WWE don't know how to create a good ppv anymore??

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
With less that 5 days to go and only what? 5 matches!!

What happened to the days where WWE had like a good 6 feuds going on at the same time and every match was getting hyped..

It seems like now a days WWE wants to focus on just 2 matches on every ppv card...What is wrong with the WWE these days??

For crying out loud, this is supposed to be one of the big four ppv's here..I mean they can't just throw matches on the card on Sunday, because it's Summer Slam, it deserves much more...It's beginning to look more like Fatal 4 Way this point...Only one match is really being hyped to the max..and its Nexus vs.s CENAtion team...Is this ppv worth ordering??

Do you think they will just throw some matches together on Sunday..if so, which ones...

I see them put on an Interconintal title match with Kofi getting his rematch, US title..maybe vs. Evan Bourne...the tag champs might also be defended!

I'm not saying they should add more matches though, i'm saying they should hype more of them...back in the days we had at least 6 matches announced 4 weeks before the event...and then they just build the feuds til the ppv comes..now its..as soon as the ppv ends, they quickly get the contenders for the WWE and World titles and focus on them and just forget about the others...


No, its not worth ordering. No one cares to see Cena take on Nexus. That's something that can be done on Raw. WWE is going the way of WCW, while TNA is going the way of ECW. Both will be destoryed, but WWE will have the greater fall.
TNA did the same exact thing with their harcore justice ppv. But no i wont order this ppv.

The will probably have Hawkins and Archer vs The Hart Dynasty and Ziggler vs Kofi.
I voted not on ordering the Pay Per View. So far only two matches have been hyped up the way you were talking about and that's the Nexus vs. Team WWE and Randy Orton vs. Sheamus. I personally think the reason Summerslam is not turning out the way it's suppose to be is because Triple H and Undertaker are injured. I read on Wrestlezone.com that we were suppose to see Triple H vs. Edge and The Undertaker vs. Kane. I think that would have helped the pay per view. But as reported both Triple H's and Undertaker's injuries were worse than expected so they couldn't wrestle at the pay per view.
Yeah only two matches have been built correctly. And that is Sheamus vs. Randy Orton and Team Cena vs. Nexus.

This Summerslam looks like crap so far. There is no way that I would waste my money on this pay-per-view.
I doubt that this is the entire card. WWE did drop the ball on this one though. Maybe some more matches will be announced on Smackdown; namely an Intercontinental Title match and a Tag Title match with Hawkins and Archer. That seems to be the good way to go and if they do add these matches, one can say that Ziggler vs Kofi has a lot of hype especially with Kofi's character change we've seen in recent weeks. I'll just download as usual cause I don't get PPV here in Malta :(
No, its not worth ordering. No one cares to see Cena take on Nexus. That's something that can be done on Raw. WWE is going the way of WCW, while TNA is going the way of ECW. Both will be destoryed, but WWE will have the greater fall.

Wow are you an idiot,how exactly is WWE going the way of WCW? They still make Money had over fist and still Draw Sellout Crowds 9 times out of 10. The only way they would go out of Business is if there Stock suddenly crashed and the Money started drying up.

I plan to get Summerslam and I think its been built up just fine. Im sure we will get a Full Card by Smackdown on Friday. By the way how is it no one cares to see Cena vs Nexus? Considering PPVs are used to usually finish off Feuds or keep them going a little longer.
By the way how is it no one cares to see Cena vs Nexus?

Because that horse died 2 months ago. Time to stop beating it.

I agree that they really don't know how to promote a PPV anymore. I get where HHH & Taker being out hurt things a bit, but those 2 aren't always going to be there as a cruch for the WWE. The stars that we see week after week are the future of the WWE, not legends like HHH & Taker. Both of them have another 3-4 years at best before it's time to retire, which is why they need to push their new talent harder.

WWE needs to get it's act together and promote some good matches. I mean, they had the makings of a feud between Morrison/Dibiase but it doesn't look like they're going to do anything with it at SummerSlam. Same goes for Christian/Hardy, Maryse/Alicia Fox, R-Truth/Miz (again, but still) and the list goes on and on. They've set up all these possible feuds, but haven't done anything with them. Thats where they're dropping the ball.
Great post and I agree: SummerSlam looks like crap.

The biggest drawback (IMO) to the lame PG Era is that...while the kiddies might like the WWE more now, it's the adults who pay for things like 'SummerSlam' and I don't see how any adult is going to be interested in any angle currently in progress. While I appreciate the 'NEXUS' idea, the WWE team assembled to take them on just doesn't do much for me, mostly because I find only Edge and Jericho to be entertaining in that group. Other than Wade Barrett, I couldn't give you the name of another NEXUS member. And I ain't plunkin' down $$ to see R-Truth and "Starship Pain" Morrison, sorry.

And then there's yet-another Orton-Shamus rematch. :rolleyes:

I don't care how well they have or have not been hyped: These 2 matches just don't appeal to me, as a possible adult with $$ to spend, AT ALL.

Perhaps the kiddies will convince mom & dad, in an ever-tightening economy, to fork over the $$$. But if not, I won't be surprised.
Well im going to Summerslam and I gotta say im pretty disappointed in the lack of matches although I disagree with you on some of the builds. The Kane-Mysterio fued has been going pretty strong and over the last month The SES and Big Show have been going at it. The Team Raw vs Nexus is an elimination match so that can obviously be a part of the lack of matches although im pretty sure wwe will add Kofi vs Ziggler. The only match that had me kind of worried due to the lack of build was Sheamus and Orton but they had a nice interaction last night so now im just really looking forward to Summerslam.
It's True! The WWE didn't really push the Mid-card worth a damn. I mean the Tag Titles, US title, and IC title haven't been pushed yet. It drives me up the wall, seeing how those titles are being pushed.

Yet, I am kind of hyped up to at least see The Nexus vs. WWE. That match alone is taking up 14 wrestlers, and should be over a half hour long. That match itself will have a major twist. Will Cena go Heel? Will the Nexus reveal their mastermind behind them?

However, we can't really say the WWE doesn't know how to create a good PPV anymore. I mean, they still sell a lot of them. It's still a 1 billion dollar company. So, we really can't get upset over lame build up for one pay-per-view. Plus, we at least know 4 matches for Summerslam. No one knew the main event for Hardcore Justice till the Impact before, then after that, we didn't know what the main event was till the day of. So, let's not get upset over the WWE's pay-per-views.
I also agree that Summerslam does look pretty dissappointing. I mean how many of these matches have any real history? For such a big PPV I would expect a little more depth.

However, I have to say the WWE v Nexus angle may have a surprise to it. Think about it...Khali is out, Bret can barely lace his own boots, Jericho & Edge could always change their minds again during the match and just abandon the team, Morrison & R-Truth might be able to hold their own for a minute or two, but most of all...John Cena is not being booked as the one man army as usual....all of that to me means only one thing..Triple H returns! I mean who else is there on either roster that could step in and save the day for this team? Oh you say he's injured...well I remember one Royal Rumble where a Superman Cena had surgery yet made his surprise return many weeks early to win the whole thing...god I was pissed that night but it could happen again.

Other than that Rey v Kane could see Taker return to get revenge on Kane for taking him out...oh come on you have to see that coming! Normally I would hope I'm wrong about this one but what else would there be to look forward to?
im hyped for this ppv cuz where i live, there is only smackdown(they show raw after smackdown on fridays)

and we get ppvs.

this month we got summerslam for free and im REALLY hyped.

its gonna be like jeff vs punk in 2009 summerslam where undertaker comes back after the match or in the middle of the match attacking kane.
I put yes because I would order it if I had a t.v. but I don't. However I think there has been a decent build-up for Summer Slam and it could have been bigger had HHH and Taker not been injured. However everyone seems to be bitching about the Nexus angle still going on, but wait, doesn't everyone complain that feuds in WWE are too short and should last more than one PPV? And doesn't everyone scream at the top of their lungs they want young talent pushed and new people in the main event? Well the Nexus angles solves all those problems. It has been a good angle that has been built up for a while now, they are pushing the young guys in Nexus along with those on Cena's team, and there are new guys in the Main Event now. Nexus is the most interesting thing I've seen in WWE in a long time, and I don't see how it's gotten boring, it's just gotten good imo. As for not advertising the rest of the card as much, no one gives a shit about the U.S. Title or the IC Title. The mainstream fans aren't going to buy a PPV because a mid-card title is being hyped, their going to buy it because they want to see Cena's Team vs Nexus or Sheamus vs Orton. I think it will be a good PPV and if I had a T.V. and money I would order it.
This ppv may be good with only 5 matches. The last time a ppv had 5 matches was Bragging Rights and that happen to be a good ppv. The WWE can put more focus on the matches and make them better. Then you still have the Miz floating around, he might join Team Raw, he might end defending his title, he might cash in. You haft to factor that in.
I won't order this ppv for sure. I haven't ordered 1 actually since WM 25 where every match sucked except for HBK vs Undertaker which was truely phenominal. Beside's why pay $45 when I can just wait a couple months and watch the same ppv on WWE onDemand for $7.00
I believe people are being a bit harsh on this PPV, though i guess with the way the IWC treat the WWE its to be expected.

Anyway I think this PPV will be quite good and so far the card seams promising:
Sheamus v orton will be ok but nothing special. Rey mysterio will be good but also nothing special (i think undertaker will return in this match, The 7 on 7 i'm sure will be very good and the build has been brilliant.
The other matches seam ok as well. big show v SES will be ok i'm sure and the Diva's match could either be terrible or average at best-probably terrible though
there will probably be an intercontinental title match and US one, maybe tag team too.
They will probably add a
PPV's are as good anymore because there are too many of them. When there were just 4 or 5 a year, there was a lot of time to promote a rivalry, a lot of time to make you care about the matches that were coming up. I know Vince will never do it, but as long as there are 12 PPV's a year, they won't be as good
I believe people are being a bit harsh on this PPV, though i guess with the way the IWC treat the WWE its to be expected.

Anyway I think this PPV will be quite good and so far the card seams promising:
Sheamus v orton will be ok but nothing special. Rey mysterio will be good but also nothing special (i think undertaker will return in this match, The 7 on 7 i'm sure will be very good and the build has been brilliant.
The other matches seam ok as well. big show v SES will be ok i'm sure and the Diva's match could either be terrible or average at best-probably terrible though
there will probably be an intercontinental title match and US one, maybe tag team too.
So what if it has only 5 matches. Bragging Rights was awesome and that had 5 matches. It means WWE has more time to focus on the matches.
The exact number of matches on a card doesn't necessarily make a good ppv, it's the quality of the matches that takes place is what counts with me. When it comes to a match or ppv from either WWE or TNA, I'd rather see a couple of good matches than 8 or 9 mediocre ones.

The WWE Championship, World Heavyweight Championship & Team WWE vs. The Nexus were always going to be the focal point of SummerSlam. I know that we all have this ideal in which we'd love to see every aspect of any wrestling company get the right amount of focus and build, but that's not always how it's going to work realistically speaking. By the time the week is over, I expect to see Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler at SS in a rematch for the IC title, which would bring the total to 6. I'm even looking somewhat forward to the Divas Championship match. Melina & Alicia Fox actually had a pretty decent match on Raw last night, they're two women that can actually work pretty well in the ring. I'm not expecting some epic between them, but it should be pretty decent. Overall, I'm looking forward to 4 of the 5 matches currently announced, not too wild about the SES taking on The Big Show in a handicap match.

Team WWE vs. The Nexus overall has been the centerpiece of SummerSlam and anyone that says nobody cares about seeing obviously hasn't been paying any attention. The crowd has been hot for this feud for a while. The crowd last night went nuts and when the ratings for last night's show comes out, don't be at all surprised to read about a big increase for the main event. I know some people don't like to admit it, but The Nexus is drawing.
Wow, I must be in the Minority because I am looking forward to this summerslam. The Nexus is a Storyline that In my opinion is not even close to being done with, I don't know why everybody on here is bashing it, Because it's one of the most Interesting things that has happened on RAW in years, At least to me. Sure it's not the best Card we've ever seen, but since when does that really matter? There have been plenty of PPV's over the years that have had Terrible cards that Turned out to be Great PPV's, I'm willing to bet this will be one of those PPV's. Quit being Negative people, Show some OPTIMISM for a Change, Even though I know that's a hard concept for the IWC to grasp.
With less that 5 days to go and only what? 5 matches!!

What happened to the days where WWE had like a good 6 feuds going on at the same time and every match was getting hyped..

It seems like now a days WWE wants to focus on just 2 matches on every ppv card...What is wrong with the WWE these days??

For crying out loud, this is supposed to be one of the big four ppv's here..I mean they can't just throw matches on the card on Sunday, because it's Summer Slam, it deserves much more...It's beginning to look more like Fatal 4 Way this point...Only one match is really being hyped to the max..and its Nexus vs.s CENAtion team...Is this ppv worth ordering??

Do you think they will just throw some matches together on Sunday..if so, which ones...

I see them put on an Interconintal title match with Kofi getting his rematch, US title..maybe vs. Evan Bourne...the tag champs might also be defended!

I'm not saying they should add more matches though, i'm saying they should hype more of them...back in the days we had at least 6 matches announced 4 weeks before the event...and then they just build the feuds til the ppv comes..now its..as soon as the ppv ends, they quickly get the contenders for the WWE and World titles and focus on them and just forget about the others...



Not only is the card poorly booked, but they blew the main event the minute they had the Nexus guys running away from the WWE guys.

Leading up the the NWO vs. WCW matches Hall and Nash were booked as if they felt superior to the WCW guys.

Having Nexus flee is just stupid. This will end with a WWE guy turning or the Miz coming out to cost Raw the match since they didn't use him.

BTW, the WWF blows every PPV usually save WM for my money and even that is a toss up. The rumble at least used to have some unannounced names, now they pretty much tell you every one that will be there.
This ppv may be good with only 5 matches. The last time a ppv had 5 matches was Bragging Rights and that happen to be a good ppv. The WWE can put more focus on the matches and make them better. Then you still have the Miz floating around, he might join Team Raw, he might end defending his title, he might cash in. You haft to factor that in.

But think about it this way...the reason there was only 5 matches was because there was a 1-hour long iron man match...had that been a normal match, they would have added a few more matches...

So what if it has only 5 matches. Bragging Rights was awesome and that had 5 matches. It means WWE has more time to focus on the matches.

Same as above!!!
Do we ever really know how extensive any of these injuries are? Undertaker takes time off every year for a couple months at a time. HHH: I have not heard as to what extent his injuries really are. Just that he is out passed Summerslam.

The reason I ask is because, I am wondering what your thoughts on a returning Undertaker or HHH at Summerslam. Maybe someone gets injured <kayfab> and one of those two takes their place in the match. Something similar to what Cena did at the Royal Rumble a couple years ago. Didn't they do that with Edge too? Gotta imagine Shawn Michaels came back earlier than expected on more than one occasion.

Please tell me. Am I totally off base or does this all seem too obvious. And for now...obvious doesn't seem so bad, looking at what we have for a ppv so far.

Let the "douchebag", "fucking idiot", and "moron" comments begin.

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