WWE Breaking Point: Signapore Cane Match


WrestleMania Main Event


At WWE Breaking Point, The Great Khali will once again go head-to-head with the horrifying Kane, when the two bitter rivals take their hatred to the next level in a Singapore Cane Match.

Kane has made his dislike for Khali monstrously personal from the beginning. But, he truly stepped over the line when he kidnapped Ranjin Singh, only to viciously ambush The Punjabi Playboy as he was attempting to rescue his victimized brother.

Nothing was settled when the two titans finally clashed at SummerSlam. After The Big Red Monster grabbed the helpless Singh to gain his advantage and capture the victory, it quickly became clear to the WWE Universe that no ordinary match would cool the fires of their extreme discontent.

Things continued to burn out of control on SmackDown in the weeks to come. Following Kane’s disqualification in a match against Rey Mysterio, an incensed Khali emerged. Once his brother nailed The Big Red Monster with the Singapore cane, Khali quickly followed suit, attacking his adversary with the wooden weapon all the way up the ramp. When Kane tried to assault Singh during tag team battle one week later, Khali again rushed away from the ring action to defend his flesh and blood.

Kane has made it clear that he doesn’t fear The Great Khali and will stop at nothing to achieve terrifying triumph. However, could his sadistic tendencies blind him from the potential dangers of his gigantic, cane-wielding opponent? Khali is willing to go to any lengths to get his retribution on Kane for all he has done. But, could his love for a brother work against him when the sticks start to fly?​

Who is excited for this match? I dont care who wins this match, I just hope they keep it short as possible
It could be interesting, but by no means a classic. Probably a short five minute match, with Kane hopefully picking up the win.
What is a Singapore cane match entail exactly??

I am new to wwe and haven't heard of this type of match stip yet.
I'm probably being nitpicky, but I thought all the matches in the ppv were supposed to be submission matches. With the I Quit match, and now this (and maybe, to an extent, the submissions count anywhere match) this is looking more like Extreme Rules Lite.

I hoped that this fued would've ended at Summerslam, but I guess it'll end when Khali beats Kane, which he shouldn't. But a Singapore cane match? Why? Just because Khali beat Kane with one randomly one night? Kane brought a hook to the ring a during their first fued in 07 and their WM 23 wasn't a hook match.

These two suck together, but if they plan on Khali winning, a submission match would've worked better since Khali has the vice grip. Either way, this'll be short and sour with Khali winning.
What is a Singapore cane match entail exactly??

I am new to wwe and haven't heard of this type of match stip yet.

Basically a hardcore match except they only use Singapore canes (or Kendo sticks, whatever you like to call them).
the way i understand this ppv was that only the main title matches were to be submission matches. but that doesnt mean that the others can be as well tho. but i am a little pertubed that they are labelling the dx and legacy as a submission counts anywhere tho. cause i thought in a sumbmisson match it is not countout anyway
This will either be really good and surprise because Knox and finlay wil get involved and Kane has a knack for gimmick matches granted it's usually laddder matches he's in adn teh occansional HIAC match but still he was ok in the singapore cane match at night of champions or extreme rules I can't remember which. But this will probably be a 10 min food break bu thopefully it'll be a 15-20 fight to the death.
I don't understand this match. There has been little to no buildup, just kane threating runjin occasionally. There's no reason to care who wins or how, and no explanation behind why a singapore cane. Sure, it gives these two something to do, but it seems to me that there's got to be something better they could find for pay per view filler.
Well I like most am not happy these two are taking up time at a ppv again, but I will say that this being a weapons match at least makes it slightly interestng to me. Just because these two without weapons is just awful. This might make no sense at all to anyone but I think the reason it is a Singapore cane match is because they break when you use them. Maybe? at breaking point. I dono....besides that I have no idea why these two would be in a Singapore Cane match.

Basically WWE should take this match off the card this ppv and last ppv and found someone good for Kofi to feud with. (It looks as of right now that he wont be defending his title at Breaking point either).
I agree, they need to end this Kane and Khali program, its not over enough with the crowd and resembles Goldberg vs Brock at Wrestlemania, just terrible.
I thought this would be a one match feud, but I guess I was wrong. I don't know if anyone really wants to see Kane and Khali beat the shit out of each other with with signapore canes for five minutes(I hope that's how long this match lasts), and this feud which started back at The Bash, is just not intersting at all.
So, this should be pretty damned awful. Their match at Summerslam was painful to watch to say the least. Then again that's the story for every Khali match, isn't it?

Atleast here we'll have a gimmick that will maybe provide us with a minor amount of enjoyment. Large men hitting each other with sticks always goes over will with the children.
what a snooze this is i think that'll be break time maybe a sandwich and a joint i mean really no kofi match but this summerfest match was absolutley bad and to do it again jeez! well my only jhope is that they kill this feud soon why not push kane up to the me seen i would love to see kane taker in hic for the strap! i mean its better then the cm saquash thats gonna happen
well this is the chavo-hornswoggle of smackdown (like i needed to tell u guys that)

dont really care who wins at breaking point but hopefully this feud ends at breaking point & if not maybe ill start a petition to end this feud LOL
i dont See the Point in this Match or this fued i guess they dont want Kane Fueding wit Knox anytime Soon or what not but they need to Set up new Fueds for Kane & Khali
Anytime I see two monsters in the ring together I want to frickin puke. Big Show and Mark Henry was a travesty to see, the same is with Kane and Great Khali. Khali needs the Giant Gonzales treatment, he needs to be released and never heard from again. This match will be excruciatingly painful to watch.
This match will end by pinfall am I right?

Well, anyway... I find something very interesting with this particular fued. In the past, we have complained that WWE doesn't allow enough time for fueds to develop and they just stick into ppvs. This fued was built for 8 weeks before we finally saw the match at Summerslam. Their near seven minute match wasn't very good, but WWE did the smart decision to give Kane the win.

At Breaking Point, we will see the rematch, but this time, in a "Singapore Cane" match. The problem is that I believe that no matter who wins this match, it will not end the fued. Kane has shown his sadistic side mostly any time he's in a gimmick match, and hopefully this is not different. I predict that no matter how wins here, we will see a rematch on an episode of Smackdown before Hell in a Cell to finally end the fued.

Prediction: Kane defeats The Great Khali.
I don't think this match is getting bashed for the fued being bad, because the fued itself has been interesting, but Khali is just so awful as a wrestler. At least the fued has been somewhat entertaining, and has had a good buildup, i just hope khali gets buried, and they attach Kane to Knox as an evil mentor.
I'm pretty sure this match is the epitome of the Pay per view title; "Breaking Point" because its going to take all the majority of viewers have, to withstand watching another shit-fest between these two.

Furthermore, I thought this Pay per view was suppose to be an All-Submission Only card? How is a singapore cane match considered a submission these days? At this rate, Breaking Point is shaping up like "Extreme Rules Deux".

As for the storyline here, I'm still laughing at the relationship between Khali & his manager suddenly being brothers. I don't get Smackdown anymore, so I can't tell you how I've felt this has shaped up over regular broadcasts but I can tell you their match at Summerslam was awful. And adding the ability to hit each other with a cane, isn't likely going to change the outcome of it being hard to watch.
This boring program needs to just end for the love of God. It will be a short match where Khali will probably get the win and bash the hell out of Kane. Lets just hope this feud ends at long last.
Thier WrestleMania 23 match was horrible Wwe has to stop Doing these horrible storylines. I mean Serisley they got chavo loosing to a midget over thier on raw. And on smackdown Kane is scared of Khali everything he's about to get attacked. Yet 6 years ago he was a wrecking machine. He would be better off if he went back to Ecw.
The ironic thing about this fued is that I heard Kane in an interview talk about how he doesn't like big man vs. big man matches very much. Now hes in a horrible fued with Khali.

If it were up to me I would have Undertaker beat CM Punk and Kane beat Khali then start a feud between them for the title.
The program needs to end and never come back and the signapore cane??? WTF??? Can't it just be a hardcore match or first blood or something of that nature. Why a cane of all weapons to use?
There is nothing these two haven't already accomplished in singles matches that they can do to each other in this match. If the WWE needs to keep this feud going between Kane & Khali, it was a smart choice to involve weapons. I am stumped [no pun intended] by the use of singapore canes. I mean, you have this mammoth of a monster in Khali who looks like he cannot even feel a steel chair shot on his back & Kane whose persona is that of a real-life monster... how is a singapore cane going to affect them in the slightest? Couple this with the fact that its all submissions & you have one of the weirdest matches for the year.

I hope for the WWE's & audiences sakes they keep this short.
What I think is funniest is that apparently the Ziggler/Morrison match was taken off the card because they couldn't think of an ending to it that would benefit either superstar.

What possible ending could come out of this match that would be any better? I mean, the other one had a title involved, but what does this match have to offer anyone? This thing will just descend into two men that won't even be doing big guy spots (because Khali doesn't even seem like he can do them anymore), and instead they will just keep no selling cane shots until some inevitable and stupid conclusion.

Having said that, I think the only way for this feud to end is to have Khali win. Here's hoping that happens.

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