WWE.com Praises ROH


Rationality Trumps Cynicism

In the above article, WWE interviews several key figures from Ring of Honor's past, and basically gives them credit foe helping create some of the biggest stars in WWE today. Not only does it do that, it also mentions other promotions such as DGUSA and CZW, and it also mentions guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Low Ki. My question is: Is the WWE trying to give the rub to ROH by raising awareness of it's past in the same way that Vince used to bankroll ECW? It seems to me that WWE may be trying to help out ROH and perhaps allow them to overtake TNA as a legit number 2 promotion. I recommend reading the article, it is highly entertaining. Your thoughts?
Not really a big deal in 2013. The indies have essentially become feeder leagues for WWE and look to ride their coattails whenever possible. Big mistake. It would seem like a good idea to position your promotion as the place where the next big WWE star is, but nobody ever got behind OVW or FCW did they? So why would anybody get behind the developmental-territory-for-the-developmental-territory for WWE?

I know the same thing happened with ECW but when ECW was getting raided for stars they kept it moving, created new stars, and never took it as a feather in their cap when one of their guys went on to WWE or WCW. And when they invaded WWE they positioned themselves as equal or better. None of these indies will get any rub from WWE acknowledging them. If they were going to get any rub from it, chances are WWE wouldn't do it.

Word is WWE is trying to shut down these Wrestlecons that the indie promotions do every year in the WM host city with no compete agreements. :disappointed: That shows you how much they want to help indy promotions.
Interesting article. It's pretty good they acknowledge ROH. They can't pretend there aren't other wrestling promotions especially considering they helped to make some major names.

I remember someone mentioning a while ago if it was worth Vince buying ROH to try and get the rights of all Punk/Bryan matches. The network is launching in 3 weeks...
Interesting article. It's pretty good they acknowledge ROH. They can't pretend there aren't other wrestling promotions especially considering they helped to make some major names.

I remember someone mentioning a while ago if it was worth Vince buying ROH to try and get the rights of all Punk/Bryan matches. The network is launching in 3 weeks...

They did show a big section of ROH during Punk's DVD. He even said the idea for taking the title with him against Cena came from a ROH storyline where he signed the WWE contract ON the ROH title belt. Eventually he had his last match where he lost, but he said some of the idea was from his ROH stint.

I am sure ROH and WWE has some sort of secret agreement. It's pretty coincidental that a few of the stars and rising stars in the WWE are from ROH.
It was great. I think they are up to something with AJ Styles. There is no way they are gonna let that potential sit around. This ROH story is helping to build backing for him coming in and probably a potential storyline around it. Surely the likes of Punk and Bryan would have stuck their neck out for Styles at one point as well, I would find it hard to believe that AJ Styles name never came up once in a conversation between The McMahons and Punk/Bryan. Styles in ROH is a little bit of work with WWE right now, maybe to see if he can draw some ratings towards ROH as well. I found it strange that Styles was booked for months in advance, but WrestleMania weekend he hasn't been announced as part of any of the indy shows that are running nearby. At least last time I checked.

That and this might also have to do with CM Punk walking out. WWE maybe is realizing some of their mistakes and realized they are alienating the hardcore wrestling fans. An attempt to warm back up to that fanbase. Notice how Cesaro actually got some one on one wins recently too? Before he was buried with Swagger.

I don't think the McMahons are bad and want to disappoint their fans. I just think they are ignorant and out of touch, and this is an attempt to rekindle our relationship :).

I personally have been tweeting AJ Styles hype towards The McMahons, the WWE, and hashtag RAW or Smackdown. You know a corporation keeps a close eye on what their fanbase is talking about on social media. I figure if I keep name dropping AJ Styles they may begin to believe he is more over than they originally thought with the WWE audience. Tweeting works, I tweet all the time and weeks later things change. Daniel Bryan joining the Wyatts... then unjoining. Daniel Bryan not being part of the Rumble, then getting the main spotlight afterwards. We the People have power. Surely the WWE doesn't like when I plug "Man, I wish AJ Styles was in this main event instead of Randy Boreton." with #RAW behind it. Especially because anybody in the world who is curious about why #RAW is trending has a chance to read my tweet and be influenced by it. There was plenty of times I bashed WWE on twitter, calling their wrestling garbage compared to ROH. Obviously the WWE is listening and is trying to address things that are having a negative impact on their viewers.

Interesting thought popped in my head while reading over my post, I've also stated on Twitter to the McMahons how I won't buy the WWE network because it really isn't even about wrestling. Could the WWE be considering giving a timeslot to ROH on their network maybe? To help justify the 2nd "W" in WWE Network? Obviously if they had ROH on their network it would just make ROH look like a 2nd rate company and they wouldn't even have to worry since RAW is still on the main channels. ROH viewing would just be like, alright, your a paying subscriber to the WWE... sure... you can watch some ROH now. Your committed to the WWE, so it wouldn't really impact ROH business. Afterall, it's on the WWE network so if you tuned in, it would just be helping the WWE overall as well.

I know a lot of you are going to just think my line of thinking is idiotic and WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.(like Daniel Bryan winning the WWE Title). But it's not. WWE is desperate right now. I would not be too shocked if ROH was on the WWE Network and AJ Styles was in the WWE by the end of 2014. I would be happy as fuck though!
Not really a big deal in 2013.

ah yes, but what about 2014 :lmao:

I like this, B-roll footage from RoH was in Punks DVD, it would be great for the same thing in the eventual Bryan dvd that we all know is coming one day.
That and this might also have to do with CM Punk walking out. WWE maybe is realizing some of their mistakes and realized they are alienating the hardcore wrestling fans. An attempt to warm back up to that fanbase. Notice how Cesaro actually got some one on one wins recently too? Before he was buried with Swagger.

I don't think the McMahons are bad and want to disappoint their fans. I just think they are ignorant and out of touch, and this is an attempt to rekindle our relationship :).

Reading this just made me think of some interesting possibilities. Supposedly after every 10 years there is a new era in wrestling following WM. If Punk and Bryan are going to head this era then maybe they are going to bring in a massive surge of ROH and NXT stars and give them a lot of time. They would be using their riskier spots and everything and feuding against the current "Superstars". It could be the "Wrestling Era". Additionally, this would make for a perfect John Cena heel turn. He is after all the embodiment of the whole "Superstar" concept. That would generate a lot of buzz heading in to the new era.
Reading this just made me think of some interesting possibilities. Supposedly after every 10 years there is a new era in wrestling following WM. If Punk and Bryan are going to head this era then maybe they are going to bring in a massive surge of ROH and NXT stars and give them a lot of time. They would be using their riskier spots and everything and feuding against the current "Superstars". It could be the "Wrestling Era". Additionally, this would make for a perfect John Cena heel turn. He is after all the embodiment of the whole "Superstar" concept. That would generate a lot of buzz heading in to the new era.

My wish in words. Buy in the best pure wrestlers and this era makes up for all the c grade stuff theyve been doing for years in wwe. The leaders argue for wwe to stand for world WRESTLING entertainment again. This is sadly the only way for Moxley and Tyler Black to stay big. Bring Joe. Bring aj styles. Get strong, push sami zahn(ole) and etc. They'd rival cena and other E stars at first. Slowly make these aging "superstars" become part timers as is already coming. Etc blah blah blah. And make sure njpw stars and KENTA come with
Additionally, this would make for a perfect John Cena heel turn.


You never know when a "Cena Heel Turn" suggestion will spring up. During a discussion about the WWE giving credit to ROH for supplying them a lot of good young talent though? Very impressive sir.

Oh, and that heel turn is not going to happen. Not the way you pitched it anyway, and not in the near future.
If anything, I think WWE is trying to become the one-stop show for pro wrestling in North America.

I remember reading somewhere (it was Jim Ross related lol) that Triple H wanted to bring back the NWA Territorial System on a larger scale or something like that. But I'm sure any relationship with ROH will be more Network-related...

With the WWE Network coming, they have to find different and creative ways to keep the fans paying that $120 a year. It's only so many times one can relive the Monday Night Wars, or the 70's or 80's. They are going to have to come up with new stuff outside of their current product. Don't be surprised if they go into business with TNA and ROH, just to have all types of wrestling programming.

Don't know about TNA, but I'm sure ROH would allow for their programming to be on the Network for the right price.
It's kinda hard to ignore ROH right now, especially considering all the contributions they made to wrestling in general for the last decade. Even the WWE can't ignore that fact, and brush them off to the side. ROH basically filled that niche market where the goal was to find the next big thing, expose them to a decent sized fanbase, and work their way from there. I hope the WWE can capitalize and have a working agreement of sorts with ROH just like with what they did with ECW in the '90s. The only difference is the WWE doesn't have to worry about competing with another promotion (unless you consider TNA a real threat), and hire the talents no problem instead of competing for them.
It's kinda hard to ignore ROH right now, especially considering all the contributions they made to wrestling in general for the last decade. Even the WWE can't ignore that fact, and brush them off to the side. ROH basically filled that niche market where the goal was to find the next big thing, expose them to a decent sized fanbase, and work their way from there. I hope the WWE can capitalize and have a working agreement of sorts with ROH just like with what they did with ECW in the '90s. The only difference is the WWE doesn't have to worry about competing with another promotion (unless you consider TNA a real threat), and hire the talents no problem instead of competing for them.

I can see them working out a deal where they borrow talent. Hell even have an ROH invasion like ECW did back in the early 90s. ROH has great wrestling, but the WWE doesn't see them as a threat due to their inability to get their product out to the masses. TNA might suck right now, but they have a TV deal and are still able to get there product out in more venues than ROH can right now.

To the WWE, ROH could be the girl no one pays attention to but is worth dating if you give her a chance.

It's pretty rare the WWE would mention another promotion on their site and also include them in Punk's DVD. Quite prominently to.

I'm sure once a Bryan DVD is made, and it will eventually, they will include a lot of his ROH work. Hell he's even considered one of the Founding Fathers of the promotion.

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