl. Batista will give everything he has in the tank as an atempt to get over. This could easily be match of the night and will dictate the Wrestlemania main event.. Smart booking by the WWE and a very intesting match
I've thought about this match pretty much since Del Rio started verbally assaulting Batista. It's an obvious decision and it's the best one if indeed the goal is to give Batista a good win against an uppercard superstar. However, after the crowd starting to turn on big Dave I really think that it would be a lot more interesting if he actually lost the match.

Del Rio doesn't need to beat him clean or whatever, but show him that he's smarter, win by disqualification or anything that could kill Batista's momentum going towards WrestleMania. Some of you are probably thinking that I'm crazy, but the story about Batista not being ready or at least not being the old Animal would make his WrestleMania bout a lot more interesting. Randy Orton has been losing like crazy for the past two months, essentially he's the #1 heel and the #1 champion that has the credibility of an uppercard star at best, so obviously fighting Batista at WrestleMania is pretty much logical that Orton's going to lose and it is what makes sense.

So demoting Batista a little bit would make it seem that he has some flaws and that he may not be ready for the big guys. Randy Orton could go after that. Oh well, but what am I saying? This is way too creative. Batista wins here in an 8 to 10 minute match after the Batista Bomb. Del Rio loses all his steam and probably gets out of WrestleMania. It would be interesting though if Del Rio won the match.
It's obviously a good booking choice, since Del Rio has always been booked by WWE to be a notch above the average mid-card worker and always at least a second row contender for the main title. He doesn't have anything valuable to do right now since he's not in the Elimination Chamber or any title picture right now, so why not feed him to Batista?

The fans are still not 100% on Batista's side - especially not as a face - as many still feel he is responsible for Daniel Bryan not being in/winning the Rumble; I guess the quite audible boos for Batista when he came to Dolph Ziggler's rescue this past Monday on RAW show that quite clearly. So obviously, WWE is trying to get the Batista train on the right track for Wrestlemania, by pairing him with a very good and safe in-ring worked in Del Rio, who will serve perfectly as cannon fodder for Big Dave's machine gun entrance.

The match probably won't be anything spectacular, but I also expect Batista to completely annihilate Del Rio in the end, gaining the momentum he needs to not be booed completely out of the building at Wrestlemania (which might happen anyways, if the main event indeed remains Batista vs Orton, with D-Bry nowhere in sight).

I think pairing Batista with Del Rio here is especially smart since Del Rio should be able to carry Dave to a very solid "comeback match", probably make him look better than he really is at this point (considering his ring rust), which might make him more appealing to fans as the focal point for WM30. However, I still think WWE needs to go with a Triple Threat between Orton, Batista and Bryan at WM, with Bryan going over. Only chance at this moment to get that huge "feelgood" moment that would be fitting for Wrestlemania 30, in my opinion.
Sure, after the Rumble, we know darn well that whatever plans WWE has for Batista don't include losing to Alberto Del Rio, who seems to have finally made the transition to "opponent".....albeit a high level opponent, as ADR is going to usher performers to main event level rather than cater to people just entering the company.

Is there anything to look forward to concerning Batista-Del Rio? Sure, given that ADR is the consummate ring technician, he might lead Batista to a better match than we'd get from him if facing someone less proficient in the ring. ADR can keep it an exciting contest to watch and make Batista look like the conquering hero the company wants him to be.

There's value in that.
This is nothing more than a ring-rust remover for Brotista. And, it's a good opponent FOR this type of match. But, as each week continues, I find myself less and less interested in what Brotista is going to do.
Has Batista done anything meaningful since returning? Besides his Rumble win that no one liked. This has to be one of the weakest built up Rumble winners, usually the guy who won the Rumble is walking on water on cloud 9 right now on fire with the fans usually loving him or drawing big heat. I just don't see that with Batista.
Wow Couldn't see this one coming:rolleyes: anyway,this is a decisive victory for Batista no way in hell he is losing this one.. Batista needs this one for momentum going into WM,the crowd may not like Batista,but regardless he is going over. ADR is a superb Technician,this is the only saving grace that might keep it remotely interesting.. I wouldn't be surprised if during the match ADR chants break out
I've thought about this match pretty much since Del Rio started verbally assaulting Batista. It's an obvious decision and it's the best one if indeed the goal is to give Batista a good win against an uppercard superstar. However, after the crowd starting to turn on big Dave I really think that it would be a lot more interesting if he actually lost the match.

Well said, sir. That possibility actually makes me care about the outcome of this match(though, I'm loose with the term "possibility").

I don't want to beat the dead horse in regards to our apathy towards this match. In fact, if there's any way we should look at it positively, it's the fact that Batista needs to be in the ring with someone who can work a match to warm up for Wrestlemania. I'm just as sour on del Rio, the character, but in the ring he has had several Fantastic (capital F) matches since Wrestlemania of last year with Dolph, Cena and Christian. Ideally, Batista would be fed someone the audience would want to see him destroy. Failing that, he gets a solid match on the road to Wrestlemania.

If he blows up or the match just sucks, however, this could prove disastrous. If this match isn't at least solid, then Batista has failed both in the ring and as a character on the road to the main event.

As for Alberto del Rio's ongoing role past this match, I have to say that on last weeks Raw was the first time I've ever enjoyed him on the mic! He seemed like a man who was just desperate to stay relevant, so he slapped Batista in the face. Granted, that might have been the man behind the character showing through, but I was impressed. This is the difference between gimmick and character that del Rio has been missing. If he continues with the company, I'd like to see this character grow.
Bertie can carry Batista to a solid match if Batista can manage his wind, but how the crowd reacts to this is another matter, Del Rio actually got some support when he trash talked and slapped Batista the other week.

They might do something quick like have Del Rio attack Batista during his entrance to get some heat and have Batista win with a quick spinebuster and powerbomb to get it done with before the crowd can empty their anuses on the match.
Crowd is going to shit all over Batista in this match. Going to be hilarious. I feel bad for Alberto. He's a good worker and has been given a pretty shitty hand in having to get this sad sack of shit over.
I commend Batista for working house shows and this PPV to get in shape for Wrestlemania. Unfortunately, the social media interactions with Batista, didn't take off like it should have - had it been somebody else besides Del Rio.

I don't think there's a legit interest in this match up. Del Rio looks so weak heading into EC. Hopefully, the match ends quick like Brock/Show did at RR

You know what? I want Del Rio to win this. Ever since Batista returned, he's bored me. Nothing that he's done, not even the announce table powerbomb, has interested me. His return has been the most lackluster in recent history. To top that all off, he won his first match back which just happened to be the Royal Rumble & that wasn't the right decision at all. In his face offs with Del Rio, he has never once been on the losing side, or the side that's beatdown. He's always looked great & never once had to take a beating. It's pathetic, but if Batista doesn't win this in under 5 minutes, that'll be a surprise.
Calling an easy Batista victory... followed by a Brock Lesnar run-in and beat-down, possibly with a side of Kayfabe Injury. After all, Lesnar's gotta earn his title shot.
I am curious to see if even Del Rio can get Batista cheered. I don't think there is anything that can get the fans on Batista's side. I think this match will be competitive in the beginning, but Batista will end the match with a convincing win.
I have to give the WWE credit, there are few guys on the roster that I think people want to see beaten like I assume most fans want to see ADR beaten, so this may help in the interim to get Batista over with the fans. I think ADR will start strong, only for Batista to power through and take the win. With ADR likely leaving after his contract is up, they may even have Batista pull out a new submission move and have him win by submission.

This could end up being good.... or it could end up being a complete squash. As much as I like Alberto Del Rio, there is absolutely no way that he stands any chance here. I hope that he will at least be booked decently, he deserves better than to get squashed although there is a chance of that happening. Batista has to get built up for his Wrestlemania match. This match will be about Batista making a statement for the champion to show what a threat he will be for the title. Alberto could possibly get a decent match out of Batista if the way he gets booked in the match allows him to. If not, it could be just another squash match. I'd expect it to go on in the middle of the evening.

Batista will defeat Alberto Del Rio.

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