WWE.com's 20 Greatest Physiques


The WWE does a fair amount of these lists ranking "the greatest" wrestlers in various different categories. The lists are subject to debate and they're usually fun talking about. We often talk about guys who have great looks and great builds, so this list highlights some of them. I have to say that there were several surprises on WWE's list that I certainly didn't expect:

1. Ravishing Rick Rude
2. John Cena
3. Triple H
4. The Rock
5. Lex Luger
6. David Otunga
7. Soulman Rocky Johnson
8. Batista
9. Goldberg
10. Brock Lesnar
11. R-Truth
12. Mr. McMahon
13. Sailor Art Thomas
14. Superfly Jimmy Snuka
15. Cody Rhodes
16. Beth Phoenix
17. Shelton Benjamin
18. Antonio Rocca
19. Dolph Ziggler
20. Lance Storm

There are a lot on the list that I think would qualify for the top physiques for anyone's list. While David Otunga hasn't accomplished much as a wrestler, he does have a tremendous physique by bodybuilder standards. Still, I wouldn't put him that high. I'd put Lex Luger higher, possibly #2. He just had a great mix of size, definition and symetry. I agree with Rude being #1. I think Cena is a little too high on the list. He's a great build but he's fairly "soft" when it comes to definition when compared to guys like Rude, Luger, Triple H, Otunga and some others. I think Batista should've been higher on the list as should Brock Lesnar. It might seem laughable to put Vince on there but it's not really when you think about it. Back in the glory days of the Mr. McMahon character, Vince was well into his 50s when he was out there doing his thing and he had a great build. I'm surprised to see guys like Benjamin & Storm on the list at all. I don't really see what was so great about Antonio Rocca's build. It's downright odd seeing Beth Phoenix on this list. I'm not sure if she should be flattered or insulted quite frankly. She's very muscular for a woman but she hasn't gone over the top ape shit like female bodybuilders do either. I'm very surprised to see R-Truth as high as #11. The Ultimate Warrior should be somewhere on that list as should Scott Steiner. They were both 'roid freaks but so were Luger, Rude and Snuka.
Im surprised at this list as well i mean R-Truth # 11 and Ultimate Warrior, Scott Steiner, or even freakin Chris Masters not being on the list is down right insane..... And if they did want to put a female in there no better choice than freaking Chyna, like get outta here with this list really, i agree with Roode, Cena, and Rocks spot, flip Luger and H.H.H, and they also forgot about The British Bulldog, like come on with this i need to workk for WWE when it comes to this list, I would atleast make more realistic lists as i tend to not agree with most of there lists on there.....
It's just another dumb E list. I'm not putting much stock into it. It's odd that Beth would be on over Chyna. But that's the politics of the WWE. Don't want the kiddies Googling Chyna these days.
No John Morrison? You know you go years and years avoiding carbs and this is the thanks you get.

I suppose to physiques are subjective, but i have much more admiration for the low fat, cut, guys like Rude and JoMo than i do for Bastista or The Warrior.

Cena # 2- Jesus on a unicycle, the WWE is ridiculous. There is a certain point where stuff like this just makes you laugh. Its like the WWE is trying to convince people the earth is really flat. No matter what the science, no matter what the facts, no matter what is the truth, the WWE sticks to their ideas.
It's obvious the list was done in the name of politics. Where is Superstar Billy Grahamn? While he might not be the first wrestler with a chiseled physique, he was the mostinspirational. What about Ivan Putski? He was a pretty short guy, but he had a great body as well as Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff.

Politics man...
Suprised Tony Atlas is not on here.

My only guess as to why Scott Steiner isn't on here would be that while he had a hell of a body on him, it looked gross too. The guy had veins popping out all over him and his muscles were growing muscles of their own. If this is the reason he's not on here, I don't blame the WWE, it wasn't a sight to look at & be in awe of all the time.



Looks like he's got two sets of boobs on each arm, in the second picture.
Where's Chris Masters, the masterpiece himself. What about Scott Steiner, Ken Shamrock or Bobby Lashley? Maybe it has something to do with their tenures in TNA. Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, and R-Truth have good physiques but I don't think their even in the top 25. I'm also surprised Hulk Hogan isn't on this list.
No Chris Masters? Watch raw from like 5/6 years ago and Masters is constantly billed as having one of the best wrestling physiques. But now he ever existed. OK then

No JoMo mention & no Steiner? That's strange. Lack of Bobby Lashley is also sort of surprising.

Didn't expect to see Shelton Benjamin there. And Beth is absolutely gorgeous so I don't see her inclusion as an insult at all. It should be taken as a compliment imo
Seems like The British Bulldog, Test, Masters and Steiner were left off due to roids and not wanting to hurt Linda's Senate run, and Benoit for obvious reasons. But Rude should have been #1 as he probably had the best physique in the history of the WWE. But Cody Rhodes, COME ON!!! There are people more deserving then Cody, like Ahmed Johnson, Bobby Lashley, and John Morrison. Thy have far better builds then Cody does.
No Hogan either? Appears to be straight politics. Lance Storm? Not to say I could get the body he had, but he is pretty much what I expect the average wrestler to look like IMO. And I have no idea why Rhodes is on the list
Cena # 2- Jesus on a unicycle, the WWE is ridiculous. There is a certain point where stuff like this just makes you laugh. Its like the WWE is trying to convince people the earth is really flat. No matter what the science, no matter what the facts, no matter what is the truth, the WWE sticks to their ideas.

That pretty much sums it up Cena is going to be on top of these WWE lists for a very long time even though the placing is questionable. I remember when the "FU" was considered as the most devastating finishing move of all time by WWE Magazine.

uberoffpeter said:
Seems like The British Bulldog, Test, Masters and Steiner were left off due to roids and not wanting to hurt Linda's Senate run, and Benoit for obvious reasons. But Rude should have been #1 as he probably had the best physique in the history of the WWE.

But wasn't Rick Rude's early passing also had to do with some substance he took when he was younger? If I recall he died due to heart related reason which is the "officall" cause of death for most wrestlers that were involved in drugs esp steroids.

I would like the question of adding The Rock though, wasn't he pretty flabby for most of his attitude era career? I remember when Cena did a rap about The Rock operating his boobies because he had some operation in his chest to reduce the fat, if I am not mistaken.

Also Orton deserves to be in the list. Your average person is probably going to want Orton body more than Cena, Triple H, or Batista since it's so lean and defined.
So Rick Rude is #1 but Paul Orndorff isn’t even on the list? Rude came into the WWF and immediately started a rivalry with Orndorff over who had the better physique. I would think that would suggest they were close enough where Orndorff could make the top 20 if Rude is #1. What about The Ultimate Warrior. His feud with Rude began with Warrior winning a pose down at the 1989 Royal Rumble. Both Warrior and Orndorff should be among the top 20.

And who in the blue hell is Sailor Art Thomas?
Goldberg was big but didn't have 'physique' per se. The same goes for Hogan.

To leave the likes of JoMo off is just plain stupid. Steiner was built, but really was a steroid on top of a steroid, so I'm actually ok with him being left off. Chris Masters is kind of the same as Steiner, but at least his entire gimmick was his physique, so it's idiotic to not include him.

Lesnar is puffy and shouldn't be on there.

Warrior should have been on the list, as should Macho Man. I'm good with Truth being there as well as Storm. Ken Shamrock should have been included as well; the guy was beast.
LOL @ Cody Rhodes being on that list. Is this some kind of joke? R-Truth, Beth, Vince, Storm etc are some odd choices. Scott Steiner, Bulldog, Warrior, Hogan, Orndorff etc all should be on this list. Even guys like Ezkiel Jackson and Chris Masters should be above some of these guys.

I think its mandatory that Triple H has to be in the top 5 in every WWE list. :lmao:
Previous posters have listed some good names that should have made the list. But seriously, how in the hell is Kurt Angle missing from this list? Also, I think that Bobby Lashley should be put on the list as well.
You know I'm gonna sound like a real bitch here but with no Tony Atlas this is a bad list. The accolades that that man has should put him in the top 5 easy.

I am glad some of the oldies are recognized here.Sailor Art Thomas was a beast. and I am damn proud that Rude is on top of that list.
It's obviously not the correct list, these WWE approved lists never are.

Chris Masters, Bobby Lashley, The Ultimate Warrior and British Bulldog should all certainly be on that list, I am actually shocked that Master's isnt number one, but its likely WWE are trying to avoid putting anyone on there who is a blatant steroid abuser, which is probably the reason that guys like the ones mentioned, plus Scott Steiner and Hulk Hogan aren't on it.

Rude is probably a worthy winner, those abs are incredible and he isn't grotesquely big like Warrior or Steiner. I'm surprised Lesnar is only at number 10, and that HHH and Cena are so high. It's also weird seeing Beth Pheonix on there, as Chyna was much more impressive body-wise but she was never going to be included following her move into adult movies.

But seriously...where in the hell is John Morrison? Did he leave WWE on bad terms or something? As he had one of the best bodies I have ever seen and was a certainty for this list in my mind. Finally, it was good to see Lance Storm on there, a notoriously steroid-free wrestler, Storm had an amazing body.
But seriously...where in the hell is John Morrison? Did he leave WWE on bad terms or something? As he had one of the best bodies I have ever seen and was a certainty for this list in my mind. Finally, it was good to see Lance Storm on there, a notoriously steroid-free wrestler, Storm had an amazing body.

Damn yes on both parts. Morrison= Dem abs. Storm did it through hard work. I was never a huge fan of him as an overall wrestler but he had a good look.

I like Truth on the list, he is 40 and still looks good, and it isn't in that gross Scott Steiner way, but #11 seems high.

There is one glaring omission though.

Why the hell is Randy Orton not up there?!?!?!?! I just can't get it... The man has a tremendous physique since his debut. Every single muscle in his body is sooo well defined. I'd prefer to have a body like him and not even a single 'wrestler' on this list can change my mind.
That pretty much sums it up Cena is going to be on top of these WWE lists for a very long time even though the placing is questionable. I remember when the "FU" was considered as the most devastating finishing move of all time by WWE Magazine.

But wasn't Rick Rude's early passing also had to do with some substance he took when he was younger? If I recall he died due to heart related reason which is the "officall" cause of death for most wrestlers that were involved in drugs esp steroids.

I would like the question of adding The Rock though, wasn't he pretty flabby for most of his attitude era career? I remember when Cena did a rap about The Rock operating his boobies because he had some operation in his chest to reduce the fat, if I am not mistaken.

Also Orton deserves to be in the list. Your average person is probably going to want Orton body more than Cena, Triple H, or Batista since it's so lean and defined.

Well yes and no! He admitted later in life he used steroids BUT his autopsy said he died from mixed meds, but those meds were never listed. But remember back in the 80's and 90's it wasn't a big deal. It started to become a big deal when the news picked up the early deaths of wrestlers and roids. FYI VKM (as well as HHH) was doing roids also and he made the list. It's more the controversial former wrestlers didn't! And also Orton is a 2 plus time failure. Two times officially but many have said that he's failed many more but was given the "injured" cover story and couldn't wrestle.

LOL there is NO WAY IN HELL Big Poppa Pump will EVER make a WWE list of anything. He HATES VKM and HHH and openly rips them. Unfortunately all the things he's ever said about them, Flair, and Hogan have all turned out to be true.
No Dino Bravo? No Ivan Putski? Ken Patera? Superstar Billy Graham? What the hell is that? Does this list exclude wrestlers who were on 'roids? Guess not, if Superfly Jimmy Snuka and half the other guys are on it.
Chris Benoit shoulod be on the list. I understand why he isnt, but the guy was pure muscle and ripped. He was like rocky bolboa 220 pounds of pure muscle. Guy was like iron. There is a reason he was called the crippler and earned massive respect. The guy was ripped and tough as nails.

Also, Thiple H when he was abusing roids should be on the list. He was ripped a couple times throughout his career. Remember the HHH vs steiner flexing contest? Jesus christ both were ripped.
It's just another list from the E.. There are a few surprises, when I read the title I was wondering where they were going to put Rick Rude, and deservingly, he is #1

A few names, e.g. Masters, Hogan, Steiner are not there? GOnly Vince knows why.. and I'm surprised, no Randy Orton?
So Rick Rude is #1 but Paul Orndorff isn’t even on the list? Rude came into the WWF and immediately started a rivalry with Orndorff over who had the better physique. I would think that would suggest they were close enough where Orndorff could make the top 20 if Rude is #1. What about The Ultimate Warrior. His feud with Rude began with Warrior winning a pose down at the 1989 Royal Rumble. Both Warrior and Orndorff should be among the top 20.

And who in the blue hell is Sailor Art Thomas?

Yeah no Orndorff is ridiculous.

Sailor Art Thomas wrestled from the 40's to early 80's, and was one of the first African-American pro wrestlers. He was a pretty big deal in the 60's, and was also a bodybuilder. Kinda surprising they'd include someone so obscure to today's generation, but still a nice nod to the past.

Surprised Hulk Hogan didn't make the list. For awhile there he was pretty jacked up, not to mention on a poster in every boy's room in America.

No offense to R-Truth, but I'd take Randy Orton 8 days a week in this category. He may not be stacked up like Batista, but he's tone and pretty darn chiseled. He has varied over the years though; I'm guessing depending on the details of the wellness policy. :rolleyes:

A few more names I'm surprised didn't make the list over names like Lance Storm or Cody Rhodes. Or...Beth Phoenix? Ziggler is alright, I guess. But where's big Ezekiel Jackson? Chris Masters? Jesse "The Body" Ventura could have gotten an honorable mention. Possibly even Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart. Oh, and...this guy:

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