WWE Breakthrough


Getting Noticed By Management
So you guys remember when Jesse The Body Ventura was the guest host of Raw. They did the Breakthrough concept where every superstar that has never won a world championship would compete in matches to qualify for the Breakthrough Battle Royal. The Winner of the Breakthrough Battle Royal would Challenge the World Heaveyweight or WWE Champion at TLC. And we all know Sheamus went on to win and challenge John Cena at TLC. He won the WWE Championship. Now since it's about the same time do you think we will see this concept again?

I would like to see this make a comeback. Maybe even sooner. This I thought was a great idea for the WWE to do. I think it was risky to have Sheamus win it but it happened to be successful and worked tremendously.

For me if I brought this back I would keep the same concept. You can't be a former World Champion or WWE Champion. I would use more established names though. I would have guys like Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, and MVP.

I would have Kofi Kingston win. I was expecting him to win last year. So if they bring it back I hope if he is involved he wins it.

So My questions I want answered are:

Do You guys like this concept?

Do You want it to return? If yes who do you want to be involved? If not then why not?

Do you think it would be successful?

Who do you want to Win?

And is this a concept WWE should keep?

EDIT: Do you think they could twist this concept into one of their gimmick PPVs?

Like I said I think it's a great idea. I think it would work again. It's a great way to push superstars.

EDIT: I would do this before Survivor Series. Then you would be building your main event the one of the Big Four Pay Per Views for the WWE.
Well, recently, there have been a lot of new faces in the main event scene... The Miz, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, and Wade Barrett are the best examples. I think for right now, the main event scene is pretty well saturated--in fact, guys like Edge and Jericho don't really have anything to do, it seems like. Plus, NXT, MitB and ostensibly the Royal Rumble allow for newcomers to get enough surprising title shots as it is. So for now, no, I don't think this would be necessary again.

However, maybe I'm wrong! I thought it was pretty cool last year. And with a bunch of people possibly hanging up the boots soon--Shawn Michaels already, Taker, HHH, Mysterio, probably some more--maybe it could happen sooner than later. I think it could be successful, too. It elevated Sheamus into the ME; a similar type of thing didn't work with Swagger, though. I think if it were to happen again, whoever wins shouldn't be some WTF guy like Sheamus or Swagger, it should be someone who has flirted with the ME in the past--Kofi is a great choice. So is Morrison. Other people to fill in could be people like Evan Bourne, R-Truth, Dibiase, Rhodes, McIntyre.

Hope it's OK if I add a question to your thread. Do you think they could twist this concept into one of their gimmick PPVs? I'm not sure exactly how it would work... Have the battle royal at the beginning of the night, and the title match as the main event? Or maybe switch it from a battle royal to a King of the Ring type tournament with the victor facing the champ the following evening on Raw? I don't know. But Breakthrough just seems like a cool name for a PPV.

So yeah, I don't think it needs to happen right now, but I wouldn't be upset if it did.
Well, recently, there have been a lot of new faces in the main event scene... The Miz, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, and Wade Barrett are the best examples. I think for right now, the main event scene is pretty well saturated--in fact, guys like Edge and Jericho don't really have anything to do, it seems like. Plus, NXT, MitB and ostensibly the Royal Rumble allow for newcomers to get enough surprising title shots as it is. So for now, no, I don't think this would be necessary again.

However, maybe I'm wrong! I thought it was pretty cool last year. And with a bunch of people possibly hanging up the boots soon--Shawn Michaels already, Taker, HHH, Mysterio, probably some more--maybe it could happen sooner than later. I think it could be successful, too. It elevated Sheamus into the ME; a similar type of thing didn't work with Swagger, though. I think if it were to happen again, whoever wins shouldn't be some WTF guy like Sheamus or Swagger, it should be someone who has flirted with the ME in the past--Kofi is a great choice. So is Morrison. Other people to fill in could be people like Evan Bourne, R-Truth, Dibiase, Rhodes, McIntyre.

Hope it's OK if I add a question to your thread. Do you think they could twist this concept into one of their gimmick PPVs? I'm not sure exactly how it would work... Have the battle royal at the beginning of the night, and the title match as the main event? Or maybe switch it from a battle royal to a King of the Ring type tournament with the victor facing the champ the following evening on Raw? I don't know. But Breakthrough just seems like a cool name for a PPV.

So yeah, I don't think it needs to happen right now, but I wouldn't be upset if it did.

I added your question to my original post about the Breakthrough becoming a pay per view. I completely agree with it being it's own pay per view. I was going to say that but wasn't sure how many people would agree with me. I would personally prefer a WWE Breakthrough Pay Per View to build new stars than MITB. I liked your idea.
It's definitely not something that is needed, as we already have the MITB and the WWE seems to be working on pushing other new guys even without MITB. However, a Breakthrough Battle Royal is something I definitely wouldn't turn down. I love Battle Royals, so it would not bother me at all to see another one added to the yearly calendar.

On the other hand, while the WWE does seem to be pushing younger talent and making even midcard guys look good, they don't seem to know how to keep a newcomer in the main event after they have made their first breakthrough. It seems that recently, while Bourne, Sheamus, Kofi, Swagger, and soon the Miz have all flirted with the main event, only Sheamus has solidified his spot there, and even he had a bad first reign and no clean defenses during his second (if I remember right).

Like I said, I don't think the WWE really needs the Breakthrough concept, but I would welcome it. I think the bigger aspect of bringing new guys into the main event is keeping them there.
I was just thinking about this yesterday. so weird this topic came up.

With NXT being such a hit and title shots being given left and right, it's a bit hard to throw another name into the mix. I don't know what's going on with Smackdown (haven't watched it in at least 6 years), but there are way to many main eventers on Raw. I love the breakthrough battle royal but right now, it would be difficult to do.
I thought the breakthrough battle royal was awesome....but I don't think we need another one anytime soon.I think they just let the current guys like Sheamus,Miz,Swagger and Barret mix it up with the top vets to get them more credibility.Eventually once they cement their spot they'll bring guys like Kingston,Morrison,Ziggler with them.It would be a whole new era of main event stars transitioning naturally.For example the Miz becomes WWE Champion and stays in the title picture..eventually you know Miz vs. Morrison for the title is gonna happen.It won't be hard to believe because they've already had a feud...Or instead of Kofi Kingston going against a Undertaker for the WWE title...he goes against Swagger...and as time goes by it just works out.
Though I love the concept and that episode the one thing I truly enjoyed was seeing Ventura. Now he did alot of stuff beyond wrestling obviously being a Governor. However when he had Sheamus and Cena there at the end and he pulled that heel rant at Cena, it was like Jesse the Body of Old, the Man I grew up watching since 1986, like he went there again.... I thought that was so awesome and hoped he hung around and even managed Sheamus.
I agree with the KOTR concept for the PPV idea, I think instead of WWE Breakthrough just call it WWE King of the Ring or WWE King of the Ring "Breakthrough" with Breakthrough being a subtitle

you only need bring KOTR back since that pushed new stars anyway and I believe the winner got a shot at the title.

My idea is have it different though you can have that where one guy gets a shot at the next PPV

or have WWE Breakthrough and have it be about 8 matches on the card


2 SD matches

2 Raw matches

SD Finals- winner gets the shot

Raw Finals- winner gets the shot

World Title Match

WWE title match

this keeps every match involved and theres 8 a nice decent PPV number of bouts or you could have




The Breakthrough Battle Royal- everyone who didnt make the KOTR Sem-Finals and the losers of the Semi-Finals, thus everyone gets a final shot really

Finals- KOTR Winner chooses which title they will challenge for, whichever title it is, that match is the main event so say they pick WWE title then the person who won the Breakthrough Battle Royal gets a World title shot next

World Championship Match

WWE Championship

I like this 2nd idea better, it gives us the KOTR with an added feature, The Breakthrough Battle Royal so even if you lose you get a last chance at gold and a breakthrough

and its a decent 6 matches, you can leave it as is and its not overcrowded and you can have decent length matches or add a few, doesnt matter
Using my phone is pain so I'm only going to answer a few questions.

I like it and would love to see it again.

As for who would be in it I would put in Bourne, Mark Henry, Kofi, Ziggler, Drew and a few others. I would have either Kofi or Drew win it as they both have what it takes to be in the ME.

I would't turn it into a PPV for the simple fact that they have enough gimmick PPVs. Now asput it in an exsisting PPV OR AS A me of Raw or SD and it would wo great.
To be Real
I kinda like the concept. I mean I will rather a Breakthrough PPV than Over the Limit.
It can be a NXT PPV. I might sound silly with what I'm about to say, but

Imagine a Breakthrough PPV where the concept is Rookies vs Pros. Like if they have a battle royal on Raw, to give two rookies a chance at either the WWE champion or World champion. Then every title is defended by a Pro and the challenger is a rookie. Like seriously, make NXT worth watching. It worked out for Sheamus and look where he is now. Plus it will help WWE build its future stars.

So now To answer the questions.

"Do you think it would be successful?"
"Who do you want to Win?"
(A guy like Wade Barrett or a guy who wasn't in title picture yet.)
"And is this a concept WWE should keep?"
Yeah, I believe it can be a traditional PPV like Mitb
but it is determine by how they do the booking.
Hope it's OK if I add a question to your thread. Do you think they could twist this concept into one of their gimmick PPVs? I'm not sure exactly how it would work... Have the battle royal at the beginning of the night, and the title match as the main event? Or maybe switch it from a battle royal to a King of the Ring type tournament with the victor facing the champ the following evening on Raw? I don't know. But Breakthrough just seems like a cool name for a PPV.

So yeah, I don't think it needs to happen right now, but I wouldn't be upset if it did.

Why in the world should there be a chance for someone who does not deserve a title shot when there are guys who do deserve it? Put a whole buncha guys who don't deserve a shot at the title and the guy who wins gets a shot.. hmmmmm..... I'd rater see the people who work for it get the shot.
Why in the world should there be a chance for someone who does not deserve a title shot when there are guys who do deserve it? Put a whole buncha guys who don't deserve a shot at the title and the guy who wins gets a shot.. hmmmmm..... I'd rater see the people who work for it get the shot.

I agree and disagree with your argument. I agree Guys like "Zach Ryder, Santino Marrella, and guys such as Ziggler should wait a couple more years or get a better gimmick in order to move up to M.E status. But look at a guy such as Sheamus, who only worked in the Indys for 3 years then came to the E within 6 months. He is a WWE Champion and a cover heel for WWE. So you don't know, these guys worked their butts off for years to be where they are now.
I agree and disagree with your argument. I agree Guys like "Zach Ryder, Santino Marrella, and guys such as Ziggler should wait a couple more years or get a better gimmick in order to move up to M.E status. But look at a guy such as Sheamus, who only worked in the Indys for 3 years then came to the E within 6 months. He is a WWE Champion and a cover heel for WWE. So you don't know, these guys worked their butts off for years to be where they are now.

6 months in the biz isnt much, he really didn't deserve the WWE title let alone a second run. Sheamus is great but i wish he would have worked his way up.
6 months in the biz isnt much, he really didn't deserve the WWE title let alone a second run. Sheamus is great but i wish he would have worked his way up.

Exactly the same thing I told my brother. WWE would have some great rivalry with the new talent they have on their hands.But it is due to the booking and build up of that gimmick
Exactly the same thing I told my brother. WWE would have some great rivalry with the new talent they have on their hands.But it is due to the booking and build up of that gimmick

That's true. I would've loved to see Sheamus vs Finlay in a feud to display the heel side of Sheamus. And your sig is messed up bro.
Naa WWE Grand Prix, and have the 8 former champions in it, which can include former KOTR/NXT winners & World titles ONLY (ECW Included)

Regal, HHH, Orton, Cena, Punk, Swagger, Wade and Kaval.

have it built like the first KOTR loaded with the big names and given plenty time to have a match rather then quickies, have Orton/Cena/HHH any of that combo in the opening round and maybe have the winners face off in the semi's so the finals aren't as predictable, and push the GP Champion with his GP belt (keep it the same belt for 4 years, so they can sell the belts as merch) and the winner will be granted a World title match whenever they want, just not in the same style of MITB, but use build up for the match. Once the first GP is over, the 2nd GP would have the defending winner and fresh faces with one former World champ and the IC/US champion involved and really push the concept of have 3 matches in one night AND 3 LONG matches to show what talent they have, the winner could be annouced seconds before the pinfall so it's spontanious and keeps the fans on their seats.
Yeah, I like this concept. I think it would be a good thing to keep around, but I think that if it ever did happen they should keep it spread far and wide. Doing it too much would get boring and stale, but still, it would be cool to see every now and then. Because of this I wouldn't have it as a PPV, WWE already has enough and I'm honestly tired of seeing gimmick PPVs. They've already ruined the excitement of matches like HIAC and TLC, so I wouldn't want to go that route again.

As for who I would have win, it would definitely be Kofi Kingston. This would be a way of helping him cross that line if anything, which is why I wouldn't have him win the Championship in the end (even though I am a mark for the guy).
Do You guys like this concept?

Yeah I love it! This was a great way to not only oush new stars, but also to take advantage of those who aren't being used properly.

Do You want it to return? If yes who do you want to be involved? If not then why not?

Of course I want to, specially when some storyline becomes stale and then the question comes up: "what's next?"

Do you think it would be successful?
Not quiet sure there. I mean, IMO it's a great opportunity to see the next "big thing" in the E. But no everyone agrees on that. Remember that there wer so many Sheamus haters, including myself, at first? "Pushed way too soon, he isn't ready" and other bitching couldn't made it a true success.

Who do you want to Win?
Well this time I wouldn't want someone completlely unfamiliar with the ME scene. Therefore my picks are Kofi, JoMo, Dashing and obviously Barrett (and even Mcintyre).

And is this a concept WWE should keep?

Definitely, it's something new, fresh and can bring amazing things to the biz.

Do you think they could twist this concept into one of their gimmick PPVs?[/QUOTE]
This is where I digress. Not at all. I think that this thing can be done in a regular show RAW, SD! it doesn't matter... But a PPV?:disappointed: It's not necessary. I like the idea of the "breakthrough" battle royal. A PPV would mean a complex gimmick, 2ndly many ME would be overshadowed by this, But I thought this also for the MitB PPV and I was wrong...

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