WWE.com's Top 20 WCW Matches


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Oh just.....no.

20. Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Nitro, April 26, 1999)
19. Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero (Uncensored 1997)
18. Big Van Vader vs. Cactus Jack (Halloween Havoc 1993)
17. 3 Count vs. Jung Dragons (New Blood Rising 2000)
16. Diamond Dallas Page vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage (Spring Stampede 1997)
15. Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne vs. Nasty Boys (Spring Stampede 1994)
14. Rey Mysterio vs. Dean Malenko (Great American Bash 1996)
13. Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan (Bash at the Beach 1994)
12. Steiner Brothers vs. Sting & Lex Luger (SuperBrawl 1991)
11. Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude (Beach Blast 1992)
10. Brian Pillman vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger (SuperBrawl II)
9. "Stunning" Steve Austin vs. Ricky Steamboat (Bash at the Beach 1994)
8. Sting's Squadron vs. Dangerous Alliance (WrestleWar 1992)
7. Ric Flair vs. Big Van Vader (Starrcade 1993)
6. Rey Mysterio vs. Ultimo Dragon (World War 3 1996)
5. Ric Flair vs. Sting (Clash of Champions XXVII).
4. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero (Halloween Havoc 1997)
3. Goldberg vs. Diamond Dallas Page (Halloween Havoc 1998)
2. Ric Flair vs. Sting (Great American Bash 1990)
1. Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat (Clash of the Champions VI in 1989)

1. I liked the Chi-Town Rumble match better than COTC 6.

2. The 1990 GAB match is MAYBE Sting vs. Flair's third best match if you're VERY generous.

3. No Sting vs. Vader (any of them would do).

4. No Magnum vs. Tully.

5. Mysterio vs. Guerrero had an argument to have been match of the year over HIAC and the I Quit match from Mania 13 but it's not even better than Goldberg vs. Page? No. No way.

This is one of the most questionable lists WWE.com has ever come up with and I have no idea how they think this is correct. Thoughts on the list? Remember: Simply listing matches is considered spam and will be penalized accordingly.
Magnum TA never wrestled Tully Blanchard under the WCW banner. Depending on you want to date it, the earliest you could call WCW WCW was 1988 when Turner took over control from Crockett.

As to the Steamboat/Flair series, if you read the article they actually say it is a tie and they are picking all three instead of picking one.

I do agree with you that it is hard to believe that Vader v Sting didn't make the list.

Still, it's a fun list and if anyone wants to go catch some WCW matches to see what it was like that's a pretty good list. I was glad to see Maxx and Cactus vs The Nastys make that list as that was a really good match and can highlight that The Nastys were a really fun tag team.

I do think that Jung Dragons vs 3 Count is highly overrated and would have picked any number of cruiserweight contests over it, but it was, again, a fun match.

WCW has lots of underrated gems. Sting vs Meng throughout the 90s always produced a really good bout.
-IMO Flair/Steamboat Chi-Town Rumble greatest match of all-time
-I am not sure if the following matches were under JCP but Windham/Sting and Windham/Rhodes were great matches when Windham was the US Champion
-Goldberg/DDP was a decent match but because of bad timing didn't WCW have to return millions of dollars to PPV customers because when the match started the PPV went off the air. Clearly that was the final nail that began the demise of WCW
I know it's a taboo to say Chris Benoit but I thought his match with Bret Hart in the Owen Hart Tribute Match on Nitro deserves to be there. You could tell the match was an emotional one and these two really showcased the very best of their ability to salute Owen Hart. Yeah know even they don't even have to say Chris Benoit just call it the Owen Hart Tribute Match.
I am always amazed at just how much WWF/E puts over Sting. He is the one thing (the only thing perhaps) that WWF/E doesn't bash about WCW. As for the list itself- it's pretty good. All the matches that were on there were good, but like everyone else I am wondering why there are no Sting Vs Vader matches on there. Sting Vs Vader was always 5 star material.

Magnum Vs Tully was the NWA era. There is a difference.

WWF/E will never list Benoit on any list. I am amazed that he is still on heir list of World Champions.

Um... did someone seriously mention Goldberg in this thread? Um, Goldberg... really?
This list suffers from the same complication that comes about in all WWE lists: politics. There are too many great WCW matches that are missing from this list, a mistake made in an effort to cash in on the few names that today's WWE fanbase would recognize. WWE lists are made to create web traffic and nothing more. In fact, these questionable picks may very well have been made to precisely draw our ire in an effort to create the buzz necessary to make the column a hit. At the end of it all, we know what the best WCW matches were and who wrestled them and eventually, so will a large amount of the WWE exclusives who read it, because they will eventually explore the history of WCW on their own and make up their own mind.
This list doesn't have the six man at Bash at the Beach.

I want everyone to consider that for a second. Arguably the most important match in the history of WCW, the ignition to the NWO, and perhaps the Attitude Era.... And it isn't even here. I get where they're going, they mean "workrate" and bullshit like that. That match is the best match in the history of WCW.

I don't even have a haiku today. No haiku for this bullshit
I agree with whoever said the Flair vs Funk I quit match. GREAT match. I can't argue against Flair vs Steamboat because they were all great matches. I don't think Goldberg vs DDP belongs on that list. I can't think of one Goldberg match where he wrestled well enough to be top 10 on any greatest matches list.

I don't think it's a bad list, it's a list to piss some off while getting others to reminisce. It gets people talking which it seems to be doing. I don't have a problem with it because opinions are like assholes...you know the rest.
This list doesn't have the six man at Bash at the Beach.

I want everyone to consider that for a second. Arguably the most important match in the history of WCW, the ignition to the NWO, and perhaps the Attitude Era.... And it isn't even here. I get where they're going, they mean "workrate" and bullshit like that. That match is the best match in the history of WCW.

I don't even have a haiku today. No haiku for this bullshit
Probably because that match sucked a dead mans balls. Yes it was important but this isn't the 20 most important matches in WCW history.
I have no problem with Goldberg vs DDP making the list. Were you a WCW fan when that match aired? That is one of the few matches that Goldberg ever had that was good. It even got praise from work rate fans. They busted their butts out their and put on a really physical match.
Probably because that match sucked a dead mans balls. Yes it was important but this isn't the 20 most important matches in WCW history.

I've already concluded that you have no clue about wrestling, so this is fruitless, and I'll stop proving you a moron after this; but this a list of the top 20 matches of WCW's history. And you mean to tell me that watching 3 Count and the Jung Dragons is better than that match?

Sod off with that; it was a perfect match that told the perfect story. The end angle overshadowed all of the match, which it was going to, but it was the perfect way to build this invading force, kept fans into the match the whole time.

Oh, and where was that whole Hogan turn thing, too. But no, you're right, Jung Dragons and 3 Count was clearly better
I've already concluded that you have no clue about wrestling, so this is fruitless, and I'll stop proving you a moron after this; but this a list of the top 20 matches of WCW's history. And you mean to tell me that watching 3 Count and the Jung Dragons is better than that match?

Sod off with that; it was a perfect match that told the perfect story. The end angle overshadowed all of the match, which it was going to, but it was the perfect way to build this invading force, kept fans into the match the whole time.

Oh, and where was that whole Hogan turn thing, too. But no, you're right, Jung Dragons and 3 Count was clearly better
You know what sir, past banter aside (and yes you may dislike me, but I have enjoyed debating) I agree with what you said 100 percent. While the Jung Dragons match was good this one was better. We need to go beyond workrate too as this match told a story and it was done to perfection. I still get chills. That entire PPV and the one prior was great. Too bad about politics as Benoit v. Sullivan at the GAB was a classic. Sting and Regal also put on quite a show. Shit, the entire Spring/Summer 96 was perfection in WCW.

I think he mentioned DDP v. Goldberg. I thought it was a great match. Goldberg certainly had limitations but if you go back and watch his matches, they are not that bad and he had some moves. A bit stiff and green, but solid nonetheless.
I would personally say the only Goldberg match that could even come close to cracking the top 20 would be Goldberg vs Scott Steiner from Fall Brawl 2000. Those two went at each other with a force few could (or would) use in wrestling. It was the last great match I saw in WCW and, to me, deserves a place in the top 20.

If you're going to have a DDP match in there then one of his PPV triple threats with Raven and Benoit (I believe) from 1999 or his real career breakthrough matches with Savage in 1997 deserve a mention.

Yeah, this list is all over the shop.
I am not sure if it was mentioned but Malenko v. Mysterio at Havoc 96. Also, the Benoit v. Sting match in Sept. 99 and his match against Hart the following month were classics. There are also numerous awesome Cruiserweight, Luchadore matches from Nitro and Thunder. Ten plus minute classics.
This is way to subjective a question man. Its like someone picking their favorite 20 songs. How the hell do you know you aren't forgetting one or I don't know a 100? I personally always thought the actual wrestling was way better in WcW than WWF and could make a top 20 out of CW matches alone. But then like the argument/debate above with Jung Dragons VS Bash at the Beach, what style of wrestling you prefers matters, importance matters, performance matters, crowd atmosphere matters(no beating Bash on that one), who your personal favorite wrestlers are matters, what the first amazing match you ever saw was matters so unless there's a vote there can be no consensus.

As far as I'm concerned though, Rey Mysterio VS Dean Malenko wrestling outside the night after Hogan turned, Hogan VS Goldberg for the Title on Nitro, Hogan VS The Giant for the Title right after Hogan turned heel, which is freakin amazing just listening to Bobby Heenan and Tony Schiavone selling Hogan as a bad guy, not to mention seeing Hogan embrace it so well.
The fact that they discounted some matches because they had problems with the stars in them kind of make this a bullshit list.

I don't have a major problem with the majority of the matches though I would probably put the Malenko/Mysterio match a bit higher, and drop that Goldberg/DDP match further into the 15-18 range.

Benoit/Hart should have been somewhere in there for their Owen tribute match, which was a wrestling classic. Also any number of Raven/Benoit matches could have been on there.
I have no problem with Goldberg vs DDP making the list. Were you a WCW fan when that match aired? That is one of the few matches that Goldberg ever had that was good. It even got praise from work rate fans. They busted their butts out their and put on a really physical match.

Of course I was a fan at the time! I have been watching WCW/NWA since 1982! Yes, I admit that it was a good match, but in no way shape or form was it a top 20 match. WCW had too many better matches than that one. Too be honest WCW probably had at least 1,000 matches that were better. This should not be a most important match list (which it is somewhat) it should be a best of list... which it kind of is.
It`s sad because great technicians like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels get so much credit for their in ring skills in WWE restrospective as they should but I don`t think the skills and matches of the likes of Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero are held in that high esteem and it`s a shame. This Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero match from Halloween Havoc 1997 was phenomenal , I applaud WWE for their placement of the match. WCW definitely had great technical exciting wrestling. A lot of the WWF guys in the past moved and looked like action figures they had back in the day. Muscular big and methodical. Although that look was great for interviews and showmanship it didn`t always translate into great matches. Perhaps it`s because I grew up watching WWF but if I had to watch the top 20 WWF-WWE matches or the top 20 WCW matches I would rather watch the WCW ones because they were faster paced, athletic and more technically sound as a whole.
First match: Flair vs Windham from 87 this should have been match of the year yes over Macho Man vs Steamboat. Windham was a very underrated techinal wrestler. To be his size and move like he did was great. Flair was as good as ever during that match. Check out Flair's first collection from WWE it's on there.
2nd match: Ric Flair vs Funk 89 I Quit. The match told a great story, Funk sold moves great and Flair did what he had to to win even though he was the good guy.
3rd match: Tully vs Magnum TA I Quit. This match was brutual and was worked so great by both. Blood flow and both still worked great. This was the match that put both on the map. Tully as the 2nd best heel behind Flair and Magnum showed he was ready to challenge Flair for the title.
They got #1 correct. 2 should have been Tully/Magnum, 3 Flair/ Sting clash first time they faced 87 I believe, 4th Flair/Windham.
The list is hard to gauge because of when you draw the line between when the NWA ended the company and assets functioned entirely on their own as WCW. Officially Turner Broadcasting took control from Jim Crockett Promotions in Dec 1988. However, the lose association with other smaller promotions (already being phased out by Crockett at the end of his tenure) continued and the company, assets, etc still operated as the NWA through all of 1989-90. The actual re christening and re branding of the company as WCW doesnt start till Jan 91 following Ric Flair's title win over Sting.

It seems here that WWE is going back to 1989, the first year Turner owned and operated the company even though it was still known as NWA. Still, while that makes the Flair-Steamboat Trilogy eligible for inclusion it excludes all the great matches from the NWA during The Crockett years since Magnum TA vs Tully Blanchard, Flair vs Dusty, Flair vs Barry Whyndam, Rock & Roll Express vs Midnite Express, Road Warriors vs Midnite Express, Sting vs Flair (88 Clash of Champions), Piper vs Valentine, Magnum vs Nikita Kolloff, etc.

This list seems to be an attempt to combine really big event matches with more entertaining bouts. The two dont always go hand in hand. For example, Flair vs Hogan at Bash 94 was a good match and had historical significance, personally I thought their wild re match at Clash of Champions (Aug 94) was better, as well as their Aug 96 Clash tilt when Hogan was a heel fresh off his NWO turn and Flair was a fan fave, their first battle in such roles. And none of these were as good as Flair's match on Nitro vs Eddie Guerrero (May 96) or Brett Hart (Souled Out 99).

I am surprised Sting vs Vader gets no mention, that was a major feud. Also missing was Ron Simmons World Title win, the 1st African American to win the title. Im sure WWE didnt want this to turn into a "Best of Flair" collection either although Flair vs Funk is a strong candidate. Several posters have mentione the I Quit Match which was impressive since TV censors re stricted the use of blood, weapons, etc beforehand (taking away much of the impact of a match that only ends when one guy beats his opponent into submission) but Im partial to their Great Am Bash 89 bout, a good mix of technical wrestling and brawling, with branding irons, outside interferrence, several near falls, the specter of Flair's career threatening neck injury, and one of the greatest port match brawls in wrestling history.

Finally, Goldberg should have at least one mention. My pick would be his title win vs Hogan but his Halloween Havoc 98 title defense vs DDP may have been his best match.

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