WWE Divas Division

How would you handle the WWE Divas Division?

  • Try to improve it.

  • Bring back the Bra and Panties Era.

  • Eliminate it.

  • Keep it exactly the same.

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Thanks Rock, you're my favorite too
I think most of us can agree the Diva's Division isn't what we want out of women's wrestling. Lets do a little fantasy booking. If you were in charge of the women's division, what would you do?

- Try to improve the wrestling itself, returning the women's division to its glory days. (I consider this to be the Trish, Lita, Ivory, Jazz period) Bring in some women's wrestlers from over seas and from TNA, maybe even have matches that are over 45 seconds.

- Bring back the attitude era of women's matches. Valets, hair pulling and Bra and Panties matches. (Don't hold back now, if this is what you want don't be ashamed)

- Eliminate the division completely. Give those three minutes to male wrestlers and keep the women as eye candy.

- Keep everything as it is now. Short matches with a focus on Kelly, Natalya, and Beth, hope for the best when Kharma returns.

I really just want the word "Diva" eliminated. Its a stupid name and makes them all just seem like eye candy. Also, the title belt is ridiculous, these women are expected to work their ass off and have their ass handed to them every week for Barbies Dream Belt.
Simply put, Divas' Championship = Eye Candy ; Women's Championship = actual pro-wrestling

In order for their division to work again, or to put some prestige back, the company must invest time to train the "Divas" to actually produce a match worth seeing.

What made Lita and Trish and the rest of the women wrestlers in their era was that they actually wrestled. Lita took risks as a high flyer, Trish was really innovative with her moves. They actually did pro-wrestling.

Now we just have Natalie and Beth. Kelly Kelly is just idk... screaming?
Most people only go by what they see because they utilization of the female talent is worst than anything else and they don't see the full extent of the problem. The division has some relatively decent talent but the company doesn't do ANYTHING with it. There's no good storylines, it's booked badly a lot of the time, and the divas are lucky to collectively get up to 5 minutes of TV time a WEEK PERIOD. Although, the stuff the divas do on NXT, Superstars, and ppv's is actually pretty good, but most people don't watch the online stuff stuff so people the general consensus isn't going to change because there isn't any consistency. In conclusion, my general opinion is obvious that the division simply needs to be improved because I think in this day and age a main stream wrestling organization needs a solid female division.
Back in the day I do not ever remember Mollah or Wendy Richter or even Sherry doing bra and panties matches, they did matches, you have broom handles with hair doing nothing against people like beth and natalya, it is insulting to them to have this going on, all the ones who made women wrestling something are gone, Trish gone, Lita Gone, Mickey Jamies gone to TNA, Victoria gone to TNA, Gail Kim although never really seen much with her gone to TNA, Mellena let go among other wrestlers who had something gone.

Clearly the women can wrestle and put on decent matches if given the chance and train them to do it, but with the PG thing going on most of the stuff they were doing which was bra and panties matches can not be done so what else can they do, Eve is not to bad in the ring but people like allicia fox never seen anything with her, sorry but they can not do much when their hands are tied
- Try to improve the wrestling itself, returning the women's division to its glory days. (I consider this to be the Trish, Lita, Ivory, Jazz period) Bring in some women's wrestlers from over seas and from TNA, maybe even have matches that are over 45 seconds.

- Bring back the attitude era of women's matches. Valets, hair pulling and Bra and Panties matches. (Don't hold back now, if this is what you want don't be ashamed)

This two can be mixed together and incorporate it to the current women's division. And why the hell there are no votes in the Bra and Panties match?!? WTF. Divas ripping the hell out of each other is definitely without a doubt much better than what they are doing right now.
The women's division has fallen so far since 2004 (the year of the first Diva Search and the year they fired Jacqueline, Jazz, Gail Kim and Nidia) that it might not be salvagable. I'll give them one last chance when Kharma returns, but based on how poorly the Divas of Doom/Pin-Up Strong have been booked, it's clear WWE doesn't know/care what they're doing and the only solution may be to put the beast out of its misery. Let the women who can wrestle go to TNA or elsewhere (reportedly, ROH wants to start a women's division) and turn the eye candy into managers and valets.
From the Twin Towers of Trish and Lita (and a revolving-door supporting cast of Molly Holly, Victoria, Melina, Mickie James, Gail Kim, Beth Phoenix, etc.) to the twin pits of Beth Phoenix and Natalya, with Kharma nursing a baby bulge.

Pretty epic fall. (Thanks, Cap'n Understatement-of-the-Century.)

Now, it would be clear to anyone that nothing short of a miracle, and certainly not even the star power of femme indy great Kong or the reliving of Attitude-era mores (bra and panties matches ewwwwww), can salvage the Divas division... unless... the WWE rethinks its vision of the division as something more than Eye Candy Central.

It need not even be a realm of gloriously talented wrestlers; just a few talkers, a few more minutes of screen time, and an actual investment in worthwhile storylines (like LayCool - that's a good one, superbly executed, if a bit too late in the day) involving divas with a proven ability to draw attention to whatever they're doing.

Then you're in the way of rebuilding the division as anything other than 'roll my eyes, need bath break'.

Personally i am a huge diva fan, yes they are eye candy, model types and so forth, and yes some can actually wrestle, but from my standpoint what Vince should do to revitalize the diva division is spend money. You have all these indy promotions that actually make some type of money(there spending probably next to nothing, if you think about), then you have the knockout division with pretty good wrestlers, its actually the only reason i watch TNA, on youtube and what not but i watch it. So with all this said here is what Vince should do since he has his own network now.

Devote an hour time slot to start with, nothing but Divas. Hire a new creative team just for that show, he has money so go raid the indy promotions for their writers because some of there storylines are actually better than what we see with WWE and TNA. Now for the most important part, he need to be honest with himself(yeah right) the divas that cant wrestle and are pretty stick them with a wrestler as a valet i.e. rosa mendes, then with the others such as Beth, Nattie, Kharma, Maxine, Kaitlyn, AJ et. al. is your foundation then go and do what he does best hire talent from other promotions we heard sara del ray would love the opportunity to come to the WWE, go get her and several of her indy performers. Team them up with what you have listed above and then you have a show that will consistently outperform the crap of NXT and Superstars.

I get it wrestling is a man sport watched mostly by men and you have to have your token eye candy and squash match, but why not cater to the growing demographic of women viewers and men viewers who actually want to watch wrestling no matter if it is man or woman. Give me an hour show and i will watch it every week, as i know most of the people on this site would watch it, IF it contained wrestling. And no bra & panties matches are not wrestling but still would love to see them here and there.

As for the Golden Era of Trish and Lita, i loved them to death and wish they were still around, but i would dare say that the best era of wrestling were when we were too young or not born at all, Im 35 never seen moolah, seen medusa and what not but i would say there era is what i want mixed with attitude era.
I would do a number of things to improve it. Beth being the champion is a step in the right direction so I would keep the belt on her. They need to stop having Natalya job to all of Beth's challengers. It makes her look weak when she needs to be booked almost as strongly as Beth. Girls like Kelly or Eve can remain over due to their appearance. They do not need to be getting victories over Natalya all the time. Kharma will eventually come back and Taker could convince Michelle to return. Isn't Layla supposed to be back soon? I'd push her too. If they push the girls who can wrestle into the title scene while the others are not in title matches anymore, the division would improve significantly. The division has potential for improvement but if Kelly, The Bellas, or even Eve keep getting title matches then it will go down the drain regardless of who is the champion. Beth VS Natalya or Beth VS Kharma are feuds that I think can save the division.
I honestly think Kharma is the only thing that can save, or at least temporarily invigorate the Women's division in wrestling. Once all the good divas left (Trish, Lita, Victoria, etc.) it's like the rest couldn't stack up to the point where Vince just said F*** It. Think about it: when was the last time you've seen a women's rivalry last more than a month? Or the last time any divas other than Laycool had matches lasting longer than, say, 3 and a half minutes? Given the fact that Kharma, Beth, Nattie, and maybe (just maybe) Eve are the only divas that could hang with the likes of past women wrestlers in the E (like Jazz, Ivory, Lita, Trish, Jacqueline... hell, even as recently as Melina and Mickie James), only Kharma imo can spark interest in the Diva's division again based on her skills and the pure WOW factor of a huge woman moving like that.
As a person who loves the diva's and follows wrestling now because of the diva's, it pain's me to see the division like this. I can't remember the last time I have been this un-interested with the diva division as a whole.

At first I thought it was just because alot of my favorites left or got released last year(McCool/Melina/Maryse) or were injured in Layla's case, but after thinking long and hard that just isn't the case. In the wrestling biz you pick a favorite wrestler and love them, follow them, cheer them, ect...but the eventually leave for one reason or another and you end up picking a new favorite. Lita left, Melina became my favorite. Melina get's injured, Michelle became a favorite...so on and so fourth.

But the WWE has made it impossible to root for anyone. Kelly, Eve, and Alicia(my new favorite)are all improving, but they all lack any sort of direction or character. Over the summer they built up Kelly but never followed through. Then you have the Diva's of Pin Up Strong.....who are suppose to be strong and fearless, yet lose week after week...or are scared of Alicia Fox in 9 inch heels and a sun dress.

WWE has made it impossible to root for anyone. No real storyling or direction...no followin g through...not to mention you can root for people if they only get a minute of ring time or known at all. Rumors claim that WWE have stopped focusing on the girls because known of the stand out or are any goood(minus Pheonix/Natayla)but who's fault is that?

If they actually hired some good characters/ring performers, invested some time, and actually wrote for the girls people would get interested again. People(even die hard marks)were generally fans of Lita and Trish. People were at one time really pumped and interested in TNA's knockout division....so don't give me that BS about nobody caring about the girls anyway. Build them up, they will succeed. With 2 shows and a webshow you should be able to fit in at least 6-8 minutes of good, solid diva time.

In the end Vince, the WWE, and the writers just don't seem to care. It's the same way the Tag Team Division was for the longest time(and even the mid card division for a while)....they don't care and are going to do what they think is best. At least NXT and Maxine are keeping me entertained for the time being.
Adios bimbos. Nuff said.

Divas division is now a XXX soft-core porn covered by PG rating. More useless people than anything. You've got Beth, Nat and Kharma. Everyone else no business being in the ring. They had the right idea with Rosa. Stick to the managerial role. Don't have them in the ring. I can't stand them anymore. I used to LOVE the Divas division (and NOT because they were gorgeous mind you) because they were actually athletes. And no this isn't a rant about how crappy the product has become it is simply stating the fact. We've got a BARBIE rip off standing toe to toe with BETH!? That's like Gary Coleman trying to stand toe to toe with Arnold. The 2 aren't in the same league. And the WWE thinks this is a good match? What's next!? Bridget the Midget gorilla press slamming Kharma? If the WWE can't find a way to develop women wrestlers they may as well just have them as managers and I mean that sincerely. They have taken a division that actually HAD some respect and turned it into this soft-core XXX league.

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