WWE Conspiracy Solution- Jesse Ventura!


Championship Contender
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9v8LdpskfU (yes i dont know how the hell to do it)

I believe that Jesse Ventura should get involved with WWE one more time and it makes perfect sense.

Think about it. The first talk of conspiracies as it relates to Cena was when he pointed it out on Raw a year back or so. He promoted his show Conspiracy Theory then... and Season 3 is being filmed now and soon enough, maybe this Fall but definately before Mania, it should be on TV

You have Jesse come on Raw and SD! to promote his show while being revealed as The Raw GM or something, it doesnt HAVE to go down that way, but either way I do think Ventura should come back. What about you guys?

I mean the Raw GM still hasnt been revealed and this wouldnt be seen coming. And it makes sense.

Think if Jesse didnt like the conspiracy to keep Cena at the top so he helped a group of young guys from behind the scenes because he himself, and I believe it true to his mentality, wouldnt want to be seen on TV and in the spotlight but maybe something can happen that would require him to make an appearance for a short time.

Also I'm certain this thing has to end before Mania, so the whole thing could intertwine nicely.

I could even see Cena being the mastermind behind a conspiracy to keep himself losing and winning the title on and off maybe just to beat Flair's streak. And ego trip, but it doesnt have to be that way, just another thought.

And really at this point, it looks like the WWE is trying to get Cena to catch up to Kurt so that they can pull the gun on Flair's record before TNA gets a chance to with Kurt.

So maybe that could be it.

Maybe that could be another layer beyond just a Vince/HHH thing that is the reason why Nash was brought in for confusion. If there's one thing conspiracies have, is confusion, lots of it, with small facts and hidden truths etc. So maybe the stuff ppl talk about with there being a conspiracy is true, but as Ventura said, it ends up being about Cena. Even if Cena was unaware of it. Who knows, I just see an op to use Jesse one more time in this. Nash's involvement wasnt ever fully explained in any rational way anyhow. There's always room for more.

It's scrambled ideas, but I just mainly would like to see Ventura involved somehow maybe to follow up to that promo he did and put a stop to it, the Cena Conspiracy
No. Noe need to bring in ANOTHER legend to add into this story. Too many players are in it. Just let it play out, its going good. Now you add in the faction of wrestlers "suing" Triple H.
That would truly be an interesting scenario IMO. Both Miz and R-Truth have done a great job of using this angle as an advantage to them. Having Jesse Ventura leading them makes sense to me, b/c it would allow him to be on WWE TV again and cross promote his Conspiracy Theory show. For years, Ventura complained about there being a conspiracy in WWF/E, so using that in a storyline fits. Plus, if Vince returns, I'd like to see Ventura confront him about it. I know some don't want to see another legend on the show, but in this instance is common sense. He's the perfect catalyst to explore possible conspiracy theories within the WWE. It's not like the other legends, where they are overused and it rarely makes logical sense.
I actually like it for two reasons.

Jesse Ventura IS well known for his conspiracy theory show, and it'd be an easy and doable cross-promotion deal for them to work out.

Jesse Ventura is THE heel of the WWE. Nobody, and I mean nobody is more HEEL than Jesse "The Body" Ventura, that includes Stone Cold Steve Austin.

If there was a guy to bring credibility to both the conspiracy theory and to help get over some heels at the same time, Jesse Ventura is the guy. Plus as Bigpoppapunk pointed out, this has been an ongoing storyline between Jesse & Vince for 30 years. It could make for a great chapter in their semi-kayfabe feud (it's actually a simmering real feud that's been in place for years between the two but neither are all that heated about it IRL). To see Ventura come out and confront Vince (if it COULD come to that) about the conspiracy of holding down guys that weren't "popular" with the crowd (by that I mean face, not 'over') and have him endorse The Miz & R-Truth would be incredible.

The problem however is that I think there's just too many potholes in trying to accomplish this. There are a number of timing issues that I just don't think could be resolved effectively enough to fit into a feasible storyline.

But I do like the idea of using Jesse Ventura for this storyline. He's the poster boy (grandpa) for everything R-Truth and The Miz are going through today. And let's face it, if there's a guy outside of Steve Austin that knows how to stay credible, make multiple returns and continue his legacy the right way, it's Ventura.

When you look at old superstars, some guys lose all their credibility, Jake the Snake turned into a washed up old drunk, Hogan turned into a goofball that could barely walk, Ric Flair turned into a fat & flabby piece of crap, Hitman is a friggen stroke victim hobbling over some already downed wrestler to give the sharpshooter, like a sidekick that sticks his knife in an already dead monster and poses over the corpse. All of them try to hold on to their image of what they were in their prime, rather than evolve to the next stage of their career with dignity.

Jesse Ventura presents himself like The Godfather, as if yeah maybe you could hurt him, he's old and not the wrestler he used to be, but if you did something to him, someone, somewhere would make you regret it, and it'd be the last mistake you ever made. He commands respect where ever he goes, and if he were a figurehead for this conspiracy theory and got to feud with another high up in the company hierarchy, it could be amazing.
I might not be behind Jesse as the "Mastermind" or GM. But I loved his job hosting last year, so having him host again would be great.

Since it could promote his show, have him say that only HE can get to the bottom of this conspiracy. And then have "whoever" is involved block him a bit. Not a full giveaway to the plot, but add another 'hint'.
I don't like including Jesse Ventura in this angle, other than him coming on Raw as a one-time guest host and cross-promoting the conspiracy angle with his own show. Hell, do it on a Raw episode from Minnesota so that Ventura can have a bigger pop.

Ventura has been on WWE TV in the past, so it seems like a logical step. But I wouldn't want Ventura as a regular character, or even a Bret Hart-style reoccurring character.
Including "The Body" with the conspiracy angle would never work. The WWE fans don't know who he is. The WWF fans stopped watching a while ago. The "tweener" fans could care less if he hobbled his granite chin into the ring.

Bringing a legend back 9 times out of 10 for Vince means them having some sort of physical altercation in ring. No matter how small that may be (see Hitmans lack of involvement) but it is still some. Problem is there is very few "Sports Entertainers" able to carry a man like that for a match or at least sell a quick few spots.

So while the idea is nice, the chances of him showing up & forwarding the story seem slim.
I could even see Cena being the mastermind behind a conspiracy to keep himself losing and winning the title on and off maybe just to beat Flair's streak. And ego trip, but it doesnt have to be that way, just another thought.

And really at this point, it looks like the WWE is trying to get Cena to catch up to Kurt so that they can pull the gun on Flair's record before TNA gets a chance to with Kurt.

So maybe that could be it.

Your posts usually include a healthy amount of ******, but I knew by reaching this point that you'd gone into the uncanny valley of stupid. Fucking really? First of all, I will never get why some of you idiots care so much about Flair's record (not a streak, dummy). It's a fucking number. It's not a representation of what Flair means to wrestling in the least. Second of all, who cares if Kurt or Cena surpass that record? TNA seems like the only place between the two to make any big deal out of the record anyway, WWE knows they don't really need to make a bid deal out of it. Finally, WWE couldn't give a fuck about TNA at this point, and rightly so. Their focus should be on their product, not on taking petty shots at Dixie.

Maybe that could be another layer beyond just a Vince/HHH thing that is the reason why Nash was brought in for confusion. If there's one thing conspiracies have, is confusion, lots of it, with small facts and hidden truths etc. So maybe the stuff ppl talk about with there being a conspiracy is true, but as Ventura said, it ends up being about Cena. Even if Cena was unaware of it. Who knows, I just see an op to use Jesse one more time in this. Nash's involvement wasnt ever fully explained in any rational way anyhow. There's always room for more.

Spoken like a true imbecile; "things liek this r liek prety confusioning, so liek I tink it maek sence cause liek it be um confusioning!". No. Just no. It doesn't make any sense, and that doesn't somehow make it work. I think the angle they played up around then, with Carlito getting involved in little ways, had some potential then but was dropped and repackaged for R-Truth and Miz later on. They are doing just fine with it now. Why bring in Jesse Ventura again? That makes no sense and most importantly isn't necessary or any bit of a draw at all. Face the facts; most fans now don't give a shit about Jesse and they don't have the buzz of him being a governor to build off of like they did in the 90's. I'm sorry if you can't follow why Nash was involved; maybe you should ask your mommy to explain it to you.

It's scrambled ideas

And shitty. But hey, "C-" for effort I guess.
I don't like including Jesse Ventura in this angle, other than him coming on Raw as a one-time guest host and cross-promoting the conspiracy angle with his own show. Hell, do it on a Raw episode from Minnesota so that Ventura can have a bigger pop.

Ventura has been on WWE TV in the past, so it seems like a logical step. But I wouldn't want Ventura as a regular character, or even a Bret Hart-style reoccurring character.

I have to agree, Ventura would be the perfect candidate for the conspiracy angle with Miz and R-Truth, but it would only work specifically for that and not as a regular character. The only ways I could see him as a regular character is either as a manager or color commentator, both of which are unlikely. While I always found his heel persona to be ground breaking for his era, I doubt he'd return as a regular on RAW.

I also agree that he'd be great as guest host again to cross promote his Conspiracy Theory show. Plus, using him to confront those involved in the conspiracy would be good TV moments. If any legend can make a storyline like this make more sense or get over big time, it would have to be "The Body".
i think it be awesome it would be fresh bc whenever theres a conspiracy or something its always hot rod coming there to host pipers pip. Im kinda bored with piper and i dont remember ventura last year and would love to see him get involved. Just imagine him coming back and the look on peoples faces. I could see miz and r-truth going to him for help, like r-truth would say that he knows ventura has always said there was a conspiracy in the wwe and that they have proof and wants ventura to help prove it. This sounds something like cm punk would like, plus if u have anyone that could match wits with punk its jesse "the body" ventura.
Wow, I definitely have to say this is one of the more original, fantasy-booking ideas I've read in a long time. I might be biased, because Jesse, along with Gorilla, were probably the best duo [save for the Brain and Gorilla] we've ever seen behind the booth. Maybe this could be a good way to get him back, if nothing else, than for a one-night-only appearance behind the desk.

Furthermore I think that your idea has some clout to it just because of his consipiracy theory show. Also, if you look at the guys who are "future-endeavoured" you have The Miz and R-Truth both of which are primadonna characters, moreso The Miz than R-Truth obviously, but I don't think that's something that's out of reach for Truth. Could be a cool angle where Jesse leads the young guys up and mentors them into future "Bodies"
DirtyJosé;3449936 said:
Your posts usually include a healthy amount of ******, but I knew by reaching this point that you'd gone into the uncanny valley of stupid. Fucking really? First of all, I will never get why some of you idiots care so much about Flair's record (not a streak, dummy). It's a fucking number. It's not a representation of what Flair means to wrestling in the least. Second of all, who cares if Kurt or Cena surpass that record? TNA seems like the only place between the two to make any big deal out of the record anyway, WWE knows they don't really need to make a bid deal out of it. Finally, WWE couldn't give a fuck about TNA at this point, and rightly so. Their focus should be on their product, not on taking petty shots at Dixie.

Spoken like a true imbecile; "things liek this r liek prety confusioning, so liek I tink it maek sence cause liek it be um confusioning!". No. Just no. It doesn't make any sense, and that doesn't somehow make it work. I think the angle they played up around then, with Carlito getting involved in little ways, had some potential then but was dropped and repackaged for R-Truth and Miz later on. They are doing just fine with it now. Why bring in Jesse Ventura again? That makes no sense and most importantly isn't necessary or any bit of a draw at all. Face the facts; most fans now don't give a shit about Jesse and they don't have the buzz of him being a governor to build off of like they did in the 90's. I'm sorry if you can't follow why Nash was involved; maybe you should ask your mommy to explain it to you.

And shitty. But hey, "C-" for effort I guess.

Well I only expect you to bash every and anything, you are the typical essence of the IWC.

I guess somehow to you, saying it wont work means it wont. I'm sure a lot you thought wouldnt be good in wrestling has surprised you at some point, stop acting as if you know whats best for any given situation like Madden or go run your own company and let's see how it does.

Ventura fits, it doesnt have to be a role where he's on the road, it could, however be a thing where he has a few live appearances and some pretaped stuff, again he wouldnt want to steal the spotlight and that's why he's perfect for this, he wouldnt want or need to be on camera like that live

Also you bash senselessly, any good conspiracy has a lot of mixed info and occurances hiding the true essence of it, and leaving those who would investigate baffled, it's how TV's suppose to be jackass.

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